
星期日, 8月 01, 2021

亞美會慶11週年 推出「生活沙龍」

       (Boston Orange) 亞美聯誼會今 (1) 日中午在波士頓華埠尼倫街的盛雄莊,慶祝星島日報41週年,亞美聯誼會11週年,以及「生活沙龍」開張。
               亞美會的「生活沙龍」將從食衣住行四大方面著手,以設在盛雄莊內新闢出的一個房間,陸續策畫、舉辦許多服務社區活動,包括安排麻州大學資訊科技系畢業的甘渴為開班教耆英善用手機各項功能;伍氏公所主席伍樹俊教易經風水;盛雄莊和原蔘泰這兩家公司提供與吃有關的最佳食材與烹飪作法;世界旗袍會的馮愛卿主持為社區耆英義務表演舞蹈,教跳舞,出售旗袍等活動。該會會員中包括潘飛、王天齊等有多名資深地產業人士,將可為社區內有需要者提供租屋買房方面的相關問題,孜嘎蒼珍( Tammy Tsikar)
孜嘎蒼珍( Tammy Tsikar)(左)介紹世界旗袍會及地產、貸款服務。

波士頓華埠南派舞獅、擺農貿市場吸引人潮 (圖片)


「城市投票權」背書支持Kim Janey競選波士頓市長

華人前進會員工及華埠居民以個人名義支持Kim Janey。前左起,余翠
鳳,李素影,Kim Janey,湯建華,以及右三李嘉接。(周菊子攝)
            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 今年的波士頓市長選戰,超多支持者在初選前就選邊站。 由有色社區工薪階層組成的,「城市投票權 (Right to the City Vote,簡稱RTCV) 731日早上在洛士百利的杜爹利餐廳 (Dudley Café) 門外,宣佈支持波士頓代市長Kim Janey

              RCTV在發出的新聞稿中強調,「當Kim Janey贏了,有色社區就贏了」。

Kim Janey致詞。(周菊子攝)

                   根據維基百科,有色人種(People of color)主要用於形容不被認為是白人的人,在美國,這個詞的適用對象包括非洲裔美人,亞裔美人,美國土著,太平洋島民每人,多族裔美人,以及某些拉丁裔美人。所以前述那位候選人給自己劃分的歸類,其實也沒錯。
李素影(右)支持Kim Janey。(周菊子攝)
本地工會26和Kim Janey合影。(周菊子攝)

不過RTCV稱,Kim Janey上任波士頓代市長後,在對抗流離失所,增加取得教育途徑,促進教育上的公平,致力讓警察負起責任等事務上,已有許多改善。該組織經過內部討論後,達成支持Kim Janey的共識。





RTCV主席Armani White表示,「當我們談到復甦時,把重心放在族裔評等上很關鍵。Kim Janey在成為波士頓市長候選人之前,就已經在爭取教育平等及族裔正義上行動多年了,而她是能夠統一這個城市的人。她的改革考試學校錄取方式,推動警察問責制,開放經濟機會,都源自她自己的生活經驗,有著很深的社區根源。

731日這天,有三、四十人出席RTCV支持Kim Janey當波士頓市長的宣佈儀式,其中包括以個人身分出席的華人前進會共同主席湯建華,特地自製支持Kim Janey掛牌的華埠居民李家接,以及本地26工會的多名亞裔會員。(更正版)

星期五, 7月 30, 2021







BOSTON - Friday, July 30, 2021 - Today Mayor Kim Janey announced Open Newbury Street will turn Newbury Street into a pedestrian-only walkway for three Sundays in August: August 15, 22 and 29 from 10am to 8pm. As Boston emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, Open Newbury Street provides exciting new opportunities for businesses to engage their customers on repurposed street space, and allow pedestrians to enjoy the full width of this famous Boston street.

“I’m especially excited to kick-off Open Newbury Street as we look for ways to hold space for collective joy and imagination,” said Mayor Janey. “We look forward to supporting businesses by providing space for them to engage customers in creative ways. I hope residents and visitors will be able to experience all that Open Newbury Street has to offer.”

