
星期二, 6月 13, 2023

波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn 發聲明感謝警察


Ed Flynn。
             (Boston Orange 編譯) 我們的心與在前往處理搶劫案時被槍擊受傷的波士頓警察同在,我們為所有因公受傷的警察祈禱,並希望他們早日康復。 針對警察和急救人員的暴力行為是不可接受的。 我們感謝這些警官的英勇服務,感謝波士頓警察局男女警員們的勇敢和他們每天為我們的居民所做的工作。

                波士頓的男女警察都是我們的鄰居、家庭成員、青年體育教練、退伍軍人擁護者和社區領袖。 他們也是我們在政府部門的合作夥伴,在整個波士頓社區都受到尊重。 我們的居民依靠波士頓警察局在我們城市發揮關鍵作用。

Statement from Boston City Council President Ed Flynn re:  Officer Shot While Responding to Robbery 

June 12, 2023

Our thoughts are with the Boston Police Officer who was shot while responding to a robbery, and we pray for all the officers who were injured in duty and wish for their speedy recovery. Violence against police and first responders is unacceptable. We thank these officers for their heroic service, and the men and women of the Boston Police Department for their bravery and work they do everyday for our residents.

The men and women of the Boston Police are our neighbors, family members, youth sports coaches, veterans advocates and community leaders.   They are also our partners in government and respected throughout the neighborhoods of Boston. Our residents rely on the Boston Police Department for the critical role they play in our city.   

星期日, 6月 11, 2023

超武館打頭陣 華埠即起一連12週每週六中午舞獅

華埠夏季舞獅系列6月10日揭幕。 (周菊子攝)

華埠主街董事長黃光野 (左起)、財政何遠光、綠路保護會主任Chris Cook
等人為夏季舞獅系列致詞。  (周菊子攝)
           (Boston Orange) 華埠主街和綠路保護會 (Greenway Conservancy) 等機構合作,要為華埠商家帶旺人氣,鼓勵人們進城消費的夏季舞獅系列,610日由超武館醒獅隊拉開序幕,即起至92日,將於每週六中午安排一場舞獅活動。

              華埠主街董事長黃光野,財政何遠光,項目主任何陳素貞,以及綠路保護會執行主任Chris Cook,項目主任Keelin Caldwell等人這天到場,為一共12場的醒獅系列助陣。

華埠夏季舞獅由超武館打頭陣。 (周菊子攝)



第44屆波士頓香港龍舟節訂 6/11 舉行

            Boston Orange2023年的第44屆波士頓香港龍舟賽訂611日(週日)中午起,在查理士河畔的Weeks 步行橋和Western Ave大橋之間舉行,已知有64隊參賽,將分10組進行。




波士頓香港龍舟賽由籌委會主辦,大波士頓中國文化協會、劍橋市藝術委員會、萊克星頓高中、麻州環保休閑局等協辦。贊助機構包括香港駐紐約經濟貿易辦事處、中國杭州市、道富銀行、華人醫務中心、麻州藝術委員會、神筆基金會、CVS Health、東方銀行 (Eastern Bank)Trapology BostonBaine Capital、麻州藍十字藍盾 (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts)FoxwoodsSalesforceGentle Giants等。

                           查詢,波士頓龍舟賽詳情可上網:www.bostondragonboat.org,或以國粵英語撥打電話:(617) 259-0286 ,發電子郵件至:info@bostondragonboat.org。 (5月24日首發)

星期六, 6月 10, 2023

中華公所6月7日起關門一個月 避免被告聘僱問善後處理獎助款

中華公所主席雷國輝在董事大會中報告。 (周菊子攝)
               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所改在66日舉行的本年度第3次董事大會,宣佈67日起公所大樓維修、除鉛,關門一個月;中華公所董事有2席變動;大會通過聘請羅燕玲擔任獎助金顧問 (Grant Consultant)

翁宇才,阮鴻燦。 (周菊子攝)


中華公所6月董事大會有37人出席。 (周菊子攝)
大同村樓梯工程建議圖。 (周菊子攝)

中華公所主席雷國輝在董事大會中報告。 (周菊子攝)


              關於中華公所事務部分,雷國輝報告,華經會為施工租用公所大樓地下室,4個月後,現已完成任務遷出。中華公所13樓的水管淤塞,已請Houghton 水管工公司於62日整修完畢。


