
星期一, 7月 13, 2020

Baker-Polito Administration Announces COVID-19 Funding for Special Education Programs

Baker-Polito Administration Announces COVID-19 Funding for Special Education Programs
$16.1 million will support COVID-19 relief funding

BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced $16.1 million in relief for 32 special education residential school providers to support costs related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Throughout the pandemic, special education residential schools remained open to support their students with unique challenges. Schools incurred unanticipated costs related to the purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE), infection control measures, increased staffing costs and enhanced cleaning protocols.

The funding announced today is in addition to $3 million in funding the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) provided in April to support the residential education school system. Together, this $19 million acknowledges the efforts of these schools to remain open on a 24/7 basis throughout the pandemic and the measures they implemented to keep their doors open and their youth and staff safe.

Earlier in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Executive Office of Health and Human Services implemented $139 million in increased funding through its existing system for residential and congregate care services providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The funds were used for increased staffing, enhanced infection control procedures and personal protective equipment (PPE).

Due to the structure of the special education residential schools, they were not eligible for this earlier rate increase, but today’s announcement will bring them in line with the previous rate increases provided to other residential and congregate care providers.

To support Special Education programs, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has released Comprehensive Special Education Guidance for the 2020-21 School Year. The Initial Fall Reopening Guidance asks schools and districts to prioritize and begin planning for in-person instruction, while simultaneously preparing blueprints for both remote learning and a hybrid school model (a combination of in-person and remote learning), should local conditions change this school year. This document complements the Initial Fall Reopening Guidance by providing further information on supporting students with disabilities during the upcoming school year. It also provides necessary information in support of schools and districts, as they develop the portion of their reopening plans specifically related to special education. Earlier, DESE released its extended school year guidance to allow for special education day programs to open last week.

The total relief funding by provider is below:

Relief Funding
Amego, Inc.
Archway, Inc.
Boston Higashi School, Inc.
Brandon Residential Treatment Center, Inc.
Cardinal Cushing Centers Inc.
Chamberlain International School
Crystal Springs, Inc
Devereux Foundation
Doctor Franklin Perkins School
Evergreen Center Inc.
Fall River Deaconess Home
Hillcrest Educational Center Inc.
Italian Home for Children
Judge Rotenberg Educational Center, Inc.
Latham Centers, Inc.
League School of Boston Inc.
MAB Community Services
McAuley Nazareth
Melmark New England, Melmark Inc.
New England Center for Children
Perkins School for the Blind
St. Ann's Home, Inc
Stetson School, Inc.
Stevens-Children's Home
The Guild for Human Services, Inc.
The Home for Little Wanderers
The Learning Center For The Deaf, Inc.
The May Institute, Inc.
Walker, Inc.
Wayside Youth & Family Support Network, Inc.
Whitney Academy

星期日, 7月 12, 2020

BTBA 2020年會 Gilead執行副總楊台瑩分享經驗

              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓台灣人生物科技協會(BTBA)因應新型冠狀病毒疫情,2020的年會首次搬上網路舉行,並邀得吉利德(Gilead)製藥發展及生產執行副總裁楊台瑩主講,分享她一路從科學家到成為世界排名前十大企業高管的歷程,9 名學者、專家為後進釋疑解惑。
               學術論壇的主題是"成為教師的現實檢測(A Reality Check on Becoming Faculty)”,由加斯林糖尿病中心研究員蔡佩珊,以及即將返台任教的王志豪主持,講者包括哈佛大學醫學院助理教授,也是BTBA前會長的魏曉英,NIH研究員史涵宇,麻州大學羅爾分校助理教授Wan-Ting Grace Chen,即將上任聖路易華盛頓大學助理教授的蔡宇承,哈佛大學醫學院丹娜法伯癌症研究院助理教授吳名儒。
               企業論壇的主題為職業探索:引導你的下一個旅程(Career Exploration: Navgating your Next Journey)”。主持人為Codiak Biosciences副科學家吳淑瑋,Bluebird 科學家朱志齊,講者包括BridgeBio資產收購主任沈敬涵,Seqirus毒理學負責人Hank LinHealth Advances資深分析師張修齊,輝瑞製藥(Pfizer)新興生物學主任蔣先慧。
               Hank Lin也用了好幾張幻燈片,介紹毒理學的工作內容,以及入行該怎麼準備。
               BTBA今年的這場網路年會,前後共有500多名來自世界各地的11個國家的人參加。BTBA團隊為網路會議製作的視頻卡片也非常有特色。會議結束後,甚至安排有如網路遊戲般的網上派對,頗為特別。查詢BTBA2020年會,可上網 http://btbatw.org/2020。該會粉絲頁https://www.facebook.com/btbatw。(更新版)

