
星期四, 8月 05, 2021

NAAAP career fair & Leadership convention 8/6




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Whether you're Moving FWD: with a new career or exploring opportunities, check out the Diversity Career Fair on Aug. 6.  It's free to register. Get your resume reviewed, videochat with recruiters, and build valuable job search skills all in one place.



Click here to watch a 60-second overview of LC '21. 


Leadership Convention '21 by NAAAP will be entirely virtual, on the four Fridays in August, Noon to 4 pm ET / 9 am to 1 pm PT.  Your registration fee of $29 includes 16 hours of live sessions on Fridays, and recordings for on-demand playback.

AND...The Diversity Career Fair on Aug. 6 is FREE
for job seekers and students.

The entire Leadership Convention is free for students.




Check out our fabulous speakers and schedule.



Meet the Convention Keynote Speakers below.


Aug. 6, 12 Noon ET
Andrew Yang is an entrepreneur, author, philanthropist, nonprofit leader, and former US presidential and NYC mayoral candidate. The founder of Venture for America, a non-profit focused on jobs creation, Yang will discuss a post-pandemic economic forecast as the keynote speaker at the Diversity Career Fair and Development Day


Aug. 13, 12 Noon ET
Chantale Wong
 is a 30-year career public servant and founder of CAPAL.  She has been nominated for the U.S. Director of the Asian Development Bank; she is the first LGBTQ person of color to be nominated to the rank of ambassador. She will be the keynote speaker on Aug. 13.


Aug. 20, 12 Noon ET
Kiran Ahuja serves as the Director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and former director of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.  As founder of the National APA Women's Forum, we are honored to have Kiran as a keynote speaker for the Women's and Federal Summits.


Aug. 20, 12:10 pm ET
Congresswoman Grace Meng
of New York introduced the COVID-19 Hate Crime Act in the House on May 9, 2021; it was signed into law 11 days later. Serving her third term in the U.S. House of Representatives, Grace will be the keynote speaker for the Women’s and Federal Summits.


Aug. 27, 12 Noon ET
Kevin Kreider
redefined himself from an awkward, bullied Asian kid to a successful international fitness model and a reality TV star om Bling Empire which premiered in Netflix's top 10 most-watched shows of 2021.  Kevin's personal quest to change America's standard of male beauty is just the beginning.  



Aug. 27, 12:15 pm ET
Arum Kang
is the CEO of Coffee Meets Bagel. where she leads the business strategy, the vision, and makes sure the customers’ needs are heard and met with a superior product experience. Arum has been interviewed many times about the dating and startup scene with her co-founder, sister Dawoon. 


Aug. 27, 3 pm ET
Padmasree Warrior
 is the CEO of Fable, a mobile-first company that brings stories for everyone, anywhere. Previously, she was CEO of NIO US, a manufacturer of smart autonomous vehicles, and Chief Technology and Strategy Officer at Cisco. Ms. Warrior will accept the NAAAP100 Award for lifetime leadership during the Gala portion of LC'21, along with winners of the NAAAP Inspire and Pride awards.





Sponsors and Career Fair recruiters 


Sponsors make NAAAP programs possible. 

Thank you to the Gold SponsorsBank of AmericaMacy’sTyson Foods, and United Airlines.

Thank you to the Silver Sponsors: ADPAdvance Auto Parts,  Beam SuntoryCaesars Entertainment, ChubbCIACisco, Experian
Hilton, LenovoNestleOracleTruistVMware, and Volkswagen

The Diversity Career Fair on Aug. 6 will feature the sponsors above as well as recruiters from Continental, FEMA, FDIC, Honeywell, and Virginia Lottery

Finally, a shout out to our partners: Center for APA Women, KIP101, PRnewsand Salesforce.


