
星期五, 6月 03, 2022

大麻公司頻密爭取來附近開店 波士頓華埠居民會一一反對

社區成長夥伴公司 (CGP)有意在南街開店。 (網路會議截圖)
           (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓華埠居民會 (CRA) 61日晚在網上舉行月例會,原本預定聆聽2家大麻店陳情,但其中一家因未帶備翻譯人員,將延至76日下次的居民會月會再陳情。


1日晚出席陳情的大麻店為計畫在南街 (South)104號開張的「社區成長夥伴遞送 (Community Growth Partners Delivery,簡稱CGP) 」。撤銷陳情的是預定在大西洋道 (Atlantic Ave.)727號開張的「石頭的投擲 (Stone’s Throw) 」。

「社區成長夥伴遞送」大麻店有Marcus WilliamsCharlotte Hanna,以及Pete D’Agostino出席解說,聲稱該公司是由女性及少數族裔擁有、經營,致力賦能,幫助受大麻犯罪化不成比例影響的社區。目前在北安普敦種植大麻,在大巴靈頓 (Northampton) 經營有店面,是麻州政府批准可運送大麻給客戶的5家大麻店之一。


為表達該公司關懷社區,他們訂有零售團隊成員每年可獲得20小時的有薪社區服務時間,去為他們各自最關心的社團服務。過去20個月來,他們還共捐約10萬美元給ROCA, 醫藥界志願者,全球赴能任務,以及白血病和淋巴瘤協會等非牟利團體。


講者 Junella Chin 強調CBD和THC是2種不同的大麻。
為與一般大麻店不同,CGP從紐約請來使用大麻醫治病人的Junella Chin做解說。Junella Chin指出,人們提到大麻時,往往沒有分清楚大麻二酚(CannabidiolCBD)和四氢大麻酚(Tetrahydrocannabinol,简称THC)這2種大麻。其中的CBD是很有大醫療價值的大麻 


星期四, 6月 02, 2022

波士頓市長咖啡列車今日開到華埠 眾議員麥家威:這次人最多 (視頻)

波士頓市長吳弭在咖啡時間中表示,市府將竭力滿足市民需求。 (周菊子攝)

              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓市的首任亞裔暨華裔市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 62日率領市府團隊,偕同州市議員,把咖啡列車開到華埠和後灣區交界處的小公園,和民眾面對面晤談,還和波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn) 打了一下乒乓球。


左起,Kenzie Bok,吳弭,Ed Flynn, Aaron Michlewitz,Ruthzee Louijeune等州市議員
在咖啡時間中和民眾見面。 (周菊子攝)

等人在公園中合影。 (周菊子攝)
              和吳弭市長一起出席這咖啡的議員包括波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連 (Ed Flynn),市議員Kenzie BokRuthzee Louijeune,麻州眾議員麥家威 (Aaron Michlewitz)

              出席的波士頓市政府員工,從房屋長Shiela Dillon,警察局社區服務總監陳孔恩,消防局副局長黃瑞瑜,急救服務局局長,波士頓市長的亞裔聯絡員黃楚嵐等,


昆士小學前校長李素影 (右)和吳弭市長談說她看到的一些狀況。(周菊子攝)
              Kenzie Bok是代表第8區的市議員,不過她自己在後灣區長大,父母也仍住在這一區,特地來和老朋友們打招呼。她說,這個公園是市府為地方闢出開放空間的最好例子。

              Ruthzee Louijeune說自己的父母是海地移民,她對移民議題深有感覺,無論是可負擔住宅,支持社區土地信託,或是社區所面對的種族歧視、仇恨,她都將竭盡所能的動用議員力量來滿足市民的需求。尤其是反亞裔仇恨,她知道波士頓市議會議長愛德華費連正在著手處理這議題,她才剛上任5個月,還在學習中,很高興和大家合作。


麻州眾議員Aaron Michlewitz打趣說自己上任只比5個月長一點點。 (周菊子攝)