星期六, 7月 11, 2020



                (Boston Orange編譯)麻州的新型冠狀病毒疫情,711日持續舒緩,共新增14人死亡,167人確診。全州迄今已有8,095人病逝,105,457人確診。

花七千萬元 兩年後波士頓市府廣場將面貌全新

               (Boston Orange編譯)麻州、波士頓市已進入第三期重新開放了,土地發展案也陸續復甦,上週五(710)除了麻州收費公路上空權發展案開始動工,波士頓預定斥資7千萬元,施工2年的市政府廣場翻修計畫也開工了。
              波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh)今早(711)11點多,在推特上說,市府廣場的翻修計畫,是要把這7英畝的空間,變成一個人們感到受歡迎,每個人都可以去的地方。那會是大家最常用的一個公共空間,市政府在加強實踐公民服務這承諾時,很努力地要為居民創造一個聚會地點。


BOSTON - Saturday, July 11, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced the start of construction for the renovation of City Hall Plaza, building on his commitment to make public spaces welcoming, accessible and equitable for all. The renovation will transform the Plaza into a civic space for all residents, with universal accessibility, new civic spaces for all to use, increased environmental sustainability, and critical infrastructure improvements that will ensure the Plaza is safe and accessible for all for generations to come.

"This renovation is designed to turn our seven-acre space into a welcoming, accessible space for all," said Mayor Walsh. "City Hall Plaza is one of Boston's most-used public spaces, and we are working hard to create safe areas for residents to gather as we strengthen our commitment to civic services in our City." 

The Plaza design and implementation is led by global design firm Sasaki, based in Watertown, Mass. Shawmut Design and Construction is the construction manager for the project. The project is managed through the City's Operations Cabinet by the Public Facilities Department in partnership with the Property Management Department and is assisted by owners project manager Skanska USA. 

City Hall Plaza's redesign includes a focus on:

A Welcoming Front Yard for Civic Life

With Boston's renovated City Hall Plaza, this community space will become universally accessible for residents of all abilities. Opening up the Plaza for all will include re-opening the second floor of City Hall Plaza to the public, allowing easier access to the building. This public-facing entrance was closed in 2001, and will open again under the new renovation plan.

The renovation also includes 3,000 new welcoming spaces for residents to sit,12,000 square feet of playscapes for children and families, and 11,000 square feet of terraces for pop-up play and interactive public art.

Flexible and Accommodating Event Venues

Boston City Hall Plaza renovation will right-size one of Boston's largest event spaces, and create civic event spaces that can be used by all Boston residents. The renovation includes creating seven new "plug and play" locations for community groups to utilize, with space for 10,000 - 12,0000 visitors on the main Plaza, and room for a 20,000 - 25,000 person gathering on the entire Plaza.

The new design will also include three smaller event and gathering places, and a new civic building on Congress Street, equipped with a bathroom and other facilities to support public gatherings.

A Model of Sustainability and Resilience

Creating a sustainable City Hall Plaza that meets the City's environmental goals is one of the key parts of the Plaza renovation, and this renovation will make City Hall Plaza one of Boston's signature civic spaces environmentally sustainable, meeting Boston's resilience standards.

The renovation includes an increase in permeable surfaces that will soak up stormwater, planning ahead for severe weather in downtown Boston. The design also includes 100 new trees, improving the shade, scale and air quality of the Plaza. Fifty lights will be replaced with efficient LED technology, and 22,500 feet of granite and brick paving will be reused or recycled.

In October 2017, Mayor Walsh released the Boston City Hall and Plaza Master Planning Study: Rethink City Hall, which was led by Utile and Reed Hilderbrand. The design phase led by Sasaki in 2018 has developed an exciting design to transform the 50-year-old City Hall and Plaza into an innovative, healthy, efficient and civic facility to better serve current and future generations of Bostonians and visitors. After public engagement, Mayor Walsh released the Plaza design in June 2019.

The Phase 1 City Hall Plaza project's main goal is to make the plaza more accessible for all while delivering updated programming capabilities, adding infrastructure and making the Plaza more sustainable. This $70 million investment will connect Congress and Cambridge Streets with an accessible sloped Hanover Promenade activated by 21st century civic amenities like shady seating and gathering areas, a destination play space, public art space and an iconic water feature. The main plaza will accommodate events of up to 12,000 people in a wide variety of potential configurations. The project also includes:
  • Opening the North building entry
  • Accessibility improvements to the Plaza entry
  • Enhanced speakers corner
  • Stormwater improvements working with Boston Water and Sewer Commission
  • Flexible platform for various sized performances
The Shawmut Design and Construction's construction management process is organized around three bid phases; Package #1 demolition of plaza brick and granite; Package #2, geo structural modification; and Package #3, the remainder of the  scope of work, which will begin in August 2020 and be completed in 20 months.