“It lends a really fun atmosphere for the whole street — everybody is in a good mood, everyone is smiling, everyone is excited to see what merchants are doing.” says Kathy Palmer, President of The Fish & Bone pet supply shop. “[Merchants] are excited to open up again: our stores are very small so it was hard to have capacity limits in the last year. Having the ability to bring your brand out onto the street in open air where everyone is safe and there’s no fear of being too close, that really helps!” 

Newbury Street will be open to pedestrians and closed to motor vehicles from 10am to 8pm from Berkeley Street to Massachusetts Avenue. Parking will be restricted on Newbury Street and adjacent streets with enforcement beginning at 5:00 a.m.; signs will be posted informing drivers of the change. 

Businesses and attendees are encouraged to promote the event on social media using #OpenNewbury. The public is encouraged to utilize the several different MBTA routes that service the area in addition to bicycling and walking. For more information, visit the event’s website at boston.gov/open-newbury. Businesses are asked to submit their plans for any of the Open Newbury days using this form.


Next month, the City of Boston will announce additional open streets events to take place in multiple Boston neighborhoods in the early fall. Pending analysis and feedback, the City will also consider additional Open Newbury Street dates in September 2021.





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Baker-Polito Administration Announces Transition at Executive Office of Public Safety and Security

 Baker-Polito Administration Announces Transition at Executive Office of Public Safety and Security


BOSTON — Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito announced the departure of Executive Office of Public Safety and Security Secretary Thomas Turco, III. Secretary Turco is retiring after more than 30 years of public service. The Administration also announced the appointment of current Undersecretary for Law Enforcement Terrence Reidy as Acting Secretary of Public Safety and Security.


“Since taking office, our Administration has been deeply committed to ensuring the safety and security of the residents, families and communities of the Commonwealth, and we are grateful for the leadership of Secretary Turco in pursuing that goal,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Tom has played an invaluable role in many major efforts to deliver a safer Commonwealth for all, including working with law enforcement, legislators and community justice leaders to deliver landmark police reform legislation. We appreciate his expertise and commitment to public service, and look forward to continuing to work with Acting Secretary Reidy.”


“Over the past three years Secretary Turco led the team at the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security and its agencies with purpose and dedication, and we wish him well in his retirement,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “His commitment to supporting the public safety of our local communities was unsurpassed and his thoughtful leadership was invaluable to our Administration. I want to thank Secretary Turco for his years of service and welcome Acting Secretary Reidy to this new role.”


“Public safety depends on all of us working together to build a culture of preparedness, responsiveness, and care for those in our communities,” said Public Safety and Security Secretary Thomas Turco. “I would like to thank the residents of the Commonwealth for their support of our work, the Governor and Lieutenant Governor for their confidence in me and my colleagues across our agencies whose collective partnership has advanced our vision of excellence. Knowing how our team will rise to this occasion empowers me to make this decision to spend time with my family who have been a source of unwavering support to me in my life of public service.”


“Serving on Secretary Turco’s leadership team at EOPSS has prepared me for the task of succeeding such an effective leader,” said Undersecretary for Law Enforcement Terrence Reidy. “I am honored to be appointed Acting Secretary of Public Safety and Security and lead a talented group of world-class professionals. Together with our partners in the Administration, Legislature, and local communities, we will fulfill our mission to sustain and increase public safety.”


“On behalf of the Massachusetts Major City Chiefs, I would like to extend our collective congratulations to Secretary Turco on his retirement,” said President of the Major City Chiefs, Chelsea Police Chief Brian Kyes. “Tom has been a phenomenal leader who we have benefited from.  His wisdom, guidance, and ability to make the most difficult decisions has made the Commonwealth a safer place. His legacy will continue in our law enforcement community for years to come.”


