
星期五, 5月 14, 2021

Kim Janey要讓波市警察局透明負責 Dennis White命運待定


波士頓市長Kim Janey(中)
  (Boston Orange周菊子綜合報導)波士頓代理市長Kim Janey今(14)日下午4點,在市政府大樓舉行記者會,公佈刻正停職中波士頓警察局長Dennis White的獨立調查結果,稱其未來去留,將在聽證會後決定,直言波士頓警察局明顯的應邁往另一方向。

   Kim Janey今日發言時,毫不避諱地指出,波士頓市前任警察局長葛羅斯(William Gross)才剛宣佈退休,僅只一個工作日,波士頓市前任政府就宣佈由葛羅斯的好友兼幕僚長Dennis White接任。但他才上任,就被勒令停職。

前任波士頓警察局長William Gross支持Annisa Essabi
   Kim Janey稱,關於Dennis White的獨立調查報告已完成了,在有關案件的事實之外,該調查報告也揭露警察局內有恐懼及沉默文化,有堵"沉默藍牆"。有一名退休警員就聲稱,共接到5通電話,要他別和調查人員說話。Kim Janey表示,她上任代理市長時,誓言要把透明,問責帶進波士頓市府,現在她要帶波士頓市"從錯誤中走出來"。

           Kim Janey 指派波士頓市緊急管理長Shumeane Benford,以及牧師Rahsaan Hall來召集一個委員會,為波士頓警察局的未來定調。她也將採取幾項措施,來重新訂定波士頓市的安全未來。



代表Dennis White的律師Nicholas B. Carter在一份聲明中表示,今日早上10點,Kim Janey通知Dennis White,她打算解雇Dennis White

   Kim Janey在記者會中否認她今早和停職中的波士頓警察局長Denis White通話時,說要解雇他。Kim Janey表示,她說的是波士頓市府將遵循法令,舉行聽證會,Denis White的未來去留,將視聽證會結果而定。

   Denis White的律師已向法院遞交文件,申請制止這一程序。

   Denis White是在葛羅斯於128日宣佈退休後,於21日由波士頓市前任市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)為他主持了宣誓上任儀式,然後就爆出Denis White曾因家暴案收到限制令的過往, 2 3日馬丁華殊勒令他放行政假,暫時停職。

   獨立調查律師Tamsin Kaplan2 19日到 4 20日的調查,遭遇不少阻撓,一度被要求停止,預定訪談21人,卻只有7人敢和她說話,其他人大都表示怕遭報復,Denis White本人也不合作,最終他寫成了19頁調查報告,記錄了至少2宗與家暴相關案件。

   波士頓市警察局的改革,在新任警察局長Dennis White爆出1998年就曾涉家暴案,卸任巡警協會會長Patrick M. Rose, Sr.1996年起涉及性侵少年案,去年9 月司法部宣佈9名波士頓警察濫報加班費,已被逮捕等一連串事故之際,成了波士頓市長選舉的重要議題。

   各市長參選人大致都認為警察局的制度、行事,都應有所改革,但著重點並不相同。目前波士頓代市長Kim Janey在這議題上的決定,備受關注。波士頓市長參選人,Andrea Camobell,以及John Barros都要求Kim Janey完整公佈Patrick M. Rose, Sr.的調查報告,Annisa Essabi George則在前日公佈前任波士頓警察局長葛羅斯支持她參選波士頓市長,吳弭剛剛發佈聲明,稱讓波士頓市未來6個月都沒有一名警察局局長的做法不妥。

Kim Janey: investigation revealed a culture of fear and silence within the Boston Police Department



Please note, a redacted version of Attorney Kaplan’s report can be found here.

Good afternoon. When I was sworn-in as Mayor, I pledged to bring transparency and accountability to City Hall. I also promised to make space for those who felt unheard in our city. Those commitments to the people of Boston have guided my decision to release the findings of the investigation into Commissioner Dennis White. 

