
星期二, 3月 26, 2019


Program Offers a High-Quality Service-Learning Experience During the Summer Months
2018 BCYF SuperTeens

BOSTON - Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the return of Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) summer SuperTeens Program. Youth ages 13-14 in the SuperTeens program will have the opportunity to attend weekly leadership development workshops, gain work experience in BCYF community centers and participate in field trips to Boston's arts and cultural institutions. Registration begins on April 5.

"I am excited that this summer we are able to expand the program to give 275 teens real work experience that will prepare them for future education and allow them to gain more opportunities," said Mayor Walsh. "The SuperTeens Program will empower our young people with important life skills, and I'm proud we're able to bring this program to so many teens."

Sponsored by Comcast and The Foundation for BCYF, this program will provide hands-on work experience and/or service experience, engaging youth in high-quality leadership development workshops based on BCYF's Youth Development Outcomes. Learning based field trips will aid in the development of life readiness and resiliency to help prepare them for their upcoming academic year and future employment.

"This program is very fun and I had many opportunities to meet new people and to learn new skills that I may need in my future." said Avriel Heraldo, age 13, of Dorchester. "This was fun for my first job and I feel like it prepared me for when I get a real job when I'm older."

The SuperTeens program will run six weeks beginning on Monday, July 8 and ending on Friday, August 16.  Participants must be at least thirteen years old on or before July 8 to participate and will receive a stipend at the end of the summer for successful completion of the program. All SuperTeens applicants must complete an online application on BCYF's website at Boston.Gov/BCYF. Online registration will open on Friday, April 5. All slots will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Slots are guaranteed for 275 youth.

The SuperTeens Program will operate at the following BCYF community centers:

BCYF Blackstone, 50 W. Brookline Street, South End;
BCYF Charlestown, 255 Medford Street, Charlestown;
BCYF Condon,  200 D Street, South Boston;
BCYF Curtis Hall (Girls-only,) 20 South Street, Jamaica Plain;
BCYF Gallivan, 61 Woodruff Way, Mattapan;
BCYF Hennigan, 200 Heath Street, Jamaica Plain;
BCYF Holland, 85 Olney Street, Dorchester;
BCYF Hyde Park, 1176 River Street, Hyde Park;
BCYF Jackson Mann, 500 Cambridge Street, Allston;
BCYF Leahy Holloran, 1 Worrell Street, Dorchester;
BCYF Marshall, 35 Westville Street, Dorchester;
BCYF Mattahunt, 100 Hebron Street, Mattapan;
BCYF Menino, 125 Brookway Road, Roslindale;
BCYF Mildred, 5 Mildred Ave, Mattapan
BCYF Ohrenberger, 175 West Boundary Road, West Roxbury;
BCYF Paris Street, 112 Paris Street, East Boston;
BCYF Perkins, 155 Talbot Avenue, Dorchester;
BCYF Pino, 86 Boardman Street, East Boston;
BCYF Quincy, 885 Washington Street, Chinatown;
BCYF Roche, 1716 Centre Street, West Roxbury;
BCYF Roslindale, 6 Cummins Highway, Roslindale;
BCYF Shelburne, 2730 Washington Street, Roxbury;
BCYF Tobin, 1481 Tremont Street, Mission Hill;
BCYF Tynan, (Girls Only) 650 East Fourth Street, South Boston;
BCYF Vine Street, 339 Dudley Street, Roxbury

