
星期一, 3月 18, 2019

GBCCA講座 路永宜教護膚

       (Boston Orange)大波士頓中華文化協會系列講座,日前請出在麻州,紐約州都拿有美容師執照,並持有CIDESCO國際美容師文憑的路永宜,以"皮膚保健一、二事"為題,暢談皮膚保養。
        開設有Emerald Aesthetics Studo的路永宜,這天的講座內容包括,你認識皮膚嗎?了解自己是哪一種膚質嗎?要怎麼保養才能讓自己變成東方不敗?
       大波士頓中華文化協會特地錄製了講座實況,已上傳到youtube上和大眾分享,查詢內容可上網: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqjIqADnsNI


波士頓首次演出中國歌舞劇 昭君出塞華麗奪目

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             (Boston Orange 張雨坤波士頓報導) 中國歌劇舞劇院的原創大型舞劇昭君出塞31617兩日在波士頓舒伯特劇院掀起驚嘆聲,為中國歌舞劇的首次來到波士頓演出,博得一片好評。
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令人印象深刻的第二幕裡,回憶中的昭君和宮女們在仙境般的故鄉中舞步輕盈,直到音樂和燈光突變,匈奴士兵衝上舞台,擄走了宮女們,留昭君一個人在台上獨舞。在這弗洛伊德式的戰爭解讀裡,女性在敵人面前是弱勢無助的。但當王昭君在婚禮上求得了漢朝和匈奴之間的和平,女性的堅韌上升成為了主題。 《昭君出塞》中的昭君在有限的自由中掌握了自己的命運,並且用一己之力把個人的悲劇變成了民族的喜劇。
昭君出塞在波士頓一連演出兩場後,轉往紐約林肯中心的大衛寇克劇院,在321-24日演出。(修訂版,所有圖片由舒伯特劇院提供,Robert Torres攝)