Dennis White was installed as commissioner by the previous administration one business day after his friend and previous Commissioner William Gross announced his retirement. As quickly as he arrived, Commissioner White was placed on administrative leave, after reports of a domestic violence restraining order issued against him became public. 

An independent investigation into the allegations against Dennis White was recently completed. In addition to the facts of his case, the investigation revealed a culture of fear and silence within the Boston Police Department. 

Sworn police officers refused to speak to investigators, frustrating efforts to uncover the truth. What is often referred to as a blue wall of silence was confirmed by one retired officer who said he received five phone calls directing him not to cooperate with this investigation. Other officers were intimidated into silence, for fear of retaliation. 

This investigation of Dennis White reveals a flawed process and a misguided department culture. Dennis White’s admitted behavior does not reflect our values. It is clear from the report that we have to move in a different direction. 

After reviewing the findings of this investigation, I informed Dennis White I would hold a hearing, in accordance with the statute. His attorney has filed papers in court to stop this process. 

The future leadership of the Boston Police Department is an urgent matter, as we move our city forward. But, I ask for our city’s patience as we await the court’s ruling.  

As Mayor, I am committed to leading positive change and systemic reforms to bring overdue transparency and accountability to policing in Boston. 

The time has come for us to turn away from the mistakes of the past and move toward a more just and equitable Boston. I am implementing several measures to reimagine the future of policing in our city. 

I have asked Shumeane Benford, Boston’s Chief of Emergency Management and Rev. Rahsaan Hall to assemble a committee to set the stage for the future of the Boston Police Department and realize our vision for safety, healing, and justice. 

The committee will be composed of community residents, public safety advocates, and law enforcement professionals who will lead a community engagement process to define what Boston residents seek from leadership within our police force.  

To advance this effort, I am addressing policies that govern the Boston Police Department, starting with background checks. Going forward, all candidates for BPD leadership, whether internal or external, will be subject to vetting and background checks. The residents of Boston must have confidence that the officers charged with enforcing our laws are themselves people of integrity. 

We will also work to strengthen the BPD domestic violence policy. The current policy is more than 15 years old. It is time to update these rules to reflect what social science research has shown about domestic violence, particularly the challenges faced by women of color and those abused by police officers.  

For the first time, we will propose a sexual assault policy to govern our police force. We must have practices and procedures that protect victims from police intimidation and take into account the unique sensitivity of sexual violence. 

The Boston Police Department will require steady leadership as we move forward.  

I am grateful for Greg Long, who has graciously performed double duty as both Chief of Police and Acting Commissioner. I want to thank Chief Long, and his family, for their continued service to our city.  

All of these changes, taken together with ongoing reforms, such as a mental health response pilot and the new Office of Police Accountability and Transparency, begin a new chapter for the Boston Police Department and for our city. 

While more challenges certainly lie ahead, we are moving Boston forward toward a more just and equitable future.  


Statement: Michelle Wu on Recent News About Boston Police Department

Boston, MA— The following statement can be attributed to Boston City Councilor At-Large and Mayoral Candidate Michelle Wu:

“It’s disappointing that Boston residents continue to have no clarity about who will steer the Police Department over the next six months as Interim Commissioner until the next administration. As Mayor, I will lead a comprehensive, transparent process to fully vet and select a permanent Commissioner to guide the cultural and structural changes that we need across this department. But these changes must start right now through the ongoing police union contract negotiations, about which the public has had no information or transparency.”

Kim Janey 要改造波士頓警察局 直言警察怕報復都緘默 (Blogger censor and deleted this article and then reinstated it.)

