
星期三, 2月 01, 2023

波士頓市2月3至5日進入緊急寒冷狀態 BCYF週五、六開放供民眾取暖


BCYF Friday and Saturday locations activated as warming centers. 

BOSTON - Wednesday, February 1, 2023 -  Mayor Michelle Wu has declared a cold emergency in the City of Boston for Friday, February 3 through Sunday, February 5 due to the extreme cold weather that is forecasted for this time period. Boston is forecasted to experience wind chills below zero on Friday, February 3 and Saturday, February 4. BCYF locations will be activated as warming centers on Friday and Saturday.   

“Boston is moving quickly to ensure that everyone is protected from the intense cold weather that will start Friday and last through the weekend. I want to thank the many city teams who have already begun preparations and will be responding to this weekend’s brutal cold weather,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I urge all Boston residents to take precautions, stay warm and safe, and check on your neighbors during this cold emergency.” 

Wind chill values will begin dropping Friday night. On Friday, the wind chill is predicted to be as low as -21 degrees Fahrenheit, with the cold air staying through Sunday. On Saturday, the wind chill is predicted to be -27 degrees Fahreinheit, the lowest temperature this weekend. Due to the low temperatures and strong wind gusts, there is an increased risk for hypothermia and frostbite for certain populations, such as those experiencing homelessness, the elderly, and young children. Cold weather may also exacerbate health issues in high-risk populations. 

The current City of Boston cold emergency threshold is 1 day or more of -10°F or below observed wind chill. Additionally, the current City of Boston cold advisory threshold is one day or more of 0°F or below observed wind chill. 

Mayor Wu is advising all residents to take precautions, including reminding them to check in on older adults, people with disabilities and people experiencing homelessness. If you see people experiencing homelessness out in the cold, please call 911. If residents are aware of anyone staying in a vehicle or a place not intended for living during these extreme cold temperatures, they are encouraged to call 911 as well.  

Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) will activate warming centers at community centers during their normal operating hours. A full list of locations and their hours can be found here. 

Residents can visit the Boston Public Library Central or branch locations during their normal operating hours. 

The Southampton Street Shelter for men over 18 years of age and Woods Mullen Shelter for women over 18 years of age are open 24/7. Amnesty is in effect and anyone with a non-violent restriction may come in. Pine Street Inn’s mobile outreach vehicles will also be out on the street with extended hours.  

The Engagement Center on Atkinson Street will be open with expanded hours from 6am to 7pm. Outreach workers have been engaging with unhoused people in the area of Mass and Cass to inform them of the upcoming cold weather and of resources they can access. 

The Boston Police Department (BPD) is making announcements on every shift reminding officers and all personnel to be on the lookout for people on the streets. BPD will conduct wellness checks or assist with transportation to available shelters and coordinate with emergency medical personnel for unsheltered individuals. The BPD Street Outreach Unit will be available as a resource to assist the districts, outreach providers and 911 dispatch as needed. They will also be passing out gloves, hats, jackets, and hand warmers. 


Dress for the weather: 

·        Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, residents are required to wear face coverings in all indoor public places.

·        Wear several layers of loose-fitting, lightweight, warm clothing rather than one layer of heavy clothing.

·        Outer garments should be tightly woven and water repellent.

·        Wear mittens over gloves; layering works for your hands as well.

·        Always wear a hat and cover your mouth with a scarf to protect your lungs.  

·        Dress children warmly and set reasonable time limits on outdoor play.

·        Restrict infants' outdoor exposure when it is colder than 40 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Watch for signs of frostbite: 

·        Signs of frostbite include loss of feeling and white or pale appearance in extremities such as fingers, toes, ear lobes, and the tip of the nose. If symptoms are detected, get medical help immediately. 

Watch for signs of hypothermia:

·        These include uncontrollable shivering, memory loss, disorientation, incoherence, slurred speech, drowsiness and apparent exhaustion. If you or someone you know shows any of these symptoms, contact a healthcare provider immediately. If symptoms are severe, call 911. 

Heating guidelines for property owners and tenants: 

·        In accordance with the Massachusetts State Sanitary Code, the heating season officially begins on September 15 and runs through June 15. Property owners must heat habitable spaces at a minimum temperature of 68 degrees between 7 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. and 64 degrees between 11:01 p.m. and 6:59 a.m.

