
星期一, 7月 27, 2020

暫緩逼遷令壓垮房東? 30多組織上法院提告

(Boston Orange周菊子綜合報導) 麻州房地產法律部落格(Massachusetts Real Estate Blog)26日指出,30多個組織及個人已就麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)所提出,日前再把效期延至1017日的暫緩逼遷令,告上法院。薩福克高等法院已定730日開庭。
由於新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)大流行,許多人失業,繳不出房租。麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)早前已發出過一次暫緩逼遷令(Massachusetts Eviction Moratorium Act)”,並預定818日到期,但鑒於疫情持續,又有調查報告指房地產法庭將湧現20,000多宗逼遷案,721日再度發佈行政命令,把暫緩逼遷令的效期延至1017日。
查理貝克政府並強調,已推出緊急租金及貸款援助(Emergency Rental and Mortgage Assistance (ERMA)”方案,撥款2000萬元,幫助在繳租,繳房貸上有困難的人。另注資1800萬元進RAFT項目,用於防止人們陷入無家可歸境地。
住在秋河市的護士Marie Baptiste,在藍道夫(Randolph)鎮擁有一處出租物業。她說,那原本是她為退休做準備的投資,沒想到過去這幾個越來,她得從自己的退休金帳戶取錢出來付貸款,房地產稅和保險,因為她的房客從去年秋天起,就已經開始不付房租了,欠她的房租已累計到19,000元,可是由於暫緩逼遷令,她什麼都不能做。
麻州房東協會(MassLandlords)在五月中時做了一個調查,發現整個麻州大概有20%該付的租金沒付,或者是遲付了。同時有五分之一的房東說,不知道自己能從哪裏找前來付帳單。麻州房東協會行政主任Doug Quattrochi表示,在房屋出租這行業中,大概四分之一的夫妻店會退出市場。
City Life/ Vida Urbana行政主任Lisa Owens坦言,疫情傷害了每一個人,房東們也在掙扎。
麻州房東協會行政主任Doug Quattrochi表示,他們正在推動州政府發行債券,保證房東可收回房客未繳的租金,來交換房東同意不逼遷房客。至於經費來源,她們建議單家庭屋出售時,加稅1%。未來三年就可籌得10億元。
由於麻州眾議員Mike Connolly,以及Kevin Honan正在推動HD5166法案,要把暫停逼遷令延長12個月一整年,已引起更多房東恐慌,紛紛催促同儕打電話給議員,阻止該法案通過。華人社區由中城地產潘樹仁所創辦的的波士頓華人房東協會,以及由眼科醫生朱新生發起成立的麻省華人房東群,都有許多房東熱絡討論,慨歎收不到房租,還是要向銀行繳貸款,該怎麼辦。

