
星期三, 10月 06, 2021

聯邦參議員Ed Marky宣佈支持吳弭選波士頓市長

Senator Ed Markey Endorses Michelle Wu for Mayor 

Screen shot from twitter
Boston, MA— Senator Ed Markey today announced his strong endorsement of Michelle Wu for Mayor, citing her leadership on climate issues and her commitment to a more equitable city. With Markey’s endorsement, Wu now has the backing of both Massachusetts U.S. senators. Senator Markey is the co-author of the national Green New Deal to provide a framework to confront the intersecting crises of climate change, a public health pandemic, racial injustice, and economic inequality. Michelle Wu is the author of the first-ever city-level Green New Deal to make Boston a national leader on climate and environmental justice. 

“As mayoral candidate and as Boston city councilor, Michelle Wu has championed the Green New Deal and made transformational action on climate change central to her commitment to the City of Boston. Her proposals to expand access to free public transportation, decarbonize our economy, and invest in the basic rights of clean air and water will put Boston on a path to implement the systemic changes we need to provide our children, workers, and families a just and livable future. Michelle Wu will make Boston a Green New Deal city and position us to lead the national movement for climate action,” said Senator Markey

“Senator Ed Markey’s bold vision has inspired activists, young people, and so many community members to lead, and I am honored to have his support. Throughout his career, he has been a steadfast advocate for working families, environmental justice and a more equitable city, state and nation. I am excited to continue to organize together, build together and fight together for our brightest future,” said Michelle Wu

Senator Edward J. Markey, a consumer champion and national leader on climate, energy, environmental protection and telecommunications policy, has a prolific legislative record on major issues across the policy spectrum and a deep commitment to improving the lives of the people of Massachusetts and our country. Whether the issue is climate change, clean energy, safeguarding privacy, nuclear non-proliferation, investor protection or preserving an open internet, Senator Markey has amassed an unparalleled record of legislative achievement and progressive leadership.

Senator Markey’s endorsement adds to an enthusiastic multigenerational, multicultural coalition of grassroots supporters, including leaders Senator Elizabeth Warren, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, Mayor Kim Janey, Sheriff Steve Tompkins, Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards, Boston City Councilor Liz Breadon, Boston City Councilor Ricardo Arroyo, State Senator and Assistant Majority Leader Sal DiDomenico, State Representative and Assistant Majority Leader Mike Moran, State Representative and Ways and Means Chair Aaron Michlewitz, State Senator Sonia Chang Diaz State Senator Julian Cyr, Representatives Liz Miranda, Adrian Madaro, Jay Livingstone, Tram Nguyen, Tommy Vitolo, Natalie Higgins, Vanna Howard, Maria Robinson, Andy Vargas; Suffolk County Register of Probate Felix Arroyo Sr.; former State Representative and Assistant Majority Leader Byron Rushing; labor unions 1199 SEIU, 32BJ SEIU, Teamsters Local 25, New England Joint Board of UNITE HERE!, UAW Region 9A, Laborers Local 22, Alliance of Unions at the MBTA, MBTA Inspectors Union Local 600, OPEIU Local 453; climate organizations Sunrise Boston, Sierra Club, the Environmental League of Massachusetts, 350 Mass Action; Progressive West Roxbury/Roslindale; Boston’s Ward 1, Ward 4 and Ward 5 Democratic Committees; The Boston Guardian; and fellow municipal elected officials from across Greater Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For all of Michelle for Boston’s endorsements, visit michelleforboston.com/endorsements

B.A.A. Announces Olive As Official Healthcare Automation Partner

 B.A.A. Announces Olive As Official Healthcare Automation Partner

BOSTON—The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.), organizer of the Boston Marathon, has partnered with Olive as the Official Healthcare Automation Partner of all B.A.A. events. Olive will also serve as a sponsor of the Boston Marathon, B.A.A. 5K, B.A.A. 10K, and B.A.A. Half Marathon. 

“Collaborating with innovative and data-driven companies allows us as an organization to enhance our existing initiatives and to create new community-facing programs.” said Tom Grilk, B.A.A. President and C.E.O.  “Our partnership with Olive will allow us to further our commitment to support our participants and the Boston community on a year-round basis.”

