
星期一, 4月 25, 2022

National ACE "Hear Our Voices" is live now on facebook

 Hear Our Voices is a three-part conversation that started in March, as part of the commemoration of the Atlanta Spa Shootings due to anti-Asian violence. On a broader scale, it featured AAPI women who are leading organizations to support their communities. They also talked about their own self-care and how they are managing through these complex times.

Part 2 of this conversation will feature a collective voice from the perspectives of Corporate, Community, Small Business, and Non-Profit… and how these leaders are addressing violence and xenophobia in our communities and business. We will explore what it takes to make systemic changes and what ways everyone is contributing.
Thank you AARP and Walmart for supporting us to create this needed space for our community.

*NEW GRANT ALERT* The application opens the afternoon of Monday, 4/25 and will remain open through end of June. Courses and events taken since January 1 will be counted towards eligibility requirements.
Sign up & take the courses here: https://vz.to/2ZT0IYL

440億元 馬斯克買下推特

            (Boston Orange 編譯)  推特(Twitter)宣佈,同意以每股54.2元,共440億元,把這家在政治及社交媒體上有著巨大影響力的公司,賣給世界上目前最富有的人馬斯克 (Elon Musk)



            推特執行長Parag Agrawal在一條推特貼文上說,推特有著影響整個世界,以及其相關性的目的,他深為其團隊感到自豪,並深受這前所未有的重要工作所啟發。



波士頓市今年增加1000個青少年暑期工作機會 (視頻)

Mayor Michelle Wu hosts a press conference at the Hyde Square Task Force to discuss summer job opportunities for Boston’s youth. This year, the 2022 Boston SuccessLink Summer Youth Jobs program has been expanded to include 6,000 job opportunities. She will be joined by Celinda E. Miranda, Executive Director of the Hyde Square Task Force, and Rashad Cope, Director of the Department of Youth Engagement & Employment.



New Rates Go into Effect in July; Decrease Creates Significant Savings for Small Businesses and Other Policyholders Across the State 

 BOSTON — Massachusetts businesses will save approximately $80 million under a settlement Attorney General Maura Healey reached with the State Rating Bureau (SRB) and the Workers’ Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau (WCRIB). The settlement, which follows an intervention by the AG’s Office in an administrative rate hearing at the Division of Insurance, results in an average rollback of about 3.5 percent on workers’ compensation insurance rates. 

The new rates are set to go into effect on July 1, 2022.  

 “This settlement will save millions of dollars for Massachusetts businesses – many of whom are still struggling to recover from the pandemic,” said AG Healey. “Not only does lowering workers’ compensation insurance rates help small businesses, allowing them to invest in higher wages and growth, but it also helps protect workers.”  

 Workers’ compensation insurance rates are set periodically in administrative rate hearings before the Division of Insurance. The state’s insurance companies generally work together to prepare a single joint filing and submit that for approval to the Commissioner. The AG’s Office can intervene in these proceedings and litigate against the proposal to protect the public interest. Massachusetts businesses are required to purchase workers’ compensation insurance to provide coverage for workers injured on the job including medical costs and a portion of their lost wages.  

 In December 2021, the industry sought an overall statewide average rate increase of 2.7 percent and the AG’s Office intervened in the rate proceeding seeking a rate rollback for Massachusetts ratepayers. The industry agreed not only to abandon its request to increase rates, but also to apply an average rate rollback of 3.5 percent for policyholders starting in July.    

The AG’s Office has also previously been successful in achieving workers’ compensation rate reductions. After AG Healey intervened in the rate hearings in 2020, insurers agreed to roll back rates by an average of 6.8 percent, saving Massachusetts customers about $80 million.

In 2018, the AG’s Office successfully secured a 12.9 percent average rate rollback on workers’ compensation insurance in the state, saving approximately $150 million for businesses. Over the past 10 years, the AG’s Office has saved employers and small businesses hundreds of millions of dollars by intervening in workers’ compensation insurance administrative rate cases. These savings translate into more jobs for workers in the state.  

