
星期六, 3月 02, 2019

MIT十億元新學院計算未來 大慶三日謝3.5億捐款人

               (Boston Orange 周菊子劍橋市報導)麻省理工學院(MIT)228日網羅該校各領域名教授,闡述人工智慧與其專長領域之間關係,在奎斯吉(Kresge)禮堂推出一場哈囉,世界會議,慶祝將以10億美元打造的史瓦茲曼計算學院(The Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing)成立,要為人工智慧的將無處不在,重塑其與社會、文化、道德關係,為國家的未來做準備。
MIT校長L. Rafael Reif (右)和黑石(Blackstone)共同創辦人暨執行長Stephen A. Schwarzman
               MIT為這象徵該校嶄新方向的新學院,從226日起安排了一連三天的盛大慶祝活動,包括向計算屆婦女先驅致敬,一整天的學術會議,校長L. Rafael Reif和該校曾獲圖靈獎,這電腦界諾貝爾獎的六名教授對話,以及麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker),捐贈3.5億美元的黑石集團執行長史瓦茲曼(Stephen A. Schwarzman)MIT各領域名教授都出席分享感言,做匯報的哈囉,世界會議。
               MIT教授會主席Susan S. Silbey在歡迎致詞中指出,經過這些年來的發展,科技,網際網路不但無遠弗屆,還威力強大得驚人,既帶給人們許多生活上的便利,卻也讓人細思極恐的憂慮,交付個人隱私換便利,最終會有什麼後果,內容審查就是其中一例,更何況網際網路的發展似乎忘了一樣米養百種人這種人類個別差異特性。MIT打算為人類社會更好的明天,致力做相關研究。
L. Rafael Reif強調,MIT這麼做是為培養將來能夠拯救國家、世界的學生。
MIT前任校長 Susan hockfield (中)也特地出席會議。(周菊子攝) 
出席致意的麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)表示,自己現年63歲,親眼見證了科技改革,70年代是摩爾定律,90年代有了比電視更吸引人的互聯網,然後手機不斷更新,小小一方螢幕,卻成了千變萬化世界。他稱許MIT,史瓦茲曼等人率先發起整合科技與人文的全面研究,要讓各領域學科在人工智慧環境中交流,全面研究正面、負面影響,防範可能的有人利用科技來做壞事,並思考各種可能後果。
28日的一整天哈囉,世界會議,有不下30位著名教授,企業家,在劃分為計算:省思和前進的道路在十字路口計算:研究及教育交會為市場計算:創業及人工智慧計算未來:訂定新方向為人類計算:道德及人工智慧等五大主題的環節中,分別闡述他們正在做,與人工智慧有關的研究,項目或工作方向。會中另外還有MIT校長L. Rafael Reif和黑石集團執行長史瓦茲曼的創辦學院:對話,美國前國務卿既諾貝爾和平獎得主季辛吉和紐約時報外交事務專欄作家佛里德曼(Thomas L. Friedman)啟發是如何結束的:討論
麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)強調科技的重要,感謝黑石和MIT的努力。(周菊子攝)
                   MIT的科技社會研究教授Sherry Turkle的一席重新思考數位文化中的衝突,點出目前社會中社交網路(social media)出現的網路霸凌等情況,已促使人們深思,在沒有隱私的狀態下, 人們是否還能享有民主。
                      Phillip A. Sharp教授以經由計算而來的醫藥科學及照顧創新指出,現在是生物科技年代,坎德廣場(Kendall Square)就有全世界最集中的生物醫藥研發公司。他認為人工智慧和機械學習會轉變醫藥研發與治療。亞馬遜,谷歌,微軟IBM都在坎德廣場設立了與生物醫藥相關的研發部門,MIT的史瓦茲曼學院將扮演重要角色。
                    電機工程及電腦學副教授Vivienne Sze講的是能源有效率的人工智慧。她們正在做自動駕駛車原型能耗,專注於減少數據運動及擷取記憶需求的人工智慧特製硬體,以及深入神經網絡的研究等等,探索各種經由人工智慧,更有效率使用能源的實際應用。
MIT 校長 L. Rafael Reif強調新學院著眼於科技應用於社會各層面的未來世界,

MIT教授會主席Susan S. Silbey為"哈囉,世界"做開場介紹。(周菊子攝)
MIT科技社會研究教授Sherry Turkle談"重新思考數位文化中的衝突"。(周菊子攝)
發明互聯網的Tim Berners-Lee爵士談"重新啟動網?不是件容易的事"。(周菊子攝)
MIT金融工程教授羅聞全(Andrew Lo,左)和曾任哈佛大學文理學院研究生院
MIT電機工程教授Vivienne Sze闡述她正在做讓能源更有效率的人工智能應用。(周菊子攝)
Phillip A. Sharp 教授從醫療角度談人工智能及計算可以帶來的創新應用。(周菊子攝)

黑石(Blackstone)共同創辦人暨執行長Stephen A. Schwarzman。(周菊子攝)