Schedule Highlights

Aug 6, 12-4 pm ET: Diversity Career Fair & Development Day
Keynote:  Andrew Yang, entrepreneur, activist, and philanthropist
- Includes: 20 employer booths, 6 job training sessions, and up to 200 one-on-one resume reviews
Aug 13, 12-4 pm ET: Inaugural API Community Summit and ERG Corporate Summit
Keynote:  Chantale Wong, Nominee for Ambassador-level position of U.S. Director of Asian Development Bank 
Other Notable Speakers: Paula Yoo, author of recent Vincent Chin book; Barb Lee, documentary filmmaker; Cynthia Koo, Wonton in a Million; Joel Relampagos, executive producer of The Biggest Loser; Emil Guillermo, commentator
4 API Summit Sessions: Asian Allyship, API Women Leadership, API Mental Health, Model Minority Myth.
4 ERG Summit Sessions: Inclusive Leadership, Workplace Reintegration Anxiety, Measuring ERG Success, Managing and Thriving in a VUCA World.
Aug 20, 12-4 pm ET: Inaugural Women's Summit and Inaugual Federal Summit
Keynotes:  Kiran Ahuja, Director of U.S. Office of Personnel Management; Grace Meng, U.S. Congressperson (NY)
Other Notable Speakers: Lucia Liu, Rock the Boat podcast; Vivian Chen, Board Chair of AAGEN; Eric Won, The Leadership Praxis; Sam Mok, Condor International
4 Women's Summit Sessions:  Communication Skills, Physical & Emotional Workplace Security, Closing the Financial Gap, Financial Literacy.
4 Federal Summit Sessions: Federal Career & Leadership Development, Mapping & Navigating Your Federal Path, How to Become a Political Appointee, Success Stories in the Federal Service. 
Aug 27, 12-4 pm ET: Leadership Summit and NAAAP Awards
- Keynotes: Kevin Kreider, Entertainer, Bling Empire; Arum Kang, CEO and co-founder, Coffee Meets Bagel
Other Notable Speakers: Jeanie Chang, Your Change Provider; Jeff Harry, Performer and Workplace Play consultant
4 Leadership Summit Sessions: How to Be Your Own Boss, Storytelling, Effective Communications, Play Your Way to Ikigai.

Aug. 27, 3 pm ET 
NAAAP Awards: NAAAP 100 honoree Padmasree Warrior, CEO and Founder of Fable.  NAAAP Pride honoree TBD.  NAAAP Inspire honorees Alpa Amin, Georgia Asylum & Immigration Network; Francesca Hong, Wisconsin's first Asian representative; Tony Dela Rosa, Tony Rosa Speaks.
On each of the days, as an attendee, you'll be able to network virtually with others, play games based on visiting employer booths, spending time in sessions, and meeting others!  Some of our prizes include Caesars Entertainment getaway packages, United Airlines no-blackout tickets, Leadership Convention 2022 in DC passes and gala tickets, books from authors at the conference, and much more!



Ways to Support NAAAP today


1. Spread the word about the Leadership Convention.  Check out our marketing toolkit (link) for a social media post you can grab and post. Or share a press release.

2. Encourage a job seeker, student, or friend to register for the Free Career Fair by forwarding this newsletter

3. Register yourself for the Convention, here.  Remember, students register for free.

4. Donate.  As a non-profit organization, we welcome any donations here or through purchases on Amazon Smile to "National Association of Asian American Professionals Inc." All proceeds go toward funding our events, conventions, and resources.

5. GET INVOLVED. If you are interested in meeting a great group of driven and friendly professionals, check out our website to see how you can become a member or volunteer with us.

6. Partner with NAAAP.  Contact our Business Development Team about how your company, ERG, or non-profit can engage with NAAAP.

波士頓華埠居民會支持DW Cafe開麵店 未來2週末華埠內都有活動

         (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓華埠居民會84日晚在網上召開月例會,約23人出席,談4項議程,匯報88日,815日,兩個週末,華埠街頭依序有迷你中秋節、社區遊樂日活動。


          第一項議程為乞臣街(Hudson)23BDW Café拉麵店,申請淡酒牌。






第三項議程是說明,波士頓華埠土地信託會和華埠居民會,華人前進會合作,將於815日早上10點至下午1點,在楓樹地(Maple Place),尊尼閣(Johnny Court)交界處,舉辦社區遊樂日


波士頓市長亞裔聯絡員許麗莎(Lisa Hy)。

陳玉珍指出,選區重劃主要依據每十年一次的人口普查結果,來研究選區是否應該重劃,這些選區分聯邦,州及市鎮的議員選區,在選區界線劃法不同時,選舉結果就可能出現偏共和黨或民主黨的結果。例如普利斯萊(Ayanna Presley)當年打敗在位的卡普阿諾(Capuano)2019年當上聯邦眾議員,和2010年人口普查,麻州第七選區被規劃為麻州唯一的有色人種較多選區,可能很有關係。



City of Boston Funding update 8/5


The Funding Update

To Subscribe to The Funding Update,
scroll down to the FUNDING tab here.
Back issues are also listed on that page.