波士頓代市長Kim Janey稱警察局內有著緘默,秘密,怕報復的文化。(視頻截圖)
      (Boston Orange周菊子綜合報導)波士頓代理市長Kim Janey今(14)日下午4點,在市政府大樓舉行記者會,直言警察局內部緘默、懼怕報復的文化驚人,應該改變方向。刻正停職中波士頓警察局長Dennis White的未來去留,將待聽證會後決定。

   Kim Janey今日發言時,毫不避諱地指出,波士頓市前任警察局長葛羅斯(William Gross)才剛宣佈退休,僅只一個工作日,波士頓市前任政府就宣佈由葛羅斯的好友兼幕僚長Dennis White接任。但他才上任,就被勒令停職。

波士頓市長候選人Annisa Essabi George獲波士頓警察局前任局長葛羅斯(William Gross)支持。
   如今獨立調查報告出爐,也揭露警察局內有座"沉默藍牆",以及恐懼報復的文化,有名退休警員就聲稱,共接到5通電話,要他別和調查人員說話。Kim Janey表示,她上任代理市長時,誓言要把透明,問責帶進波士頓市府,現在她要帶波士頓市"從錯誤中走出來"。

           Kim Janey 指派波士頓市緊急管理長Shumeane Benford,以及牧師Rahsaan Hall來召集一個委員會,為波士頓警察局的未來定調。她也將採取幾項措施,來重新訂定波士頓市的安全未來。


   Kim Janey否認她今早和停職中的波士頓警察局長Denis White通話時,說要解雇他。Kim Janey表示,她說的是波士頓市府將遵循法令,舉行聽證會,Denis White的未來去留,將視聽證會結果而定。不過Denis White的律師已向法院遞交文件,申請制止這一程序。

   Denis White是在葛羅斯於128日宣佈退休後,於21日由波士頓市前任市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)為他主持了宣誓上任儀式,然後就爆出Denis White曾因家暴案收到限制令的過往, 2 3日馬丁華殊勒令他放行政假,暫時停職。

   獨立調查律師Tamsin Kaplan2 19日到 4 20日的調查,遭遇不少阻撓,一度被要求停止,預定訪談21人,卻只有7人敢和她說話,其他人大都表示怕遭報復,Denis White本人也不合作,最終他寫成了19頁調查報告,記錄了至少2宗與家暴相關案件。

   波士頓市警察局的改革,在新任警察局長Dennis White涉家暴案,卸任巡警協會會長Patrick M. Rose, Sr. 涉性侵少年案,9名波士頓警察被告濫報加班費等等一連串事故之際,成了波士頓市長選舉的重要議題。

   波士頓代市長Kim Janey在這議題上首當其衝,有著動輒得咎,耗損選票的危險。同為黑人的波士頓市長參選人,Andrea Camobell,以及John Barros都要求Kim Janey完整公佈Patrick M. Rose, Sr.的調查報告,Annisa Essabi George卻在前日公佈前任波士頓警察局長葛羅斯支持她參選波士頓市長,吳弭剛剛發佈聲明,稱讓波士頓市未來6個月都沒有一名警察局局長的做法不妥。

星期四, 5月 13, 2021

Statement from Committee of 100 on Tony Hinchcliffe’s Anti-Asian Slurs

 Statement from Committee of 100 on Tony Hinchcliffe’s Anti-Asian Slurs

New York, NY (May 13, 2021) — The following statement was issued today by Zheng Yu Huang, President of Committee of 100:

“The anti-Asian slurs and hate that Tony Hinchcliffe spouted at a recent comedy show were deplorable, disgusting, and inexcusable. This type of language only contributes to the vicious cycle of hatred, bigotry and violence directed at Chinese Americans and the AAPI community. An attack on Asian Americans, be it verbal or physical, is an attack on all Americans. We cannot sit idly by and allow racially charged language to go unchecked. Committee of 100 commends the organizations and companies that have already cut ties with Tony Hinchcliffe. Words have meaning, and racially charged words have consequences. We strongly condemn the language used by Tony Hinchcliffe and urge groups and organizations across all communities to join with Committee of 100 in making such behaviors unacceptable in American life.”

