
星期日, 3月 15, 2020

波市公衛進入緊急狀態 所有餐館客容量必須減半 門外不可排隊

波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)率市府員工宣佈公共衛生緊急狀態。

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)(15)日下午3點宣佈,波市進入公共衛生緊急狀態,所有酒吧,餐館必須減少一半客容量,晚上11點前須關門,門外不許排隊,以在新型冠狀病毒流行期間,確保人與人之間有安全的社交距離。


BOSTON - Sunday, March 15, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the Boston Public Health Commission is declaring a public health emergency in the City of Boston, due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This step allows BPHC to increase the availability of staff and resources that will allow for enhanced reporting, information and resources shared among Boston's health and medical community. 

The declaration is an essential step to respond to and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and to protect the health and well-being of Boston's residents. This response to the COVID-19 pandemic requires an all hands on deck approach and calls for heightened coordination across BPHC's bureaus and programs, city departments and health care partners. Declared public health emergencies can aid cities in seeking additional resources and support from the state and federal government. Within the Boston Public Health Commission, the declaration allows for internal personnel and resources to be redirected towards the response effort. For more information on the City's public health crisis declaration, please visit here

"The health and safety of each and every Boston resident is our first priority. At this point, we are undoubtedly experiencing a public health emergency in the City of Boston, and it is clear that we need to activate every tool at our disposal," said Mayor Walsh. "We started to work on this public health declaration the moment we decided to close Boston Public Schools to ensure that we can activate and deploy all the public health resources and personnel necessary to meet the needs of our students, residents and anyone in our community facing challenges during this quickly changing situation." 

Following the declaration of a public health emergency, Mayor Walsh also shared the following updates and announced new regulations for restaurants, bars and clubs:


Mayor Walsh and Boston Public Schools (BPS) Superintendent Brenda Cassellius today announced details on the City's planning efforts to ensure that essential services and supports for students remain available when schools close districtwide on Tuesday, March 17. Those essential services include making food available to the 72 percent of BPS students who rely on the free meals served in Boston's public schools. Beginning on Tuesday, families can pick up a variety of packaged meal options at 47 different locations across Boston, every weekday from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Additionally, the City of Boston in partnership with Project Bread, YMCA of Greater Boston, Boston Centers for Youth and Families, and other community organizations will also be providing free meals to school-aged children at various locations and times across the city. 

"The Boston Public Schools is committed to meeting the needs of the community we serve, and that is especially true during times of uncertainty. With all hands on deck we are addressing this emergency head on," said BPS Superintendent Brenda Cassellius. "Nothing is more important than keeping our students, staff and families safe. We will continue to support our community by providing resources and materials for home learning, access to free meals, and timely updates on this unprecedented situation as it evolves."

 "We prioritize the safety and well-being of our students, staff and families above all else," said Boston School Committee Chairperson Michael Loconto. "This period of closure is in the best interest of everyone in the community. We remain focused on keeping our youth engaged in their learning and look forward to welcoming students back to school as soon as the situation permits." 

In addition, the plan addresses the continuation of student learning outside of school facilities to ensure that there is no gap in students' education. Educational resources will be set up with Google Classroom, an online platform that all students in the Boston Public Schools system use, and where students and families can find materials and work independently on activities at home. While this learning work is voluntary and will not be graded, students and families are encouraged to use the system to help prevent lost learning time that could occur during an extended time away from school. 

"BPS students are incredibly resilient and we have to do whatever we can to keep ourselves, our friends and our families safe," said Boston School Committee Student Representative Evelyn Reyes. "The Boston Student Advisory Council looks forward to working with BPS to address student concerns and find creative ways to keep students involved in their school communities during this period."

The learning plan addresses the need for students to receive no-cost options for Internet and access to computers. Already, many internet service providers, including Comcast, have offered discounted or no-cost options that are available to students and families. To supplement the need for additional computers, BPS has purchased an additional 20,000 Chromebook laptops to make sure that every student in need of a device will have access to one. Distribution sites will be set up throughout the city for students in the coming days. 

*All McKinley Schools will be closed tomorrow, following the news that a member of the McKinley School community is currently being tested for COVID-19. At this time, there are no confirmed cases at the school, but BPS' top priority is to keep school communities safe and informed. All other schools, with the exception of the Eliot and McKinley schools, will be open tomorrow, Monday, March 16 during regular school hours. All BPS buses have been cleaned and disinfected and will run on normal schedules tomorrow.