星期日, 3月 17, 2019

2019 Seafood Champion Awards Finalists Announced

2019 Seafood Champion Awards Finalists Announced 
Collaboration throughout diverse cultures and perspectives thrive  
Boston, MA (March 17, 2019) – Today at Seafood Expo North America, SeaWeb and Diversified Communications announced the 2019 Seafood Champion Awards finalists. The 17 finalists exemplify the incredible work being done by the seafood industry and key stakeholders to make seafood a healthy, environmentally, socially and economically sustainable protein. 
The Seafood Champion Awards seek to inspire and catalyze change by providing a platform to recognize those who are committed to overcoming obstacles, seeking novel solutions and fostering strategic partnerships to advance seafood sustainability. This year's Seafood Champion Awards finalists represent a diverse cross-section of individuals, governmental organizations, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and seafood companies from all corners of the globe.  In addition to geographic and industry diversity, the Seafood Champion Awards is committed to elevating under-represented voices and promoting greater gender diversity in the seafood movement. Notably, the women finalists represent an array of accomplishments, including how we produce, process, sell and consume seafood. 
"This year's nominations demonstrate that change can come from anyone, anywhere and reflect how collaborations across culture, gender and industry silos are critical to advancing the sustainable seafood movement," said Meghan Jeans, SeaWeb Program Director at The Ocean Foundation. 
Whether promoting market-based approaches to improve seafood sustainability, improving social equity for small scale fishers, or advancing unique approaches to vessel monitoring for improved maritime security and sustainability, this year's Seafood Champion Awards finalists reflect the wide spectrum of interests, expertise and strategies needed to make meaningful progress. 
The annual Seafood Champion Awards program recognizes individuals and organizations in four categories: Leadership, Innovation, Vision and Advocacy. The winner in each category will be announced at a ceremony on June 11 at the SeaWeb Seafood Summit in Bangkok, Thailand. 
The Seafood Champion Award for Leadership recognizes people and organizations that bring stakeholders together to improve seafood sustainability or ocean health. The finalists are: 
  • Susan Jackson, President of the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF), a global partnership of scientists, tuna processors, environmental non-profits and others focused on tuna stock conservation and the marine ecosystem. Susan founded ISSF with tuna industry leaders and the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), and under her leadership ISSF has been a valuable conduit for collaboration for conservationists as well as business leaders worldwide by bringing together science, industry and environmental NGOs and government stakeholders working towards the long-term sustainability of tuna stocks.
  • World Animal Protection's Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI), a multi-stakeholder alliance that drives solutions to the problem of lost and abandoned fishing gear around the world. GGGI aims to improve the health of ocean ecosystems, protect marine animals from harm and safeguard human health and livelihoods. It is the first initiative dedicated to tackling the problem of ghost fishing gear at a global scale.
  • Wakao Hanaoka. Since establishing Seafood Legacy in 2015, a social venture based in Tokyo that provides sustainable seafood consulting services, Wakao Hanaoka has focused on building Japan-centric solutions for seafood sustainability by addressing the importance of domestic, business-led initiatives to drive regulatory reforms. As a Japan-based organization, Seafood Legacy and Wakao are building bridges between the Japanese market and the global sustainable seafood community to accelerate positive change and strengthen harmony, a key value in Japanese business culture. His strong initiative is now combined with the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, making sustainability a new norm.
  • Hannah Macintyre is Aquaculture & Fisheries Manager for Marks and Spencer (M&S), a UK retailer of food, clothing and furniture. In 2018, under Hannah's leadership, M&S launched a platform to allow consumers to trace their products, affirming that 100% of M&S's seafood products are sourced from sustainable fisheries. This platform is a first of its kind for a retailer - putting M&S at the forefront of the sustainable seafood movement. Within the UK retail space, she is responsible for M&S's robust sustainable seafood policy that wins consumer trust (some 21 million M&S customers each week) and NGO backing (repeatedly ranking as a 'Top Tuna Brand' by Greenpeace). 
The Seafood Champion Award for Innovation recognizes those who identify and apply new solutions to ecological challenges, market needs or sustainability barriers. The finalists are: 
  • Blue Star Foods, a seafood company working to improve the lives of artisan fishers and the sustainability of the fishery. Artisanal fisheries have unique socio-economic and environmental challenges that are often overlooked by the global sustainable seafood community. Overcoming these barriers to sustainability requires innovative solutions. Blue Star Food's unique approach to small-scale blue swimming crab fisheries in Indonesia and the Philippines is contributing to more socially-responsible and environmentally sustainable fisheries. In addition to creating an innovative traceability application that uses machine learning to analyze catch data for fishery monitoring; Blue Star has established fishing cooperatives that shield fisherman from predatory loans by offering microfinancing at low rates and the ability to create a savings account from a percentage of their profit. They are also spearheading group registration efforts and drastically reducing the registration cost for crab fishers.
  • OceanMind brings a unique approach to vessel monitoring, control, and surveillance (MCS), one that combines technological tools and law-enforcement-style capacity building to create a culture of compliance in the oversight of a country's fishing fleet. A few years ago, they brought their pioneering approach and their ability to build strong partnerships to pursue a program of work with the Royal Thai Government's Department of Fisheries (DOF) to provide MCS support and to build capacity, as the government created agencies, processes and onboarded technology to gain control over their sizeable commercial fishing fleet.
  • Catalina Offshore Products' (COP) project: A Culinary Engineering Approach to Increasing the Value of Local Fisheries: Reducing Fish Discards at Sea and Promoting Full Utilization is helping local fishermen increase the value of their catch. The project is a partnership between COP, scientists at the NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center, San Diego fishermen and leading chefs, all working together to improve the sustainability of local fisheries.