加斯林糖尿病中心第15屆薑味籌款會 將研擬餐廳用糖尿病菜餚食譜

                                (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 加斯林糖尿病中心為“亞裔糖尿病研進會(AADI舉辦的薑味(A Taste of Ginger)”籌款會,325日晚在波士頓美術博物館(MFA)慶祝15週年,共約350人出席,籌得225,000元。
甄碧鳳(左起),Peter Amenta,金良城當烹飪賽評審。
             今年的薑味籌款會,除了請來30家大波士頓本地餐廳食肆,烹製特色菜餚,款宴到會嘉賓之外,還由薑味籌款會創始人之一的甄碧鳳做主持人,安排擁有金融學士學位,曾專程到巴黎烹飪名校進修的Pagu餐廳創辦人張瑛瑞(Tracy Chang)和曾於2009年在田納西州贏得世界最佳燒烤頭銜,寫了5本食譜,現在開了3家燒烤燻店(The Smoke Shop)”Andy Husbands這兩位名廚,現場PK,在510分鐘之內烹煮一道菜餚,並由加斯林糖尿病董事長Peter Amenta和資深副總裁金良城為這烹飪比賽做評審。
             武漢楷恩醫院和加斯林糖尿病中心的合作計畫,今年跨入第二期,以非藥物反轉糖尿病(Non-drug Reversal Diabetes)”的生活方式管理,配合加斯林糖尿病中心的最新的併發症檢測為重點。該醫療集團董事長陳義捷與顧問吳勇男特地率6人代表團到波士頓接受培訓,順道出席了薑味籌款會,也捐款二萬五千元。
甄碧鳳(中)稱張瑛瑞(右),Andy Husbands(左)都是比賽
             籌款會主席李超榮,Audrey Paek在會上感謝30家餐廳的支持,個別熱心人士的捐款。AADI創辦人金良城也點名感謝各捐款二萬五千元的趙廣華,美國賽諾菲(Sanofi US),各捐款一萬元的陳氏家族,Novo Nordisk,華人醫務中心,大同藥房,Tower製造公司等。
             AADI的五個創辦家庭,包括紐約長島的陳李慧珍(Jean Lau Chin)夫婦,加州比佛利丘的何兆邦、蘇錦勤夫婦(Larry and Sally Ho)、內華達州韓德森市(Henderson)的黃輝箭(Eugene and Lai Wong)夫婦,,麻州的金良城、伍萍芳夫婦,以及麻州研討會(Massachusetts Seminar)行政主任李超榮的父母親李錦昆夫婦(Lawrence and Evelyn Wing),這晚也再獲表揚。  
               長年支持AADI的食肆,以及名廚,東主,包括JP富士集團的梁戰士,梁戰成,蔡明龍鳳集團的梅沛傑,梅佩凡;常熟餐廳的陳維禮,素描湘菜館的陳素描,開MEM 茶店的張志安,開Cafenation的張志定,這天都親自在會場攤位前招呼賓客。麵粉烘培店的張安柔,夏棚(Summer Shack)Jasper WhiteBon Me的鄺樂儀等,雖然本人當天未到場,卻都派人擺了攤位。

曾任麻州財政廳廳長的Steven Grossman (左)現在是非牟利
機構ICIC的執行長,這晚和同事 Vi Mai來"薑味"。
"薑味"籌款會主席李超榮(左起), Audreay Paek送花
(Eugene Welch)。(周菊子攝)


Over 20 percent of Boston's total IDP inventory completed in 2018 
BOSTON - Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) today released the 2018 Inclusionary Development Policy (IDP) Annual Report, detailing how Boston is leveraging the strong development market to create and preserve affordable housing opportunities in every neighborhood.  In 2018, 546 new IDP units were completed, representing 21 percent of all IDP units in Boston.

"In order to maintain a strong middle class and be a thriving, diverse city, we must continue to create and preserve housing for individuals and families at a range of income-levels," said Mayor Walsh. "The Inclusionary Development Policy is one of our many tools for creating moderate and middle-income housing, and our latest report is a testament to its impact across Boston's neighborhoods."

IDP requires that developers of buildings with 10 or more units seeking zoning relief or building on City of Boston owned land set aside a percentage of their units as income-restricted to moderate- to middle-income households.

Since the inception of IDP in 2000, the policy has resulted in 2,599 units of stable, income-restricted housing for moderate- and middle-income families, and $137.1 million in funding. When combined with other affordable housing resources, this funding has supported the completion or preservation of 1,414 additional units of housing, affordable to very low-, low-, and moderate-income households.

In his 2019 legislative package, Mayor Walsh is proposing strengthening the Inclusionary Development Policy as a strategy to capture affordable housing units and funding from projects which are zoning compliant, expanding the work that Boston has done to address the region's affordable housing crisis. The other housing bills proposed seek to help existing tenants, particularly older adults, remain in their homes.

Notably, 2018 saw the completion of the 239-unit Beverly, the first fully affordable and workforce housing development in 25 years, located near North Station. All of the units in the Beverly are income-restricted, ranging from 30 percent of Area Median Income (AMI), up to 165 percent of AMI. The project was funded in part with off-site contributions Related Beal was able to secure from the Hub on Causeway project and by a voluntary contribution from its own Lovejoy Wharf project.

"Boston benefits from diversity in housing that provides options to the families, talent and companies that make our city great," said Kimberly Sherman Stamler, President of Related Beal. "We are proud of our partnership with the City and government partners on The Beverly in a shared effort to achieve the Mayor's workforce and affordable housing goals. The thousands of housing units created under the IDP are a testament to the vision and leadership of the Mayor and the many city agencies that work to achieve these shared goals."