Effective immediately, the Licensing Board for the City of Boston is requiring all restaurants (both establishments with a common victualler license and common victualler with alcoholic beverages license), bar rooms and night clubs in the city to reduce overall capacity by 50 percent, remove tables and chairs to reflect that reduced capacity, and follow the guidelines around social distancing. All licensed establishments will not be allowed to have lines outside, and hours across the board will be reduced to close at 11:00 p.m. Food drive through and delivery services may continue during an establishment's normal business hours. If any of these new regulations are violated, the licensed establishment will be shut down for 30 days. As a reminder, Governor Baker last week issued an emergency order prohibiting most gatherings over 250 people in an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19.

For any restaurant or bar room that serves food, the Board is lifting regulations to allow for take out service, which means that all restaurants and bar rooms that serve food can now provide take out service. The Board encourages the use of delivery services wherever possible. If an establishment does not currently utilize a delivery service, the City's Office of Small Business can help support. Any establishment looking to be connected with help may contact 311, and if any business that needs operational support can contact the Inspectional Services Department

As of today, beer gardens will not be opening until the declared public health emergency is over. All of these revised regulations included above will be in effect until the Licensing Board issues a notice that they are lifted. 

The Licensing Board has been working closely with licensed establishments in South Boston regarding the influx of patrons due to the St. Patrick's Day holiday and the ongoing public safety concerns regarding the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Based on the number of patrons in the area on Saturday, March 14 and health and safety concerns, over a dozen establishments have agreed to voluntarily close today, Sunday, March 15, 2020. 

To protect Bostonians and their families from the spread of the virus, residents are reminded to practice caution: wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol; avoid shaking hands; cover your coughs and sneezes; clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces; and avoid close contact with people who are sick. If you think you might be sick, please call your doctor or 311 to be connected to the Mayor's Health Line. Residents are also reminded to practice social distancing: keep your distance from others (six feet apart); avoid crowded places. 

Residents are asked to not call 9-1-1 unless you are experiencing a medical emergency. The City and BPHC will continue to provide updated information on bphc.org and boston.gov/coronavirus


羅德島克蘭斯頓市進入緊急狀況 3/16-20 有系列新規定

星期六, 3月 14, 2020

麻州COVID-19病例增至138宗 摩頓市1人,劍橋市3人 都和百奧健會議有關

(Boston Orange 編譯)麻州公共衛生廳(DPH)(14)日公佈,新增15宗新型冠狀病毒病例,總數跳升至138,其中19宗確診,119宗為推定陽性。
哈佛大學校長Larry Bacow也在昨日通知該校師生,校園內有1人檢測結果為推定陽性。另1人還在等待檢測結果。還有1人曾和確診者接觸,將接受檢測。如果有需要,將有更多人接受檢測。為保護這些人的隱私,哈佛在通告中完全沒說這些人是男是女,是學生、老師,或員工。
麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)及政府官員為加速州內居民的病毒檢測,今早宣佈了兩大變動。
麻州健康及人民服務長Mary Lou Sudders表示,第一項變動是臨床醫師不再需要先得到麻州實驗室的批准,才能呈交符合特定標準病人的樣本。
             指揮中心將由Mary Lou Sudders率領,統合麻州政府的各部門,擁有動用州政府經費的裁決權,包括州議會最近撥供因應新型冠狀病毒的1500萬元。
查理貝克在回應麻州總檢察官奚莉(Maura Healey)批評州政府檢測不力的問題時表示,過去數週以來,州政府對華府的沒甚麼反應都十分憂慮,最近聯邦疾病防治局(CDC)在檢測標準上有了改變,在州政府的實驗是之外,其他實驗室也能做檢測了,麻州的檢測能力將大幅增加。


BOSTON - Saturday, March 14, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh, the Greater Boston Real Estate Board and its entity the Massachusetts Apartment Association, and the Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations today announced they have created a partnership to impose a moratorium on evictions while Massachusetts is under a state of emergency. These actions, in partnership with property owners throughout Boston, are intended to protect residents during the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), which has prompted states of emergency at the state and federal levels. Property owners are encouraged to implement a moratorium on evictions that could be in effect for 90 days, with reviews every 30 days. 

"Our primary focus in Boston is protecting our residents and ensuring they are safe and healthy as we work to stop the spread of coronavirus," said Mayor Walsh. "Housing stability is crucial at this time, and I thank the Greater Boston Real Estate Board and the property owners throughout our City for working to minimize the disruptions to our residents during this challenging time. Through these measures to protect residents, we will continue our work to promote the wellbeing of every community in our city." 