ILF 2020 領袖及企業高峰會 趙小蘭、Fauci稱許亞裔貢獻

佛奇博士(Dr. Anthony Fauci(ILF 提供)
(華府訊) 國際領袖基金會(International Leadership Foundation 725日線上「領袖及企業高峰會(ILF Virtual Leadership and Business Conference)」以「向亞太裔抗疫英雄致敬、團結社區重建美國」為主題,褒揚全美亞太裔,以及醫療界,前線工作人員在努力對抗COVID-19上所做的貢獻,並邀請美國醫學、政治、企業等領域著名領袖分享經驗與看法,上線參會者逾千人。
美國交通部部長趙小蘭。(ILF 提供)
美國交通部部長趙小蘭在會中指出,亞太裔在全美各族群中一向失業率最低,約僅2%,而COVID-19卻讓亞太裔遭遇嚴重打擊,失業率暴升至14%左右,但亞太裔仍積極投入抗疫工作,令人欣慰。白宮新冠肺炎專案組成員暨國家過敏和傳染病研究所主任佛奇博士(Dr. Anthony Fauci)也指亞太裔的捐贈,對疫情控制有很大幫助。
Dr. Ngoc Anh Nguyen(ILF 提供)
ILF 2020 領袖及企業高峰會發言講者。(ILF 提供)
ILF 新英格蘭分會。(ILF 提供)
總統亞太裔委員會主席徐紹欽表示, 教育及訓練在形塑國家認同上非常重要國際領袖基金會的推廣公民參與,致力提升亞裔太平洋島民社區的領導力,自我提升能力,並促進其經濟繁的崇高使命,在新冠疫情蔓延的這類關鍵時刻,更凸顯其重要性。,
25日的會議,還有戴蒙德艾滋病研究中心主任暨總裁何大一(David Ho)、華裔美國奧運游泳選手倪家駿(Nathan Adrian)、聯邦參議員Marco Rubio Tim Scott;聯邦眾議員Kevin McCarthy、孟昭文,及Amata Radewagen ;馬里蘭州第一夫人金有美(Yumi Hogan),羅德島州副州長Daniel McKee,獲獎演員/歌手Mary Millben分享意見。
羅德島副州長Daniel McKee表示,經由羅德島華人協會的慷慨,在個人防護用品還很難取得的時候,他們支付了捐贈20萬件個人防護用品的購買費及運費,來幫助羅德島州保持安全。他也點名感謝羅德島華人協會主席葉超及會長吳子平。
佛羅里達州聯邦參議員Marco Rubio說,公民參與不只是這個國家所珍視的權力,也是額外的機會,來影響一個方向,不只是公共政策,也是社區關於不同興趣主題,以及不同關注點的對話繼續前進,保持參與,涉入其中
            南卡羅萊納州聯邦參議員Tim Scott表示,我們的國家因你們而更好,更強; 我們的最好日子就在前面,我們會跨越這關繼續前進
國會議員Kevin McCarthy說,過去20年來,國際領袖基金會一直是亞裔太平洋島民社區的基石,他們的努力已為無數美國的未來領袖提供了在一個不斷改變的世界中,他們所需要的實際訓練,以及生活經驗。
國會議員Amata Radewagen表示,最終的,國際領袖基金會造福人們。國際領袖基金會有著很崇高的使命,培養那些準備承擔責任,年輕,有愛心,有見識的青年領袖。不論我們稱那兒為家,不論我們心所嚮往的是什麼,我們的文化及背景是個偉大力量。
亞倫·戴蒙德艾滋病研究中心主任暨總裁何大一博士說,我們每一個人都必須各盡本分,減緩這病毒的傳播。 大家需要位科學家爭取時間,以期能以要,抗體或疫苗的形式,提供有效干擾我向你保證,科學最終將會為這場疫情 提供有效解決方案
馬里蘭州第一夫人金有美(Yumi Hogan)說,在這困難時期,我們的亞裔社區再一次證明,團結,我們就真的更強大。我們會度過這挑戰時刻馬里蘭州是60多萬亞裔居民的家,其中許多人是第一代移民。他們一直不畏艱辛的彼此支持,辛勤工作,以給子女更好的未來,請為你的傳統驕傲,並為他人服務
                    Anh Nguyen博士是休斯頓衛理公會醫院的急診醫學醫師,並且是威爾·康奈爾大學和德克薩斯州AM的急診醫學臨床講師。 她在已成為COVID-19熱點的休斯頓努力不懈,挽救緊急護理中的生命。Giselle Canilao Relevo是一位註冊的呼吸治療師和臨床協調員,也是勇敢與COVID作戰的眾多前線工作者之一。TJ KimLandon學校的傑出學生,他藉由 空中作戰物資的項目,親自開小飛機,為弗吉尼亞州農村急診醫院等偏遠地區提供必要的醫療設備及物資。
                    國際領袖基金會指出,為褒揚全美亞太裔社區在協助美國抗疫上的貢獻,該會特地與全美亞太裔組織,與亞太公共事務會(APAPA),慈濟基金會美國總會,道安基金會,百人會,北美洲台灣商會等合作,推出www.United-USA.net這網站,正陸續核實、記錄亞太裔太平洋島民社區已捐贈價值超過3300萬元的1000萬件個人防護用品,造福了2800多個機構的等等事蹟,包括羅德島華人協會,紐約青年家俱樂部, 世界華人工商婦女企管協會 巴爾地摩分會等的捐贈細節,證明文件,希望這平台將來能累積成為亞裔社區對美國有重大貢獻的參考資料庫。
國際領袖基袖金會(International Leadership FoundationILF)是個非營利組織,致力促進美國亞太裔社區的公民參與、領導能力、賦予權力、經濟繁榮。該會使命在於公共服務領域培養具有公民意識的未來亞太裔領導人。自2000年創辦以來,已提供獎學金和教育項目給1萬多名美籍亞太裔學生。詳情可上www.ILFnational.org查詢。全美共有20個分會。各分會會長和共同主席,包括林美蓮、陳鈞亞(舊金山),洪逸青、蔡慶雲(洛杉磯),吳小燕(西雅圖),黃亞村、馬勇(紐約),黃國清、何西典(華盛頓DC), 葉超、吳子平(新英格蘭), 孔慶超(底特律),傅惠芬(芝加哥),嚴培達(奧蘭多),簡衛(亞特蘭大),劉秀美 (休士頓),王秀雲(丹佛),陈海娜(北卡) ,谷祖光、陳文珊(達拉斯)等,以及委員會主委,白越珠,俞乃奮,孫陳小鳴,黃金森,李蔚華,沈郭逸媛,ILF代理執行主任 Linh Hoang(ILF 提供)