About Committee of 100
Committee of 100 is a non-profit U.S. leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, healthcare, and the arts focused on public policy engagement, civic engagement, and philanthropy. For over 30 years, Committee of 100 has served as a preeminent organization committed to the dual missions of promoting the full participation of Chinese Americans in all aspects of American life and constructive relations between the United States and Greater China. Visit https://www.committee100.org/ or follow Committee of 100 on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook for more information.

At-Large Council Candidate Jon Spillane Officially On The Ballot

 At-Large Council Candidate Jon Spillane Officially On The Ballot

Former City Council aide, Department of Neighborhood Services staffer, and lifelong Bostonian becomes one of the first At-Large candidates to make the September Primary ballot 

Boston, MA -- Today, the Jon Spillane for Boston City Council At-Large campaign announced that Jon Spillane, of Beacon Hill, has officially qualified for the September Primary ballot, after the Boston Elections Department verified the required 1,500 signatures from the Spillane campaign. In total, the Spillane campaign has collected over 3,000 signatures on 90 sheets, representing the support of thousands of registered Boston voters from neighborhoods across the city. 

Candidate for Boston City Council At-Large Jon Spillane will appear on the September Primary ballot, marking a new milestone in the race. 

As one of the first At-Large campaigns to make the ballot, the Spillane campaign solidifies its position as a top contender with the city-wide organization and grassroots momentum to elect Jon Spillane to serve as City Councilor At-Large. Over 70 volunteers have taken part in collecting signatures, soliciting signatures from family, friends, neighbors, and at train stations and grocery stores across Boston.  

“The outpouring of support our campaign has received across large swaths of Boston has been incredible to witness,” said Jon Spillane, candidate for Boston City Council At-Large. “Our vision for the City Council centers on our neighbors and community members, the folks who raised me and who I’m proud to have looked up to my whole life. As Boston rebuilds from the pandemic, I would be humbled to bring my experience working in City Hall to the table as a City Councilor At-Large, getting to work and ready to deliver results on day one.”

In April, the campaign also released their official announcement video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmeS7lgPMlw&t=1s), which features Jon Spillane, a lifelong Bostonian and former City Council and Department of Neighborhood Development staffer, taking public transit and speaking with residents about increasing access to City services. The video, which highlights Jon’s extensive knowledge of City government and readiness for office on day one, is intended to recruit attendees to the campaign’s official kick-off event on May 25th. 

In addition to the crowded Mayoral election, five of the Boston City Council’s thirteen members are not running for re-election, leaving three district council seats and two At-Large seats open. The next Council will not only play a major role in the COVID-19 recovery, but will also be in charge of re-drawing council district lines based on the 2020 census results. 


 State Public Health Officials Award $972,000

for Substance Use Disorder Programming at Three High Schools 

Award will provide comprehensive year-round, after-school and out-of-school, services and supports for youths with substance use disorder

BOSTON (May 13, 2021) – The Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) and the Department of Public Health (DPH) today announced $972,000 in grants awarded for after-school enrichment programming for young people aged 13-17 with substance use disorder or who have been identified as being at risk for developing this disorder.

The program will serve students in three high schools in Beverly, Boston, and Springfield and include educational tutoring, recreational activities, year-round programs (including after-school and out-of-school), and intervention/recovery support programs.

The award recipients are Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD), City of Springfield/Springfield Public Schools, and the Northshore Education Consortium in Beverly.

“Research has shown that being in a school setting that promotes recovery provides students with an influential network that can lead to academic success and a reduction in substance use,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders. “This award will expand after-school and outside of school supports particularly in response to the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“This award will provide meaningful, effective, and purpose-driven supports for adolescents with substance use disorder,” said Public Health Commissioner Monica Bharel, MD, MPH.

The grant award will be issued over the course of three years, with $54,000 distributed to each program in the first year, $216,000 in the second year, and $54,000 in the third year. The program is funded through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) State Opioid Response (SOR) grant.