·        In case of emergency, property owners are encouraged to keep a list of licensed contractors (electrician, plumber and general contractor) on file. Tenants experiencing problems with their heating system should check the thermostat, ensure the dial is turned on, and report insufficient or no heat problems to the property owner or manager immediately.

·        If your landlord or property manager is unresponsive, call 311 to file a complaint. 

Heating safety: 

·        Never heat your home using charcoal or gas grill, oven, or other products not specifically designed as a heater. These can cause a fire or produce dangerous levels of carbon monoxide very quickly. 

·        Have your heating system cleaned and checked annually.

·        Install and maintain smoke and carbon monoxide detectors on every level of your home. Carbon monoxide is an invisible gas produced whenever any fuel is burned. Common sources include oil or gas furnaces, water heaters, fireplaces, stoves, and some space heaters. It has no smell, taste, or color. It is poisonous and can be deadly.

·        Carbon monoxide symptoms can be similar to other illnesses, including headache, dizziness, and weakness. If multiple people within a residence experience sudden onset of such symptoms, that can be a warning sign of possible carbon monoxide poisoning.

·        Keep space heaters at least 3 feet from anything that can burn, including people.

·        Space heaters should be turned off and unplugged when you leave the room, or go to bed. 

Tips to keep water flowing and pipes unfrozen during extreme cold: 

·        The Boston Water and Sewer Commission recommends homeowners locate a home's main water shut off valve, and learn how to use it. Should a frozen pipe burst, shutting the main valve quickly will minimize flooding and property damage.

·        Homeowners should insulate pipes in unheated areas like basements, garages and crawl spaces. Use inexpensive hardware store materials to prevent pipes from freezing and to keep warm water flowing.

·        Circulate warm air around pipes by keeping cabinet doors open. Circulate a trickle of tap water through pipes during extreme cold to help prevent them freezing up.

·        Locate your water meter, protect it from drafts, and make sure basement doors and windows are shut tight.

·        If pipes freeze, slowly thaw them with a hair dryer, if possible. Never use an open flame to thaw pipes. If water is lost in all taps, call BWSC 24-hour Emergency Assistance Line at 617-989-7900   

Emergency home repair resources: 

·        Income-eligible homeowners and Boston's residents over age 60 can receive assistance with winter emergencies and repairs, such as fixing storm damage, leaking roofs, furnaces and leaking/frozen pipes. For assistance, residents should call the Mayor's hotline at 311 or the Boston Home Center at 617-635-HOME (4663).   

·        In addition, the Mayor's Seniors Save program helps income eligible Bostonians over the age of 60 replace old, inefficient heating systems with a brand new heating system, even before a failure occurs during the cold winter months. Older adults can also call 311 or the Boston Home Center at 617-635-HOME (4663) to be connected with a City staffer to provide additional details.   

For alerts, including cold-weather alerts, residents are encouraged to sign up for Alert Boston. For more information, please visit the Winter in Boston guide and follow @CityofBoston on Twitter.

9 台灣社團攜手迎玉兔 500人同慶新年好熱鬧


兔年燈籠。 (.周菊子攝)
              (Boston Orange 周菊子布魯克蘭鎮報導) 9個台灣人社團攜手, 121日下午在布魯克蘭高中餐廳 (Brookline High School Cafeteria) 舉辦「玉兔迎春園遊會」。家長們帶著小朋友,共不下500人從麻州各地趕來,圍桌餐敘,歡喜暢聚,在海外傳承華人過農曆新年的傳統。

Project Emplify的弦樂團表演。
              紐英崙玉山科協會長許益祥和台灣媽媽親子會會長張惠雯,當天擔任司儀。他們和波克萊台灣商會(BTCC)會長李孟潔、波士頓台灣人醫師協會 (BTPA)會長陳思達、紐英倫客家鄉親會 (HAKKA)會長謝如鍵、新英格蘭大波士頓台灣商會 (TCCNE)會長王志維,紐英崙中華專業人員協會會長林致中,以及北美台灣人醫師協會(NATMA)Project Emplify的代表等人,雖然是第一次攜手辦活動,卻都很熱心,儘管並不完全認識彼此,卻只靠網路會議討論,就完成了工作分派。



