
星期五, 7月 31, 2020

兩大發展計畫上路 紐英崙中華公所將成華埠大地主

(Boston Orange周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所728日晚一口氣通過30項提案,包括將展延至2021年開工的大同村南停車場蓋樓項目;以6個月為期,將和Pennrose協商發展計畫的喜露街50號,中華公所名下未來將有至少四處物業,營運專業化已成迫在眉睫的需求。
當晚會議由中華公所主席鄭慧民點名,確認出席人數後,並介紹新董事,代表青年會(YMCA)Patricia Barnwell後召開。鄭慧民也簡潔報告了,二月份時,他應波士頓僑教中心主任之邀,到加州參加全美中華會館大會,還在那兒遇到也從波士頓去的美國安良工商會總理陳仕維,紐英崙中華總會代表余麗媖。在疫情期間,中華公所籌款,另比照撥款,共動用5萬餘元購買口罩,捐贈給第一線醫療人員。
喜露街(Herald)50號已由中華公所物業小組建議和Pennrose以六個月為期,協商合作發展條件。2016年成立的喜露街顧問委員會也有變動,亞美社區發展協會(ACDC),華經會的代表,黃瑞瑜和建築師鄭繼良為原有的等4名成員。但鄭繼良因參與大同村南停車場發展計畫退出。再另增加代表中華耆英會的梅伍銀寬,華埠土地信託會的駱理德,以及華埠居民會的Arturo Gossage
為發展大同村南停車場,追認成立中華公所夏利臣地出租人責任有限公司(CCBA Harrison Ground Lessor LLC)CCBA貸方公司(CCBA Harrison Lender LLC)CCBA會員公司(CCBA Harrison Member LLC)。同時批准中華公所和這些機構達成營運協議等等。另外授權中華公所主席代表中華公所及中華公所大同村管理公司把南停車場地塊分割出來,地契交給CCBA夏利臣地出租人責任有限公司,同時代表這家公司和波士頓市政府協商。

Baker-Polito Administration Launches #MaskUpMA, Reminding Residents To Wear Face-Coverings To Stop COVID-19 Spread

Baker-Polito Administration Launches #MaskUpMA, Reminding Residents To Wear Face-Coverings To Stop COVID-19 Spread

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today launched #MaskUpMA, an effort to continue to remind residents to wear masks and face-coverings in public to stop the spread of COVID-19. The effort will underscore the importance of wearing masks across multiple channels including video testimonials on social media, a new PSA, and a website, Mass.Gov/MaskUp.

Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito helped launch #MaskUpMA with video testimonials where they urge residents to wear masks to protect themselves and others. Red Sox mascot Wally the Green Monster also joined the effort today, and in the coming weeks, additional local public figures will remind everyone in Massachusetts to “mask up.”

In addition, the Department of Public Health today also launched an updated public service announcement video, which is available here. Residents can also visit Mass.Gov/MaskUp to learn more about wearing face-coverings, including best practices and multilingual resources.

In May, Governor Baker issued an order requiring residents to wear face-coverings in public where social distancing is not possible. This applies to both indoor and outdoor spaces. Exceptions include children under the age of 2 and those unable to wear a mask or face covering due to a medical condition. Read the full DPH Guidance and find more detailed information in Frequently Asked Questions - Face Covering.




經常用肥皂和水洗手,至少洗20秒;如果沒有肥皂和水,可使用至少含60% 酒精的洗手液清潔雙手。


(波士頓訊) 第二屆波士頓台灣電影展 ( TFF ),將從8月至年底,以失物招領(Lost & Found)” 為主題,每月播放一部電影,邀各界細細品味、探看台灣的電影,特色與議題。
88日父親節,影展開幕片為《 前世情人的情人 》,以及《 三八新娘憨女婿 》。 導演 梁秀紅將於當日的美東時間晚上8點,台灣時間的89日早上8 點出席座談會,在網上和來自世界各地的觀眾對談電影。
根據公共電視,國家電影中心,金馬電影學院合作的《4X相識》系列短片說明,《 前世情人的情人 》是取材台語片《 三八新娘憨女婿 》自由戀愛橋段,揉合台灣今年通過同婚法,由導演梁秀拍攝,對比不同年代愛情觀的影片。
台灣電影展(TFF)是由一群有夢想,熱愛台灣的年輕人籌辦出來的活動。2019年第一屆放映了《 疾風魅影:黑貓中隊 》,《 我們的青春在台灣 》等9部電影,售出逾千張門票,各方反應極佳。
《 前世情人的情人 》劇照。(主辦單位提供)
影展現由許祐湉,康麗雪,藍凡耘,Andrew Lin,林致中,蔡函庭,以及多位志工們合作,分頭進行接洽影片,談公播費,聯絡導演,邀約贊助,安排翻譯等細節。
波士頓台灣電影展每部影片的觀賞門票為8元,購票或買紀念品可上官方網站:https://www.taiwanfilmfest.org/buy-tickets, 捐款: Venmo @TFFBoston,查詢/企業贊助,請洽: taiwanfilmfestival.boston@gmail.com