Of the total IDP housing stock, 16 percent of units are located in Downtown, 13 percent are located on the South Boston Waterfront, 11 percent are located in the South End, and nine percent are located in South Boston.  

"Inclusionary Development Policy funds from projects on the South Boston Waterfront have been instrumental in leveraging both public and private resources to develop and preserve affordable housing in the South Boston neighborhood," said Donna Brown, Executive Director of the South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation (NDC). "South Boston NDC has been able to utilize IDP funds to build new affordable housing for Veterans, the workforce and for the elderly.  We recently used IDP to purchase private, occupied rental housing and preserve it for low and moderate income residents. IDP is critically important to ensuring that Boston remains an economically diverse city."

According to data compiled for the 2018 report, of all on-site and off-site IDP Units created by private developers, 25 percent are homeownership units, and 75 percent are rental units. In addition, a substantial number of new IDP units are anticipated to be completed over the next few years: 834 units are under construction or have been permitted, and there are 1,285 units in projects that have been approved by the BPDA, but have not yet pulled a building permit.

When the policy was introduced in 2000, few cities had a similar policy. Today, Boston is often highlighted for the success of its program, and towns and cities across the country are using inclusionary development programs to meet affordable housing needs. 2018 marks the third year the BPDA has released the annual IDP report, as one of several new steps the agency is taking to track progress to guide inclusive growth in Boston.

The report builds on Mayor Walsh's commitment to preserving and expanding Boston's affordable housing, ensuring all families who wish to live in Boston can. Currently, one in five housing units in Boston is income restricted to people with none to moderate incomes. Boston has secured funding to build affordable housing by utilizing a range of tools, including leveraging market-rate development, collecting linkage and Inclusionary Development Policy (IDP) payments from real estate developers, and by supporting passage of the Community Preservation Act (CPA).

Last month, Mayor Walsh and the City's Community Preservation Committee (CPC) this week recommended 56 projects, totaling more than $34 million, for inclusion in the fall funding round for the Community Preservation Act (CPA). In 2018, Mayor Walsh increased the City's overall housing targets from 53,000 to 69,000 new units by 2030, including 15,820 income-restricted units, to meet Boston's population growth. These income-restricted units will include purchasing 1,000 rental housing units from the speculative market and income-restricting them through an expanded Acquisition Opportunity Program.


波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn,中)和Lydia Edwards
                                 (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)紐英崙至德三德公所324日晚在帝苑大酒樓慶祝已亥豬年新春,筵開五十席,報告吳振華當選為美東副總長,奉上利市90歲以上宗親,送出紅包支持廣教、僑立學校傳承中華文化。
             324日晚的到會嘉賓,外地宗親有舊金山至德三德總公所總理周達昌,元老周榮桂,西文秘書周天民,二埠公所主席周仲仁等遠道而來,為波士頓慶祝農曆新年助陣。政要也有駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長徐佑典,波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉,波士頓市第二區市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn),Lydia Edwards,代表波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)的市長亞裔聯絡員徐丹晨,麻州亞美局主席Pralhad KC,紐英崙中華公所主席陳家驊等出席。
             波士頓本地政要,還有至德三德的本家,波士頓市不分區市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu),不過她今年出門在外,未克到會。
麻州亞美局主席Pralhad KC(右)和至德三德主席之一周樹昂




麻州巡警濫報加班費醜聞 Eric Chin第一個被判刑

              (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)麻州美國檢察官辦公室325日宣佈,麻州巡警(state trooper)謊報超時工作訟案,第一個被判刑的是前警官陳艾瑞(譯音,Eric Chin)
            麻州巡警濫報超時工作,增肥個人收入的醜聞,涉案警員多半屬於現已停止運作的E巡警部門(Trooper E)。目前共有8名警員被控,有關單位仍在持續調查中。


BOSTON – A suspended Massachusetts State Police Trooper was sentenced today in federal court in Boston in connection with the ongoing investigation of overtime abuse at the Massachusetts State Police (MSP).

Eric Chin, 46, of Hanover, was sentenced by U.S. District Court Judge Richard G. Stearns to one day in prison, deemed served, and one year of supervised release with three months to be served in home detention. Chin was also ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $7,125.  In December 2018, he pleaded guilty to one count of embezzlement from an agency receiving federal funds.

            Chin was an MSP Trooper assigned to Troop E, which was responsible for enforcing criminal and traffic regulations along the Massachusetts Turnpike, Interstate I-90. In 2016, Chin earned $302,400, which included approximately $131,653 in overtime pay. 

