
星期四, 2月 04, 2021

麥肯錫5億7300萬元協議 總檢察官Murau Healey: 麻州將得1300萬元


麻州總檢察官奚莉(Murau Healey)。視頻截圖)
        (Boston Orange 編譯)麻州總檢察官奚莉(Murau Healey)47州,以及哥倫比亞特區,5個美國領土總檢察官們組成的聯盟,今(4)日宣佈和世界上最大諮詢公司之一的麥肯錫(McKinsey & Company)達成57300萬元協議。




AG’s Office Secures $573 Million Settlement With McKinsey for ‘Turbocharging’ Opioid Sales and Profiting From the Epidemic

Massachusetts to Receive $13 Million; Case Is First Multistate Opioid Settlement to Result in Substantial Payment to Address the Epidemic


  • Office of Attorney General Maura Healey

BOSTON — Attorney General Maura Healey, with a coalition of attorneys general representing 47 states, the District of Columbia and five U.S. territories, announced a $573 million settlement with one of the world’s largest consulting firms, McKinsey & Company, resolving investigations into the company’s role working for opioid companies, helping those companies promote their drugs, and profiting from the opioid epidemic.

Under the terms of the consent judgment, filed today along with a complaint in Suffolk Superior Court, McKinsey will pay a total of $573 million – with $13 million going to Massachusetts – which will be used to fund prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts. This is the first multistate opioid settlement to result in substantial payment to the states to address the epidemic. The judgment remains subject to court approval.

“Today’s agreement sets a new standard for accountability in one of the most devastating crises of our time,” AG Healey said. “As a result, our communities will receive substantial resources for treatment, prevention, and recovery services, and families who have seen their loved ones hurt and killed by the opioid epidemic will have the truth exposed about McKinsey’s illegal and dangerous partnership with Purdue Pharma.”

McKinsey is required to turn over tens of thousands of internal documents detailing its work for Purdue Pharma and other opioid companies for public disclosure online. According to the complaint, McKinsey designed Purdue’s marketing schemes, including a plan to “turbocharge” OxyContin sales at the height of the opioid epidemic.

Today’s filings, with evidence about McKinsey’s misconduct first uncovered by AG Healey’s Office, describe how McKinsey contributed to the opioid crisis by selling marketing schemes and consulting services to opioid manufacturers, including OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma, for over a decade. The complaint, filed with the settlement, details how McKinsey advised Purdue to maximize its OxyContin profits, including by:

  • Focusing on higher, more lucrative dosages and increased sales rep visits to high-volume opioid prescribers;
  • Targeting physicians with specific messaging to convince them to prescribe more OxyContin to more patients;
  • Encouraging opioid manufacturers to band together to “defend against strict treatment by the FDA” on risk mitigation efforts that could have reduced high doses and saved lives; and
  • Delivering OxyContin directly to patients through mail-order pharmacies to circumvent retail pharmacy restrictions on high dose, suspicious prescriptions.

When states began to sue Purdue’s directors for their implementation of McKinsey’s marketing schemes, McKinsey partners began emailing about deleting documents and emails related to their work for Purdue.

Under the terms of today’s settlement, McKinsey will pay $573 million, with a total of $558 million distributed to states to abate the opioid crisis, and $15 million to fund investigation expenses and support the document repository. In Massachusetts, today’s settlement will fund the state’s newly created Opioid Recovery and Remediation Fund to help expand access to opioid use disorder prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery options. 

Along with the payment and the disclosure of documents, the agreement also imposes court-ordered ethics rules that McKinsey must implement, including strict company-wide standards for document retention, and conflict disclosures on state contracts. In addition, McKinsey agreed to stop advising companies on potentially dangerous Schedule II and III narcotics. 

Today’s filings are the latest action AG Healey has taken to combat the opioid epidemic and hold accountable those who are responsible for creating and fueling the crisis. Since taking office, AG Healey has prioritized combating the opioid epidemic through a multi-disciplinary approach that includes enforcement, policy, prevention, and education efforts. Learn more about AG Healey’s work to combat the opioid epidemic here [mass.gov].