的人辦理報到。 (主辦單位圖片)

這場「玉兔迎春園遊會」的表演節目,由Project Emplify的小朋友弦樂團彈奏、演唱五月天的「知足」。台灣媽媽親子會為小朋友們安排了適合216歲小朋友玩的各種遊戲,包括生肖著色,舞龍,摺紙兔兔,吉祥話謎語,春聯揮毫,象棋,跳棋,圍棋,撿紅點,13張等等。

台灣媽媽親子繪的張簡憶如 (左)等人為小朋友擺攤位。 (周菊子攝)

當天唯一美中不足的是會場很大,音響設備不如理想,以至於出席群眾歡聚的笑談聲,竟蓋過了表演台麥克風音量。其中一名主辦者笑說,下次他們就知道了,辦活動最好自己準備音響,他們很期待將來有更多僑團來聯合辦活動。(更新版)  (部分內容轉載自僑務電子報:   https://ocacnews.net/article/330892?cid=2)

抗日將軍之子李台醫師 (右二起)向經文處處長孫儉元介紹從外州來的Smart Health 營運長
李式新 (右四)等人。(周菊子攝)

麻州共和黨票選新主席 民主黨黨主席發聲明期盼帶回文明與人性

 Statement on MassGOP Chair Election

BOSTON - Massachusetts Democratic Party Chair Gus Bickford released the following statement tonight following the vote by the Massachusetts Republican State Committee election of a new chair.

“For the better part of the last decade the Massachusetts Democratic Party has been focused on enhancing our infrastructure and putting the resources in place to elect Democrats up and down the ballot, resulting in historic wins at all levels. In contrast, the state Republican Party has focused on failed attempts to bring Trumpism to our politics - an effort resoundingly rejected by voters. As the MassGOP has imploded over the last several years, we have been largely silent, allowing their demise to be mostly self-inflicted while we focused on electing Democrats, which we did. I hope that this vote by the Republican State Committee to elect a new Chair will bring a return to some level of civility and humanity to their Party. As has been said, we can disagree without being disagreeable.”  - Gus Bickford, Chair, Massachusetts Democratic Party

大波士頓商會和麻州會計師協會提稅改建議 處理富翁稅帶來的意外後果

                 (Boston Orange節譯) 麻州大波士頓商會和麻州會計師協會 (MassCPAs)為增加麻州競爭力,公開提出稅務改革建議,呼籲麻州政府修訂遺產稅。降低資本利得稅,取消小企業 (S-corp) 業主必須繳交的附加稅 (Sting Tax),以及其他的懲罰雇主政策。



麻州會計師協會 (MassCPAs)會長兼執行長Amy Pitter指出,自從百萬富翁稅通過後,該會在202212月做的一份會員調查顯示,73%說他們和客戶更常談到更換住所話題,所以他們的提案可以制止這樣的遷移,並增加麻州的競爭力。


 Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce and MassCPAs

Release Tax Reform Recommendations

Two Massachusetts business groups released a tax reform proposal today that is designed to improve the state’s competitiveness – and to counter other states’ aggressive pursuits of the Commonwealth’s employers and talent.  With three years of historic revenue growth and a structural budget surplus, the state is well-positioned to adopt tax reforms that demonstrate its commitment to building the region’s economy and increasing jobs for residents.


The joint effort by the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce and the Massachusetts Society of CPAs focuses on policy changes that will ultimately ensure there are jobs and opportunities for economic growth available to Massachusetts residents, both critical factors to achieve an inclusive economy. The goals of the proposed tax reforms are to:

  • Mitigate the negative effects from tax policy on employers, job creators, and economic decision makers;
  • Correct tax policies for which Massachusetts is an outlier;
  • Stimulate new economic activity and protect and sustain current economic activity; and
  • Address the millionaire’s tax unintended consequences.

