
星期三, 12月 28, 2022

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $4.1 Million to 11 Organizations to Improve Access to Reproductive Health Services

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $4.1 Million to 11 Organizations to Improve Access to Reproductive Health Services

BOSTON (December 28, 2022) – The Baker-Polito Administration announced $4.1 million in grants to 11 community-based organizations and health care providers to improve access to reproductive health, including abortion care, across the Commonwealth. 

The 11 funded organizations include existing health care organizations that provide abortion services, sexual and reproductive health care providers that will begin offering abortion services, and support for costs associated with receiving abortion care, for example, transportation, childcare payments, lodging, translation services, and abortion doulas. 

“Today’s announcement is one more step in affirming this Administration’s commitment to ensuring access to reproductive health care, including access to the full spectrum of reproductive health services,” said Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders. “These funds help fulfill that commitment by expanding access to timely and safe reproductive health care that meets the needs of individuals and families.” 

“Funding provided by these awards will support the infrastructure and capacity of reproductive health providers throughout the Commonwealth to ensure that sexual and reproductive health services are accessible to all Massachusetts residents and other individuals who may come to our state to seek care,” said Public Health Commissioner Margret Cooke 

These funds come from the FY23 state budget, which appropriated $2 million to support improvements in reproductive health access, infrastructure, and security. An additional $2.1 million comes from a reserve fund established by Chapter 268 of the Acts of 2022 to address reproductive and family planning service needs in the Commonwealth. Grant recipients will use the funds to expand access to abortion services in new regions across the Commonwealth, increase the use of telehealth in abortion care, train providers, implement organizational development for all-volunteer abortion funds, and improve outreach.  

Awarded organizations include: 

·  Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

·  Boston Medical Center

·  Cambridge Health Alliance

·  Health Imperatives

·  HealthQ

·  Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts

·  Tides for Reproductive Freedom and its sub-grantees, Abortion Rights Fund of Western Massachusetts, Eastern Massachusetts Abortion Fund and the Jane Fund of Central Massachusetts

·  Women's Health Services

麻州州長指派 2名麻州交通廳董事 Timothy Whelan和Joseph Beggan

Governor Charlie Baker today announced the appointment of Timothy Whelan and Joseph Beggan to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Board of Directors.

BOSTON — Governor Charlie Baker today announced the appointment of Timothy Whelan and Joseph Beggan to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Board of Directors. The Governor also reappointed current Board members Dean Mazzarella and Timothy King whose terms will be extended.  

“Representative Timothy Whelan and Joseph Beggan have years of experience in private and public service that make them both well-suited candidates for the MassDOT Board of Directors,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We are also proud to extend the terms of Dean Mazzarella and Timothy King who have been valuable members of the Board in their previous terms.” 

“Each of these MassDOT Board members will bring valuable knowledge and experience to their roles,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “We are pleased to appoint Representative Whelan and Mr. Beggan and extend Director Mazzarella’s and Director King’s terms.”

With a long history of public service, Timothy Whelan most recently served as a State Representative representing the 1st District of Barnstable and has served in the Massachusetts Legislature since 2013. Representative Whelan also served in the United States Marine Corps and as a member of the Massachusetts State Police, where he attained the rank of Sergeant. In the State Police, Whelan gained experience in the fields of Commercial Vehicle Enforcement and Incident Management. He has traveled to other states to instruct in the fields of Hazardous Material and Bulk Package transportation on behalf of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. 

Joseph Beggan brings more than 35 years of transportation experience in municipal, private sector and institutional roles. For over 10 years, he served in the City of Boston Transportation Department, 12 years as a consultant for TetraTech/Rizzo; and 13 years at Harvard University, until his retirement in 2021. Mr. Beggan is the past president of ITS Massachusetts, a former chair of the BSCES Transportation Committee and a member of the WalkBoston Board of Directors. He also represented Harvard on A Better City’s Board of Directors, Cambridge’s Transit Advisory Committee and Boston’s Bicycle Advisory Committee.   