Boston Resiliency Fund gives $740,000 to 21 organizations


Funding will increase access to food, support families, youth and older adults, and assist individuals experiencing homelessness

Mayor of Boston Marty Walsh. (By Chutze Chou)
BOSTON - Friday, July 31, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Boston Resiliency Fund Steering Committee today announced over $740,000 in new Boston Resiliency Fund grants to 21 organizations and nonprofits. Since launching in March to help Boston residents most affected by COVID-19, the Boston Resiliency Fund has distributed over $24.4 million to 328 nonprofit and local organizations. Building on Mayor Walsh's commitment to equity, 71 percent of organizations awarded grants today are led by a person of color and 57 percent of organizations are led by a woman.
At top: Yusufi Vali, Director of Immigrant
Advancement and at bottom: Brenda
 Cassellius, Superintendent of Boston 
Public School. (By Chutze Chou)
"The Boston Resiliency Fund was created at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic because we wanted to support vulnerable populations as we addressed the ongoing public health crisis," said Mayor Walsh. "Grantees' work with individuals hardest hit by the pandemic continues to prove the importance of partnerships with local organizations that are directly helping neighborhoods and communities in need. I want to thank every donor who has pitched in to this Fund and every organization who has assisted in providing vital supports to our residents."

Since the beginning of the Boston Resiliency Fund, in total, 53 percent of grantee organizations are led by a person of color and 56 percent of grantee organizations are led by a woman. A map and a list of every organization that has received funding from the Boston Resiliency Fund can be found here

"Rounding The Bases, Inc. is really excited to receive a Resiliency Fund grant in the amount of $5,000," said Carl Baty, Executive Director of Rounding the Bases. "This will allow us to increase the amount of fresh produce we deliver to seniors and families weekly from an average of 25 households, to 275 households, a 1,000% increase. Thank you for helping us find a new way to help those in need."

"The youth and families of Friends of the Children-Boston are among the Bostonians hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. From weekly meals and grocery deliveries to daily educational and social emotional support we have been and continue to work on the front line filling critical gaps so those we serve don't have to face their struggles on their own," said Yi-Chin Chen, Executive Director of Friends of the Children-Boston. "The support from the Boston Resiliency Fund will ensure that we can continue to be proactive in our support and double down our efforts to show up in ways that are the most helpful to our youth and their families throughout the summer and beyond. We are proud to partner with our city leaders and partners in this collective effort to help Bostonians facing the hardest challenges."

This round of funding will help organizations that are working to increase food access, support direct services for families, youth and older adults, assist individuals experiencing homelessness, and fund local organizations directly providing supports to the community. This round of funding will provide grants ranging in size to the following organizations:

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Inc. / Bowdoin Street Health Center: Bowdoin Street Health Center will use the BRF grant to expand services to neighborhood residents. The BRF grant will expand the number of produce boxes, coupons to be used at local grocery stores, and increase SNAP application assistance.

Breaktime Cafe, Inc.: Breaktime will use BRF funding to hire 10 young adults experiencing homelessness and five returning citizens full time to produce 5,000 meals per week for Bostonians in need, in support of Cape Verdean Association of Boston, St. Ambrose Family Shelter & Nazareth Family Shelter, Sojourner House, Project Hope, and more. A video highlighting Breaktime can be watched here

Caribbean Youth ClubCentro Presente, & Brazilian Workers Center: Through the Summer Dreamers Fellowship Project, a pilot program for "Dreamers" (immigrants who came to the U.S. as children) in partnership with the City of Boston, the BRF grant will allow to offer youth a $300 weekly participation stipend, 135 hour of mentoring, 45 hours of leadership training, 90 hours of work readiness preparation. The program teaches youth leadership training on social justice issues, civic activity planning, team building, community outreach and partnership development. In addition, youth will learn workplace values and behaviors, discover new career paths, assess their  strengths, review short-term job choices and/or long-term career plans, and build skills such as writing resumes, interviewing, effective communication, task management.

