
星期三, 6月 15, 2016

中華專協 6/25 辦“沖天”電影欣賞會


時間:  6/25 Saturday
            9:30 am-9:50 am 敬請準時入場 (需要 Photo ID)
            10:00 am-11:40 am 電影:片長98分鐘、中文發音、中英文字幕
            11:40am- 11:50am 休息
            11:50 am-12:30 pm座談會:製片沈如雲、導演張釗維
地點:  MPR 4th floor, Microsoft (Kendall Square)
            255 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02142
            Parking: LAZ Parking - One Memorial Drive (weekend $12)
            Red Line: Kendall/MIT
購票: Ticket is free but required- no exceptions. Each person needs a ticket, NO group tickets allowed.  http://rockingsky.eventbrite.com
主辦單位 : 紐英崙中華專業人員協會、新英格蘭大波士頓台灣商會、成大校友會、北一女校友會、榮光聯誼會、波士頓國民黨黨部、台灣同鄉聯誼會、玉山科技協會、紐英倫客家鄉親Harvard Meditation ClubMicrosoft
協辦單位: 台北駐波士頓經濟文化辦事處
聯絡: 王世輝 drwang123@gmail.com
1937 年第二次中日戰爭爆發之初,中華民國空軍只有三百架可用飛機,而日本帝國航空隊則高達兩千架。在這民國與帝國之間長達八年的空中對決,那些年輕的中華民國飛行員一波又一波冲上天空迎敵, ,經常是一去不回;而他們所愛的人與愛他們的人,又要如何面對這生死永別?
本片以歷史影像、歷史照片與文件為經, ,勾勒八年抗戰的過程與中華民國的國際處境;以人物故事、線描動畫為緯,見證幾位飛行員的空中戰鬥,以及他們跟親友之間的情感關係。宏觀與微觀並陳,兩者交織出兼具歷史敘事以及情感血肉的戰爭史詩,以奠忌那已逝去的中華民國第一代年輕人的勇武與纏綿。
CNEX 視納華仁文化傳播股份有限公司 製作總監,CNEX 基金會聯合創辦人之一,目前擔任 CNEX 製作總監。出生於台南市。曾任職於破週報、南方電子報、新加坡運行視覺公司、香港陽光衛視。2006 年參與創辦 CNEX,為兩岸三地第一個以扶持獨立紀錄片為宗旨的非營利組織,並拓展紀錄片的跨國合作與傳播,CNEX 至今已完成近八十部影片的製作。
CNEX 視納華仁文化傳播股份有限公司 製作人,國立台北藝術大學電影研究所畢業,主修製片。曾任公共電視編審、製作人,新加坡運行視覺公司(The Moving Visual Co.)資深製作人,擁有豐厚紀錄片與劇情片製作經驗。參與紀錄片製作的作品包括: 《台灣棒球百年風雲》、《Making Mao () 、《看不見的跑道》、《教改學堂》等。紀錄片作品《劉其偉的巴布亞新幾內亞紀行》曾獲行政院金鹿獎最佳紀錄片、最佳導演、最佳編劇。劇情短片作品《美麗鏡界》獲 Taiwan Codefest 台灣電影新秀獎最佳影片。
 主述旁白: 金士傑             許希麟配音:賈靜雯

 林徽因配音:張艾嘉       齊邦媛配音:蔡燦得 

Brief Introduction
The Rocking Sky () is a documentary film produced by General Association of Chinese Culture (中華文化總會, GACC) in association with CNEX Studio Corporation (視納華仁文化傳播公司) in Taipei, Taiwan, that uses actual footage taken during the Second Sino-Japanese War between 1937 and 1945 to tell the story of the Republic of China’s Air Force.
In the early days of World War II, the Republic of China suffered immeasurably at the hands of invading Japanese forces. At the time, the R.O.C. had only 300 combat aircrafts compared to the Japanese Air Force’s fleet of 2,000. The Rocking Sky depicts not only the R.O.C. pilots’ exceptional bravery and heroism in the face of overwhelming odds, but also their struggle to justify their sacrifices during their darkest hours, when hope was all but lost.
The world premiere of The Rocking Sky was held in August, 2015, at the historic Zhongshan Hall (中山堂) in Taipei, Taiwan. A number of the war’s surviving air-force veterans were in attendance at the event, as well as then President Ma Ying-jeou. After the premiere, the film met with universal acclaim, receiving glowing reviews from the audience, the news media, and film critics in Taiwan.
Later, the film was shown in Mainland China and Hong Kong as part of a nearly two month tour, which comprised over fifty public and private theater screenings. After each screening, the director, producers, and cast members were met with the positive and emotional responses of the crowd.
Due to the positive international response, CNEX was encouraged by the American Chinese community to arrange a screening tour of the U.S. The tour is taking place in June, 2016, in six U.S. cities: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Washington D.C., Boston, and New York. Following each showing, director Chang Chao-wei (張釗維) and producer Shen Ru-yun (沈如雲) will share anecdotes from the film’s production. The tour provides an opportunity to share this important historical period with the American public and members of the overseas Chinese community, and to express respect and gratitude to the members of the R.O.C. Air Force for valiantly defending their country.
The Boston screening will take place at 9:30 AM on June 25 (Saturday) at Microsoft Building at Kendall Square (255 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02142), and will be hosted by the New England Association of Chinese Professionals (紐英崙中華專業人員協會NEACP) in coordination with eight other Chinese organizations. Attendance is free. The film has a runtime of 98 minutes, and will be shown in Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles. 

紐英倫專業人員協會邀請紐英倫客家鄉親會及其他數個僑界社團,聯合主辦電影 "沖天" (The Rocking Sky) 欣賞和座談會,導演及製片人都將出席,歡迎大家前往觀賞。
時間: 6 月 25 曰, 星期六, 上午 9 點 30 分 開如入場,電影 10 點準時放映,敬請準時入場。
地點: MPR 4the Floor, Microsoft (Kendall Square)
             255Main Street, Cambridge, MA02142
Parking: LAZ Parking, One Memorial Drive

電影免費, 但需憑票入場,並出示有照片的身分證件(A photo ID and a ticket are required for admission.)

如有興趣,請按照下列說明, 到指定網站登記報名,手續完成後,你的入場卷(印有姓名)將會寄到你的email 信箱,即可印出免費票。

Registration process:

1.press "control" and click the linkhttp://rockingsky.eventbrite.com2. click "register" 3. click "1"4. click "checkout"5. complete information6. click "complete registration"
7. Check your email, download and print ticket.8. Bring your paper ticket and a photo ID to the event.

有關電影內容簡介,及導演和製片人簡歷,請參閱附件海報 (Attached file)。