Health Resources & Services Administration, 8/30/2021
Now accepting applications for Health & Public Safety Workforce Resiliency Training and  Promoting Resilience and Mental Health among the Health Professional Workforce, along with many others.

Housing & Urban Development, 9/8/2021
The Eviction Protection Grant Program is designed to support experienced legal service providers in providing no-cost services to low-income tenants at risk of or subject to eviction. HUD expects to award 20 grants ranging from $1M to $3M.

National Endowment for the Humanities, 9/14/2021
Humanities Connection grants support innovative curricular approaches that foster partnerships among humanities faculty and their counterparts in the social and natural sciences, and in pre-service or professional programs. NEH estimates 21 awards; $150,000 max.

National Endowment for the Humanities, 9/28/2021
Challenge Grants support capital and digital infrastructure projects. Max award: $750,000. A 10 percent match is required.

New This Week:

Economic Development Administration - American Rescue Plan Act
Economic Adjustment Assistance is designed to provide a wide range of financial assistance to communities and regions as they respond to, and recover from, the economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, including long-term recovery and resilience to future economic disasters. EDA estimates 250 awards ranging from $100,000 to $10M. Apply now through 3/31/2022.
The Build Back Better Regional Challenge is designed as a two-phase competition to 1) help regions develop transformational economic development strategies and 2) fund the implementation of those strategies that will create and grow regional growth clusters. EDA estimates 55 Phase One awards ranging from $200,000 to $500,000. Apply by 10/19/2021.
The Good Jobs Challenge will support qualified organizations to form sectoral partnerships. These partnerships will work collaboratively to grow regional economies and their associated workforces. EDA estimates 50 awards ranging from $1M to $25M. Apply by 1/26/2022.
Travel, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation funding will provide a wide range of financial assistance to communities and regions to rebuild and strengthen affected industries through infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects. EDA estimates 150 awards ranging from $100,000 to $10M. No deadline.

Library of Congress, 9/7/2021
Grants support contemporary ethnographic field research focusing on the cultures and traditions of diverse communities across the United States. Individuals are invited to apply. The Library of Congress estimates 10 awards in the range of $50,000 to $60,000.

Environmental Protection Agency, 9/10/2021
Grants support capacity-building activities to address disproportionate children's environmental health harms and risks in school or childcare settings. EPA estimates 10 grants; max award: $200,000.

Environmental Protection Agency, 10/5/2021
Brownfields Job Training grants support programs that recruit, train, and place local, unemployed and under-employed residents with the skills needed to secure full-time employment in the environmental field. EPA estimates 15 grants; max award: $200,000.

National Institutes of Health, 10/5/2021 to 6/16/2024
NIH seeks R01 and R34 studies that develop and test the effectiveness of strategies for implementation and sustainable delivery of evidence-based mental health interventions and services to improve clinical and functional outcomes for underserved populations in low-resourced settings in the United States.

National Institutes of Health, 10/16/2021 to 9/7/2024
NIH seeks R01 and R34 studies for the pilot and initiation of a Mental Health Family Navigator Model to Promote Early Access, Engagement and Coordination of Needed Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents.

Housing & Urban Development, 10/19/2021
Healthy Homes Production grants support a comprehensive approach to addressing multiple housing-related hazards in a coordinated fashion. This program is separate from Lead Hazard Reduction grants. HUD estimates 25 awards, ranging from $1M to $2M, with a 10% match.


Department of Housing & Community Development, 8/27/2021
Seeking proposals for legal services and representation to Local Housing Authorities with fewer than 350 state-aided units in the Metro South and Northeast Housing Court regions.