波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn要用打乒乓球來決定聽誰的意見。 (周菊子攝)
              吳弭的這場咖啡時間,安排了很多活動,在波士頓音樂項目 (Boston Music Project)的兒童樂團演奏之外,有咖啡,水果,還送出多個盆栽給到場民眾,擺出許多攤位,為民眾提供耆英服務資訊,地鐵增加巴士服務說明,介紹波士頓市的公園服務及市區森林計畫等等。


大同村居民鄺元傑 (右)和波士頓市長吳弭合影。(周菊子攝)
波士頓市房屋長Sheila Dillon (右起)和范王柳娥,李素影,何陳素貞都是多年舊識。





June performances scheduled for Rose Kennedy Greenway and South End

BOSTON — June 2, 2022 — Boston Lyric Opera’s Street Stage, the mobile performance stage that brings free live music to audiences around the region, returns for performances June 17 & 18 at The Rose Kennedy Greenway and June 30 at Villa Victoria in Boston’s South End.

Performances include an array of music from opera and other classical genres, alongside new works, folk songs, popular music and more. The June schedule includes:

  • BLO Street Stage at Rose Kennedy Greenway Rowes Wharf Plaza June 17 @ 5:30 pm and 6 pm, and June 18 at 1 pm and 2 pm – located at the intersection of Atlantic and High Streets. Mezzo-soprano and BLO Emerging Artist program alumna Vera Savage, violinist and BLO Concertmaster Annie Rabbat, and pianist and BLO Resident Teaching Artist Patricia Au perform a mix of opera, art song and popular favorites.

  • BLO Street Stage at Villa Victoria, Plaza Betances in Boston’s South End – June 30 @ 5 pm – 100 W. Dedham Street. Presented in partnership with Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción (IBA Boston) the program includes mezzo-soprano and BLO Emerging Artist Zaray Rodriquez and pianist Yukiko Obal performing a mix of opera, art song and popular favorites. Guest artists from IBA’s youth program perform poetry between two sets. 

The Street Stage vehicle features a 26’ long x 8.5’ wide trailer, custom engineered to open on three sides and provide a 270-degree view of the performers. Its street art design was created and painted by student artists from Artists For Humanity, guided by muralist Rob “ProBlak” Gibbs and AFH Co-Founder Jason Talbot.

These BLO Street Stage events are free to the public, and produced by Boston Lyric Opera in collaboration with The Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy and IBA Boston. 

Maura Healey 參選麻州州長 前競爭對手哈佛教授 Danielle Allen 也支持


         (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 麻州總檢察長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 在競選麻州州長的爭取背書支持上,今 (2) 日再下一城,早前退出麻州州長選舉的參選人,哈佛大學教授 Danielle Allen也宣佈支持奚莉。

                   倡議加強民主,處理濫用毒品危機,呼籲凝聚社區力量,化解諸如居住、環境、司法改革等議題的Danielle Allen,將在麻州民主黨黨代表大會上作為奚莉參選麻州州長的提名人之一。

                   Danielle Allen在新聞稿中表示,她很高興能夠為奚莉背書,支持一位經驗全面有深度,致力服務人民有記錄的經驗豐富領導者。她說,奚莉經由指派領袖推動進步的司法改革行動有深度,有強度,有奚莉支持環境正義,防止用藥 (吸毒)過量,以及同日登記成為選民,奚莉將是因應麻州所面對最大問題的有效率領導。她期盼著這週末提名奚莉。

            奚莉表示,Danielle Allen是一名傑出的領導者,學者,有遠見的人,她推動美國要秉持最高理想,還把這同樣的理念帶到這場麻州州長選舉之中。她們兩人有共同信念,認為麻州只有在所有居民都自由參與民主,健康並快樂生活時,麻州才會繁榮。她感謝Danielle Allen對她這場選舉的信心,並為今日得到Danielle Allen的背書感到驕傲。