  • Pacifical is the pioneer of the first large scale blockchain initiative within the tuna industry – the system covers their entire supply chain of about 35 million tuna caught annually in an area 40% bigger than Europe and more than 200 million consumer units per year in over 23 countries can be traced and verified through the Ethereum blockchain. 
The Seafood Champion Award for Vision recognizes distinctive visions that significantly advance the sustainable seafood community. The finalists are: 
  • Janice Lao  has been working tirelessly behind the scenes in the corporate world to persuade her business colleagues to shift towards better sustainability practices in buying and offering sustainable seafood. She was instrumental in shifting the major Asian airlines on the non-carriage of shark fins and was listed in Forbes as one of the top female sustainability leaders and was awarded the 2019 Edie Sustainability Leader of the Year Award. She is now the Director of Group Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at The Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels.
  • Dr. Darian McBain leads Thai Union's sustainability initiatives and activities. Over the last five years, her leadership has transformed Thai Union into a leader in sustainability in the food service industry, as noted in the 2018 Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Darian also created SeaChange, a comprehensive set of commitments and actions to ensure that Thai Union is operating sustainably and constantly improving to help change the seafood industry for good.
  • OPAGAC The Organization of Producers of Frozen Tuna, The "Atún de Pesca Responsable (APR)" or Tuna from Responsible Fishing AENOR certification is the first fisheries certification scheme in the world to include ILO C188 as the reference to Decent Work at sea on board fishing vessels. It also has a Chain of Custody regulation certified by AENOR and before next summer, the first can of tuna will be able to have the APR logo, as a warranty of Decent Work and Responsible fishing. The current APR standard could be applied nowadays by any tuna fishing vessel, irrespective of their flag, and therefore can be used right away for those that want to certify their fishing activities.
  • AquaSpark, an investment fund with a focus on sustainable aquaculture businesses around the world, is catalyzing entrepreneurship and pushing a vision highlighting the importance of sustainable aquaculture as a means of feeding a growing population. Investing in small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs), Aquaspark is working to promote the production of safe, accessible and environmentally responsible marine and aquatic life.  In the last five years, Aquaspark has invested in 16 early stage companies that are making big impacts in the aquaculture sector.
  • Austral, starting as the first seafood business to join with WWF and Unilever in the MSC initiative in 1996; through certification of its four main fisheries as sustainable and well-managed by 2012; at the same time harnesses the power of legal industry and collaborations with NGOs and governments to eliminate IUU fishing of toothfish by setting up a group called COLTO (Coalition of Legal Toothfish Operators). The journey continued further in 2016, with Austral offsetting their carbon footprint. In 2018, Austral collaborated to develop technological tools with WWF and Boston Consulting Group Digital Ventures, to harness blockchain traceability in the seafood production sector, linked to transparency, provenance and quality control of their seafood products. 
The Seafood Champion Award for Advocacy recognizes the promotion of sustainability, use of the media to raise the profile of sustainable seafood, work to strengthen public policy and resource allocations, and championing of advances in sustainable seafood. Here are the finalists in this category:  
  • Francisco Blaha has diversity of experience and expertise in fisheries production and management, including serving crew member and a fisheries observer in the squid, hake and toothfish fleets in Southern Argentina, a fisher in the tuna longline fishery and in New Zealand, a councilor to the NZ Seafood Standards Council, an R&D Officer at a fishing company, and he has worked as a consultant in over 50 countries for a range of development organizations. He also earned an MSc in Fisheries Biology from Argentina's fisheries research and development institute (INIDEP) and a second MSc (Food Science) at Auckland University. With this background, he brings a unique perspective to advocating for sustainability and good fisheries management and has worked to educate and advance good management with everyone in the supply chain from fishers to international institutions.
  • COMEPESCA is building a Mexican sustainable seafood movement. COMEPESCA, a multi-stakeholder group comprised of predominantly industry members, is dedicated to promoting the consumption of Mexican seafood products. They have designed and implemented #PescaConFuturo (or "fishing with a future"), a first of its kind campaign to promote the consumption of sustainable Mexican seafood and build the voice of responsible seafood producers and distributors.
  • G16 Group is a collection of 20 developing Coastal States in the Indian Ocean region that collaborate stronger voice in order to responsibly and fairly manage the shared tuna resources in the region. Such fisheries are immensely important for food security in addition to fueling local economies, however, the management decisions have been historically dominated by industrialized fleets from afar. At a time when key Indian Ocean tuna stocks are showing signs of over-exploitation the G16's work is helping to improve management and conservation in a way that is both sustainable and equitable.
  • Stephen Fisher, the Sustainability Director at Sea Delight, a Florida-based seafood supplier, leveraged his role as an industry leader to support sustainable management of trans-boundary fisheries. He directly and publicly engaged with RFMO delegates, the individuals who are the decision makers, with the express aim of getting action on swordfish and mahi mahi. Steve made explicit reference to 'market needs' in his intervention, which both highlighted the sustainability credentials of the seafood marketplace, and put pressure on the RFMO to act in the best long-term interests of the catching sector (which is often overlooked for short-term gains). The significance of this was reflected in the chair of the WCPFC comments that she was pleased to hear suppliers were beginning to gain interest in the RFMO process and noted that their participation is needed. 