              關於中華公所的物業,雷國輝也為大同村、博愛樓、喜露街( Herald) 50號,以及華福樓,分別做了說明。


              博愛村部分,在地基工程後,需要起重機吊建材。NEIHSH顧問公司和North America吊機公司,以及中華公所聯袂向市政府申請,並獲批准,將施工5個半月。起重機於63日到位後,一度出現吊臂跌落狀況,所幸並未造成任何事故。

              喜露街50號部分,Brian Haney律師樓正在和中國超市協商轉移及租約問題。

              華福樓部分則由GeniaBeacon Residents在商討管理協議中。

中華公所新董事,接手聯發瓜菜約5年的老闆陳清。 (周菊子攝)
              中華公所主席雷國輝和財政余寶愛在會中提案,聘請羅燕玲做獎助金顧問 Consultant),以每小時80元的費率,為中華公所處理已得到的CPA政府補助,必須完成相關計畫,提交報告文件等事務。



星期五, 6月 09, 2023


           (Boston Orange 摘譯) 波士頓商會發聲明,稱麻州商會政策網 (The Massachusetts Chambers Policy Network) 對例行檢查發現失業援助局 (DUA)在前任政府期間,錯把25億元聯邦經費用於資助州政府失業福利,深表關切。

          奚莉 (Healey)政府現在和聯邦勞工部合作找方法糾正錯誤。




在最近爆發出來的欺詐申領,超額給付,以及會計錯誤等情況之前,麻州的失業保險系統已經被稅賦基金會 (Tax Foundation) 評為全美最糟的 (50)。對目前及未來在麻州開公司的雇主來說,已經是強烈的不利競爭條件,而且早就該做必要的管理改革。




Massachusetts Chambers Policy Network Statement

Employers Need Solutions to Rebuild Trust in UI System

The Massachusetts Chambers Policy Network is deeply concerned that a routine audit found that the Department of Unemployment Assistance’s (DUA) wrongly used $2.5 billion in federal money to fund state unemployment benefits during the previous Administration. The Healey Administration is now working with the federal Department of Labor on how to rectify the error. We appreciate the timely communication and transparency of the Healey Administration regarding the discovery of this error and the proactive and cooperative dialogue with the business community. As policymakers uncover more details about this discrepancy and shift their focus to solutions, the MA Chambers Policy Network strongly encourages policymakers to hold employers harmless in any remedial action necessary.

In our main streets, downtowns, and business hubs across the state, only employers pay for unemployment benefits through billions of taxes paid into the Unemployment Trust Fund. The COVID-19 pandemic, and the resulting high jobless rates due to government mandated shutdowns, put enormous strain on the state’s unemployment insurance (UI) system. Through a combination of ongoing employer payments, federal loans, and federal funding, Massachusetts distributed over $34 billion in benefits to claimants during the heights of the pandemic.

To repay federal loans, Massachusetts issued bonds that will be repaid through COVID-19 UI assessments on employers over the next decade, in addition to normal UI taxes. Employer assessments form the financial support to the state’s UI system and are already paying for the impacts of the pandemic on the UI system. As small to large businesses navigate the challenges of this post-pandemic recovery, they should reasonably expect that the Department can administer the UI system in a responsible and transparent method.

Massachusetts’s UI system already ranks worst in the nation (50th) by the Tax Foundation before considering recent revelations of fraudulent claims, overpayments, and accounting errors. This is a significant competitive disadvantage for current and future employers operating in Massachusetts and necessary management reforms are long overdue. Our businesses are the engine of our economy, and they depend on a functioning and effective UI system, not a system with a history of fraud and poor communication.

We acknowledge that the Healey Administration inherited this problem, and we look forward to working collaboratively on solutions. While the business community will collaborate, we urge policymakers to focus on solutions that will not place the burden of replenishing the UI Trust Fund on employers who have already borne the burden from DUA’s errors and government-mandated shutdowns.

Importantly, we urge the Administration to take this opportunity to reimagine the Department and audit its activities, including its ability to prevent fraud, accurately determine eligibility, and communicate to the business community and other stakeholders in a clear, timely, and transparent manner. Reviewing the agency and making long-needed improvements will send a positive signal to the business community and help restore trust in the state’s UI system.