Common Cathedral: Common Cathedral will use BRF funds to continue expanded service hours at their emergency day shelter at the Emmanuel Church.

Community Coming Together: Community Coming Together will use the BRF grant to continue to purchase PPE and other supplies (masks, gloves and hand sanitizer) for those with the highest need, free of charge. 

Elevate BostonElevate Boston will use this BRF grant to sustain their efforts to provide hot meals, non-perishables, groceries, toiletries, sanitizer, soap and gift cards to students, elders and families in need.

Foundation for Boston Centers for Youth & FamiliesThis BRF grant will support BCYF in conducting their youth summer programming this summer. Funding will be used to purchase webcams so staff can conduct virtual youth summer programming, and it will allow BCYF to purchase 400 tablets for program participants.

Friends of the Children-Boston: Friends of the Children-Boston will use the BRF grant to deliver weekly kits of groceries, meal kits, cleaning supplies, PPE, and family support kits, support technology and access issues to enable distance learning for children, and create learning opportunities.

Gilbert Albert Community Center: Gilbert Albert Community Center will use this Boston Resiliency Fund grant to continue its partnership with a local restaurant to provide six healthy, culturally-appropriate meals a week to 60 clients for four weeks. 

Haitian Americans United: Haitian Americans United will use this Boston Resiliency Fund grant to continue serving homebound, immigrant elders who cannot cook for themselves, in partnership with two local Haitian cuisine caterers.

Health Care Without Walls: The BRF grant will be used to continue conducting health screenings at Rosie's Place and for other in-person meetings with HCWW clients. In addition, HCWW will use the BRF grant to provide gift cards to their most vulnerable homeless elderly and pregnant/postpartum clients in need of food, diapers, over-the-counter medicine, cleaning supplies, masks, and other essential items.

Hope & Comfort, Inc.Hope & Comfort will use the BRF grant to continue their work supporting the needs of youth and families experiencing hygiene insecurity during the coronavirus pandemic. Hope and Comfort is currently distributing at nearly three times their usual rate.

Horizons for Homeless Children, Inc.Through this funding request, Horizons for Homeless Children will use the BRF grant to give families an average of $350 in gift cards to purchase food.

Madison Park Development Corporation: MPDC will utilize the Boston Resiliency Fund grant to expand its existing weekly food distribution efforts to 380 additional households within its affordable housing portfolio. MPDC will engage a local minority-owned catering business, Ethnica Catering, to provide hot prepared meals once a week to 200 older adults and adults with disabilities, while also engaging local meal kit company EatWell to provide 100 meal kits per week for family households with children. Finally, MPDC will provide supplementary food assistance to those who will be best served by financial assistance in the form of grocery store gift cards.

Massachusetts Down Syndrome CongressThe MA Down Syndrome Congress will use the BRF grant to provide $100 Market Basket gift cards and provide care packages customized for children and families that are in need. 

Rounding The Bases, Inc.The BRF grant will allow Rounding the Bases to expand their program delivering fresh fruits and vegetables to families and family child care providers in partnership with Fair Food.

Tech Goes HomeTech Goes Home will use the Boston Resiliency Fund grant to bring Boston families a computer, internet connection, and specially-designed digital skills training that covers ordering groceries and other essentials online, accessing school lunch pick-up locations, researching city support services, applying for SNAP benefits, and more.  

The Family VanThe Family Van will utilize the BRF grants to support their work in providing grocery store gift cards and counseling on purchasing healthy foods to families in need.

The People's AcademyThe People's Academy will use the BRF grant to partner with three churches in providing fruit and vegetables and household items like tissues, lysol wipes and other cleaning supplies to 200-300 families.

Transitional Remedies SolutionsTRS would use the BRF grant to support their "Hope Line," which they use to receive calls and make check-in calls to the community, in order to help them process their concerns, fears, and anxieties. The grant would also be used to provide support for people in the form of gift cards for food, miscellaneous items, school items for youth, and resources.

Youth Vybz Inc.: Youth Vybz will use the BRF grant to provide gift cards to be used to purchase food and hygiene supplies for students and families in need.

"We are grateful for this award from the Boston Resiliency Fund, which will allow MPDC to significantly bolster food access efforts. We know that the most effective solutions for addressing the socioeconomic needs exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis involve meaningful collaboration," said Leslie Reid, CEO of Madison Park Development Corporation. "MPDC is grateful for the opportunity to partner with both the Orchard Gardens Resident Association and the City of Boston on this important effort."