北美海產展17日揭幕 波士頓經文處設宴歡迎台灣團

(Boston Orange 張雨坤波士頓報導) 中美貿易戰開打,台灣將漁翁得利”?台灣冷凍水產同業公會參加北美海產展的規模,今年成長50%,參展廠商數從13增加到20,展示攤位也從17個增加到24個。
北美海產展是北美地區規模最大的海產展,今年訂317日至19日在波士頓會議展覽中心(Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)舉行,已知有來自49個國家的1329家廠商參展。台灣冷凍水產同業公會今年也擴大規模,有20家廠商參展。

星期六, 3月 16, 2019

Joan Benoit Samuelson To Run 2019 Boston Marathon

Joan Benoit Samuelson To Run 2019 Boston Marathon
Celebrating the 40th anniversary of her 1979 victory, Samuelson returns to race
from Hopkinton to Boston

BOSTON – The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) announced today that two-time Boston Marathon champion and Olympic gold medalist Joan Benoit Samuelson will run this year’s Boston Marathon. The 2019 Boston Marathon will be run on Monday, April 15, Patriots’ Day and One Boston Day in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Samuelson will once again toe the line in Hopkinton, four decades after the then-21-year-old Bowdoin College student set a national and course record at the 83rd Boston Marathon. Crossing the finish line in 2:35:15 clad in her college uniform and a Red Sox cap, she captured the hearts of New Englanders en route to her memorable win.

“My goal is to to run within 40 minutes of my time 40 years ago, which would be sub-3:15:35,” said the Maine native. “I might as well celebrate during an anniversary year, while I’m still able!”

The 1979 win may have been her first Boston victory, but Samuelson’s leadership in distance running and the women’s running community extended far beyond that first finish line. In addition to her 1979 victory, Samuelson won the 1983 Boston Marathon in a then-world record of 2:22:43, a time that still ranks 13th on the all-time Boston list. At the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles one year later, Samuelson won the inaugural Women’s Olympic Marathon, tipping her white painter’s cap to the crowd as she secured the gold medal in 2:24:52.

“We are delighted to have Joan Benoit Samuelson return to the roads leading to Boston in celebration of the 40th anniversary of her 1979 win,” said Tom Grilk, B.A.A. Chief Executive Officer. “Joanie’s impact on American running, the Boston Marathon, and women’s running in general has been instrumental, and has inspired thousands of Boston Marathoners. We look forward to her crossing the finish line again on April 15.”

Samuelson’s last Boston Marathon came in 2015, when she finished in 2:54:03. Samuelson won the Veterans (50-59) division at the 2011, 2013, and 2014 Boston Marathons, setting a Veteran’s record of 2:50:29 in 2013.

Samuelson will join 16 other Boston Marathon champions returning to run this year’s race (10 open division champions including Samuelson, and seven wheelchair division winners). Included among the John Hancock Elite Athlete Team are defending champions Desiree Linden and Yuki Kawauchi, while Tatyana McFadden and Marcel Hug return to front the wheelchair division.

星期五, 3月 15, 2019

MIPIM莫斯科贏特別評審獎 中港台六項目入決賽

              (Boston Orange 周菊子法國坎城報導)在法國坎城(Cannes)舉行的國際房地產展MIPIM314日晚宣佈今年得獎名單,地主國的法國是最大贏家,從11個類別中奪得四個最佳獎,英國及義大利各得兩項最佳獎。莫斯科的多功能概念公園Zaryadye贏得特別評審獎。
莫斯科副市長Khusnullin Marat親自出席領獎。(周菊子攝)
            11個獎項類別和得獎項目分別為,最佳醫療護理發展項目的法國的瑞貝綜合醫院(Polyclinique Reims-Bezannes),最佳旅館及旅遊休憩地項目的義大利切法盧地中海俱樂部(Club Med Cefalù),最佳工業及物流發展項目的英國格林威治半島低碳能源中心(Greenwich Peninsula Low Carbon Energy Centre),最佳綜合用途發展項目的義大利佛羅倫斯拉瓦吉尼尼學生旅館(The Student Hotel Florence Lavagnini),最佳辦公室及企業發展項目的法國巴黎拉波爾德(Laborde),最佳城市翻新項目的法國塞納河畔世界(Kosmo)”,最佳住宅發展項目的德國漢堡木笛漢堡(WOODIE Hamburg)”,最佳購物中心發展項目的日本枚方T(HIRAKATA T-SITE),最佳城市再生發展項目的德國重建法蘭克福舊中心(Rebuilding Frankfurt’s old centre)”,最佳未來項目的法國巴黎千樹(Mille Arbres)”,最佳未來巨型項目的英國未來公園(Future Park)”
莫斯科副市長Khusnullin Marat(右)以俄語發言,旁邊有翻譯。
            獲得特別評審獎的是由俄國莫斯科市政府發展的扎瑞亞德(Zaryadye )”,包括公園的多功能音樂廳綜合體。莫斯科市副市長Khusnullin Marat親自出席領獎。
            打入決賽的六個來自大中華地區的項目分別為,最佳旅館及旅遊休憩地項目的中國杭州木守西溪酒店(Muhshoou Xixi),最佳綜合用途發展項目的香港西九龍車站,最佳辦公室及企業發展項目的中國北京CITIC大樓,最佳城市再生項目的中國長春水文化生態園,台灣高雄的國立高雄藝術中心,最佳未來巨型項目的中國杭州體育塔。