The states’ investigation, first launched by AG Healey’s Office, was led by an executive committee made up of the attorneys general of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, and Vermont. The executive committee is joined by the attorneys general of Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, the District of Columbia, and the territories of American Samoa, Guam the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Handling the case for Massachusetts are Assistant Attorneys General Jenny Wojewoda and Sandy Alexander, Senior Enforcement Counsel Gillian Feiner, and Health Care Division Chief Eric Gold, all of AG Healey’s Health Care and Fair Competition Bureau, with assistance from Legal Analyst Julia Walsh, Paralegals Philipp Nowak and Indira Rao, Health Care Division Assistant Attorney General Ethan Marks, Civil Investigator Marlee Greer, Assistant Attorney General and eDiscovery Attorney Paula McManus, and Digital Evidence Lab Director Chris Kelly.

麻州撥款1億7400萬元補助小企業 8日起餐館、企業容納量可提升至40%

麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)。(視頻截圖)
                      (Boston Orange 整理編譯)麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)(4)日在疫情匯報中宣佈,放寬開放限制。下週一的28日凌晨5點起,包括餐館在內,企業營運量可從25%增加到40%。群聚人數限制,仍維持在室內10人,戶外25人。



麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito)。(視頻截圖)




        由於214日的情人節在望,許多商家都期望政府放寬限制,好讓她們有機會爭取一點生意哦。不過都會區計畫委員會主任Marc Draisen認為,放寬限制很可能讓人們開始對病毒掉以輕心,覺得疫情已經沒那麼嚴重,可以多出去了,但在疫情未完全消除之前,最好還是謹慎小心些。

Baker-Polito Administration Awards Nearly $174 Million in Grants to 4,043 Additional Small Businesses for COVID Relief, Increases Capacity Limits for Businesses and Other Activities

Over $450 million in direct financial support has been awarded to 9,900 small businesses; Capacity limits for most sectors increased to 40%

BOSTON — Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced approximately $173.9 million in awards to 4,043 additional small businesses in the sixth round of COVID relief grants administered by the Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC). This program is focused on serving businesses that have been most impacted by the pandemic, including restaurants, bars, caterers, personal services and independent retailers.

The Administration also announced that effective Monday, February 8th at 5:00 AM, businesses can operate at 40% capacity. This is an increase from an existing order limiting capacity to 25% for many businesses that expires Monday.

Beginning when the order expires, restaurants and close contact personal services will also be allowed to operate at a 40% capacity limit.

Additionally, the Administration announced that current restrictions limiting gathering sizes to 10 persons indoors and 25 persons outdoors would remain in place for the present time.

All other orders and safety guidance remain in place throughout the Commonwealth as the state continues to fight COVID-19 and vaccination ramps up in all regions.


To date, the Baker-Polito Administration has awarded more than $450 million in direct financial support to 9,900 small businesses. This funding has been made available through a $668 million business relief fund set up in December, as well as a $50.8 million fund for small and diverse businesses included in the economic recovery package announced in October. 

In parallel with the awards announced today, MGCC is engaging with applicants to the Small Business and Sector-Specific Grant Programs that meet sector and demographic priorities but are missing certain documents that are necessary to be considered for an award. Those applicants will be contacted beginning today, February 4th, and MGCC will work with those businesses over the coming weeks to finalize their applications.


Effective Monday, February 8th at 5:00 AM, those businesses and other sectors in Massachusetts currently limited to 25% capacity following an across the board capacity reduction on December 26, 2020 will be permitted to increase to a 40% capacity limit. Businesses and activities affected by the adjustment include:

  • Arcades and Recreational Businesses
  • Driving and Flight Schools
  • Gyms/Health Clubs
  • Libraries
  • Museums
  • Retail
  • Offices
  • Places of Worship
  • Lodging (common areas)
  • Golf (indoor areas)
  • Movie Theaters (no more than 50 people per theater)

In addition, restaurants and close contact personal services will now be allowed to operate at a 40% capacity limit, which reflects an increase from the 25% limit imposed in December. As under the current 25% limit, workers and staff will not count towards the occupancy count for restaurants and close contact personal services.

The Commonwealth remains in Phase 3, Step 1 of the Baker-Polito Administration’s reopening plan.