Through its partnership with the B.A.A., Olive will focus on supporting Boston-based charities and community members, with the ultimate goal of promoting healthcare efficiencies.  At the upcoming Boston Marathon, Olive will field a team of ten athletes and will have a physical presence at the Boston Marathon Fan Fest, presented by Amazon, where they will donate $100 for every mile tracked to Boston’s Children’s Hospital. Olive will also show their support for the 125th Boston Marathon participants at their cheer zone at Coolidge Corner.

“Olive is proud to cheer on the humans in healthcare as we continue to make our industry more efficient, more affordable, and more human,” said Sean Lane, CEO of Olive. “Every day, healthcare workers are running marathons and Olive is empowering humans to focus on the marathons that matter. Today, as an official partner of all B.A.A. events, we’re thrilled to cheer on the runners of the Boston Marathon, B.A.A. 5K, B.A.A. 10K, and B.A.A. Half Marathon.

Olive was founded to challenge the status quo, designing and applying groundbreaking technologies to bring healthcare into the 21st century. It’s addressing healthcare's most burdensome issues through automation — delivering hospitals, health systems and payers increased revenue, reduced costs, and improved efficiency. Olive’s cutting-edge AI technology is supercharging the healthcare workforce, enhancing the impact of their work and the quality of care provided to their patients.

The B.A.A. and Olive will also collaborate on campaigns highlighting the medical community and programming that is focused on inspiring innovation in the math and science landscape.

星期二, 10月 05, 2021

第三屆波士頓台灣影展2日開幕 5日起一連4場與導演晤談


(Boston Orange) 第三屆波士頓台灣影展102日在AMC電影院揭幕,吸引逾百人進場觀賞6部影片。103日至8日,影展轉上網路放映影片,另從105日起,每晚一場的在網上舉辦與導演座談會。

          本屆的波士頓台灣影展以「百味人生 (Bitter Sweet)」為主題,首場放映記錄片,讓觀眾在1小時又43分鐘內,一窺在新加坡開設「Restaurant ANDRÉ」餐廳7年,贏得米其林2顆星榮譽,卻決定關門,回台灣另開「RAW」餐廳,傳承料理經驗的江振誠,如何一路走來,又為什麼回到源頭,尋找「初心」。



           105日至8日,在美東時間的每晚8點,影展籌辦單位還安排有與導演晤談會,依序為5日的「未來無恙(Turning 18)」,由賴佩霞訪談導演賀照緹,6日為「大餓 (Heavy Craving)」,由謝孟翰訪談導演謝佩如,7日為「初心 (André & his olive tree)」,由褚士瑩訪談導演黃程瀚,8日為「親愛的房客 (Dear Tenant)」,由陳子良訪談導演鄭有傑。



           4場與導演座談,有興趣者可從世界各地上網,免費參加,Zoom鏈接依序為,5日「未來無恙」, https://harvard.zoom.us/j/99025019222?pwd=Ri9YTDFJSUI2RW1DVXJISUZJM2JHdz09 6日「大餓」,https://harvard.zoom.us/j/91266992831?pwd=Vjc2UlZpY05XaGNMMndBbkprS2NIdz09 7「初心」,https://harvard.zoom.us/j/97827361059?pwd=c2tCYXBGRGo5VXFYT0QvN3V6c3VMQT09 8「親愛的房客」, https://harvard.zoom.us/j/93259219553?pwd=UWxGQTM0MkdFZFZxdTJpWFhjWFpBdz09


ANNISSA ESSAIBI GEORGE 推出「公平、包容及正義」議程 揚言斥資一億元來做改善

Annissa Essaibi George揚言斥資1億改善各種不公平。(周菊子攝)
(Boston Orange 周菊子綜合整理) 波士頓市長候選人Annissa Essaibi George105日公佈她長達46頁的「公平、包容及正義議程 (Equity, Inclusion and Justice Agenda)」,揚言要投資1億美元來執行這些工作,解決相關問題,以根除不公平,化解種族主義。

Annissa Essaibi George在靠近洛士百利(Roxbury)Nubian廣場附近的Dudley廣場表示,她將投資1億美元,在波士頓的黑人、拉丁裔,亞裔,以及被邊緣化的社區中,推行這些計畫。她也將邀請社區成員,宗教領袖以及居民們,來領導一個公開,透明,由社區及鄰里說出各自所需的過程。

Annissa Essaibi George在Dudley廣場發表「公平、包容及
正義議程 (Equity, Inclusion and Justice Agenda)」。(周菊子攝)