The construction process will utilize COVID-19 work site safety protocols. The main entrance of City Hall will remain open and the project site will be fenced off.  

For additional information, visit the project web site Boston.gov/cityhallplaza that includes a live webcam and project updates.   

Sasaki rendering

麻州推出8個免費檢測站 所有居民都可做檢測

麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)宣佈8個免費檢測地點。
(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)710日起至814日,任何麻州居民都可以到州內8個地點,免費做新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)檢測。
麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)8日時宣佈了制止擴散(Stop the Spread”計畫,在雀喜(Chelsea),艾佛瑞(Everett),秋河(Fall River),羅倫斯(Lawrence),羅爾(Lowell),林市(Lynn),馬伯洛夫(Marlborough),以及新貝福(New Bedford)8個城市,提供免費檢測,以確保民眾做檢測時不需擔心可能會有相關花費。查理貝克還鼓勵無症狀人士也利用這免費檢測。
在那些社區的少數族裔中,檢測陽性的比率更高。新貝福市健康主任Damon Chaplin上週告訴議員,該市人口95,000,新型冠狀病毒確診個案2,162宗,死亡人數111。拉丁裔僅佔該市人口4分之一,卻佔COVID-19確診病例的49%。黑人佔該市人口6%COVID-19確診病例卻佔9%
Damon Chaplin認為,人們需要更多低價或免費做檢測的途徑與選擇,因為很多人都怕去做了檢測後,會在信箱中收到帳單。他希望任何需要,想要做檢測的人都可以得到免費檢測。
麻州政府也提醒民眾,如果檢測結果呈陽性,當社區追蹤合作(Community Tracing Collaborative)人員或地方衛生局打電話給他們時,請務必接聽。任何需要地方做安全隔離者,可致電617-367-5150,以獲取免費的隔離復原地點。(7月11日發表中文版)

Baker-Polito Administration Launches Targeted Free COVID-19 Testing Sites
Testing will be available in eight communities from July 10 to August 14

BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced the launch of free COVID-19 testing sites in eight communities from July 10 to August 14 to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

This “Stop the Spread” initiative is a data-driven effort to reduce the prevalence of COVID-19 in communities that are above the state average in total cases and positive test rate, and have experienced a decline in testing levels since April. The initiative is being launched in Chelsea, Everett, Fall River, Lawrence, Lowell, Lynn, Marlborough, and New Bedford. Residents of these communities are urged to take advantage of the availability of these new testing sites, even if they are asymptomatic. While these sites are being launched in these communities, they are open to all residents of the Commonwealth.

“While the Commonwealth has made progress on reducing the overall positive test rate, there are still communities where the number of positive tests is above the average of the rest of the state,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Focusing our efforts to increase testing in these communities will help identify new cases and stop the spread. Residents of these communities, even those who are asymptomatic, are urged to take advantage of these new sites.”

“This initiative will provide widespread testing in easy to access community locations,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “If you live in these communities, please get tested to protect your family, loved ones and neighbors from COVID-19.”

“Increased testing within these communities will help to identify new cases of COVID-19 and break the chains of community transmission,” said COVID-19 Command Center Director & Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders. “As we move into the summer, we will continue to closely monitor positivity and testing rates across the Commonwealth.”

The population of the cities in which the free testing will be conducted – Chelsea, Everett, Fall River, Lawrence, Lowell, Lynn, Marlborough, and New Bedford – make up approximately 9% of the Commonwealth’s population, but have seen 27% of the Commonwealth’s positive tests in the last two weeks.

The statewide positive test rate over the past two weeks is approximately 2%, but in these eight communities, 8% of tests have been positive.

Despite the continued elevated spread in these communities, total testing in these communities has declined 39% since the end of April, and the total cases as a percentage of population for these communities is nearly double the state average.

Residents may visit mass.gov/stopthespread to find testing locations.

Residents are reminded that if they test positive for COVID-19, please answer the call when they are contacted by the Community Tracing Collaborative or their local board of health. Also, any individual who needs a safe place to isolate can call (617) 367-5150 to access an isolation and recovery site at no cost.  (July 8th)