Phase 3, Step 2 businesses, including indoor performance venues and indoor recreation businesses like roller rinks and trampoline parks, remain closed.  


The current gathering limits, in place since December 26, are being extended. Indoor gatherings and events will remain limited to 10 people. Outdoor gatherings and events will remain limited to 25 people. The gathering limits apply equally to private homes, event venues, and other public spaces.

Click here to read the read the updated gatherings order.

波士頓警察局長Dennis White 才上任就停職 肇因20年前家暴案

波士頓警察局局長Dennis White。(檔案照片,視頻截圖)
            (Boston Orange整理編譯)甫於21日宣誓就任,23日立遭勒令暫時休假,波士頓市歷來第2位黑人警察局局長Dennis White傳出曾於1999年家暴,波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)將外聘人員調查。

              馬丁華殊發出聲明,指派波士頓警察局總副局長(Superintendent-in-Chief) Gregory Long擔任代理局長,稱市府將從外聘請律師做公正的全面調查。

              波士頓市歷史上的首名黑人警察局局長葛羅斯(William Gross)上週五(129)突然辭職,他的幕僚長兼副局長Dennis White21日宣誓就任,成為第43任波士頓市警察局局長。沒想到波士頓環球報查詢的一宗1999年家暴案,涉案人就是Dennis White。他涉嫌威脅要射殺妻子,其後法院下令要他和家人保持距離。他那時候的妻子也是一名警察。


              上星期,在馬丁華殊宣佈要指派Dennis White出任波士頓警察局局長後,波士頓環球報就逼波士頓警察局提供White的工作歷史,其中包括三宗內部事務案。波士頓警察局提供了一些基本資料,但拒絕提供內部事務案件內容。







              馬丁華殊離任後,波士頓市議會議長Kim Janey將擔任代理市長。她在一份聲明中表示,她對任何這類指控都會非常的嚴肅以待。

              Kim Janey的聲明是在馬丁華殊要White停職前發出來的。她說,在議會服務期間,我曾有機會和White局長合作,但這是我第一次聽到這件事。我非常擔心公眾有清楚透明知道的權力



              薩福克郡(Suffolk)地方檢察官Rachael Rollins在一份聲明中表示,她的辦公室並不知道有關White的指控,無法置評。



              White擔任公職的歷史頗長,起初是一名消防員,然後加入警察局。警察局一度形容他為受人尊重的街頭警察,在他長大的社區,洛士百利及多徹斯特值勤。他畢業於Jeremiah E. Burke高中,當警察後於2005年取得Newbury學院的法律學士學位,主修刑事法。






              警察行政研究論壇(Police Executive Research Forum)是個協助城市搜尋新領導的機構。該機構主任Chuck Wexler說,波士頓一直都為能夠從自己的警察局內聘請警察局長而感到欣慰。

              波士頓市的兩名前局長,葛羅斯和威廉伊凡斯(William Evans)都在波士頓警察局工作了一輩子。儘管這份工作對全國性人選很有吸引力,但波士頓官員很少從外面找人。

              1985年時,當年的市長雷夫連(Raymond Flynn)在最後決定請他的朋友,已經當波士頓警察很久的Francis Roaches出任波士頓警察局局長之前,曾飛到費城及紐約,面試候選人。

              2006年,當時的波士頓市長萬寧路(Tomas M. Menino)做全國搜尋,晤談了半打以上的候選人後,也是聘請了羅爾市警察局的Edward F. Davis



星期三, 2月 03, 2021

波士頓迎春揮毫慶牛年 盼轉乾坤


             (Boston Orange周菊子波士頓報導)212日就是辛丑牛年了,波士頓僑教中心和紐英崙中華公所,以及中華書法會,紐英崙藝術學會合作,日前在中華公所會議廳,小規模舉辦波士頓地區揮毫迎新春活動,在新冠病毒疫情期間,揮灑一些喜氣。







波士頓市長指派ERNANI DEARAUJO擔任學校委員會委員



Ernani DeAraujo, Esq.