華裔支持者Betty Lim King (左)告訴Annissa Essaibi George
宣佈會現場的一名牧師,Eugen Rivers激動表示,這是第一次有人拋出了一個數目,而且還是這麼大的數目,這正是黑人及少數族裔社區所需要的支持。如果Kim Janey當初也這麼大膽,豪氣,初選時就會是她闖關成功。

Annissa Essaibi George的這份議程,從教育、住宅,氣候,醫療健保,新冠病毒防治,甚至路面坑洞及人行道的重新鋪平,幾乎無所不包。她說這是為了要確保無論膚色黑、棕,是移民或難民,是女人或打工者,是LGBTQIA的各種性別人士,以及被邊緣化了的社區,都能發聲,都得到應有的重視。

牧師Eugene River(左)大讚Annissa Essaibi George得一億元計畫。

談到解決豪華化及住房危機時,Annissa Essaibi George在她的議程書中以波士頓華埠的7,143名居民中,26%是白人,4%黑人,6.7%拉丁人,60%是亞裔為例,指波士頓市的人口結構正在改變,越來越多人想搬進波士頓,她要和地方社區及發展公司合作,讓更多人都能以波士頓為家。在這方面,她有四大優先要務,一是藉由增加有色社區擁有住宅的機會來彌平族裔財富差距,二是在波士頓市內被剝奪了權力的社區,建造有收入限制,非常可負擔的住宅。三是改革波士頓計畫發展局(BPDA)的角色,以卻爆公平,有包容性的成長。四是確保鄰里發展局(DND)負責任。

在她列出的第100天計畫內,她要成立一個獨立於BPDA之外的計畫辦公室,指派一名首長來領導鄰里發展局(DND),稽核服務局(ISD),以及BPDA3個機構,以做綜合的更週全考量;增加波士頓住家中心(Boston Home Center),以及One+波士頓貸款計畫的經費,以為波士頓居民提供更具競爭力的貸款,以及頭期款援助;要把波士頓市對麻州可負擔住宅聯盟的325000元經費家被,還要挪100萬元給這項目奠底;實施租戶購買權法(Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act),或類似法案,並且和現有的提供貸款者合作,以使租到買(rent- to- own)”項目更加容易應用。








WGBH在一份報導中說,住在洛士百利的一名危機中青少年項目組織者Anthony Seymour表示,Essaibi George的計劃能夠很恰當的處理根植波士頓的種族主義問題。


Announces community task force to allocate a dedicated $100M investment towards implementation

Boston, MA — Surrounded by a diverse coalition of residents, community leaders and advocates, At-Large City Councilor Annissa Essaibi George today released her Equity, Inclusion and Justice Agenda at an event in Roxbury. The plan was, and continues to be, informed by a series of conversations and roundtable discussions with communities of color, residents, faith-based leaders, organizations, businesses and Essaibi George’s Listen & Learn neighborhood conversation tour.

In addition to the plan, Essaibi George announced a $100 million investment towards implementing the plan in Boston’s Black community and Latinx, AAPI and other marginalized communities. She will form a task force of community members, faith-based leaders, advocates and residents to lead a transparent and open allocation process that is driven by our communities and neighborhoods and speaks to their needs.

“Creating a more equitable, inclusive, and just Boston will be a charge in which I will intentionally and deliberately work towards every single day as your Mayor. That’s why today I’m proud to release our Equity, Inclusion and Justice Agenda, a plan that can only be informed by showing up in our communities and listening to and learning from our residents,” said Essaibi George. “As I stated when I first announced my candidacy, I believe in a Boston that sees the inequities and everyday injustices—and then tackles them head on. It will be a constant work in progress to build a better Boston for all, and I look forward to doing that work, together, as your Mayor.”

Essaibi George’s Equity, Inclusion and Justice Agenda policies seek to prioritize access to and representation in city government, especially for communities of color, individuals with disabilities, the LGBTQIA+ community, women, and working class residents. It highlights how she will root out systemic inequity and dismantle racism in issues such as education, housing, transportation, climate, healthcare, public safety, and basic city services, and how she will work alongside Boston’s residents to find solutions to the City’s most pressing problems through an equity and justice lens. 


“What’s reflected in Annissa’s agenda is the culmination of six years of listening and learning. She’s done the work. We’ve been on many walks together, we’ve sat across from each other at meetings, and I know when I call her she will pick up the phone and get things done,” said Anthony “Big Time Tony” Seymour, a community advocate for violence prevention and youth support resources. 