Massachusetts Chambers Policy Network

James E. Rooney, President & CEO, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce

Tim Murray, President & CEO, Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce

Diana Szynal, President, Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce

Rick Sullivan, President & CEO, Western MA Economic Development Council

Karen Andreas, President & CEO, North Shore Chamber of Commerce

Peter Forman, President & CEO, South Shore Chamber of Commerce

Paul Niedzwiecki, CEO, Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce

Greg Reibman, President Charles River Regional Chamber

Rick Kidder, Co-CEO, Michael O’Sullivan Co-CEO, One SouthCoast Chamber

Jonathan Butler, President & CEO, 1Berkshire




AG’s Office Joins Immigrant and Worker Advocacy Organizations, Schools, Retailer and Restaurant Associations to Combat Child Labor Violations 


BOSTON – Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell and representatives from the immigrant, education and business communities, gathered today to build public awareness surrounding workplace protections for migrant and other vulnerable children in Massachusetts and speak to the Office’s ongoing efforts to thwart poor working conditions and exploitation of youth and vulnerable communities. 


“As a community, we must ensure our young people are working in safe and healthy environments,” said Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell. “Whether it be for a summer job or year-round, younger workers – particularly those in low-income, immigrant communities and communities of color – are vulnerable to poorer working conditions and exploitation. The Attorney General’s Office cannot do this hard work alone, so I’m proud of the diverse partnership we have built to tackle this critical issue and build trust and relationships in the communities most impacted.” 


AG Campbell’s Fair Labor Division enforces the laws that govern youth employment and works actively to prevent workplace violations. The child labor laws include restrictions on both the occupations in which minors may be employed, as well as the hours they may work. The laws also require employers to ensure that teens have proper work permits prior to beginning work and that employers post all minors’ work schedules in the workplace.   


Within the past three years, the Office’s Fair Labor Division cited 127 employers for violating Massachusetts child labor laws, with penalties totaling almost over $1.3M. The violations included employment of minors without a work permit, allowing minors to work earlier or later than the permissible times, scheduling minors to work unsupervised past 8 p.m., and requiring them to work more hours than allowed by statute. 


            AG Campbell underscored the AGO’s commitment to ensuring that youth are working in safe and healthy conditions. The AGO is: 


·       Convening an internal Child Labor Working Group to identify investigation targets and novel approaches to overcoming enforcement challenges 

·       Meeting regularly with immigrant worker centers and advocates to share information about workplace trends and protection 

·       Holding clinics in and providing ‘know your rights’ education to vulnerable communities 

·       Distributing informational pamphlets and flyers to community groups and partners 

·       Partnering with educators and administrators across the Commonwealth to identify and intervene in cases of harmful working conditions and disseminating information to families and caretakers 

·       Working with the Massachusetts Restaurant Association, Retailers of Massachusetts Association and the Massachusetts Municipal Association to put information on child labor laws in their newsletters and spread awareness to their membership 

·       Providing translated materials regarding wage and hour laws, and child labor laws in 12 languages on the AGO website for public use.  

·      Supporting eligible workers requests for immigration relief, which can provide access to work authorization and protection from deportation 

·        Continuing the Healthy Summer Youth Jobs Grant Program, which provides grants to benefit youth workers by providing training and skills development in employment that is focused on health and wellness. 


The AG’s Office has sent letters and informational materials to all state public school superintendents responsible for issuing work permits to minors, which are required under state law for most workers under the age of 18. Included is information about the child labor laws, a fact sheet in multiple languages to be distributed to all parents and guardians of high school students, and materials that specifically address the rights of immigrant workers and labor trafficking. 


“Working in our school system, my colleagues and I have a front row seat to the issues affecting our young people. We know that working in unsafe, unhealthy conditions can often impact a young person’s studies, as well as their physical and mental well-being,” said Ruben Carmona, Executive Director of Family, Community and Employee Engagement, Salem Public Schools. “That is why I’m grateful that Attorney General Campbell and her office continue to be a resource on our child labor laws, so that we can better support these youth and address those that take advantage of them in the workplace.” 


“It’s no secret that low-income, immigrant and non-English speaking youth are more likely to be the victims of child labor violations and trafficking,” said Gladys Vega, Executive Director, La Colaborativa. “At La Colaborativa, we’re working to change that by arming immigrants with the resources and skills they need to break cycles of exploitation. We’re so proud to do that work in partnership with Attorney General Campbell, and deeply appreciate her office’s intentionality in translating materials, making the office accessible, and collaborating with organizations like ours.” 