“As Boston Police Commissioner, I experienced an extraordinary collaborative fusion under Tom Turco’s leadership,” said Retired Boston Police Commissioner Willie Gross. “Like Coach Belichick, he leveraged the strength of each local, state, and federal partner - challenging each to do their job and contribute to a shared mission. I thank his family for supporting Tom in his work to make the Commonwealth a safer place for all.”


Under Secretary Turco’s leadership, the Baker-Polito Administration has made several advancements on key public safety and security issues for people and communities across Massachusetts. Key accomplishments include:


  • Collaborated with the Legislature and key stakeholders to develop, codify into law, and implement the foundation of the comprehensive 2020 police reform bill.
  • Increased opportunities for implementing body cameras, including creating grant opportunities for municipalities and a dedicated program for more than 1,500 troopers within the State Police.
  • Supported the Commonwealth’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic by helping to coordinate a statewide effort to distribute personal protective equipment and other critical supplies to first responders and other frontline workers.
  • Led state-wide election security planning to ensure that residents could safely exercise their right to vote in the election as well as free speech.
  • Developed the first-of-its-kind “Faith-Based Organization Safety and Security Toolkit,” an e-learning course for all houses of worship, faith organizations, law enforcement organizations, and first responders in the Commonwealth, and a similar workbook for large public venues.
  • Supported funding for the Department of Fire Services to redevelop a former Department of Corrections site and create an academy in Bridgewater.
  • Recruited and swore in 450 new State Troopers and oversaw the recruitment of the most diverse State Police class in history.   


About Terrence Reidy:

Terrence Reidy has served as Undersecretary for Law Enforcement within the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security since 2019, where he has provided strategic leadership to the Massachusetts State Police, the Municipal Police Training Committee, and the Office of Grants and Research. In addition, Reidy served as a member of the Governor’s Task Force on Hate Crimes. Drawing on his prosecutorial experience collaborating with community leaders, he oversaw the creation of a hate crime resource guide for Massachusetts schools and partnered with police to ensure that every department in the Commonwealth has a trained, dedicated civil rights officer.


Prior to his work at EOPSS, Reidy was an Assistant Attorney General in the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office and Assistant District Attorney in Worcester and Suffolk Counties. His experience included supervising the Attorney General’s Enterprise, Major Crimes, and Cyber Crime Unit and the Worcester District Attorney’s Gang Unit. In Suffolk County, Reidy was promoted from District Court Prosecutor to Superior Court where he served in the Gang and Safe Neighborhood Initiative Units.  In these roles, he developed collaborative relationships with federal, state, and local law enforcement as well as residents and community groups.


Beyond his work in government, Reidy dedicates time to volunteering as a coach for several youth sports organizations. He completed his undergraduate studies at Colby College and earned his juris doctor from New England School of Law.

星期四, 7月 29, 2021




BOSTON - Thursday, July 29, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey today released findings and recommendations following her charge to Attorney Stephanie Everett and the Office of Police Accountability and Transparency to deliver a plan for review and reform of the police department internal affairs procedures, based on Director Everett’s investigation into the Patrick Rose case. The report reviews what internal affairs policies and procedures were in place during the time of the Rose case. The report further identifies which of those policies and procedures have appropriately been changed since 1995 and recommends additional reforms where needed.

“In 2021, there is a new opportunity to ensure this never happens again. We must implement the 2020 Task Force recommendations and establish OPAT and its public boards with urgency, said Mayor Janey. “I am grateful to Stephanie Everett for her work leading and building OPAT. I thank the Boston Police Department for its cooperation and efforts to advance its policies to meet the demands for equity and justice in our city.”

The following are Director Everett’s findings and recommendations from her review of the Rose case:

Finding #1: Ensuring Thorough, Independent Internal Investigations

In 1995, there did not appear to be clear policies and procedures in place to ensure a thorough and independent response by the Boston Police Department’s Internal Affairs Division upon notice of a complaint.