For more information on the MassDOT Board, please visit: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/massdot-board-of-directors-membership.

2023波士頓第一夜恢復室內活動 地鐵直到凌晨2點免費 (市府視頻)


            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 2023年的第48屆波士頓市第一夜,在室外遊行、冰雕展示外,將恢復舉辦室內的音樂、舞蹈表演等活動,並施放二場煙花。民眾出席所有活動都免費,從晚上8點起直至次日凌晨2點,還可免費搭地鐵。

             波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) (28)日早上率同波士頓警察局局長Michael Cox,急救服務(EMS)James Hooley,麻州地鐵交通警察長Kenneth Green,波士頓消防局營運長,承辦波士頓第一夜的Conventures公司董事長 Dusty Rhodes做活動概要及公安說明,期待和波士頓市民,以及所有到場者,攜手迎接一個美好新年。


波士頓警察局局長Michael Cox說明當天將加派警力。
            根據波士頓第一夜網站及市府資料,今年的波士頓第一夜將一連2日,從1231日中午開始到晚上12點過後,以及11日的早上11點至下午140分,在柯普利廣場 (Copley Square)和後灣區 (Back Bay)的波士頓公共圖書館,柯普利商場,三一教堂,基穌、科學家第一教堂,舊南教堂等地點,舉辦30多場活動。

波士頓急救服務(EMS)James Hooley。
             和往年一樣,華人的表演節目有大波士頓中華文化協會 (GBCCA)將於1231日下午3點至3點半,在柯普利廣場表演音樂及舞蹈,褚玲舞蹈學校則將於這天的中午12點至1點,在柯普利商場表演。


                11日的早上11點在柯普利廣場還有 The Lied To的音樂表演。

              1231日晚上6點起是每年一度的第一夜大遊行,從柯普利闖廠出發,沿著波約斯頓街 (Boylston),一直遊行到波士頓廣場  (Boston Common) 結束。


            波士頓警察局提醒民眾,第一夜是個適合全家大小一起參加的活動,請民眾不要在公共場所喝酒或抽大麻,也不要飛無人機 (drone),看到任何可疑情況,趕快報警。波士頓警察局局長Michael Cox說,當天有許多地方要封街,不准停車,該局將動用所有資源來確保民眾安全,但也要呼籲民眾攜手,讓所有人都過一個快樂新年。

            波士頓急救服務(EMS)James Hooley

麻州地鐵交通警察長Kenneth Green。

            Conventures公司董事長 Dusty Rhodes表示,該機構很高興能為波士頓市延續這以維持了48年的歷史,去年約有20萬人出席活動,今年應該會更熱鬧。

承辦波士頓第一夜的Conventures公司董事長 Dusty Rhodes。


星期二, 12月 27, 2022

波士頓安良工商會年輕人接棒 陳偉民、伍偉業出任領導

(右一)出任領導,伍輝民 (右二)卸任會長一職,留任幫辦。出席嘉賓包括右三
              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓安良工商會交棒年輕人,1223日晚在4名全美僑團總理,2名安良工商會元老,紐英崙中華公所主席,駐波士頓經文處處長,僑教中心主任等嘉賓出席見證中,迎接10名新幹部,9名新會員,恭喜陳偉民、伍偉業出任召集人。













               波士頓安良工商會今年的年輕化,不只在於2名召集人都是年僅四、五十歲的年輕人,當天宣誓入會的9名新會員,也幾乎全是年輕人,其中有3名女性,分別為紐英崙至孝篤親公所主席陳文珊,以及伍氏公所的伍慧儀,新任主席的朋友麥仲梅。其他新會員包括陳國航,黃楚嵐等人。 (部分內容轉載自僑務電子報,https://ocacnews.net/article/328509?cid=2 )

波士頓安良工商會新會員包括3名女性。 (周菊子攝)

星期一, 12月 26, 2022

麻州政壇未來有影響力人士 - 候任州長的妹妹

             (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 202315日,麻州就要歷史性的迎接 242年以來的首名女州長,也是首名同性戀州長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 。波士頓環球報26日刊出報導,稱奚莉上任後,妹妹Tara將有如同奚莉分身的份量。