前美國國務卿季諾貝爾和平獎得獎人季辛吉(Henry Kissinger)。(周菊子攝)
季辛吉(Henry Kissinger,左)和紐約時報外交事務專欄作家佛里德曼(Thomas L. Friedman,

星期五, 3月 01, 2019


New Letter Head Topper (Mayors Office).PNG
Snow Emergency
Friday March 1

Snow emergency parking rules will be in place beginning at 9:00 PM, on Friday, March 1, 2019.
Residents may park on the EVEN numbered side of non-emergency neighborhood streets, but should always park in driveways if available.
Parking is prohibited on all designated emergency arteries. Click here for a complete list of emergency arteries.
Residents on side streets posted permanently as one-side parking should park on the side always allowed.
Cars parked in violation of emergency rules or that impede snow plowing operations pose a public safety risk, and WILL BE TOWED. Regardless of parking rules, vehicles determined to be in obstruction of snow removal or emergency vehicles are subject to towing if not moved.
For updates and emergency notices, please tune to Quincy Access Television; follow the City of Quincy's Facebook page or via Twitter @CityofQuincy.

波市長任命兩首長 首席數據長 首席資訊安全長



BOSTON - Friday, March 1, 2019 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the appointments of Stefanie Costa Leabo as Boston's Chief Data Officer, and Gregory McCarthy as the the City of Boston's first-ever Chief Information Security Officer, who will both work to strengthen the City's Department of Innovation and Technology.

"I'm proud to welcome Stefanie and Gregory to leadership positions in our Department of Innovation and Technology, which works to utilize technology in the best and smartest ways possible to make residents lives better," said Mayor Walsh. "I look forward to them excelling in their roles, and continuing to build on Boston's successes in being a groundbreaking leader in technological advances for our residents."
Stefanie Costa Leabo will head the City's Analytics and Data Team in their efforts to work with departments to solve challenging problems, make government more effective, and deliver better outcomes for constituents through the use of data, process improvement, and technology. Costa Leabo has been a member of the Analytics Team since 2015. In her time with the City of Boston, she led the development and release of Mayor Walsh's CityScore initiative and facilitated the launch of Boston's Community Assistance Team pilot program.

"It's an honor to take this position with the City," said Costa Leabo. "I've had the privilege of helping to shape the growth and development of this team since 2015. Both in my time with Somerville, and with the City of Boston, I've worked closely with programs and departments to encourage and support their use of data to enhance operations and provide better services. I look forward to furthering the mission of my Department to improve the lives of people who live and work in Boston through the use of data."

Before joining the City of Boston, Costa Leabo began her career in local government with the City of Somerville as a senior analyst in the SomerStat office working with departments to increase their use of data to improve operations and service delivery as well as coordinating cross-departmental projects like the citywide LED street light retrofit. Prior to working in local government, she served as a research fellow and program coordinator for the UMass Civic Initiative, a non-profit dedicated to promoting democracy through public policy education in the U.S. and abroad.

Born and raised in Massachusetts, and a resident of the North End, Stefanie is a graduate of UMass Amherst with B.A.s in Political Science and History. She earned an M.A. in Political Science from George Washington University. Stefanie is closely connected to her UMass and Boston communities having served as a mentor and board member for UMass Women Into Leadership and as a "Big Sister" with Big Brother Big Sisters of Massachusetts Bay.
Gregory McCarthy will serve as the City's first Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) to lead the Cybersecurity Team. This appointment elevates the role previously held by McCarthy and marks a commitment to strengthening efforts to protect the City of Boston's technology platforms and data from from cyber threats.
Since joining the City of Boston's Cybersecurity Team in 2010, McCarthy has managed the implementation of numerous information security solutions and helped develop the City's first Cybersecurity Awareness Program for employees. In this role, McCarthy will continue to lead efforts to strengthen the cybersecurity capabilities across the City and further the team's mission through modernizing technology, partnerships, and regular training.
"Cybersecurity is something we clearly have to take seriously, and there are always new challenges ahead; a humbling reminder that our work in this field is never done," said McCarthy. "It is an honor to be in this position for the City of Boston, and to have the opportunity to lead the City into a new chapter of maturity in how we protect our systems, data, and constituents."
Prior to joining the City, McCarthy spent five years as a Principal Research Technician at the Rhode Island Department of Corrections. McCarthy holds an undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice and a graduate degree in Information Assurance, both from Northeastern University. He has also earned a Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certification from ISACA, graduate certification in Project Management from Boston University, and a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification from the Project Management Institute. McCarthy resides in Jamaica Plain and serves as a Board Member for the Friends of the Jamaica Plain Branch Library.
The City's Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) strives to engage, empower, and improve life for residents in the City through technology. The focus areas of their work includes digital engagement and services, data and analytics, and broadband, cable and digital equity. The department oversees the development and implementation of new digital tools, open data, Wicked Free Wi-Fi, mobile apps, and cybersecurity practices.