"The Greater Boston Real Estate Board is urging its members to place a moratorium on evictions in Boston. During this time, we know how vital it is to do our part to minimize the anxiety and health risk to our tenants," said Greg Vasil, CEO and President of the Greater Boston Real Estate Board. "This moratorium could last up to 90 days, with decisions being reviewed every 30 days. The halting of evictions will apply to those who are directly impacted by economic loss due to the coronavirus outbreak. We understand the pressure residents are feeling during this crisis, and ensuring Bostonians have a safe, stable home is always our goal." 

The following organizations support the moratorium: Trinity Financial, Winn Residential, The Community Builders, and the Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations. 

In addition, earlier this week, the City of Boston and the Boston Housing Authority issued letters urging housing court to reconsider non-essential evictions of residents. The Boston Housing Authority is also moving to immediately suspend its filing and prosecution of all Housing Court cases and matters with respect to its non-essential eviction actions. This includes cases where the health and safety of others is not part of the suit. It also includes all non-payment, no-fault cases, and cause-related cases. 


             (Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導) 麻州賭博局今(14)日宣佈,州內三家賭場將從315日起關門至少兩星期。州內越來越多人開始憂慮,在製藥、科技公司改遠程上班,大專院校轉網上授課,中小學停課,中大型會議取消,教堂也關門等的一片關門聲中,日子要怎麼過下去。
             包括安可波士頓海港賭場(Encore Boston Harbor),米高梅春田賭場,平原山脊公園(Plainridge Park)賭場,將在315日早上6點前關門。
             安可波士頓海港賭場座落在艾佛瑞市(Everett),屬於永利度假村(Wynn Resorts)資產。米高梅國際度假村營運米高梅春田賭場,潘(Penn)全國賭博公司營運靠近羅德島州的吃角子老虎平原公園賭場(Plainville Park Casino)
            麻州賭博局局長Bruce Stebbins要求三家賭場分享它們和員工分享的任何資訊。他也詢問了米高梅春田的董事長和營運長Chris Kelley,關於諸如電影院等賭場租客怎麼辦。Kelly說,他們還 在和這些企業討論。
           在賓州,進入緊急狀態也逼使Valley Forge的一家賭場關門。
        安可波士頓海港在一月份時,營業毛額為4800萬元,米高梅春田的賭博營收約2060元,而Plainridge Park的吃角子老虎營收約1100萬元。

Baker-Polito Administration Launches COVID-19 Response Command Center

Baker-Polito Administration Launches COVID-19 Response Command Center
New Cross-Agency Structure To Focus On Responding To Disease, Supporting Communities & Residents

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced the creation of a new COVID-19 Response Command Center. Governor Charlie Baker has asked Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders to lead this cross-secretariat response to the outbreak of COVID-19 to compliment the work that has been underway for weeks across state government to keep residents safe and healthy.

The Command Center, under the leadership of Secretary Sudders and reporting to Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, will be the Commonwealth’s single point of strategic decision making and coordination for the Administration’s comprehensive COVID-19 response.

“Our administration has been working for weeks to address the outbreak of COVID-19, and the new Response Command Center we are launching today is an important step in our planning and preparedness efforts,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Led by Secretary Marylou Sudders, this team of experts will focus solely on pushing back against this disease and moving quickly to respond to the needs of our communities and residents.”

“State government has been committed to supporting communities and residents as the Commonwealth works together to respond to the Coronavirus, and this new Command Structure will help us further advance that mission,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “This dedicated team will serve as a single point of decision-making for our ongoing response as we continue to collaborate with partners to address this rapidly changing situation.”

The Command Center will have complete authority and discretion to tap whatever state funds are necessary. This includes the $15 million recently appropriated by the Legislature for Coronavirus.

The Command Structure will enable expert teams to advance key initiatives including:

  • Working to expand lab capacity for testing
  • Planning quarantine operations
  • Coordinating communication and guidance across government
  • Responding to the needs of our local boards of health
  • Monitoring supply chains
  • Identifying surge capacity in the Commonwealth’s health network.

“By convening decision-makers from key facets of state government, state government is able to continue to ramp up our dedicated response to COVID-19,” said Secretary Marylou Sudders. “This structure will build on the dedicated and continuing public health response.”

The Command Center will hold daily briefings with the Governor, key secretariats and agencies and will communicate regularly with other stakeholders such as municipalities and local boards of public health. The Command Center will work closely with and support the Department of Public Health’s ongoing response in conjunction with federal and local partners, and will include decision -makers from across state government:

  • Executive Office of Health and Human Services
  • Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
  • Massachusetts Department of Transportation
  • MBTA
  • Executive Office of Education
  • Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
  • Executive Office of Technology and Security Services
  • Human Resources Division 

The Command Center will also facilitate coordination and communication with key stakeholder groups like the CDC, FDA, cities and towns, the Legislature, local boards of public health, and others.