"The Orchard Gardens Resident Association, in partnership with Madison Park Development Corporation, is very pleased to receive assistance from the City of Boston's Resiliency Fund," said Valerie Shelley, President, Orchard Gardens Resident Association. "This support will help our resident association continue to provide meals to our most vulnerable neighbors in need during this COVID-19 crisis." 

波市府辦彈性、種族平等基金 立意雖佳 坊間有異聲


(Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)波士頓市府為因應新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)大流行,及黑人的命重要(Black Life Matters),分別成立了兩個基金,立意雖好,並已有實績,但也引出批評聲音,質疑這做法偏離應走的方向,還有破壞,扭曲政治生態的危險。
這兩個基金,一個是317日成立,迄今已籌得3240萬元的波士頓彈性基金(The Boston Resilency Fund)”,一個是625日才宣佈,目前網站上並無資金數據的種族平等基金(Boston Racial Equity Fund)”
波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh)每次提及波士頓彈性基金,都表示自己為波士頓人那麼團結感到非常驕傲。他強調成立這基金,主要是把食物放到人們的桌上,擴展醫療服務,幫助人們因應病毒大流行造成的經濟及健康困境,已有6000個企業或個人捐增款項。這基金是人們在為難時刻團結互助的最好例子。
在波士頓市政府專屬網頁上列出的數據,包括波士頓彈性基金已發放出2370萬元給306個非牟利機構,幫助了225,700個家庭,其中經由大波士頓食物銀行,以及”Loving Spoonfuls”20多個地方上少數族裔所擁有的餐廳合作,發放了140萬份餐食,聘用了55名失業人士。收受捐款的機構,有52%是由有色人種,56%由婦女領導。這筆錢還為波士頓公校學生買了8000Chromebook,為第一線工作人員提供了960個托兒服務位置,在18個社區健康中心設立了COVID-19檢測站,幫助21個機構增設遠程醫療服務,為1000個以上家庭提共了一個月份量的尿片及奶粉。
收到捐贈的有不少是波士頓內著名的大組織,包括波士頓醫療中心,東波士頓鄰里健康中心,流浪漢醫療護理(Health Care for the Homeless),大波士頓食物銀行(200萬元)等。
各組織收到多少捐款,也並未詳細名列。在每週收受捐贈名單上,偶而會有某組織的收受金額,例如在716日這週,有大波士頓拉丁網路(GBLN)收到275000元,東波士頓鄰里健康中心收到7萬元,Whittier街健康中心75000元,516日有110萬元由市政府用於在15個社區設立病毒檢測站等等。黑人經濟正義院(The Black Economic Justice Institute)收到2萬元。
網頁上也並無捐贈者名單。但波士頓環球報稱,該報從波士頓市政府那兒取得一份捐贈者名單,包括Vertex製藥公司的Vertex基金捐了100萬,波士頓馬拉松賽的贊助者約翰漢考克保險公司,在波士頓市聘有4,600名員工的自由互惠公司(Liberty Mutual),也都各捐了100萬元。通用電氣(General Electric),馬丁華殊自己的競選委員會,建築巨頭薩福克建築公司各捐了50萬元,紅襪隊及波士頓環球報的老闆John W. Henry的基金捐了25萬元等等。
批評聲音之一,來自坊間傳聞甚囂,可能是波士頓市長馬丁華殊競選連任時對手的波士頓市不分區市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)
麻州做民意調查的長期政治分析家Lou DiNatale說吳弭的意見是合理的批評,而她和馬丁華殊的分別,反映了民主黨內分裂的舊世界/新世界
波士頓族裔平等基金(Boston Racial Equity Fund)則是為了推動族裔平等,希望能籌得數百萬,千萬元的經費,用於解決結構性種族歧視的基金。這基金的短期目標為籌款1000萬元,長期目標是5000萬元。愛默生學院非洲裔校長Lee Pelton等人出任執行委員會委員。波士頓市長馬丁華殊隨後還成立了"平等及包容內閣(Equity and Inclusion Cabinet)",並指派麻省理工學院城市歷史、公共政策及計畫助理教授,也是非洲裔的 Karilyn Crockett 出掌這一內閣。
波士頓環球報,WBUR, WGBH等媒體在同一時段報導,包括東方銀行董事長Quincy Miller在內的19名黑人及拉丁裔企業首長,為改善黑人,拉丁裔人處境,也推出了籌資目標10億元的"族裔平等及社會正義基金(Racial Equity and Social Justice Fund)",並且在6月28日時已經籌集2000萬元種子基金。