Recommendation #1: Start Investigations Within 48 Hours of Notification

It is recommended that the Boston Police Department’s Bureau of Professional Standards shall, upon receiving information from the Court, an officer’s supervising officer, or other credible source, that an officer has been charged with violating Massachusetts General Law c. 265, Section 13a-29, as may be amended, prioritize this matter and seek to interview witnesses within 48 hours, where appropriate for the witnesses.

Finding #2: Ensuring Appropriate Action from a Sustained Finding

The Boston Police Department did not take sufficient steps to discipline or terminate based on the Internal Affairs Division’s sustained finding of misconduct.

Recommendation #2: Make Discipline from Internal Affairs Investigations Visible, Predictable and Just

It is recommended that this same discipline matrix should also be used for recommendations resulting from IAD investigation. In addition to guidance that will be provided by that matrix, the Boston Police Department is also developing and will promulgate this year new policies involving members of the force accused of sexual assault and domestic violence.  

Finding #3: Ensuring Oversight of the Internal Affairs Investigations

The third finding is that there was no independent oversight of the Internal Affairs Division’s investigations.

Recommendation #3Mayor to File Amendment to OPAT Ordinance to Alert OPAT of Criminal Charges Brought Against Officers

When the IAD receives information from the Court, an officer’s supervising officer, or other credible source, that an officer has been charged with violating Massachusetts General Law c. 265, Section 13a-29, as may be amended, notification will be sent to the POST Commission and to the Office of Police Accountability & Transparency for the offense and the initiation of an investigation.

The full Rose Case Policy & Procedure Review can be accessed here.

This builds on the work of the Office of Police Accountability and Transparency. 

Since her appointment in early May, Director Everett has been steadfast in advancing several key police reforms, even as she works to staff the new OPAT organization. Already, OPAT has solicited nominees to the new Civilian Review Board. On May 21, Mayor Janey submitted a letter to the City Council requesting nominations for the Civilian Review Board by June 7. The City Council finally began its process to nominate Civilian Review Board members last week and set an extended deadline of August 30. Nominations from several community-based organizations are expected by July 31. Second, the new Internal Affairs Oversight Panel had its first public hearing in June. Third, OPAT has been working to coordinate compliance with new state police reforms. 

In addition, the City of Boston and Boston Police Department have begun for police reform measures, including the creation of a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion policy and launch of a DEI Committee within the BPD in April; a revision of the use of force and bias-free policing policies in May; launch of a public dashboard that covers police conduct in June; de-escalation work for BPD officers; and an increase from two to eight hours of the Fair and Impartial Policing Curriculum for new recruits.

麻州首個疫苗百萬獎揭曉 還有四個等你拿

First VaxMillions Giveaway Winners Announced


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BOSTON — Today, the Baker-Polito Administration, Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg and the Massachusetts State Lottery announced the winners for the first of five drawings for the Massachusetts VaxMillions Giveaway. As part of the giveaway, fully vaccinated residents ages 18 and older are eligible to enter to win one of five, $1 million cash prizes. Residents between 12-17 years of age who are fully vaccinated may enter for the chance to win one of five $300,000 scholarship grants.


The winner of this week’s $1 million prize is Darrell Washington of Weymouth. The winner for the $300,000 college scholarship is Daniela Maldonado of Chelsea.


“Congratulations to Darrell Washington and Daniela Maldonado on winning the first-round drawing for the VaxMillions Giveaway,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Since we launched VaxMillions, over 2.3 million residents have signed up and hundreds of thousands of residents have gotten vaccinated, building on Massachusetts’ nation-leading success in protecting our residents. Massachusetts continues to out-perform virtually every state on vaccinations, and we look forward to the remaining drawings for the VaxMillions campaign as another way to encourage more residents to get vaccinated, in addition to innovative approaches like pop-up clinics and in-home vaccinations.”


“We are excited for these first-round winners of the VaxMillions Giveaway, and look forward to seeing the positive impact these prizes will have on their lives,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “We are grateful that over 4.5 million residents have gotten at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, contributing to our status as a national leader in vaccinations. As the VaxMillion Giveaway continues, our Administration remains committed to using every tool available to us to get more residents vaccinated.”