星期五, 7月 24, 2020



Cooling centers will be open on Sunday through Tuesday in accordance with 
COVID-19 safety guidance

BOSTON - Friday, July 24, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today declared a heat emergency in the City of Boston beginning Sunday, July 26 through Tuesday, July 28 when the real feel temperature is expected to range between 95 and 102 degrees. To help residents stay cool, Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) community centers will be open to the public as cooling centers on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Monday and Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The City's two outdoor pools, BCYF Clougherty Pool in Charlestown and the BCYF Mirabella Pool in the North End, will be open from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Visitors must register for a swim time slot at Boston.gov/BCYF-Summer.

"We are opening our cooling centers for all residents to have the option to come in and cool off in air conditioning," said Mayor Walsh. "In addition, we'll have two outdoor pools open that are open for Boston residents. I want to remind everyone that COVID-19 is still a threat. Everyone needs to keep doing their part to avoid large crowds and wear your face covering, unless you're in the water."

Twenty-one BCYF community centers will be open for residents to use the air conditioned rooms to cool off. A full list of centers including hours of operation is available here. Due to COVID-19 public health regulations, residents are advised to call before visiting to confirm occupancy limits. All cooling center visitors will be screened before entry and must wear a face covering (covering both the nose and mouth), maintain 6 feet of distance from others, and wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Visitors must bring their own water bottles and water, and must limit belongings to one small bag. Occupancy will be monitored to ensure it doesn't exceed 40 percent of the building's maximum permitted occupancy to maintain proper distancing and the spaces will be regularly cleaned and disinfected hourly.

The City's two outdoor pools, the BCYF Clougherty Pool in Charlestown and the BCYF Mirabella Pool in the North End, are now open seven days a week through Labor Day from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are several new protocols in place at the outdoor pools. Capacity has been reduced to less than 40 percent capacity or 75 people per session and you must register for a swim time slot ahead of time as walk-ins will not be allowed. Registration opens 24 hours before the following day's sessions at Boston.gov/BCYF-Summer. The 16 indoor pools operated by Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) are open only for participating youth attending in-person summer programming at this time.

Tot sprays are open at playgrounds in the City, with restrictions. Boston Public Libraries and indoor City-operated pools remain closed to the public at this time due to COVID-19 safety measures. 