Today’s announcement follows the Administration’s announcements yesterday that Governor Baker issued an emergency order prohibiting the gathering of over 250 people and that 211 has been activated to provide real-time COVID-19 information, resources, and referrals in multiple languages.

The Administration will continue to update the public on further developments and individuals are encouraged to consult both the Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention websites for the most up to date information.

羅氏製藥將於3月17日照常舉行年會 鼓勵電子投票

Roche Annual General Meeting 2020 to take place under special conditions set by the authorities - electronic voting strongly recommended

  • Annual General Meeting on 17 March 2020 will take place as planned under conditions set by the authorities in Switzerland
  • Roche strongly advises against physical participation and recommends electronic voting via the independent proxy
  • Despite health measures participation will be at attendees’ own risk
Basel, 14 March 2020 - Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) announced today that, even under the new federal guidelines on the COVID-19 situation (coronavirus), the Annual General Meeting will continue to take place on 17 March in accordance with an exemption provided for by the cantonal authorities Basel-Stadt.

Roche will comply with all federal and cantonal health protection requirements.

However, Roche continues to strongly advise all shareholders against physical attendance at the Annual General Meeting, particularly people whose age or pre-existing condition may make them more susceptible, as part of preventive healthcare measures. Irrespective of health precautions taken, shareholders attending the meeting do so at their own risk.

Instead of attending the meeting physically, Roche once again recommends that shareholders use electronic remote voting and make use of the option to vote by proxy. This can be done using the login details provided to shareholders who have previously registered for the meeting.

Further information on conditions of participation and health measures for the Annual General Meeting can be found at https://www.roche.com/about/governance/annual_general_meetings.htm

星期五, 3月 13, 2020

波士頓公校3月17日起停課 預定4月27復課

(Boston Orange 編譯)波士頓市市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)313日晚7點多宣佈,波士頓公校系統將關閉6 週,317日起至427日,以降低新型冠狀病毒傳播的危險。
波士頓公校系統約有學生54000餘人。波士頓市長馬丁華殊率領公校總監Brenda Cassellius 等人宣佈此消息時強調,現在是大膽採取行動,以降低病毒傳播速度的時候。
本週稍早,儘管波士頓內學校,還沒有任何確診案例,北端(North End)Eliot學校,因為有一名非學生的學校社區內人士感染,經公共衛生人員建議,三個校區都關閉了。

BOSTON - Friday, March 13, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and Boston Public Schools Superintendent Brenda Cassellius today announced the district-wide closure of all Boston Public Schools for students, effective on Tuesday, March 17. At this time, schools are expected to reopen on Monday, April 27, following April vacation. 

Schools will be open for a regular school day on Monday, March 16 to allow the flexibility needed to ensure a smooth transition that will allow for parents to plan, students to gather belongings, and the distribution of any learning materials that are ready for use at home. At this time, there is no known public health risk facing the Boston Public Schools as a whole. The decision to close schools is being made proactively to mitigate and contain the spread of the virus, and follows the declaration of a national emergency that was announced earlier today.

Should the situation with coronavirus improve on a faster timeline than expected, Mayor Walsh and Superintendent Cassellius will look into reopening schools before April 27 if that is what is best for Boston's school communities.

"My priority will always be to protect the health and safety of the residents of Boston," said Mayor Walsh. "The decision to close schools was extremely difficult to make and follows several days of robust planning to ensure that we are still able to provide our students with the services they need even with schools being closed. I want to thank Boston's principals, teachers, and school leadership for their collaboration and input during a very serious and quickly evolving situation to ensure that we are living up to our commitment of putting the well-being of our school communities at the forefront of everything that we do."

The announcement of school closure is being shared immediately to give parents, caretakers and families time to plan for childcare and other considerations that may need to be made. Beginning on Wednesday of next week through Friday, faculty and staff of each school will return to their respective buildings to continue to work on learning materials so that students can continue to learn.

"I will always measure every decision in child benefit. Today and always, their health and safety, as well as that of our staff, and families, is our top priority," said Superintendent Brenda Cassellius. "In collaboration with Mayor Walsh and Health and Human Services Chief Martinez, BPS has been actively developing a plan to support our community during this rapidly changing situation. I am incredibly grateful to our teachers, school leaders, custodians, food service workers, bus drivers, and all the staff at BPS for their commitment to our children."