            Danielle Allen是一名經驗豐富的非牟利領袖,民主倡議者,在因應疫情上的全國聲音,也是一名傑出作者,母親。她是全麻州第一個競選全州性職位的黑人婦女,她致力於把世界改變成對年輕人更好,因而教書,把大學裏的一個6000萬元部門推動成為一個60億元的基金,還為華盛頓郵報撰稿,支持大麻合法化,民主改革,公民教育等等。

Danielle Allen Endorses Maura Healey for Governor Ahead of the Democratic Convention

Allen is an internationally-recognized democracy advocate and previously ran for Governor of Massachusetts

BOSTON – Ahead of the Democratic Convention, former candidate for Governor and Harvard professor Danielle Allen endorsed Maura Healey for Governor of Massachusetts. Allen ran on a platform focused on strengthening democracy, addressing the substance use crisis, and bringing our communities together to tackle challenges from housing to climate to justice reform. She will serve as one of Healey’s nominators at the Convention.

“I’m delighted to endorse Maura Healey — a seasoned leader with an invaluable depth of experience across the board and a track record of commitment to the people of Massachusetts,” said Allen. “With the depth and strength of her criminal justice reform agenda, including her focus on driving progress through leadership appointments, Maura is already leading for change — and with her support for climate justice, overdose prevention sites, and same day voter registration, she will be an effective champion on the biggest issues facing our state. I look forward to nominating her this weekend.”

“Throughout her distinguished career as a leader, scholar, and visionary, Danielle has pushed our country to live up to its highest ideals. She brought that same conviction to this race,” said Healey. “She and I share the belief that our state can thrive only when all of our residents can participate freely in our democracy and live healthy, happy lives. I’m grateful to her for her faith in our campaign and proud to earn her endorsement today.”

Danielle Allen is a seasoned nonprofit leader, democracy advocate, national voice on pandemic response, distinguished author, and mom. Danielle made history as the first Black woman ever to run for statewide office in Massachusetts. Her work to make the world better for young people has taken her from teaching college and leading a $60 million university division to driving change at the helm of a $6 billion foundation, writing for the Washington Post, advocating for cannabis legalization, democracy reform, and civic education, and most recently, to running for governor of Massachusetts. During the height of COVID in 2020, Danielle’s leadership in rallying coalitions and building solutions resulted in the country’s first-ever Roadmap to Pandemic Resilience; her policies were adopted in federal legislation and a Biden executive order. She continues to advocate for democracy reform to create greater voice and access, and drive progress towards healthy communities, a healthy democracy, and a healthy climate for our country and our Commonwealth.

昆士市6月11旗幟日遊行 麻州副州長 Polito將任統帥

               (Boston Orange 編譯) 昆士市市長柯奇 (Thomas Koch) 和昆士旗幟日遊行委員會 61日宣佈,麻州副州長白莉朵 (Karen Polito) 將在訂611日舉行的昆士旗幟日遊行活動中擔任大元帥 (Marshal)


白莉朵畢業於波士頓學院,以及新英格蘭法學院,曾任Shrewsbury鎮議員,2001年當選為麻州眾議員,2015年起擔任麻州第72任副州長。她一直都住在Shrewsbury,和丈夫Stephen Rodolakis 2個小孩。

              昆士市的旗幟日遊行將於611日晚上7點起,在昆士市中心的Coddington出發,在興國街 (Hancock)上向北走,轉進Merrymount公園。白莉朵副州長將引領遊行隊伍走到選美場 (Pageant Field),並在升旗儀式中接受表揚。


              昆士市的旗幟日遊行始於1952年,由柯奇市長的父親Richard Koch發起。

Lt. Governor Karyn Polito Named Grand Marshal of Quincy Flag Day Parade

QUINCY, MA – June 1, 2022 Mayor Thomas Koch and the Quincy Flag Day Parade Committee announced that Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito will serve as the Grand Marshal of the Quincy Flag Day Parade on June 11th.