            Chin was paid for overtime hours that he did not work and for at least one four-hour shift that he did not work at all. Chin concealed his fraud by submitting fraudulent citations designed to create the appearance that he had worked overtime hours that he had not, and, falsely claimed in MSP paperwork and payroll entries that he had worked the entirety of his overtime shifts.

            Chin admitted collecting $7,125 for overtime hours that he did not work. 

            The overtime in question involved the Accident and Injury Reduction Effort program (AIRE), which was intended to reduce accidents, crashes, and injuries on I-90 through an enhanced presence of MSP Troopers who were to target vehicles traveling at excessive speeds. 

            Chin is the first Trooper to be sentenced as a result of the ongoing investigation. Thus far, eight MSP troopers have been charged and have pleaded guilty. Seven are awaiting sentencing.

United States Attorney Andrew E. Lelling; Joseph R. Bonavolonta, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Boston Field Division; and Douglas Shoemaker, Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Office of Inspector General made the announcement today. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Dustin Chao and Mark Grady of Lelling’s Public Corruption Unit are prosecuting the cases.

星期一, 3月 25, 2019


BOSTON - Monday, March 25, 2019 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced mini-grant applications are now available for community partners interested in creating summer meal sites through the Boston Eats program, which provides free meals to youth age 18 and under across the City of Boston. Organizations are encouraged to apply here by the April 5, 2019 deadline.

"The ability to access healthy meal options is directly linked to a young person's health and success," said Mayor Walsh. "I am encouraged by the strong partnerships we have made to address the summer meal gap, and connect our youth to easily accessible and healthy meal options as they transition into a new school year."

Led by the Mayor's Office of Food Access (OFA), the Boston Eats program aims to increase community participation through a series of mini-grants to be distributed to partners who will create nontraditional summer meals sites in 30 locations across the City of Boston. These mini-grants are made possible through a partnership between OFA, Project Bread's Child Nutrition Outreach Program, and the YMCA of Greater Boston, and by funding provided through the Boston Children's Hospital's Collaboration for Community Health.

"Our partnership with Children's Hospital will enhance our Boston Eats program and feed more youth when meal options may be limited," said Chief of Health and Human Services Marty Martinez. "I'm proud of the work carried out by the Mayor's Office of Food Access to further reduce barriers in accessing healthy meal opportunities so Boston youth have access to reliable and healthy food options year-round."

In 2017, OFA and its partners piloted an open meal site initiative at Boston City Hall and Mattapan Public Library, through which nearly 3,000 meals were served. The following year, the program expanded to more Boston Public Library branches, municipal buildings, farmers markets, and Boston Housing Authority locations. These sites served a combined total of nearly 19,000 meals to youth in the City of Boston. The success of the program displayed a significant need for the Boston Eats program.

Meals are available on a first-come-first-serve basis with no identification or registration required for youth. In addition to providing meals, these sites provide a safe space for youth to engage with their peers when school is not in session and connect families with other resources in their neighborhoods.

"For more than 25 years, Boston Children's has dedicated resources and used its expertise to improve child health outcomes beyond the walls of our hospital," said Sandra L. Fenwick, President and Chief Executive Officer of Boston Children's Hospital. "Through the Collaboration for Community Health, we're able to further extend by helping more community partners to implement programs and strategies that are vital to a child's overall health."

In Greater Boston, one in nine children struggles with hunger. When school is out for the summer, food at home is not always available and hunger over the summer can result in overall learning loss and decreased physical and mental health by the time the fall comes around again. The aim of this program is to encourage community partners to provide food for youth to help strengthen communities from the ground up, starting with their children.

台商會保齡球賽 Old Timer隊奪冠

團體組Old Timer隊奪冠軍,僑教中心主任歐宏偉(左二)
(Boston Orange 周菊子摩頓市報導)新英格蘭台灣商會(TCCNE)324日早上,在摩頓市Town Line Luxury Lanes舉辦第13屆新英格蘭盃保齡球賽,約40多人出席。個人組男女冠軍,依序為顏振中,許漱馨。團體組共10隊參賽,第一名為顏振中,王安宇,蔡高進等三人組成的Old Timer隊,積分1268
            今年共有10 組參賽隊伍,客家鄉親勢力龐大,包括客家會長宋玉琴,共組了三隊快樂長青隊參加。另外蔡坤喜組了自由隊,許漱馨和現任會長李以蕙組成一隊,並以她的公司MovetoBoston做隊名,藉機打打廣告。