“This program will be a positive step towards increasing Massachusetts’ capacity for targeted after-school enrichment for youths affected by or at risk for substance use disorder,” said Deirdre Calvert, Director of DPH’s Bureau of Substance Addiction Services. “Providing youths meaningful understanding for their diverse paths to recovery, as well as effective support in times of need, will protect their continued recovery and integration with greater society.” 

全國亞裔總商會和聯邦參議員卡登晤談 促關注亞裔企業倍受疫情、仇亞雙重打擊



(Boston Orange)全國亞裔總商會(National ACE)510日和馬里蘭州聯邦參議員(Ben Cardin) ” 咖啡敘,進一步了解美國援救計畫(American Rescure Plan),家庭計畫,就業計畫等重建美國最新內容,促請議會關注新冠疫情逼使26%亞裔企業關了門,亞裔遭遇歧視、仇恨暴力事件陡增等情況。雙方聲言將繼續溝通。


聯邦參議員Ben Cardin (左上起順時鐘),全國亞裔總商會執行長董繼玲,馬里蘭州聯邦
董繼玲指出,很幸運地,該會在去年中直接幫助13000多家小企業,另外藉由網路會議,為小企業維持營運提供各種支援。該會將藉由新成立的「亞裔堅強(AAPI Strong)」項目,持續協助小企業,包括辦理全國性調查,以了解針對少數族裔企業的歧視,仇恨情況,邀聯邦及州議員們和小企業主舉辦圓桌會議,討論政策修訂。

咖啡敘中,馬里蘭州參議員李鳳遷,H2O Clinical LLC創辦人白越珠,Catalyte 執行長徐嘉(Jacob Hsu),全國亞裔總商會財務長Jimmy FergusonMatthew Lee,註冊會計律師Leonard Canseco,沈逸媛,桃源餐廳創辦人陳淑芬分別致詞發問。

根據馬里蘭州小企業主白越珠的介紹,聯邦參議員 已是第三代馬里蘭州居民,在聯邦參議院中,他是外交事務委員會,環保及公共工程委員會資深委員,參與推動了薪資保護計劃(PPP)”。他把為小企業,尤其是婦女及少數族裔所擁有的企業,找到更好方法取得信貸視為優先要務,總是促請聯邦政府採取各種可能步驟來幫助小企業。



拜登總統的做法則是,把美國重建得更好(Build back better)”,那也意味著要對付美國境內的系統性挑戰。





他還提了好幾項法案,包括在小企業行政局的資金辦公室內,設立新興市場辦公室,協助少數族裔企業拿到創投資金;提升(Uplift)法案,把小企業行政局(SBA)HBCUs,少數族裔存款,以及少數族裔機構連起來,設立孵化器或加速器項目,來幫助小企業;彈性 (Resilliency)法案,把少數族裔企業發展局(MBDA)變成一個機構,而不是行政命令下的一個計劃。他們還打算實施一項拜登總統的在社區內設立代表,協助地方搜尋,應用政府項目的做法。

另外,他們打算擴大辦理在少數族裔社區滲透率較高的微型貸款項目社區利益(community advantage)項目。下星期或下下星期,參議院將舉行監管公聽會,和小企業行政局主管Isabel Guzman晤談,確保為合作伙伴提供資源。






City Councilor Michelle Wu Introduces Resolution in Support of Olympic Athletes’ Right to Declare Black Lives Matter

City Councilor Michelle Wu Introduces Resolution in Support of Olympic Athletes’ Right to Declare Black Lives Matter

Boston, MA - City Councilor Michelle Wu today introduced a resolution condemning the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) ban on political, social, or ideological protest at the upcoming Tokyo Olympic Games, including wearing apparel that says Black Lives Matter or taking a knee to protest police violence and racial injustice. The Boston City Council resolution affirms that Black Lives Matter and calls for the IOC to lift rule 50, allowing athletes full freedom of expression to fight for human rights and racial justice. 