             奚莉的就職典禮,選擇在TD Garden球場舉行,主題定調為向前推球 (Moving the Ball Forward,),也都是Tara的主意。

             Tara Healey現年42歲,是奚莉5兄弟姊妹中最小的一個。她從201310月,奚莉參選麻州總檢察長 (AG) 一職起,就開始為姊姊助選,然後競選連任,再競選州長。她已經為奚莉操持了3場選舉,也為奚莉維持了許多政界、募款界關係,在奚莉的競選團隊中,簡直就是建立關係的樣板。

             奚莉在競選時在工會場地辦活動,也因為她和Tara跟工會的關係很好。美國勞工聯合會和工業組織大會 (AFL-CIO)會長Steven Tolman說,奚莉是勞工的朋友,勞工都信任她。

             麻州眾議會議長 Robert DeLeo形容Tara是奚莉的耳目,政治人物有個像Tara這樣的姊妹,就跟中樂透一樣。

             Tara Healey最近才從西蒙斯 (Simmons)學院的企管碩士學位畢業,想著要複製她在非牟利組織Medford集體屋當主任時的工作,自己創業。沒想到這時候奚莉宣佈要競選麻州州長了,她只好放下自己的理想,先到位於查理士城的奚莉第一個競選總部服務,同時兼差當侍應生和調酒師。


             Tara說她和奚莉都沒想到過自己會沾染,甚至從事政治,但她們五兄弟姊妹是在新罕布夏州的Hampton Falls,那個全美第一個舉辦總統候選人初選的地方長大。



星期日, 12月 25, 2022

北安多福6K新能源材料受矚目 美商務部長到訪簽發5000萬元聯邦資助

美國商務部部長Gina Raimondo (右二起)和麻州聯邦眾議員Lori Trahan,麻州州長Charlie
Baker 聯袂參訪 6k公司,恭喜該公司獲得5000萬元聯邦補助款,加速更具競爭力的清潔能源
投產。 (周菊子攝)
             (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州北安多福報導) 麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker) 和美國商務部部長雷萌朵 (Gina Raimondo) 23日聯袂參訪位於北安多福的6K公司,為新廠房啟用剪綵,預祝將來在美國東南部順利覓得生產場地。


麻州聯邦眾議員Lori Trahan,美國商務部部長Gina Raimondo (右二起)和6K執行長Aaron
Bent ,麻州州長Charlie 
Baker 聯袂為 6k公司的新研發廠房剪綵。 (周菊子攝)
             6K是一家材料公司,從2014年創立以來,跟隨科技發展,不斷轉型,迄今共募得一億8340萬元經費,包括最近一輪的150萬元補助款,用於回收金屬廢料,做成優質金屬粉劑,成為供三維 (3D) 印刷使用的材料;以及來自美國能源部等的5000萬元聯邦補助款,將加速推動、佈署該公司預算1億零700萬元項目,以UniMelt工藝,製造供電動車使用的鋰離子電池。整個製造過程產生的天然瓦斯,比傳統方式減少70%,耗用的水少10%,耗用的能源少30%

美國商務部部長Gina Raimondo 在6K公司致詞。 (周菊子攝)
             6K執行長Aaron Bent對外表示,該公司用完全不同的工藝來生產製造陰極材料,費用甚至比中國生產商便宜一半。


             麻州州長查理貝克和美國商務部部長雷萌朵,麻州聯邦眾議員Lori Trahan等人23日近午時分,一起到位於北安多福的6K公司參訪,並為該公司的新廠落成剪綵。

             麻州經由1010億元的長期支援,在生物科技領域成為世界牛耳之後,無論是州政府,或是市政府,都在積極推動環保政策。不過在全美最綠州排名上,麻州名列第17,遠落後於同在新英格蘭地區的新罕布夏州 (NH),佛蒙特州 (VT)和緬因州 (MN)