Polito has served the Commonwealth as its 72nd Lieutenant Governor since 2015. She is a life-long resident of Shrewsbury and her and her husband Stephen Rodolakis have two children.

“We are thrilled to honor Lt. Governor Polito’s service to the Commonwealth and her career to date in public service,” said Mayor Koch. “Her understanding of municipal government, built through her years on the Shrewsbury Board of Selectmen, helped build a great bond with cities and towns throughout our Commonwealth, including Quincy. Her and Governor Baker’s support for our downtown infrastructure investments were critical to the successful redevelopment of our downtown. Without their help, this long-awaited redevelopment achievement could not have happened.”

 Polito served on the Shrewsbury Board of Selectman until she was elected State Representative in 2001. She is a graduate of Boston College and the New England School of Law.

The Flag Day Parade steps off at 7 p.m. on Coddington Street in Quincy Center. The parade proceeds north on Hancock Street before turning into Merrymount Park. Lt. Governor Polito will march in the parade and then be recognized at the flag-raising ceremony at Pageant Field.

Polito joins an illustrious list of Quincy Flag Day Grand Marshals that includes General Joseph Dunford, Patriots star Willie McGinnest, General Ronald Rand, Quincy’s Vietnam Veterans, television anchor Sorboni Banerjee, General Francis McGinn, Meteorologist Ed Carroll, Olympic Medalist Karen Cashman, Norfolk County Sheriff Clifford Marshall, Koch Club co-founder Simone Koch, two-time Grand Marshall Jake Comer, Quincy’s Blue Star Families, General James McConville, local philanthropist Dr. Al Yacubian, and many more.

Added Mayor Koch, “Our community has a history of paying tribute to those that have served their country, their commonwealth, and their community. Our Flag Day Parade is a great tradition that recognizes service of all kinds. Lt. Governor Polito has been a tremendous public servant and I hope all of Quincy comes out to say thank you for all that she has done.”

Quincy’s Flag Day Parade is the longest-running Flag Day Parade in the nation. It was started by the late-Richard Koch in 1952 who marched children from The Koch Club through Norfolk Downs before ending with a flag-raising ceremony at Cavanagh Stadium.



An initiative aimed at celebrating Pride Month
with a series of events throughout Downtown Boston that are free and open to the public.
BOSTON - Thursday, June 2, 2022 - Mayor Michelle Wu, in partnership with the Office of Economic Opportunity and Inclusion, Office of Equity and Inclusion, and Men of Melanin Magic, today announce A Very Proud City, an LGBTQ+ Pride series with events to take place throughout Downtown Boston. 

“I’m so excited to be in community and celebrate Pride this month,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “A Very Proud City series will center our LGBTQ+ residents, support local organizations and amplify events that highlight and serve our LGBTQ+ community. I’m grateful to all of our partners for working to ensure that we are celebrating our queer communities and I encourage everyone to stop by these events.”

“We are excited to welcome everyone back to Downtown Boston to celebrate Pride with our LGBTQ+ communities,” said Segun Idowu, Chief of Economic Opportunity and Inclusion. “As we emerge out of the pandemic, this is a tremendous opportunity to join our queer residents in spreading joy, love, and acceptance to all within our city.”

“I have attended a few of Men of Melanin Magic events in the past and I am incredibly excited to partner with them this PRIDE to amplify queer joy and resilience in Downtown,” said Mariangely Solis Cervera, Chief of Equity & Inclusion. “Just yesterday, we kicked off PRIDE at City Hall with spoken word and drag performances. I can't wait to celebrate A Very Proud City this summer with such a talented group.”

“I’m excited to jumpstart this welcoming and inclusive initiative the day after we kicked off Pride Month at City Hall,” said Quincey J. Roberts, Sr., Executive Director for the Mayor’s Office of LGBTQ+ Advancement. “A Very Proud City will serve as a place for community connection and joy for our residents while also supporting local LGBTQ+ organizations.”  