The AG’s Insurance and Financial Services Division represents the public interest and litigates administrative rate cases to ensure that rates are fair for Massachusetts policyholders. The AG’s Office has worked collaboratively with the State Rating Bureau to achieve the rate reduction in the present workers’ compensation insurance rate case.  

This matter was handled by staff of AG Healey’s Insurance and Financial Services Division, including Peter Leight, Dr. Burt Feinberg, Madonna Cournoyer, Lilia Dubois, Mike Sugar, Bridget Menkis, Gia Kim, and Glenn Kaplan. 

Baker-Polito Administration Highlights Success of Early College at B.M.C Durfee High School in Fall River


Baker-Polito Administration Highlights Success of Early College at B.M.C Durfee High School in Fall River

FALL RIVER – Today, Governor Charlie Baker, and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito joined Education Secretary James Peyser to visit with high school students and teachers at B.M.C. Durfee High School and participate in a roundtable discussion to highlight the success of its Early College program. 

The Baker-Polito Administration has undertaken a statewide effort to substantially increase the number of high school students who take college courses and earn college credits at no cost before they graduate high school. Last month, the administration designated eight new Early College programs and awarded several grants totaling more than $1.3 million to high schools launching or expanding Early College programs. 

“Early College programs help boost college enrollment for students who may not have been on a path to college, and help them succeed after graduation,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “These unique programs give students, many times first-generation students, confidence – and an advantage – on college campuses.” 

“This program opens doors and creates opportunities for so many students which might not have otherwise existed for them,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Our administration remains committed to providing students from every corner of the Commonwealth the skills and education necessary to succeed in the classroom, workforce and beyond.”

Since its launch in 2017, the Baker-Polito Administration has strived to expand access to Early College. The Governor’s FY23 budget proposal includes $7.3 million increase for Early College funding, representing a significant increase over FY22, to bring the total annual investment to more than $18 million. 

Currently, there are approximately 5,400 students enrolled in Early College courses at 50 high schools across the Commonwealth. The Executive Office of Education anticipates that approximately 8,700 students will be enrolled in Early College programs by the 2024-2025 school year. 

About half of the Commonwealth’s Gateway Cities have Early College programs at their high schools, and nearly 60 percent of students enrolled in Early College come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

Students who participate in Early College programs enroll in college at significantly higher rates than their high school peers. For example, in 2019, approximately 76 percent of Early College students enrolled in college after graduation compared to 55 percent of their peers who did not participate in Early College. Early College has also been shown to boost college completion rates for low-income, minority and first-generation college students.

“Early College has created a shift in the educational experience for thousands of high school students and has shown to improve their level of engagement in their other high school courses. The majority of Early College students meet MassCore college readiness curriculum requirements while also successfully completing credit-bearing college courses,” said Education Secretary James Peyser.  

B.M.C. Durfee High School received state designation for its Early College program in June 2020. Currently there are 135 students in the program, with 270 students anticipated to enroll for the 2022-2023 school year. This fall, UMass Dartmouth will become Durfee High School’s third higher education partner, along with Bridgewater State University and Bristol Community College. B.M.C. Durfee currently offers Early College pathways in Business, Health Science/Medical, Public Policy and Social Service, and Education. Next year, it will expand to offer pathways in STEM and the arts.

“Early college has proven to be a game changer for our Durfee students.  It provides our students not only with access to college at no cost, but also has become the stepping-stone to opportunities for future success beyond high school.  This administration's continued investment in Early College equals an investment in the future of our students and our community,” said Fall River Public Schools Superintendent Maria Pontes.

星期日, 4月 24, 2022

慶祝地球日 波士頓市長吳弭宣佈系列降溫計畫

波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)進波士頓慶祝地球日。(周菊子攝)
           (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 422日和波士頓市議會議長愛德華費林 (Ed Flynn) 聯袂來到華埠「陳毓禮叔叔、黃杏蓉阿姨」公園,慶祝地球日,宣佈一系列降溫方案,並以華埠等5個溫度最高的社區為優先服務對象。