Department of Early Education & Care, 9/30/2022
Childcare Stabilization Fund grants can be used for 1) personnel costs, 2) facility costs, 3) personal protective equipment and cleaning or training costs, 4) professional development related to health and safety, 5) equipment and supplies to respond to COVID-19, 6) goods and services necessary to maintain or resume child care services, 7) mental health supports for children and employees.



New this week:

Boston Transportation Department, 8/16/2021
Requests proposals for outreach & engagement services, in partnership with the City and a design consultant, to develop and implement a transparent public engagement and decision making process to inform the designs for specific transportation corridors in Roxbury and Dorchester, and to ensure that community priorities are properly reflected in those corridor designs. Maximum contract value is $450,000 over 12 months.

African Bridge Network + Boston Mayor’s Office for Immigrant Advancement + Boston Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development, 8/27/2021
Seeking applicants for the Boston Immigrant Professionals Fellowship. This pilot program will provide 10 placements in a three-month paid fellowship in a non-clinical position with one of the leading hospitals in the Greater Boston region.

Mayor’s Office of Food Access, 8/31/2021
Accepting applications from individuals and community-based organizations interested in having a raised bed installed at their home, property, or community sit

Department of Neighborhood Development, Open

Applications are still being accepted for the Rental Relief Fund. Requests up to $15,000 are being processed by Project HOPE, Neighborhood of Affordable Housing and Metro Housing|Boston. 

Office of Workforce Development, 8/19/2021
Neighborhood Jobs Trust-funded programs prepare workers for placement in hospitality, banking and finance, tech, and healthcare jobs.

Mayor’s Office of Economic Development, through 3/31/2024
Seeking proposals from consultants to provide technical assistance services to cannabis equity applicants, under a maximum 3-year contract.

Boston Local Development Corporation, Open
Loans are available for small businesses in Boston to be used for working capital, equipment, utilities, expansion, and other business needs. Terms are flexible and there are no prepayment penalties. Loans range from $10,000 to $150,000.


Resilia, 8/16/2021
Resilia will award microgrants of $1,000 to 5 nonprofits that are making an impact in their communities.

GK Fund, Now through 8/20/2021
Grants of $10,000, along with mentoring and free technology services will be awarded to small businesses and startup companies in Massachusetts, with a focus on BIPOC, LGBTQIA, Women and Veteran entrepreneurs. Applicants who are not selected may still receive access to exclusive partnerships with Wix.com, and Berkshire Bank.

Funders Collaborative on Youth Organizing, 8/20/2021
The Organizing to Win Lab will support a nationwide range of youth-led and multi-generational organizations that are addressing the most pressing issues of the moment. The 2021 inaugural cohort will include 35 organizations. Max award: $25,000. 

Citizens Bank, 8/20/2021
Funding priorities for this round of Champions in Action grants are Mental Health Support & Education. Grantees receive $35,000 in unrestricted support, plus promotional opportunities and volunteer support.

TD Bank, 8/26/2021
The 2021 TD Challenge is focused on addressing learning loss in math and reading among students in grades K-12 who have been disproportionately impacted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Max award: $1M.

Petco Foundation, 8/31/2021
Grants support animal welfare organizations performing sheltering and adoptions nationwide. 

Lois Lenski Covey Foundation, Now through 9/1/2021
Grants support to organizations that serve economically or socially at-risk children, have limited book budgets, and demonstrate real need. Grants range from $500 to $3000 and are specifically for books to be distributed to PreK-8 readers through traveling bookmobile programs.

Advanced Education Research & Development Fund, 9/1/2021
Requests proposals for the Leveraging Education Advanced Research Now (LEARN) program, encouraging those that deeply reflect the priority populations of Black and Latinx learners and projects that include outcomes that will benefit Latinx or Black learners and their educators. Proposers should consider creating deep collaborations with community-based organizations and school districts to meet the stated goals of this funding opportunity.

