星期三, 8月 03, 2016

Towards an Integrative East-West Communications Paradigm Call for Submissions

Towards an Integrative East-West Communications Paradigm
Call for Submissions
This special section of China Media Research invites scholars from various disciplines to
submit manuscripts on the theme of “Towards an Integrative East-West Communications
Paradigm.” A lack of philosophical integration between Eastern and Western research
paradigms presents one of the main challenges in global academic research today. In
addition, there is little evidence to suggest that scholars are actively addressing this issue
despite the repeated calls for integration.
The fragmentation is particularly salient in communications research, which remains
anchored in Western values, perspectives and constructs. This special section aims to
explore how the indigenous Eastern philosophical frameworks could serve as a source of
inspiration for theory building and reconstruction, and contribute towards achieving
integration between Western and Eastern communications paradigms.
Following these considerations, scholars are invited to submit their original manuscripts
that address the following topics, among others:
 Cultural transformation/dialogue between East and West;
 Paradigmatic assumptions of Chinese communication in the global context;
 Integration of theoretical and practical aspects of the Chinese/Eastern
philosophical concepts (such as harmony);
Yin Yang balancing as a framework for overcoming dualism;
 Contrasting static and dynamic frameworks for cultural analysis;
 Methods for achieving an etic-emic integration in communications research.
Submissions must not have been previously published nor be under consideration by
another publication. An extended abstract (up to 1,000 words) or a complete paper at the
first stage of the reviewing process will be accepted. All the submissions must be
received by October 15, 2016. If the extended abstract is accepted, the complete
manuscript must be received by February 15, 2017. Manuscripts should be prepared in
accordance with the APA publication manual (6th edition) and should not exceed 8,000
words including tables and references. All manuscripts will be peer reviewed, and the
authors will be notified of the final acceptance/rejection decision. Please visit
www.chinamediaresearch.net for more information about the quarterly journal of China
Media Research, which publishes both print and online versions.
Please direct questions and submissions to the CMR special section guest editor Ivana

Beveridge at Ivana.beveridge@sunrise-education.com