          在綠路保護會主任Chris Cook主持的致詞儀式中,吳弭市長說明,波士頓市府將於今夏派發包括軟管,噴霧器,帳篷等的30份彈出式冷卻組給社區組織辦活動用;環保局將推出冷卻屋頂補助項目,教育並協助屋主安裝涼爽屋頂;交通局將於今秋推出涼爽巴士站設計挑戰,邀請民眾為SL4SL5這兩條銀線巴士路線的新巴士站做抗熱設計。


          波士頓市府要推出的一系列波士頓解決熱度彈性方案 (Heat Resilience Solutions for Boston)”,共有26個方案,包括種樹,提供樹蔭,在校園內安裝加水站,投資綠化屋頂等冷卻設施,教育建築經理如何讓戶外工作人員在熱天中保持安全,以及安裝溫度感應器等,並以華埠(Chinatown)、多徹斯特(Dorchester)、東波士頓 (East Boston)、麥特潘 (Mattapan)及洛士百利 (Roxbury)5個社區為優先服務對象。

波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn以手勢加強無樹蔭遮陽。(周菊子攝)
          波士頓市府還將推出「極端溫度回應工作小組 (Extreme Temperature Response Taskforce)」來跨部會的執行這一方案,因應高溫天氣。


            在慶祝地球日的儀式中,波士頓市府還邀請波士頓市議會議長愛德華費林,華人前進會主任陳玉珍,以及波士頓市府的環境、能源及開放空間長Mariama White-Hammond出席講話。


波士頓市長吳弭(Michelle Wu,左二)進華埠慶祝地球日,慈濟波士頓聯絡處的陳裕逢,


波士頓市府的環境、能源及開放空間長Mariama White-Hammond指出,吳弭政府「熱計畫」列出來的重要行動,都已包括在吳弭政府提出來的第一個預算計畫中,包括撥250萬元給新的適應氣候街道項目,2000萬元給三層屋及多家庭屋做能源改造,從美國援救計畫紓困款(ARPA)250萬元來重或保護市區樹篷,250萬元來電動化校巴,動用600萬元美元國就計畫紓困款來擴大青少年綠色工作機會,13700萬元的資本來開闢並保護公園。


星期六, 4月 23, 2022

Chelsea 發生2人互射槍擊案 68歲女路人受傷

 (Boston Orange 編譯) 雀喜市 (Chelsea)週四下午一點在華盛頓道發生槍擊案,2人互相射擊,傷及一名68歲女路人。


薩福克郡地方檢察官Kevin Hayden在聲明中表示,該辦公室人員也在現場,為調查此事的雀喜市警探提供援助。他們祝福傷者早日康復。他指出無照持槍者在光天白日之下開槍,顯示出這些人毫無顧慮的用槍多危險。


City of Boston Funding update


The Funding Update

Department of Justice
OJJDP FY 2022 Mentoring for Youth Affected by Opioid and Other Drug Misuse, 5/23/2022
Category 1: Mentoring Strategies - Project Sites
Category 2: Statewide and Regional Mentoring Strategies
Awards will range from $625,000 to $2M
OJJDP FY 2022 Enhancing School Capacity To Address Youth Violence, 6/3/2022
Category 1: Project Sites
Category 2: Training and Technical Assistance.
Awards will range from $1M to $3.5M
OJJDP FY 2022 Reducing Risk for Girls in the Juvenile Justice System, 6/6/2022
Category 1: Project Sites
Category 2: Training & Technical Assistance
Awards will range from $525,000 to $800,000
OJJDP FY 2022 Family-Based Alternative Sentencing Program, 6/20/2022
OJJDP will support potential models that divert justice-involved parents/primary caregivers whom a court has found guilty of a crime from the prison system, promote the unification of families, and prevent children from entering the foster care and/or juvenile justice systems.
Max Award: $750,000

Department of Education
Upward Bound Math & Science, 6/3/2022
Eligible Applicants: secondary schools, higher education, public and private agencies, and organizations with experience in serving disadvantaged youth. Max award: $287,537

Health & Human Services
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration, 6/13/2022
Strategic Prevention Framework-Partnerships for Success grants support state and community substance misuse prevention and mental health promotion services. Awards will range up to $375,000 per year for community, tribal, or territory applicants;and uUp to $1,250,000 for state applicants.
Health Resources & Services Administration, 6/14/2022
Grants support training projects that will increase the number of Community Health Workers and Health Support Workers. HRSA estimates 75 awards ranging from
recipients. You may apply for up to a ceiling amount of up to $3,000,000 total cumulative costs, or $3M max. 