A Very Proud City is a key part of the City’s effort to celebrate Pride with gatherings throughout the entire month of June, highlighting connection, resilience, art, and joy for all Bostonians. With events located in Downtown Boston, A Very Proud City is also part of a concerted and intentional effort to re-open the city as part of Mayor Wu’s Boston Blooms series, welcoming back LGBTQ+ communities to Downtown. 

Beginning on June 8, A Very Proud City will take place every Wednesday in June. All of the events are open to the public and free of charge, with a wide range of activities for families and adults.

A Very Proud City Schedule:

BOP-ley Square – Wednesday, June 8
Location: Copley Square Park @ In Front of the Trinity Church Boston
560 Boylston St Boston, MA  02116 United States
Description: The Ultimate Tea Dance Block Party

Time: 5pm-8pm

District Q – Wednesday, June 15 
Location: Sam Adams Park at Faneuil Hall @ North st and Congress st.
1 Faneuil Hall Sq Boston MA 02109
Description: An eclectic Queer Marketplace

Time: 4pm-7pm

NetWerq  – Wednesday, June 15 
Location: Rooftop of Sam Adams Taproom
Description: A casual gathering for folks to meet and collaborate with other queer entrepreneurs, organizers, creators, and community members
Time:  6:30pm-8:30pm

DanceTown Crossing – Wednesday, June 22
Location: Downtown Crossing @ Summer Street and Washington Street
8 Summer St Boston, MA 02110 United States
Description: Dance Variety Show featuring local queer dance groups and drag performers

Time: 5pm-8pm

Pride Calling – Wednesday, June 29
Location: Boston Common @ the Parade Grounds
Description: Benefit Concert to establish a Mutual Aid Fund specific to helping queer people in need.

Time: 5pm-8pm 

For more information please click here.

麻州州長參選人Maura Healey 獲麻州參議會議長 Spilka 支持

         (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 麻州民主黨訂634日在Worcester召開黨代表大會,麻州州長候選人奚莉 (Maura Healey) 62日宣佈,麻州參議會議長Karen Spilka 背書支持她。

                  現為在位麻州總檢察長的奚莉表示,她和Karen Silka共事多年,在使麻州成為對抗環境危機,轉型成為清潔能源經濟的全美領袖,把安全、合法墮胎寫入州法等許多事務上都攜手合作。

               在麻州民主黨黨代表大會投票決定今年的麻州州長選舉,將提名誰來代表民主黨參選前,Karen Spilka和多名麻州政要將輪番上台致詞。

                 Karen Spilka在一份聲明中表示,麻州總檢察長奚莉能夠凝聚人們得到成果,會毫不猶豫的為了對麻州人民有益的事情挺身而出,是一名歷經考驗的領袖。在麻州面對的許多緊迫問題上,她也是麻州參議會強而有力的夥伴。

                  麻州眾議會議長 Ron Mariano早在將近2個月前,就已經宣佈他將支持奚莉參選麻州州長。其他的重量級支持者包括聯邦眾議院助理議長Katherine Clark,以及眾議員Lori Trahan

                奚莉和她的競爭對手陳翟蘇妮 (Sonia Chang-Diaz) 都必須在麻州民主黨黨代表大會中得到15%的支持票,才能夠名列9月份麻州州長選舉初選時的民主黨候選人選票。一般預期,她們兩人都能夠得到比這比率還多的支持。

               陳翟蘇妮在獲悉Karen Spilka的支持選擇後表示,她為通過真正能幫助打工家庭的法案,向畢肯丘 (Beacon Hill,意指麻州政府或議會)上的領袖們挑戰,已逾10年。當然這些領袖沒有支持她。但是她為自己在要求畢肯丘上在位多年者負起責任的記錄,感到自豪,包括通過了15億元的激進教育經費改革,刑事司法改革,種族平等條款,以及變性者權益等。每一次她都寧願選擇促使那些法案通過,而不是爭取那些在位者的支持。