“Child labor violations, where young people are made to work too late and too long, where they are made to do dangerous tasks that can result in serious injury, and where they are unfairly paid or treated, are having a serious impact on the lives and futures of our young people - especially immigrant minors,” said Liam Quinn, Youth Programs Director, MassCOSH. “So many of our young people are desperate for work in order to support themselves and their families, a situation which, in and of itself, represents the failure of our systems to invest in the lives and well-being of our youth. We’re proud to join Attorney General Campbell and her office in their efforts to stand up for Massachusetts’ young people and bring this issue to the forefront.”   


AG Campbell was also joined today by representatives of the Retailers Association of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Restaurant Association, and the Massachusetts Municipal Association, all of whom, as noted above, have shared information with their respective members about child labor laws.  


To ensure a safe and positive work experience for minors, the AG’s Office offers the following guidance: 


· Minimum wage. The minimum wage in Massachusetts is $15 an hour, therefore workers under 18 should be paid at least $15 an hour. 

·  Minors younger than 14 may not work. There are a few exceptions, such as abysitting, working as a news carrier, working on farms, or working in entertainment (with a special waiver). 

· Work Permits. Workers under 18 years old need a new work permit for every job. The application for a work permit must be filled out by the parent or guardian, the minor, and employer and submitted to the school district where your child lives or attends school. Minors who are 14 or 15 also need a physician’s signature. For more information about work permits and to download an application, visit www.mass.gov/dols/youth 

·  Hazardous Jobs. Teens under 18 years of age may not do certain kinds of dangerous work. For a list of prohibited tasks for minors 14-15 and 16-17 years old, please visit the Attorney General’s website at www.mass.gov/ago/youthemployment. 

·  Supervision. After 8 p.m., all workers under 18 must have the direct and immediate supervision of an adult supervisor who is located in the workplace and is reasonably accessible to the minor. 

·  Legal Work Hours for Minors. Massachusetts law controls how early and how late minors may work and how many hours they may work, based on their age. To determine the legal work hours for your student, please visit the AG’s website at www.mass.gov/ago/youthemployment. 

·  Immigration Status. All workers, irrespective of immigration status, are protected by the Commonwealth’s labor and employment laws. 

· Labor Trafficking. It is a crime in Massachusetts to use threats of harm (including financial harm), to force someone to perform work.  Anyone who forces another person to work in this way, or benefits as a result of the work, could face imprisonment and fines. Businesses that commit labor trafficking can be fined up to one million dollars.   


The AG’s Office continues to hold companies who fail to adhere to state child labor statutes accountable. Last month, the AG’s Office cited two Dunkin’ franchisees for numerous child labor violations. In February, the AG’s Office also cited a Georgia-based lifeguard services company for several workers’ rights violations, including failing to obtain work permits for minor employees.  


Anyone with questions about these laws or who believes a young person’s rights may have been violated is encouraged to visit www.mass.gov/ago/youthemployment or contact the Attorney General’s Fair Labor Hotline at (617) 727-3465. 

Dave & Buster's違反勞工法罰款27萬5千元

            (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州總檢察官辦公室公佈,在麻州有3個營業地點,員工800多人的Dave & Buster's 違反用餐休息時間,聘用童工等規定,將支付罰款275千元。

根據協議,Dave & Buster's接受麻州總檢察官辦公室的3項指控,包括違反州法,沒有給輪班工作超過6小時的員工們至少30分鐘用餐時間;沒有在未成年員工開始工作前為他們取得工作許可,還在比州法所允許更晚的時段,聘用1617歲的未成年員工。

麻州總檢察官辦公室早前曾指控其他公司違反關於用餐時間的法令。20222月十,Family Dollar就為該公司在麻州100個營業地點違反給員工用餐時間規定,罰款150萬元。20232月時,麻州總檢察官辦公室也指控一家游泳池維修及救生員服務公司違反薪資、時間,以及沒有為未成年員工取得工作許可,未給予用餐時間等規定。


                      麻州總檢察官辦公室鼓勵相信個人權益被侵犯了的工作人員,在網上 (www.mass.gov/ago/fld.) 向該辦公室提出申訴,或是撥打熱線電話(617) 727-3465,上網 (www.mass.gov/ago/fairlabor)查察更多資訊。