星期五, 12月 23, 2022

Healey and Driscoll to Appoint Gina Fiandaca as Transportation Secretary and Monica Tibbits-Nutt as Undersecretary

 Healey and Driscoll to Appoint Gina Fiandaca as Transportation Secretary and Monica Tibbits-Nutt as Undersecretary

Gina Fiandaca
BOSTON – Governor-elect Maura Healey and Lieutenant Governor-elect Driscoll today announced that they will appoint Gina Fiandaca as Secretary of the Department of Transportation and Monica G. Tibbits-Nutt, AICP, LEED AP BD+C as Undersecretary of Transportation. Fiandaca is currently the Assistant City Manager of Austin, Texas and was previously the Commissioner of the Boston Transportation Department. Tibbits-Nutt is the Executive Director of the 128 Business Council.

Fiandaca has been the Assistant City Manager of Austin since 2019, where she manages a portfolio of infrastructure and mobility departments, including Austin Transportation, that have a total budget of $1.09 billion and nearly 3,000 full-time employees. In this role, she secured the passage of a $7.1B transit system known as Project Connect, which will build a light rail system in the city, and oversaw Public Works, the Austin Bergstrom International Airport and the Austin Water Utility.

Monica Tibbits-Nutt
Fiandaca started her career in public service while in college working for the city of Boston as a Transportation Clerk, rose to become the  Director of the Office of the Parking Clerk and was later appointed Commissioner of the Boston Transportation Department. She served as Commissioner from 2015-2019, where she drove $100 million in revenue-generating transportation programs with an operating budget of more than $35 million and oversaw a team of more than 400 workers. Under her leadership, the department released the 15-year, $4.74B “Go Boston 2030," which was Boston’s first major transportation plan in decades that included mobility projects and policies to expand access, improve safety and ensure reliability. She received an MBA from Boston University and a bachelor’s degree from Suffolk University.

“We can’t have a functioning economy without a functioning transportation system. Gina Fiandaca gets that – and she has decades of experience managing large transportation departments and prioritizing safety, reliability and accessibility,” said Governor-elect Healey. “I’m excited to welcome her home to Massachusetts and look forward to the important work she will do alongside our partners in business and labor to deliver results.”

“Massachusetts residents need to be able to rely on our trains, buses and roads to get them where they need to go safely and on time. This is key not only for people’s daily lives, but also for the strength of our businesses and economy,” said Fiandaca. “I’m honored that Governor-elect Healey and Lieutenant Governor-elect Driscoll have placed their faith in me to lead the team that will deliver these critical services and am thrilled by the opportunity to continue my career in Massachusetts.” 

Tibbits-Nutt is the Executive Director of 128 Business Council, a transportation management association and regional service provider that plans and executes innovative first-/last-mile service throughout the Route 128 West Corridor. She recently completed her tenure on the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Board of Directors and as Vice-Chair of the Fiscal Management and Control Board that oversaw the MBTA from 2015-2021. Working in regional planning and transportation, her areas of specialty include transportation planning, urban design, and transit equity.

Her past work experience includes public sector transit planning at both the MBTA Advisory Board and as Executive Director of TransitWorks. In addition, she has worked in regional planning and development for the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC), the City of Columbus Planning and Development office and the Greater Linden Development Corporation. She received a Masters of City and Regional Planning from the Ohio State University in Columbus and a Bachelor of Science in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Southern Indiana. As Undersecretary, she will report to Fiandaca.

“Monica Tibbits-Nutt has a deep knowledge of and passion for transportation,” said Governor-elect Healey. “She prioritizes transparency and communication in her work, because she understands that earning the public’s trust is key to a strong transportation system. She also looks at transportation through an equity lens, striving to ensure that underserved communities and those most impacted by environmental injustices are centered in our decision making.” 