“This proposal for tax reform is exactly what the Commonwealth – its residents, families, and businesses – need right now. To compete and win today, we need to address and solve for the negative effects and unintended consequences that make it difficult to start and sustain a business in Massachusetts and to work, live, and be successful here,” said James E. Rooney, President & CEO, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. “Understanding that tax reform is urgently needed and the issues are incredibly complex, we are proud to partner with MassCPAs and business leaders across the Commonwealth to ensure that Massachusetts remains competitive and is a place where economic opportunity and jobs are in abundance.”


“Advocating for our members and the communities they serve is what we do at MassCPAs," said MassCPAs President and CEO Amy Pitter. "This has been particularly top of mind since the millionaire’s tax passed. In a December 2022 survey of MassCPAs members, 73% said their conversations with clients about changing their domicile have increased, so the proposals we offer are to stop that migration and boost the Commonwealth’s competitiveness. These tax proposals intend to protect and generate economic activity by reducing the negative effects from certain tax law; correct policies that make Massachusetts an outlier; and address unintended consequences of the new surtax. Our efforts are ongoing, and we are grateful to the Chamber and tax and legal experts for their work to keep Massachusetts a competitive state.”  


The specific proposals include reforming the state’s estate tax, reducing capital gains tax rates, eliminating the state’s “sting tax” on S-corps, and eliminating other policies that penalize Massachusetts employers. The attached slide deck provides more details on the specific proposals, the context for tax reform, and how Massachusetts compares nationally.


The proposal was developed by the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce and the Massachusetts Society of CPAs and with detailed input from tax and legal experts.

麻州州長 Maura Healey簽 字訂二月為麻州黑人歷史月

 Governor Healey Signs Proclamation Recognizing Black History Month 


BOSTON – Governor Maura T. Healey today signed her first proclamation as Governor, recognizing February as Black History Month in Massachusetts and urging all residents to join her in honoring the history and contributions of Massachusetts’ Black community. 


Black history is American history. It’s filled with moments of pain, perseverance, overwhelming joy and profound love. This month, and every month, I hope Massachusetts residents will join me in honoring Black changemakers and innovators of the past and present,” said Governor Healey. “As Governor, I’m committed to building an administration that sees the dignity and worth of every person. We will value and protect Black lives, and work to break down the barriers holding our Black communities back.” 


The full text of the proclamation is below. Governor Healey’s Black History Month video can also be accessed here. 

A Proclamation 


Whereas, Black History Month was first celebrated nationally in 1976 during the United States Bicentennial; and 


Whereas, Black History Month has a rich cultural history throughout the United States, symbolizing the enduring strength and significance of civil rights pioneers including Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Phillis Wheatley, and Frederick Douglass; and 


Whereas, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts continues to play an integral role in the movement towards equality, having been host to a number of historic events and monuments such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s civil rights march from Roxbury to Boston Common, being home to the pioneering Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University, and featuring “The Embrace” sculpture by Hank Willis Thomas depicting Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King; and 


Whereas, The Commonwealth must continue to move towards equality, recognizing the barriers faced by the Black community and addressing structural racism and social, political, and economic inequalities; and 


Whereas, Black History Month is an opportunity to recognize the many contributions and achievements by Black leaders and members of the community to the Commonwealth throughout the course of our history from Massachusetts natives like W.E.B. Du Bois and Ruth M. Batson; and 


Whereas, This year’s Black History Month theme is “Black Resistance”, bringing awareness to the historically underserved Black community through oppression in various forms. “Black Resistance” recognizes the achievements and progress that the Black community has made through opposition to racial constructs and prejudices as is evident through the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act, and increased representation in government and politics; and 


Whereas, Black History Month is a time to celebrate and acknowledge the significant history and contributions of the Black community throughout the Commonwealth and the United States, as well as to bring awareness to the challenges faced by the Black community and the methods in which they have tirelessly worked to conquer such adversity 


Now, Therefore, I, Maura T. Healey, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, do hereby proclaim February 2023 to be, 


Black History Month  


And urge all the citizens of the Commonwealth to take 

cognizance of this event and participate fittingly in its observance. 


Given at the Executive Chamber in Boston, this first day of February, in the year two thousand and twenty-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the two hundred and forty-sixth. 


By Her Excellency 


Maura T. Healey 

Governor of the Commonwealth 



Kimberley Driscoll 

Lt. Governor of the Commonwealth 




William Francis Galvin 

Secretary of the Commonwealth