Information on heat safety tips can be found online at boston.gov/heat and by following @CityofBoston on Twitter. Residents can sign up for Alert Boston, the City's emergency notification system, to receive emergency alerts by phone, email or text. Sign up online here. Residents are also encouraged to call 311 with any questions about available city services.

The Mayor issued the following heat safety tips for all members of the public:
  • Children and pets should never be left alone in vehicles, even for short periods of time.
  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids regardless of activity level. Avoid alcoholic beverages and liquids high in sugar or caffeine.
  • Adults and children should use sunscreen containing an SPF-30 or higher and wear protective, loose-fitting clothing, including long sleeve shirts and hats.
  • Limit outdoor activity to morning and evening hours. Rest often in shady areas and be extra cautious from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., when the sun's UV radiation is strongest.
  • Know the signs of heat exhaustion. Heavy sweating, cool and clammy skin, dizziness, nausea, and muscle aches could all be signs of heat exhaustion. If symptoms persist, call 911 immediately. Do not delay care. Heat is the leading cause of weather-related deaths in the US and can exacerbate underlying illnesses.
  • Keep cool with showers, shade, and air conditioning or fans. The City's two outdoor pools, Urban wilds and tot sprays at playgrounds are open in Boston. When visiting, residents should wear face coverings (unless in the spray), maintain 6 feet of distance, and wash hands before and after visiting.If it is cooler outside than at home, wear a face covering and find a shady spot outside. If the face covering results in overheating or trouble breathing, find a shaded area where 6 feet of distance from others can safely be maintained and remove the face covering. If no AC is available:
    • Take frequent cool showers
    • Help find a non-sick family member or neighbor with AC to visit. Wear a face covering and stay 6 feet apart.
  • If you have a child in your home, use child window guards in addition to screens on any open window on the second story or above. Falls are the leading cause of injury for children under the age of six. 
  • Secure all window air conditioner units according to the manufacturer's specifications.
  • Please call or virtually check on neighbors, especially older adults, and people with disabilities.
Helping the Homeless:
  • If you see homeless individuals out in the heat who appear immobile or disoriented, please call 911. Please ask them if they need assistance.
  • The Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) operates emergency shelters at 112 Southampton St. and 794 Massachusetts Ave. These facilities are air conditioned and open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 
  • The City of Boston works closely with a network of shelter providers to ensure there is adequate shelter, food, water, and a cool respite from the heat.
  • Street outreach teams providing recovery services, including the Engagement Center behind 112 Southampton St., remain operating as normal during summertime weather. 
  • All sites (Shelters, the Engagement Center, comfort stations) are following COVID-19 guidelines by promoting handwashing, hand sanitizer, and face coverings. Guests are provided sunscreen and water. Nursing teams are onsite to support. 
Playground Safety:  
  • Children should always wear shoes on playgrounds because surfaces can become extremely hot and cause burns, even splash pads and spray decks.
  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, children should wear a face covering (except while in the water), stay 6 feet away from others, and wash/sanitize hands before and after play. 
Beach Safety:
  • Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), if going to a beach or a large body of water, it is important to wear a face covering unless in the water, stay 6 feet apart from others, and avoid crowds due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 
  • Don't wear face coverings in the water because they can be difficult to breathe through when they're wet. This means it is particularly important to maintain social distancing in the water. If the face covering results in overheating or trouble breathing, find a shaded area where 6 feet of distance from others can safely be maintained and remove the face covering.
Outdoor Fires and Grilling:
  • No outdoor fires are allowed in Boston, including fire pits, chimineas, and bonfires.
  • Charcoal grills must be on the ground and away from buildings. Keep in mind the wind and never leave unattended. When done, dispose of the ash in a metal container once completely out.
  • Propane tank grills are only allowed on first floor porches with steps to the ground. Do not place propane tank grills near air conditioners or up against a building. Make sure all connections are tight and never carry propane tanks into a home.
  • Grills should always be used in a well-ventilated area.