“Governor-elect Healey and Lieutenant Governor-elect Driscoll are committed to building a transportation system that works for every resident in every region of the Commonwealth, and I’m excited to help this administration deliver on that commitment,” said Tibbits-Nutt. “Gina and I share a vision for transforming transportation options throughout the Commonwealth, and together we will prioritize transparency, safety, equity and climate resiliency.”


Baker-Polito Administration Announces Over $100M Commitment to Clean Energy and Transportation

Funds From the MassDEP Will Advance Sustainable Programming

BOSTON — The Baker-Polito Administration today announced a series of funding totaling over $100 million to state entities for programs focused on climate readiness and reaching the Commonwealth’s 2030 and 2050 decarbonization goals. The funding will support the expansion of clean transportation programs, seed climate finance support mechanisms, and support anticipated decarbonization grant programs for low- and moderate-income housing.

“By providing these significant funds, we are better positioning the Commonwealth as it pursues a clean energy transition,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “After laying the groundwork with the 2050 Clean Energy and Climate Plan and the signing of landmark climate acts, we must continue to take meaningful action in order to create a lasting and sustainable Commonwealth.”

“This comprehensive support of clean energy solutions in transportation and our existing buildings will lead to a healthier and more sustainable future for the Commonwealth,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “Delivering the reliable benefits of clean energy to Massachusetts residents has been the impetus behind our decarbonization work, and I’m thrilled we can make this lasting investment.”

The primary source of this funding is through the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s (MassDEP) Climate Protection and Mitigation Expendable Trust, supplemented in part by American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding and other agency resources. Funds from the Trust will be allocated to the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) for its clean transportation and climate finance work, the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) for its planned Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Decarbonization Grant Program, and within the Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) for solid waste vehicle electrification grants.

“The funding commitment we are making today represents a significant step towards achieving our Commonwealth’s net zero by 2050 goals,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Beth Card. “These innovative programs will enable Massachusetts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with a focus on equity and public health across our critical energy, transportation, and building sectors.”

MassCEC is receiving funding to initiate a $22 million program for climate finance support and acceleration efforts. This pilot program can leverage private funding to expand access and availability of capital, focusing on decarbonization projects for existing buildings and reaching underserved communities. The agency is also receiving $24 million to support and expand upon its robust Accelerating Clean Transportation (ACT) initiatives, which launched in 2020. The agency will direct grants to:

  • ACT Vehicles for Hire for infrastructure growth;
  • ACT4All to support innovation and equity objectives;
  • ACT e-bikes to provide wraparound service grants to community organizations;
  • ACT School Bus for a second round of funding for technical assistance and infrastructure grants; and,
  • EV Consumer Support webpage to provide EV purchasing guidance.

Additionally, MassCEC’s ACT School Bus Program, which provides both technical advisory services and funding for a public school district to begin electrifying its school bus fleet, is awarding over $9 million as part of its first round of ACT School Bus Deployment funding to the following entities:

  • Lawrence Public Schools for $1,675,000;
  • Quincy Public Schools for $355,000;
  • Lower Pioneer Valley Educational Collaborative for $2,000,000;
  • New Bedford Public Schools for $1,970,000;
  • Fall River Public Schools for $2,000,000; and,
  • Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School for $1,480,490.

“Through clean transportation programs, the Baker-Polito Administration is further supporting community partnerships and program models that provide solutions to the education, income, and geographic barriers within the clean transportation market,” said MassCEC CEO Jennifer Daloisio. “The additional funding for MassCEC’s climate finance work will enable the agency to explore how finance tools can facilitate building decarbonization.”  

Furthermore, DOER plans to commit up to $50 million in funding for a Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Decarbonization Grant Program. The program is anticipated to support energy efficiency and clean energy investments in low- and moderate-income housing by providing grant funding for decarbonization retrofits. Health benefits for residents of retrofitted buildings include indoor air quality improvements, improved comfort, and local air pollution reduction. The program is expected to improve housing stock for low- or moderate-income residents, including through cleaner and more efficient heating and hot water systems and a more efficient building envelope. The Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Decarbonization Grant Program is anticipated to provide significant investments in the building sector and will leverage Mass Save programs, including a new program being launched this month as part of the 2022-2024 Energy Efficiency Plan to provide incentives for affordable housing deep energy retrofits through Mass Save. Decarbonization of Massachusetts’ existing buildings is a critical component of the Commonwealth’s strategy to achieve a 50 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 and Net Zero by 2050.