BOSTON – The United States has filed a civil complaint alleging that the City of Quincy is violating the Clean Water Act by discharging sewage and untreated wastewater into the Boston Harbor, Dorchester Bay, Quincy Bay and other waterways from the City’s sanitary sewer and storm drain systems.

The complaint alleges that water quality samples from 2009 through 2018 demonstrated that Quincy discharged pollutants, including the bacteria commonly known as E. coli and Enteroccous, onto Quincy beaches and tidal areas along the coastline. It also alleges that the water quality samples taken from Quincy Bay, Sagamore Creek, Town Brook, Town River Bay and Furnace Brook from the period 2009 through 2013 showed the discharge of ammonia, surfactants and pharmaceutical compounds, which are indicative of sewage waste. In addition, the complaint alleges that Quincy’s sanitary sewer system overflowed on numerous occasions, resulting in discharges of sewage and untreated wastewater.

“The Clean Water Act is designed to protect the waters of the United States for the health and enjoyment of its citizens. This complaint demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that our waters and beaches are protected from discharges such as raw sewage and seeks to require that the City of Quincy take the important and necessary steps to do so,” said United States Attorney Andrew E. Lelling.

“This complaint represents a critical step in the ongoing cleanup of Boston Harbor and nearby urban rivers,” said Deb Szaro, Acting Regional Administrator of EPA’s New England region. “EPA is committed to ensuring the restoration of Boston Harbor and addressing sewage discharges in local communities continues in order to protect public health and clean water.”

The Clean Water Act provides for monetary daily penalties of $37,500 for each violation that occurred on or before Nov. 2, 2015, and $54,833 for each violation occurring after Nov. 2, 2015. The complaint seeks the recovery of penalties and requests that the Court permanently enjoin the City from future violations of the Clean Water Act.   

EPA has focused enforcement and compliance resources on the most serious environmental violations, including keeping raw sewage and contaminated stormwater out of our nation’s waters. The United States Attorney’s Office, working with the Department of Justice’s Environment and Natural Resources Division, filed the complaint on behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of that effort. Raw sewage overflows and inadequately controlled stormwater discharges from municipal sewer systems introduce a variety of harmful pollutants, including disease causing organisms, metals and nutrients that threaten our communities’ water quality and can contribute to disease outbreaks, beach and shellfish bed closings, flooding, stream scouring, fishing advisories and basement backups of sewage.

U.S. Attorney Lelling and EPA Acting Regional Administrator Szaro made the announcement today. The case is being handled by Assistant U.S. Attorney Susan M. Poswistilo of Lelling’s Civil Division.

Baker-Polito Administration Brings Awareness to Dangers Of Illegally Driving Under The Influence

Baker-Polito Administration Brings Awareness to Dangers Of Illegally Driving Under The Influence
Broad coalition of stakeholders endorse Administration’s impaired driving proposal

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker today joined Administration officials, public safety leaders and advocates from both the public and private sector to bring awareness to the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The group also highlighted a campaign to educate cannabis users about the dangers of driving impaired, and legislation filed by the Baker-Polito Administration to strengthen the state’s impaired driving laws.

Governor Baker was joined by public safety advocates Keith Cooper, President of the Cannabis Dispensary Association, and Colleen Sheehey Church, Public Policy Liaison for the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility in support of this legislation, as well as Cannabis Control Board, Massachusetts Municipal Police Training Committee, and State Police officials.

“Driving impaired is both illegal and dangerous, and represents a significant threat to public safety,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “In addition to working with public safety officials to enforce existing impaired driving laws, our Administration has also introduced legislation that will equalize the treatment of alcohol and drugs with respect to driving under the influence, and give law enforcement more tools and resources to keep our roads safe.”