             奚莉和Karen Spilka在西部都會日報 (MetroWest Daily News) 上聯名發表了一篇文章,呼籲在精神健康方面做投資。 Spilka 支持奚莉選麻州州長的廣告,就放在這篇文章的旁邊。

                  波士頓環球報稱,許多人認為這場民主黨提名選舉,等同今年的麻州州長選舉,因為共和黨籍的麻州現任州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker)已經宣佈,不競選連任,而美國前總統川普 (Donald Trump)2024年鋪路的選舉,在麻州連一個郡都沒贏到。

             曾任麻州眾議員的Geoff Diehl上個月已贏得共和黨麻州黨代表大會提名,另一名共和黨籍州長參選人Chris Doughty也獲得足夠的黨代表支持,可以名列共和黨的初選選票。

Highlighting Commitment to Addressing Mental Health Crisis, Senate President Spilka Endorses Healey for Governor

 BOSTON – Massachusetts Senate President Karen Spilka (D-Ashland) today endorsed Maura Healey for Governor. In an op-ed published in the Metrowest Daily News today, the pair outlined their shared commitment to addressing Massachusetts’ mental health crisis, pointing to the need to dismantle stigma, invest in the mental health care workforce, and enforce parity laws.

 “Attorney General Maura Healey is a proven leader who brings people together to deliver results and won’t hesitate to stand up for what’s right for the people of Massachusetts,” said Senate President Karen Spilka. “She has been a strong partner to the State Senate on the most pressing issues facing the state, particularly in confronting the mental health and opioid crises. I know that with Maura Healey as Governor, we will build on our progress to make Massachusetts a healthier, stronger, and fairer home for all.”

 “I’m honored to receive the endorsement of Senate President Karen Spilka. Over the years, we have worked closely together to make Massachusetts a national leader on combating the climate crisis and transitioning to a clean energy economy, to enshrine access to safe and legal abortion into state law, and much more,” said Maura Healey. “One area in which the Senate President and I share a deep passion is improving Massachusetts’ mental health care system. We have seen this crisis firsthand, both in our roles in state government and in our private lives. Together, we can ensure that mental health care is treated as health care here in Massachusetts, that everyone can access the care they need, and that no one struggles alone.”



Project to replace 64 aging public housing units with 142 affordable homes for Boston seniors and disabled adults
BOSTON – Thursday, June 2, 2022 – Mayor Michelle Wu joined the Boston Housing Authority (BHA), 2Life Communities, local residents, and community partners Thursday morning to celebrate the groundbreaking for the redevelopment of JJ Carroll Apartments in Brighton.

In partnership with 2Life Communities and the BHA, this project will replace an aging 64-unit Boston Housing Authority public housing community and add significant new affordable housing to Brighton. The new JJ Carroll will include 142 modern, affordable homes built to serve and support seniors and residents with disabilities in the community, including 114 deeply affordable units under the Project-Based Section 8 Voucher Program, 27 affordable units through Low Income Housing Tax Credits, and one unit for an on-site manager. The apartments will be connected to 2Life’s existing 763-apartment Brighton community and connect to the campus through an enclosed pedestrian bridge.

“One of our highest priorities is ensuring that Boston’s seniors and disabled residents are able to continue to live and thrive in the city they’ve always known,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “This project meets that challenge and more. We are preserving JJ Carroll’s affordability and more than doubling the number of residents who can live here. This is a great day for Boston’s seniors.” 

“This is a win-win for our JJ Carroll residents and for the Brighton neighborhood,” said BHA Administrator Kate Bennett. “For our residents, this project will offer them brand new, modern, quality homes with the same affordability, a wonderful array of services, and a strong and supportive community that is already thriving right next door. For Brighton, this project adds 77 additional affordable units that the neighborhood desperately needs.”

All BHA residents have been temporarily relocated to other BHA or 2Life housing and will be able to return to the newly rebuilt JJ Carroll site when construction is completed.