“The Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Decarbonization Grant Program will expand on Massachusetts’ progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the buildings sector and provide energy efficiency and building decarbonization programs in a way that is affordable and equitable,” said Department of Energy Resources Commissioner Patrick Woodcock. “In addition to reducing energy bills and improving public health, these investments will collectively reduce our vulnerability to high energy pricing and the Commonwealth’s total demand of expensive imported fossil fuels.”

MassDEP will also utilize $4 million for a grant program to support the electrification of Solid Waste Collection Vehicles, including waste collection and recycling trucks operating in Massachusetts communities. This funding will facilitate the ongoing municipal transition to fleet electrification. Replacing older diesel vehicles with new electric vehicles will deliver reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution and public health benefits. MassDEP will issue a project solicitation in early 2023 to begin the grant program.

“The scope and breadth of this funding supports innovation in a number of sectors,” said MassDEP Commissioner Martin Suuberg. “The Solid Waste grant program we are announcing today will jumpstart replacement of older, often diesel-fueled waste collection trucks with cleaner, more efficient electric and hybrid vehicles helping to fight climate change and improve air quality in our communities.”

Including this funding, the Baker-Polito Administration has recently taken significant steps to support and advance major clean energy and climate readiness initiatives. This includes the release of the 2050 Clean Energy and Climate Plan, which provides the Commonwealth of Massachusetts with a comprehensive plan to achieve the Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions limit; the creation of a publicly available web-based Massachusetts Clean Energy and Climate Dashboard to provide key performance indicators relevant to the Massachusetts Clean Energy and Climate Plans; the awarding of $180 million in funding through the Offshore Wind Ports Infrastructure Investment Challenge to improve and develop port infrastructure at three key harbors along the Massachusetts coast; and the release of the “MA Climate Change Assessment,” which is the first statewide assessment detailing how Massachusetts people, environments, and infrastructure may be affected by climate change and related hazards through the end of the century.

MassDEP’s Climate Protection and Mitigation Expendable Trust was created in 2018 to support programs and projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. Proceeds are generated by auction from the in-state cap on emissions from electricity-generating facilities and alternative compliance payments under the Clean Energy Standard (CES).

“I’m proud of the work done in the Legislature to support these projects, as they are vital in our efforts to making clean energy more affordable, electrify our transportation sector, and meet the Commonwealth’s important climate goals,” said House Speaker Ronald J. Mariano (D-Quincy). “I want to thank my colleagues in the House, and our partners in the Senate and in the Administration, for their shared commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and building a better Massachusetts in the process.”

“Governments must act internationally, nationally, and locally to address the ever-increasing threat of climate change. The environmental bill that the Legislature passed this session, along with today’s announcement of state and federal funding will, I hope, effect meaningful changes in Quincy and throughout the Commonwealth,” said State Senator John Keenan (D-Quincy). “Even as we celebrate this commitment today, I look forward to working with my colleagues in the next legislative session to do more to protect current and future generations from the impacts of climate change.”

“Investing in clean and sustainable energy has been a cornerstone of the legislature’s efforts, especially with the passage of the 2050 Road Map,” said State Representative Bruce Ayers (D-Quincy). “I’m pleased to see the administration’s commitment to these important initiatives, particularly with the support given to the Quincy Public Schools.”

“Massachusetts continues to prioritize both its infrastructure development and climate preparedness,” said State Representative Tackey Chan (D-Quincy). “I am thrilled that Quincy Public Schools will receive funding to begin electrifying its school bus fleet. This is one of the many ways we are moving towards decarbonization. We are also investing in reducing emissions in our low- and moderate-income housing to improve the quality of living for our residents while also supporting clean energy alternatives.”