           “Athletes who speak up for human rights and against racial injustice should be celebrated, not punished. On the world stage, our Boston athletes - and all athletes - must have the right to free expression to declare that Black Lives Matter. Countless members of Boston’s athletic community have used their platforms to speak out against police brutality and racial injustice, from youth coaches having difficult conversations to the Black Lives Matter billboard erected outside Fenway Park. We must affirm the right to speak up and speak out against injustice at the Olympics and wherever else we find it,” said Michelle Wu.

星期三, 5月 12, 2021

麻州州長拜訪Moderna的Norwood實驗室 宣佈12到15歲青少年將可注射疫苗


            (Boston Orange綜合編譯)一旦聯邦政府批准,麻州就會開始讓1215歲兒童,在父母同意後接種輝瑞(Pfizer)新冠病毒疫苗。麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)今日下午參訪Moderna新近擴建的諾塢(Norwood)實驗室後,這麼宣佈。



Moderna執行長Stephane Bancel表示該公司擴大產能,正在招聘。

             聯邦政府食物及藥品管理局(FDA)已於週一批准給1215歲兒童及青少年注射輝瑞疫苗。聯邦疾病防治中心免疫做法顧問委員會訂今日投票。聯邦疾病防治中心(CDC)主任Rochelle Walensky接著必須批准委員會的建議。





 Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito will join Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders, Moderna Therapeutics CEO Stephane Bancel, Moderna Therapeutics Head of Manufacturing Science & Technology Paul Chen and Moderna Therapeutics Senior Vice President of US Manufacturing Scott Nickerson to tour Moderna's laboratory facility and provide an update on COVID-19 vaccination

波士頓人口白人仍過半 明年市長肯定非白人

             (Boston Orange)波士頓市申請提名表的最後一天,511日,剛過去了,下一任市長候選人有哪些,也基本落實了。現在可以很肯定地說,今年的波士頓市長候選人,不但多元化程度史無前例,還絕大多數是女性、是有色人種。



             這數據說明,波士頓市還未真正跨入少數族裔變成多數族裔時代,但整個大環境卻無可否認地變化很大。從Kim Janey今年四月上任代理波士頓市長,大量起用少數族裔起,到如今市長候選人絕大多數為有色人種,波士頓市政治權力由白人掌握的這歷史傳統,就幾乎註定了要翻頁。

             從新冠疫情爆發以來陸續出現「黑人的命也是命(Black Life Matters)」,「停止仇恨亞裔(Stop Asian Hate)」,在整個社會中掀起追求正義呼聲,也都推動著改變。

             6名主要的下屆波士頓市長候選人,其中4人為女性,全都是波士頓市市議員。Kim Janey因為前市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)被美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)指派為勞工部部長,到華府去了,她由市議會議長升任為代理市長,已經打破了波士頓市政治歷史。Andrea CampbellKim Janey同樣是黑人,吳弭(Michelle Wu)是亞裔,Annissa Essaibi George是阿拉伯人和波蘭人的混血後裔,被認為是有色人種。另外2名男性,參選前擔任波士頓市經濟發展長的John Barros是黑人,現任麻州眾議員Jon Santiago是拉丁裔人。

             根據波士頓市府選務局資訊,518日是各參選人繳交提名表的截止日期。凡參選市長的候選人,必須繳交3000個有效支持簽名。吳弭競選團隊在領取提名表的第一天就已宣佈取得3000個支持簽名,日前又再宣佈,陸續收得更多支持簽名,已繳交給市府的支持簽名超過5000。在競選市長路上,籌款金額每月結算時總要比吳弭多上幾千元的Andrea Campbell在母親節週末,也在推特上宣佈,已取得5000個支持簽名。不過波士頓市府目前只認證了吳弭,Kim Janey已確定將名列選票。

哈佛中國學子音樂會感恩母親 祝禱印度疫情緩解


               (Boston Orange)哈佛大學中國學子5月8日晚在網上舉辦" 國際詩歌音樂節"18  項表演節目,展現了10國感恩母親的不同樂音。