“2Life is thrilled to develop these beautiful homes that will demonstrate the enormous benefits of integrating housing and health care,” said 2Life Communities CEO, Amy Schectman. “We are also thrilled to welcome new residents to our vibrant Brighton campus.”

The redevelopment effort was made possible with funds and loans from MassHousing, the City of Boston, the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Wells Fargo, Dorfman Capital, and MassSave.

“MassHousing is excited to be part of this effort by the BHA and 2Life Communities to develop 142 brand new affordable apartment homes for lower-income senior citizens who otherwise may be displaced from housing in the city with expiring affordability,” said MassHousing Executive Director Chrystal Kornegay. “2Life is nationally recognized for its innovative and quality approach to housing the Commonwealth’s seniors.”

"I want to thank Mayor Wu, the Boston Housing Authority, our state partners, and everyone involved in the revitalization of the JJ Carroll community," said HUD New England Regional Administrator Juana Matias. "This property meets a critical need by providing affordable housing with services that will enhance the lives of seniors in the Brighton community.  HUD is proud to be part of this amazing collaboration that considered the housing and health needs of residents in addition to promoting efficient and sustainable building practices in every aspect of the design."

The new JJ Carroll will integrate with 2Life’s existing Brighton community, allowing new residents barrier-free access to 2Life’s services and community life. The first floor of the new building will include a new PACE Center (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) operated by Element Care. PACE is a progressive health and social services program that focuses on healthy living, active engagement, and preventative care for low-income older adults, and will serve residents of the 2Life campus as well as older adults in the broader community. 

“The Governor’s Council to Address Aging identified the importance of bringing supportive services and affordable housing together for older adults in Massachusetts to thrive, and today we are seeing that recommendation in action,” said Massachusetts Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders. “The PACE center will provide tremendous benefits to the residents at JJ Carroll and the entire Brighton community.”

The new JJ Carroll will include fully adaptable spaces that enable residents to remain at home regardless of physical ability. The new buildings will be built to LEED Silver and Passive House standards for sustainability and efficiency, offering improved health, economic and environmental benefits to residents and will minimize the site’s carbon footprint.

The renovation and creation of new housing at the JJ Carroll housing development aligns with the Wu administration’s goal to produce more affordable housing for older Bostonians. In the last five years, 552 new senior units have been completed or are currently in construction in the City of Boston. Of these, 515 or 93% of these units are income-restricted units for individuals 55 and older, with 494 created for low-income individuals making at or below $56,400 or 60% AMI, and 21 were created for moderate-income individuals with income limits at or below $70,750 or 80% AMI. In addition to the effort at JJ Carroll, the Pryde in Hyde Park will start construction soon on 74 new units of income-restricted housing for older LGBTQ residents. The City of Boston has nine more housing developments for older residents in the pipeline that will create another 365 income-restricted units. 

"A PACE Center for JJ Carroll residents with Element Care means an entire team of clinical and social service providers located centrally where seniors already live,” said Joanne Duby, MD, Medical Director of Element Care. “You can truly take care of the whole person."

“Designing with 2Life and the JJ Carroll community was an invaluable process of listening and developing a shared vision for what this project can do to have a lasting positive impact,” said Jonathan Evans from Mass Design Group. “We're heartened by what this model of housing can do to foster community life for its residents and also positively engage the broader community."

2Life Communities recently released a video to discuss the future of the JJ Carroll community.

Baker-Polito Administration Announces $13 Million in Community Compact Grants

 Baker-Polito Administration Announces $13 Million in Community Compact Grants

71 grants awarded through the new Municipal Fiber grant program


TAUNTON – Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito today announced $13 million in grants through the Community Compact Cabinet Municipal Fiber grant program. These grants will benefit 86 municipalities and school districts across the Commonwealth, who will use the funds for the construction or completion of their municipal fiber networks to enable more efficient management of IT infrastructure and create opportunities to gain economies of scale by aggregating internet bandwidth purchases and associated security infrastructure.
“The delivery of government services, from public safety response to data security, is increasingly reliant upon strong and cohesive internet infrastructure,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “This new Community Compact Cabinet program is the latest example of our Administration’s commitment to partnering with cities and towns to better serve residents, and we are proud to support their efforts to strengthen their municipal networks.”