“This legislation will encourage more responsible driving habits and will ensure law enforcement has the tools necessary to hold accountable individuals who endanger the public,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “By enacting this legislation and by working with our partners in the public safety community, we can ensure safer roads in communities across Massachusetts.”

The Baker-Polito Administration’s bill is based on recommendations made by the Special Commission on Operating Under the Influence and Impaired Driving. The Special Commission is composed of a diverse set of stakeholders and experts, including police, prosecutors, medical and toxicological professionals, and representatives of the criminal defense bar and civil liberties community. 

The proposed legislative changes in the bill include:
  • Adopting implied consent laws to suspend the driver’s licenses of arrested motorists who refuse to cooperate in chemical testing for drugs, as existing law has long required for arrested motorists who refuse breath testing for alcohol.
  • Adopting a statute authorizing courts to take judicial notice that ingesting THC, the active chemical in marijuana, can and does impair motorists.
  • Directing the Municipal Police Training Committee (MPTC) to expand the training of drug recognition experts and allowing them to testify as expert witnesses in civil and criminal cases.
  • Prohibiting drivers from having loose or unsealed packages of marijuana in the driver’s compartment of a vehicle, under the same provision of the motor vehicle code that has long prohibited driving with open containers of alcohol.
  • Recognizing the effectiveness of the horizontal gaze nystagmus test, shown through scientific research to be the single most reliable field sobriety test. 
  • Empowering police officers to seek electronic search warrants for evidence of chemical intoxication, as is the practice in over thirty other states.  Any blood draw would have to be authorized by a neutral magistrate after a showing of probable cause, and would be performed by a doctor, nurse or other appropriate medical staff at a health care facility.
  • Developing educational materials and programming on drug impairment to share with trial court judges.

Today’s event is part of an innovative partnership between public and private organizations to educate cannabis users about the impact of driving under the influence of marijuana.  The effort will include the distribution of educational material at both recreational and medical cannabis dispensaries – a collaborative project undertaken by the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS), the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission, AAA and the Commonwealth Dispensary Association.

The educational material, which will be inserted into marijuana product bags, will include the following messages:
  • Like alcohol, marijuana impairs driving skills, slowing reaction time, coordination and decision-making.
  • Operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of marijuana, regardless of how much, is against the law and will put you at risk for an Operating Under the Influence (OUI) arrest.
  • Impaired driving is a criminal act regardless of whether a drug is purchased for medical or recreational use
  • If you anticipate using marijuana, plan ahead for alternate transportation with a designated driver, a ride-share service, a taxi or the MBTA.

“Our research shows that many marijuana users believe they drive just as well, or even better, when high.  The crash and fatality data indicate otherwise,” said Secretary of Public Safety and Security Thomas Turco. “It’s imperative that we educate marijuana users about the impairment associated with the use of marijuana and its potentially deadly consequences.”

“The public health and safety of citizens throughout the Commonwealth remain a priority, and an integral part of our mission,” said Jennifer L. Flanagan, Commissioner of the Cannabis Control Commission.  The work of the Baker-Polito Administration, as well as all parties here today will continue to support efforts to educate the public about the responsible use of marijuana,”

“Marijuana has the potential to impair a person’s ability to operate a vehicle safely. Marijuana can decrease car handling, performance and attention, while increasing reaction times, following distance and lane departure,” said Mary Maguire, Director of Public and Legislative Affairs at AAA.  “Whether the use of marijuana is legal or not, all motorists must avoid driving while impaired.”

“The cannabis industry supports the safe use of marijuana, and we are glad to partner with the Commonwealth by working with our members to insert educational material to consumers at the point of purchase,” said David Torrisi, Executive Director, Commonwealth Dispensary Association.

Massachusetts Data On Impaired Driving:
  • Marijuana was the most prevalent drug (aside from alcohol) found in drivers involved in fatal crashes from 2013-2017.  It was found in 30 percent of drivers that had drugs in their system at the time of crash
  • From 2013-2017, 11 percent of drivers in fatal crashes were found with both alcohol and drugs in their system
  • From 2016 to 2017, alcohol-impaired driving fatalities (BAC .08 or higher) declined 19 percent from 148 to 120.
  • From 2013-2017, men accounted for 78 percent of alcohol impaired drivers involved in fatal crashes
  • From 2013-2017, drivers aged 21-34 accounted for 48 percent of all alcohol impaired drivers involved in fatal crashes