GivingTuesday, 9/1/2021
The Starling Collective welcomes applications from innovators of all backgrounds, and is specifically designed for grassroots organizers, activists, artists, and changemakers from under-represented and under-resourced communities. Selected participants will engage in a six-month peer learning community to share what’s working, what’s not; gain access to coaching, peer support, and movement-building tools and resources; receive a $2,000 microgrant in support of leadership development or on-the-ground work; and have the opportunity to present ideas or initiatives for a chance to receive additional funding with which to grow and launch new ideas and scale positive impact in the community.

Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, 9/1/2021
Grants support scholarly exhibitions at museums; curatorial research; visual arts programming at artist-centered organizations; artist residencies and commissions; arts writing; and efforts to promote the health, welfare and first amendment rights of artists. Recent awards have ranged from $60,000 to $100,000.

Tomberg Family Philanthropies, Now through 9/7/2021
Funding priorities: education and poverty alleviation. Awards can support pilot programs, new programs, capacity building and evaluations. Letters of inquiry have the best chance of a  thorough, multi-person review if submitted well in advance of the deadline.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation, 9/8/2021
Non-renewable grants of up to $25,000 will be awarded to nonprofits working to make a positive impact on health or healthcare access in Massachusetts for people with low-income and residents of Massachusetts who have been economically, socially, ethnically, or racially marginalized. 

Cummings Foundation, 9/10/2021
Funding priorities: human services, education, healthcare, and social justice. The Foundation will award up to 140 grants of at least $100,000. 

Mosaic, 9/10/2021
Funding focus: environmental protection and justice. Funding priorities: movement infrastructure – vibrant connections and indispensable shared tools across the environmental field. Awards range from $25,000 to $500,000.

Association of Fundraising Professionals Massachusetts Chapter + Cummings Foundation, 9/15/2021
The Cummings-AFP Fellows program will support 20 organizations from Suffolk, Essex and Middlesex counties with education and networking programming to help them improve their fundraising knowledge and capabilities.

Knight Foundation, 9/15/2021
Seeking proposals for research that can inform near-term interventions that mitigate the impacts of disinformation and targeted online manipulation of communities of color.max award: $175,000 

Graham Foundation, 9/15/2021
Grants support key points in the development of an individual's career, including opportunities to create, develop, and communicate a project about architecture and the designed environment that will contribute to their creative, intellectual, and professional growth at crucial or potentially transformative stages in their careers; support their efforts to take positions, develop new forms of expression, and engage in debate; and help them communicate their work in the public realm and reach new and broader audiences. Funding categories: Production and Presentation, max $20,000 over two years; Research and Development: max $10,000 over one year.

TREE Fund, Now through 9/15/2021
John Z. Duling grants provide initial funding for research and technology transfer projects with the potential to benefit the everyday work of arborists. Max award: $25,000 over three years. The application process begins with a 100-word letter of inquiry.

Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts, 9/20/2021
FORE will provide grant support for specific projects that aim to improve, expand, and/or scale evidence-based family-, school-, and/or community-based prevention services for children and families, particularly for those at highest risk. Max award: $500,000/year for up to three years. 



Affordable Care Act - Enrollment Extension

There’s a new Special Enrollment Period for the COVID-19 public health emergency. You can enroll in or change Marketplace health insurance plans through 8/15/2021.

Massachusetts VaxMillions

Fully vaccinated residents 18 and older will have the opportunity to enter to win one of five cash prizes of $1M. Fully vaccinated residents between 12-17 years of age may enter for the chance to win one of five scholarship grants of $300,000.
There are three more drawings: 8/9, 8/16 and 8/23.

COVID-19: Help for Boston Residents

Resource listings for food, technology, health, housing, and more.

Emergency Broadband Benefit

Families and households that struggle to afford internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic, can get connected to jobs, healthcare services, virtual classrooms, and more.
Households may qualify for either a $50/monthly service credit or a $100 allowance toward a computer or tablet. 
Apply online or contact a local broadband service provider.

Do you need data for a grant application?
Check out our Resource page for blogs, reports, daily updates, and more.