On Sunday, Mayor Walsh and Boston Public Schools will communicate with school communities and families with further plans on how  to support students and families during the closure, including details on picking up meals for the students who rely on the daily free breakfasts and lunches BPS provides to students. In addition, Boston Public Schools will be working with schools and teachers to ensure learning materials are available for students to use at home to the fullest possible extent possible. 

"The Boston School Committee thanks our 10,000 teachers, school leaders, and staff, who will rise to the occasion to support our community in these times," said Michael Loconto, Boston School Committee Chairperson. "Working with Mayor Walsh and our City's public services, our Boston Public Schools will provide students with tools to maintain their education and return to school ready to learn and achieve."

As of Friday, March 13, there are 123 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Massachusetts and 25 in Boston. The Boston Public Health Commission will be providing additional information as it is received from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Visit boston.gov/coronavirus for up-to-date information and answers to commonly asked questions. 

On Wednesday, March 11, the Boston Public Health Commission, in conjunction with the Boston Public Schools, announced the closure of the three campuses of the Eliot K-8 School after a non student member of the school's community tested positive for COVID-19. The Eliot School will remain closed as part of the BPS district wide closures. 

To protect Bostonians and their families from the spread of the virus, residents are reminded to practice caution: wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol; avoid shaking hands; cover your coughs and sneezes; clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces; and avoid close contact with people who are sick. If you think you might be symptomatic, call your doctor or 311 to be connected to the Mayor's Health Line. Residents are also reminded to practice social distancing: keep your distance from others (six feet apart); do not take public transportation, taxis or ride-shares during this period; avoid crowded places. 

Additional details about the various plans to support students throughout the closure will be distributed to families on Sunday

City of Boston Funding update

The Funding Update

The MacDowell Colony, 4/15/2020
Emerging and established artists may apply for the fall fellowship program in the following disciplines: architecture, film/video arts, interdisciplinary arts, literature, music composition, theater, and visual arts. The fellowship includes exclusive use of a private studio, accommodations, and three prepared meals a day for a period of two weeks to two months.

National Endowment for the Humanities, 5/15/2020
Challenge Grants strengthen the institutional base of the humanities by enabling infrastructure development and capacity building. Funding categories” capital projects and digital infrastructure. Max award: $750,000. NEH will review a draft application if submitted by 4/3/2020.

Office for Victims of Crime, 4/20/2020 to 5/11/2020
a) OVC expects to make 12 awards of $500K to help improve outcomes, minimize additional trauma, and restore safety and security to older adult victims of abuse and financial exploitation.
b) OVC expects to make 25 grants of $700K to support direct services to children and youth who are crime victims as a result of the nation's addiction crisis.
Additional grants are available.

Agricultural Marketing Service, 5/11/2020
The Farmers Market Promotion Program funds projects that develop, coordinate and expand direct producer-to-consumer markets to help increase access to and availability of locally and regionally produced agricultural products by developing, coordinating, expanding, and providing outreach, training, and technical assistance to domestic farmers markets, roadside stands, community-supported agriculture programs, agritourism activities, online sales or other direct producer-to-consumer market opportunities. A 25% match is required.

Agricultural Marketing Service, 5/11/2020
The Local Food Promotion Program supports local and regional food business enterprises that engage as intermediaries in indirect producer to consumer marketing to help increase access to and availability of locally and regionally produced agricultural products. Grants can be used for the planning stages of establishing or expanding a local and regional food business enterprise or to improve or expand a food business that supports locally and regionally produced agricultural products and food system infrastructure by performing feasibility studies, market research, training and technical assistance  for the business enterprise and/or for producers working with the business enterprise. A 25% match is required. 

Action for Healthy Kids, 4/3/2020
Game On Grants support physical activity and nutrition initiatives. Game On: Social Emotional Health Grants support schools serving military families. Parents for Healthy Kids Grants support physical activity or nutrition projects led in partnership with schools. 

National Health Service Corps, 4/23/2020
Scholarships are available to students pursuing eligible primary care health professions training. In return, scholars commit to provide primary care health services in Health Professional Shortage Areas. Application webinar: 3/25/2020.

Ben and Jerry’s Foundation, 4/15/2020
Grants of up to $25,000 will be awarded to advance social and environmental justice and support sustainable and just food systems. Priority strategies include community and ally outreach; leadership development; constituent empowerment and decision-making; popular education; root cause analysis; power analysis; campaign development; mobilizing constituents and allies; coalition building; and direct action.



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