“Given the rapidly changing landscape of information technology and the infrastructure required to support it, these inaugural municipal fiber grants will make a significant impact on local communities and governments in better serving their residents,” said Lt. Governor Polito, Chair of the Community Compact Cabinet. “As the Community Compact Cabinet Chair, I look forward to our continued partnership with all 351 of the Commonwealth’s cities and towns, and I want to congratulate the award winners and thank all those involved for their continued commitment to their communities.”

The Municipal Fiber grant program was established by the Baker-Polito Administration in the Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) Capital Investment Plan. In addition to the $3 million allocated to the program in the capital plan, the administration dedicated $10 million from surplus FY22 capital reserves to help meet the significant demand for the new competitive grants. Grant recipients are required to contribute a 5 percent local match. 
“The grants announced today will help municipalities undertake IT infrastructure initiatives that will enable improvements in the functioning of local government and bring cost-savings in the long-term,” said Administration and Finance Secretary Michael Heffernan. 
“We are pleased to be able to distribute funding that will help more than 80 cities, towns, and school districts with these important upgrades that may be otherwise unaffordable.”

“Through the Community Compact IT grants, we have seen the value that these types of competitive programs can add to local government,” said Secretary of Technology Services and Security Curt Wood. “I fully expect that this new Community Compact Municipal Fiber grant program will yield similar results with municipalities taking an enterprise approach to network monitoring and cybersecurity.”
Taunton, where today’s announcement was held, will receive $190,000 to extend the city’s existing fiber network, which will increase the security and resiliency of the Taunton water distribution network to both cyber and environmental threats. Other awards include:

  • $459,672 to complete a set of 3 crucial connections between Rockport, Gloucester, and Essex, which would allow for regionalization of shared services, backup of public safety functions, and cost reductions in numerous redundancies that currently exist across the region
  • $300,000 to complete the last segments of a high-speed fiber network that would connect the Essex County towns of Danvers, Essex, Hamilton, Wenham, Middleton, Topsfield, Manchester-By-The-Sea, and that would connect them to the North Shore Regional 911 Center in Middleton;
  • $295,925 for Amherst to extend its existing municipal fiber network to provide fast, reliable, and secure network connectivity for the towns of Amherst’s and Pelham’s municipal facilities and other assets;
  • $250,000 for Acushnet to establish a fiber optic network throughout the town, which will drastically improve all aspects of operational service, internally and externally to the public
  • $205,089 for Pittsfield to complete the buildout of its municipal operations network by installing fiber optics cabling at various municipal and school facilities;
  • $200,000 for Sutton to complete its fiber network resulting in crucial connectivity between several dispersed municipal facilities as well as public safety radio sites; $231,969 for Mashpee to expand its fiber network so that multiple municipal facilities are added

For a full list of awardees and projects, click here.

About the Community Compact Cabinet

Formed in January 2015, the Community Compact Cabinet is chaired by Lt. Governor Polito and is composed of the Secretaries of Housing and Economic Development, Education, Transportation, Energy and Environmental Affairs, and Technology Services and Security, along with the Senior Deputy Commissioner of Local Services and the Assistant Secretary of Operational Services. The Community Compact Cabinet elevates the Administration’s partnerships with cities and towns and allows the Governor’s Office to work more closely with leaders from all municipalities. The Cabinet champions municipal interests across all executive secretariats and agencies, and develops, in consultation with cities and towns, mutual standards and best practices for both the state and municipalities. The creation of Community Compacts creates clear standards, expectations, and accountability for both partners.