“This agenda is personal to me because I helped inform it. Annissa came to talk to me and several other women about our experiences in Boston’s workforce and the barriers we face in building a more equitable economy,” said Renee Dozier, member of IBEW Local 103. “We have a lot of work to do. But I trust Annissa, as my mayor, will be the one to bring my voice and the voices of my community to City Hall.”


“Throughout her time on the Council, Annissa has championed the issues of homelessness, mental health, and substance use disorder,” said Kelly Ransom. “Annissa was talking about these issues and trying to find solutions long before anyone else in this race. That’s bold, that’s leadership, and that’s exactly the qualities I want to see in my next Mayor of Boston.”


“Just last week I had the opportunity to sit down with Annissa, as part of her Latinx Roundtable, to talk about the issues that most impact our community. Annissa will always pull up a seat next to you to listen, learn, and get to work, together. Her equity plan is a testament to that, and I’m proud to have played a part in informing it,” said Felicia Teruel.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice Applauds Introduction of John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act in the Senate and Urges Congress to Act

Asian Americans Advancing Justice Applauds Introduction of John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act in the Senate and Urges Congress to Act

WASHINGTON, DC — October 5, 2021 ― The Senate introduced the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act this afternoon following the U.S. House of Representatives passage of H.R. 4 (John Lewis VRAA) over a month ago. Civil rights organizations in the Asian Americans Advancing Justice affiliation applaud the introduction and look forward to working with the Senate to strengthen the bill and pass the legislation to protect the right to vote.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice, an affiliation of five independent civil rights organizations, issues the following statement: 

“We welcome the introduction of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act in the Senate. The Voting Rights Act has a long history of support across the political spectrum, and we will continue to work with the Senate to refine this legislation and secure every eligible person’s right to vote.

Asian American communities throughout the U.S. continue to encounter voting discrimination, including inequitable access to language assistance and state legislative efforts like SB 202 in GA, which make it harder for communities of color to vote. The Voting Rights Advancement Act will restore and modernize essential voting protections, such as practice-based pre-clearance formulas, that have been missing since the Shelby v. Holder Supreme Court decision that opened the floodgates to discriminatory voting laws. We urge Congress to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and protect the right to vote for all.” 


             (Boston Orange 周菊子整理編譯) 哈佛教授劉如謙 (David Liu) 共同創辦的 Exo療法公司今 (5)日宣佈,完成B輪融資,籌得7800萬元,使該公司在重新編輯酶活動的無毒性副作用精準療法研究,離臨床,也距離上市更進一步。


             根據Exo公司所發佈新聞稿,這一輪超額認購的募資由新投資者Nextech領投,其他參與投資機構包括BVF合夥公司,Samsara 生物資本,Morningside,以及 Casdin資本。原有的投資者,Newpath合夥公司,諾華(Novartis)創投基金,CRV,以及通和毓承(6 Dimension)資本等也參與了這一輪的投資。

            作為融資的一部分,Nextech投資合夥人Thilo Schroeder博士,以及BVF合夥公司的執行經理Kanishka Pothula,加入了Exo的董事會。



             Exo執行長Michael Bruce表示,在1萬種已知酶中,只有7%曾經被下藥。Exo試圖藉由哈佛及MIT所聯合創立博德研究院(Broad Institute)的副主席劉如謙教授,以及Salk 生物邏輯研究院教授Saghatelian的研究,拉進實驗室和臨床應用的距離。



             Exo執行長Michael Bruce表示,Exo已為expsites所代表的巨大機會做好了收益準備。在世界及投資者的連成一線,以及劉如謙教授和Alan Saghatelian教授,以及曾是他們學生的Juan Pablo Maianti等人打下的基礎上,他說,我們已有擴大ExoSigh平台的配備,可進一步朝向臨床前進

             Michael Bruce曾任Kaleido生物科學公司資深副總裁,把這公司上市了。之前他也曾協助CRISPR療法公司和Vertex及拜耳(Bayer)簽署協議。他說在這輪融資後,Exo將可進一步的想像上市,或是在布稀釋資本的情況下和其他製藥公司成為合作夥伴。

United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1445 Endorses Michelle Wu for Mayor

United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1445 Endorses Michelle Wu for Mayor 

Michelle Wu and supporter Felix Lui and his wife.
Boston, MA— The United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1445 (UFCW 1445), representing thousands of workers in the grocery supermarkets, healthcare, industrial laundries, meat packing, warehousing, cannabis, and retail industries across the city and state, endorsed Michelle Wu for Mayor today. Calling her a courageous leader and fearless fighter, UFCW 1445 said that Wu is the best candidate to lead Boston and champion issues of importance to members and their families.