 BOSTON - Wednesday, February 3, 2021 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the appointment of Ernani DeAraujo, Esq. to the Boston School Committee, the governing body of the Boston Public Schools (BPS). DeAraujo is the Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and General Counsel at the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, where he serves as chief legal counsel to the community health center with over 1,400 staff who serve over 100,000 patients, a fully licensed Emergency Department, and an Elder Service PACE program. 

"I am pleased to welcome Ernani DeAraujo to this pivotal role on the Boston School Committee at a time when our work on behalf of the students of Boston has never been more important," said Mayor Walsh. "Ernani has strong roots in his community, and over the course of his career he has worked with an intentional focus on bringing equity and access to diverse Bostonians. He joins a group of leaders on the Boston School Committee committed to best serving the students of the Boston Public Schools." 

The seven-member Boston School Committee is responsible for defining the vision, mission, and goals of the Boston Public Schools; establishing and monitoring the annual operating budget; hiring, managing, and evaluating the Superintendent; and setting and reviewing district policies and practices to support student achievement.

"I'm grateful to Mayor Walsh for entrusting me with this opportunity to give back to the Boston Public Schools that have so positively impacted my life," said DeAraujo. "From the Bradley Elementary in East Boston to the Boston Latin School, BPS gave me a foundation of academic, social, and emotional strength for adulthood. I want to add my efforts on the School Committee to ensure that all BPS students have the opportunities I did. I look forward to working with the Committee, Superintendent Cassellius, and the dedicated staff of BPS to bring kids and staff back to school safely through this pandemic and continue the course of rebuilding and reimagining BPS to spread excellence across all of our kids and families."

"On behalf of the Boston School Committee, I am pleased to welcome Ernani as our newest colleague, and thank him for his commitment to serving on this Committee," said Alexandra Oliver-Dávila, chairperson of the Boston School Committee. "He has strong connections in the community, a demonstrated passion for helping students succeed, and great experience as a graduate of our schools. I look forward to working alongside him in service to the students, families, and educators of the Boston Public Schools and commend Mayor Walsh for this appointment and his ongoing commitment to ensure the Boston School Committee represents the diversity of our schools and our city." 

DeAraujo is a lifelong resident of East Boston, where he currently resides with his family, and where he is very involved in the community through his work at the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, and as a former neighborhood liaison for East Boston during the Administration of former Mayor Thomas Menino. He is the first person from East Boston to serve on the Boston School Committee. In addition, he is the former President of NOAH Community Development Corporation, where he oversaw the East Boston-based community development corporation and worked to create affordable housing and community building, especially through youth development and environmental justice. He co-founded a program for East Boston High School, named the Mario Umano Public Service Fellowship, that works to connect students with internship opportunities in government and summer programs and helps students apply to college. 

DeAraujo attended Boston Public Schools, including Bradley Elementary, Umana Academy, and Boston Latin School (BLS), and went on to receive a B.A. from Harvard College and a J.D. from Washington and Lee University School of Law in Lexington, VA. In addition, DeAraujo is a Trustee of the BLS Association, Board Secretary for the Center for Community Health Education Research and Service, Inc, and is Vice Chairman of the John William Ward Fellowship, where he helps coordinate public service programs for BLS students. 


The members of the school committee are Boston residents appointed by the Mayor of Boston to serve four-year staggered terms. Mayor Walsh made these appointments based on a list of candidates recommended by a 13-member Citizens Nominating Panel composed of parents, teachers, principals, and representatives of business and higher education. Under the legislation that established the appointed School Committee, "the Mayor shall strive to appoint individuals who reflect the racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity of the city."

On January 4, the Boston School Committee re-elected both Alexandra Oliver-Dávila to Chairperson and Michael O'Neill to Vice Chairperson in unanimous votes. In December 2020, the committee engaged in professional development training which was led pro bono by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, author of How to Be an Antiracist, as part of its efforts to examine policies and  more deeply understand their impact on communities of color.

The School Committee meets approximately twice per month during the school year to adopt, review and modify policies and practices that support teaching, learning and improved student achievement. With the exception of executive sessions, Committee meetings are open to the public, feature public comment periods and are broadcasted on Boston City TV.  

For more information on the School Committee, please visit here.