“Today’s winners are a great reminder of why it’s so important to get vaccinated. They won, but we all win too,” said State Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg. “And remember - they got a shot because they got the shots. So get the vax now and you could join us soon!”


“The Mass Lottery is proud to be a part of this important public health initiative and we extend our thanks to everyone who has registered thus far,” said Michael Sweeney, Executive Director, Massachusetts State Lottery. “We congratulate the first winners and are hopeful that today’s announcement will encourage additional state residents to get vaccinated.”


“I am grateful to Darrell Washington and Daniela Maldonado, as well as the over 4.3 million Massachusetts residents that made the decision to protect themselves, their families and their communities by getting vaccinated,” said Secretary Marylou Sudders, Executive Office of Health and Human Services. “Vaccine acceptance in Massachusetts is among the highest in the nation, and we will continue to make the vaccine more accessible and convenient for every eligible resident across the Commonwealth.”


"Leveraging innovative technology solutions has been a key component to the Baker-Polito Administration’s public health response to the pandemic," said Secretary of Technology Services and Security Curtis M. Wood. "We are proud to partner with the Massachusetts State Lottery and public health officials on this important vaccination initiative and we congratulate today’s winners." 


The registration deadline for the next VaxMillions Giveaway is today, Thursday, July 29. Winners for that drawing will be drawn on Monday, August 2 and announced on Thursday, August 5. The full list of registration, drawing and announcement dates is listed below.



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Residents must be fully vaccinated before registering, but if they are not vaccinated by the registration date for a certain drawing, they will still have the opportunity to complete vaccination and register for subsequent drawings. Residents will only have to enter once to qualify for all drawings occurring after the date of their registration.


To date, over 2.3 million people have signed up for the VaxMillions Giveaway. Since the program was announced on June 15, almost 200,000 residents have gotten a first dose of the vaccine, and over 330,000 residents have become fully vaccinated.


Massachusetts remains a national leader in vaccinations with over 4.3 million residents fully vaccinated and over 4.5 million residents with at least one dose.


How to Enter

Eligible residents are able to enter the giveaway at VaxMillionsGiveaway.com.  For residents who do not have access to the internet or require assistance, a call center can be reached by calling 2-1-1 during the below hours:


  • Monday-Thursday: 8:30 AM-6:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM
  • Saturday-Sunday: 9:00 AM-2:00 PM


Live call center workers are available in English and Spanish, and 100 additional languages are available through translators.


Prize Details

Massachusetts residents 18 years of age and older who have received two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, will have a chance to win one of five, $1 million cash prizes.


Massachusetts residents between 12 and 17 years of age who have received two doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will have a chance to win one of five $300,000 scholarship grants via a 529 College Savings Plan managed by the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA). Funds in a 529 plan can be applied to cover tuition, room and board, and related expenses at any college, university, or technical or trade school or other post-secondary educational institution eligible to participate in a student aid program administered by the U.S. Department of Education. Winners with a qualifying disability may elect instead to receive an equivalent financial contribution to a special needs trust or federally qualified ABLE account to cover qualified expenses.


Only legal, permanent residents of Massachusetts who are fully vaccinated can enter the drawings. Residents must have received their vaccine doses within Massachusetts. Residents must be fully vaccinated prior to submitting their entry.



Residents can email support@vaxmillionsgiveaway.mass.gov or call 2-1-1 to report any instances of fraud or suspicious activity associated with the VaxMillions Giveaway Promotion. Residents are reminded that official prize notification emails related to the VaxMillions Giveaway will come from a Massachusetts Department of Public Health email address ending in “@mass.gov.” More information on tips for identifying suspected fraud can be found here.


Vaccination Locations

There are over 900 vaccination locations across the Commonwealth, with appointments and walk-ins widely available. Residents seeking a vaccine can visit mass.gov/COVIDVaccine to find a vaccine location that is convenient for them.


For more information on the Mass VaxMillions Giveaway, visit VaxMillionsGiveaway.com.