News for Applicants

In April 2022, the federal government will transition from the use of the DUNS Number to a new SAM.gov Unique Entity ID, which is required to apply for and receive federal awards. If you are registered in SAM.gov, you’ve already been assigned a new UEI.  FAQ 

Federal funding opportunities are continuously updated on grants.gov


Massachusetts Housing Partnership + Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency

The Massachusetts Homeowner Assistance Fund is available for homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payments because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of HAF is to prevent foreclosures and displacements of eligible homeowners. 
Scroll down to "Important Links" on CommBUYS to see Newly Posted Bids.


Economic Opportunity & Inclusion Cabinet, 5/21/2022
Boston’s Contracting Opportunity Fund has $800,000 available to assist small, local businesses in building their capacity to bid on City contracts. Find out if your business qualifies, and apply here

Boston Housing Authority, 5/23/2022
Income Verification Software (Job #1942-02) - BHA is seeking a contract from a vendor to provide electronic income verifications to assist in determining income eligibility for applicants and participants in low-income housing programs. The award value is estimated at $200,000 per year over a 5-year term..
Youth Leadership Program (Job #2032-01) - BHA seeks proposals from qualified firms to provide a vital and enriching youth leadership program to BHA residents ages 15-19. The proposed program envisions a dynamic leadership group for at least 50 to 75 youth participants. The contract will have a one-year term.

Bids are updated continuously on the City of Boston Supplier Portal.


Craig Newmark Philanthropies, Open
Funding priorities: trustworthy journalism, voter protection, women in technology, veterans and military families.

Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, 6/1/2022
The Disruptive Technology Fellowship will provide a stipend of $75,000 to early-career scientists within 10 years of receiving their PhD. 

George B. Henderson Foundation, 5/6/2022
Grants support projects focused on enhancing the appearance and preservation of outdoor elements within Boston’s city limits. Awards average $20,000 to $40,000, but the foundation will consider any project that fulfills its goals and offers outstanding benefit to the community. A mini grants (up to $7,500) program is also available. 

Harbor Freight Tools for Schools, 5/10/2022
In 2022, the program will award $1.25 million in prizes overall. Five grand prize winners will receive $100,000, with $70,000 going to the public high school skilled trades program and $30,000 going to the eligible individual skilled trades teacher. In addition, 15 prize winners will each be awarded $50,000, with $35,000 going to the public high school skilled trades program and $15,000 going to the eligible individual skilled trades teacher. 

AstraZeneca, 5/13/2022
ACT on Health Equity grants ($25,000) will be awarded to community-based programs working to improve conditions that affect health and well-being

The Lewis Prize for Music, 6/3/2022
Accelerator Awards ($15.000 to $50,000) are open to nonprofit Creative Youth Development music organizations

Bess Spiva Timmons Foundation, 7/1/2022
Funding priorities: education, health, medical research, arts, minority groups, social services, and ecology. Max award: $5,000.

General Motors, 9/29/2022
Corporate grants and event sponsorships for charitable organizations that address social issues, such as, STEM education, community development, climate equity, and road and vehicle safety. 

Check the Funding Update Archives for back issues with open deadlines.


New college-goers and continuing education students are awarded $2,500 per year to help pay for up to 4 years of school.

Supporting Small Businesses: Hello Alice

From a grant to jazz up your online storefront to a loan to help you stock up on inventory, the Small Business Funding Center connects you with the capital you need to launch and grow your small business.

Final Call: 2022 Fellowship Recruitment

The application deadline for the 2022 Boston Professionals Fellowship is one week away, Friday, April 29, 2022! This year's fellowship is open to both City of Boston residents and non-Boston residents. Applicants can choose to apply for either the Program Coordinator Track or the Administrator of Sponsored Research Track.


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