Second Round of VaxMillions Giveaway Winners Announced

 Second Round of VaxMillions Giveaway Winners Announced


BOSTON — Today, the Baker-Polito Administration, Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg and the Massachusetts State Lottery announced the winners for the second of five drawings for the Massachusetts VaxMillions Giveaway. As part of the giveaway, fully vaccinated residents ages 18 and older are eligible to enter to win one of five, $1 million cash prizes. Residents between 12-17 years of age who are fully vaccinated may enter for the chance to win one of five $300,000 scholarship grants.


The winner of this week’s $1 million prize is Donna McNulty of Billerica. Donna is a longtime employee of a small publishing and software company in Billerica. She received her vaccine to protect herself and a friend who is at high risk for COVID due to health issues. Donna plans to use her winnings to support preparing for her retirement in December 2022.


The winner of the $300,000 college scholarship is Dylan Barron of Norwood. Dylan is a student at Blue Hills Regional Technical School and is going into his Junior year studying automotive. He is still exploring what school he will be attending after graduating. Dylan got vaccinated to keep his family, friends, himself and anyone he comes in contact with safe.


 Registration Details

The registration deadline for the third VaxMillions Giveaway is today, Thursday, August 5. Winners for that drawing will be drawn on Monday, August 9 and announced on Thursday, August 12. The full list of remaining registration, drawing and announcement dates is listed below.



Registration Deadline

Note: Two doses of Moderna or Pfizer or one dose of J&J must be completed by the date below.

How many drawings do I qualify for?

Drawing Date

Announcement Date

August 5

Next 3

August 9

August 12

August 12

Next 2

August 16

August 19

August 19

Only final

August 23

August 26



Residents must be fully vaccinated before registering, but if they are not vaccinated by the registration date for a certain drawing, they will still have the opportunity to complete vaccination and register for subsequent drawings. Residents will only have to enter once to qualify for all drawings occurring after the date of their registration.


To date, over 2.4 million people have signed up for the VaxMillions Giveaway, including 2.3 million residents 18 and older, and over 158,000 residents ages 12-17. Since the program was announced on June 15, over 235,000 residents have gotten a first dose of the vaccine, and over 370,000 residents have become fully vaccinated.


Massachusetts remains a national leader in vaccinations with over 4.3 million residents fully vaccinated and over 4.8 million residents with at least one dose (including J&J).


How to Enter

Eligible residents are able to enter the giveaway at VaxMillionsGiveaway.com.  For residents who do not have access to the internet or require assistance, a call center can be reached by calling 2-1-1 during the below hours:


  • Monday-Thursday: 8:30 AM-6:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM
  • Saturday-Sunday: 9:00 AM-2:00 PM


Live call center workers are available in English and Spanish, and 100 additional languages are available through translators.


Prize Details

Massachusetts residents 18 years of age and older who have received two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, will have a chance to win one of five, $1 million cash prizes.


Massachusetts residents between 12 and 17 years of age who have received two doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will have a chance to win one of five $300,000 scholarship grants via a 529 College Savings Plan managed by the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA). Funds in a 529 plan can be applied to cover tuition, room and board, and related expenses at any college, university, or technical or trade school or other post-secondary educational institution eligible to participate in a student aid program administered by the U.S. Department of Education. Winners with a qualifying disability may elect instead to receive an equivalent financial contribution to a special needs trust or federally qualified ABLE account to cover qualified expenses.


Only legal, permanent residents of Massachusetts who are fully vaccinated can enter the drawings. Residents must have received their vaccine doses within Massachusetts. Residents must be fully vaccinated prior to submitting their entry.



Residents can email support@vaxmillionsgiveaway.mass.gov or call 2-1-1 to report any instances of fraud or suspicious activity associated with the VaxMillions Giveaway Promotion. Residents are reminded that official prize notification emails related to the VaxMillions Giveaway will come from a Massachusetts Department of Public Health email address ending in “@mass.gov.” More information on tips for identifying suspected fraud can be found here.


Vaccination Locations

There are over 900 vaccination locations across the Commonwealth, with appointments and walk-ins widely available. Residents seeking a vaccine can visit mass.gov/COVIDVaccine to find a vaccine location that is convenient for them.


For more information on the Mass VaxMillions Giveaway, visit VaxMillionsGiveaway.com.