“We share Councilor Michelle Wu’s bold and progressive vision and policies for Boston. Wu’s positions are not idealist but necessary. Our members in Boston take public transportation, need affordable housing, their children go to public schools, and contribute economically and culturally to this great city,” said UFCW 1445 President Fernando Lemus

“Our union looks forward to working with the Wu Administration to strengthen labor provisions in city ordinances, and as we enter into challenging negotiations and on-going organizing drives,” said UFCW 1445 Secretary Treasurer, Fabricio DaSilva.

 “UFCW 1445 members are excited and ready to mobilize for Councilor Michelle Wu’s campaign,” said UFCW 1445 Political Director, Gabe Camacho.

“UFCW 1445 and other labor unions create the opportunity and protections for working families to thrive. I am honored to receive their endorsement and stand alongside UFCW 1445 in the fight for strong wages, great benefits, and protections for every worker,” said Michelle Wu.

UFCW 1445’s endorsement adds to an enthusiastic multigenerational, multicultural coalition of grassroots supporters, including leaders Senator Elizabeth Warren, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, Mayor Kim Janey, Sheriff Steve Tompkins, Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards, Boston City Councilor Liz Breadon, Boston City Councilor Ricardo Arroyo, State Senator and Assistant Majority Leader Sal DiDomenico, State Representative and Assistant Majority Leader Mike Moran, State Representative and Ways and Means Chair Aaron Michlewitz, State Senator Sonia Chang Diaz State Senator Julian Cyr, Representatives Liz Miranda, Adrian Madaro, Jay Livingstone, Tram Nguyen, Tommy Vitolo, Natalie Higgins, Vanna Howard, Maria Robinson, Andy Vargas; Suffolk County Register of Probate Felix Arroyo Sr.; former State Representative and Assistant Majority Leader Byron Rushing; labor unions 1199 SEIU, 32BJ SEIU, Teamsters Local 25, New England Joint Board of UNITE HERE!, UAW Region 9A, Laborers Local 22, Alliance of Unions at the MBTA, MBTA Inspectors Union Local 600, OPEIU Local 453; climate organizations Sunrise Boston, Sierra Club, the Environmental League of Massachusetts, 350 Mass Action; Progressive West Roxbury/Roslindale; Boston’s Ward 1, Ward 4 and Ward 5 Democratic Committees; The Boston Guardian; and fellow municipal elected officials from across Greater Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For all of Michelle for Boston’s endorsements, visit michelleforboston.com/endorsements



Ordinance builds on the Janey Administration's commitment to protect Boston against the impacts of climate change by setting carbon targets for existing large buildings


Acting Mayor Kim Janey sign ordiance.

BOSTON - Tuesday, October 5, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey today signed the City of Boston Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO), which was unanimously approved by the Boston City Council with the goal of significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions, encouraging efficient use of energy and water, and developing investments in a green economy. The amendment to BERDO gives the City greater authority to set carbon targets for existing buildings that decrease over time with all buildings achieving net zero emissions by 2050. This policy is the single most impactful initiative to curb Boston’s carbon emissions. 

Baolian Kuang (In front, 2nd from right) representing CPA
to this signing ceremony.
“BERDO 2.0 is a monumental achievement that will have positive impacts on our residents for generations to come,” said Mayor Janey. “We know that the negative effects of climate change bear a disproportionate burden on our most socially vulnerable communities. I am grateful for this collaboration with the City Council to actively minimize the challenges associated with climate change and create more resilient communities.” 

The BERDO amendment, sponsored by Council President Pro Tempore Matt O’Malley, sets emissions targets and reporting requirements for buildings greater than or equal to 20,000 square feet, establishes the Emissions Review Board with community representation to increase accountability and transparency, and establishes an environmental-justice focused Equitable Emissions Investment Fund. In order for buildings to reduce their emissions, building owners may choose to carry out: energy efficiency improvements, switch to clean, efficient and electric heating systems, or fossil fuel free systems, and purchase clean energy. 

"Today is a historic day for Boston. By passing and signing this transformative climate legislation into law, we are codifying equity and resilience in our city's large buildings,” said Council President Pro Tempore O'Malley. “I am proud to have led and partnered with environmental justice organizations and various stakeholders across the city to create aggressive, but achievable sustainability goals for a carbon neutral future.”

“The amended ordinance was designed with an equity lens to accomplish strategic emissions reductions, and prioritizes benefits to environmental justice communities, green jobs, and transparency,” said Reverend Mariama White-Hammond, Chief of Environment, Energy and Open Space. “Through BERDO 2.0 we will ensure that climate justice is achieved so that those who have contributed the least to climate change do not continue to face the most extreme effects.”

Buildings in Boston account for nearly seventy percent of citywide greenhouse gas emissions. Four percent of buildings in Boston are covered by the ordinance and they account for approximately sixty percent of Boston’s building emissions. The ordinance was originally passed in May 2013, and required that all commercial and residential buildings that are 35,000 square feet or have 35 units or more report their energy and water use to the City of Boston every year. Buildings covered were also required to show concerted efforts to reduce their energy use or emissions every five years through energy actions or audits. The ordinance required the City of Boston to make this data publicly available

The 2019 update to Boston’s Climate Action Plan identified a building emissions performance standard as a principal tool to help the City accomplish a net zero transition for existing buildings and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The FY21 Climate Action Report includes the most recent updates regarding the status and implementation of the City of Boston’s plans and initiatives around climate, energy, and waste. The signing of the amended ordinance is part of a broader push by the City of Boston to lead on climate action and was supported by the Bloomberg Philanthropies American Cities Climate Challenge. Boston is one of the 25 winning cities in the Climate Challenge, which is helping cities set and surpass ambitious climate goals.

“With its new Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance, Boston is taking a bold step to equitably lower its carbon footprint and achieve net zero by 2050. Designed in partnership with local stakeholders and community, this policy will also help make Boston cleaner and healthier, while creating new jobs,” said Kelly Shultz, who leads the sustainable cities program at Bloomberg Philanthropies. “Bloomberg Philanthropies is proud to partner with cities at the forefront of the climate fight to push for the climate policies we know can reduce emissions and bring substantial benefits to communities.”

“Our collaboration with the Mayor's Office and City Council is groundbreaking because it puts just transition theory into practice,” said Dwaign Tyndal, Executive Director of Alternatives for Community & Environment (ACE). “The Environment Department, the City Council, community groups including ACE, and stakeholders co-created a policy that will decrease emissions and support environmental justice populations. We look forward to continuing to partner with the City on its implementation." 

"We are proud to have involved over 100 residents who live in buildings over 20,000 square feet in the design of the ordinance. This was a great model of the City partnering with community organizations to equitably involve residents in the decision making process and centering the most impacted. This ordinance will not only greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also improve air quality for environmental justice communities and enact rent stabilization measures for low-income tenants whose buildings receive assistance in retrofitting their buildings," said Mark Liu, Operations and Development Director, Chinese Progressive Association.

"The Longwood Medical and Academic Area is home to mission-driven, non-profit healthcare, educational, and medical research organizations that deeply understand the public health impacts of climate change. Longwood shares in the commitment to make Boston a carbon-neutral city by 2050 and we want to thank Mayor Janey, Councilor O'Malley, and Chief White-Hammond for their leadership on BERDO 2.0. We look forward to our continued work together to advance climate solutions and sustainability citywide,” said Tom Yardley, Vice President of Area Planning and Development, MASCO (Medical Academic and Scientific Community Organization).   

This ordinance builds on Mayor Janey’s work to create a climate-ready, resilient Boston. Mayor Janey’s Fiscal Year 2022 budget includes significant investments for environmental justice and resilience, including:

·    $48 million for Phase 2 and 3 of Renew Boston Trust, which is designed to identify energy retrofit project opportunities in City-owned buildings to create future energy savings.

·    $5 million to support the development of a Climate Ready Boston Harbor Study that will examine the feasibility of measures along and within the harbor to reduce vulnerability of coastal flooding due to sea level rise caused by climate change.

·    $20 million to design and implement a signature, climate resilient waterfront park along the Fort Point Channel.

·    $4 million in workforce development and training opportunities for green jobs in the environment.

·    $1 million in workforce development and training opportunities for zero waste and mobility jobs.

·    $500,000 to support residents in making energy efficient upgrades to their homes.

·    $340,000 to support a new Healthy Places Initiative targeted for environmental justice populations, who often live in hotter neighborhoods with less tree canopy cover.

·    $200,000 towards the preservation and maintenance of historic and cultural sites in Boston.