
星期一, 1月 28, 2019

CAPAC Members on Second Year Anniversary of Trump’s Muslim and Refugee Travel Ban

CAPAC Members on Second Year Anniversary of Trump’s Muslim and Refugee Travel Ban

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) released the following statements to mark the second anniversary of Donald Trump’s signing of Executive Order 13769 on January 27, 2017, which restricted travel to the U.S. from several Muslim-majority countries and prohibited refugees from entering the country.  

Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27), CAPAC Chair:

“Two years ago, President Trump issued his hateful executive order banning travel to the U.S. from a number of Muslim-majority countries and blocking out refugees entirely. I will never forget the chaos and pain created by the first Muslim Ban. Nor will I forget the crowds of lawyers and families who came to protest at airports. The Muslim Ban – now in its third iteration, but wrong in any form – is just one of the weapons Donald Trump is using to foment xenophobia and bigotry and drive wedges in our communities. It is simply un-American. We do not create policies based on religious animus and we do not target people because of who they worship. That is bigotry at its worst, and it is part of the reason we have seen an increase in hate crimes and violence since Trump started his campaign. This is why today, Sen. Murphy and I reintroduced the No Federal Funds for Muslim Ban Act to block any federal funds from going towards the implementation of the Muslim Ban. Together, we will stand up to bigotry and put an end to this hateful ban.”

Senator Tammy Duckworth (IL):

“It’s been two years since Donald Trump issued his discriminatory Muslim travel ban, preventing thousands of travelers, vetted refugees and their families from entering the United States. Since then, the Trump Administration has stopped at nothing to wrongfully characterize entire countries, faiths and peoples to further his xenophobic and hateful policies. Families are fearful of flying home to see their loved ones, refugees and asylum seekers wait endlessly in dangerous situations and the strength and integrity of our democracy is hurt every passing day. Turning people away from our country because of where they were born or the religion they practice is wholly un-American and betrays our nation’s values.”

Congresswoman Grace Meng (NY-06), CAPAC First Vice Chair:

“Exactly two years ago, President Trump divided our country with the introduction of his discriminatory Muslim travel ban. Although I immediately introduced legislation to defund it, the Trump Administration continued to embrace similar un-American values that led to a disappointing decision by the Supreme Court. From the Muslim ban to family separations at the border to the prolongation of the government shutdown for a wall, the Trump Administration constantly underminesAmerican unity and diversity. As a nation of immigrants, we must come together to advocate for one another and stand up against these efforts to discriminate.”

Congressman Mark Takano (CA-41), CAPAC Second Vice Chair:

“Two years ago, President Trump allowed bigotry to trample our Constitutional protections by implementing his dangerous and Islamophobic Muslim Ban. His Executive Order was not only discriminatory, but a danger to our national security and to our standing in the world. This deeply un-American action led by President Trump will forever be a moral stain on our country’s history. Although certain parts of this discriminatory ban were upheld by the Supreme Court, it is up to us to continue to denounce it and stand with the Muslim community against all forms of hate. Congress must never allow something as horrible and harmful as this to ever happen again.”

Congressman Ed Case (HI-01):

“I am proud to represent a state that helped lead the fight against this unjust executive order targeting travelers from seven predominately Muslim countries.  We fought the ban because in Hawaii our diversity and Aloha spirit define us, welcoming all who come to our shores no matter their religion, ethnicity, color or country of origin.  That Aloha spirit, matched by so many throughout our country, was at the core of our challenge to the ban, and on this anniversary we recommit ourselves together with so many others to that same spirit that welcomes all those who wish to visit our country or long to call America their home.”   

Congressman Gil Cisneros (CA-39): 

“Two years ago, the President enacted the Muslim and Refugee Travel Ban, marking the beginning of an anti-immigrant agenda that has set the tone of his administration. The Ban does nothing to strengthen our national security, nor does it address any of the issues underlying our immigration system. Meanwhile, President Trump continues to implement discriminatory policies against our nation’s immigrant communities and those seeking refuge and asylum in our country. When I and the thousands of our country’s veterans enlisted to serve our nation, these hateful policies were not values that we chose to uphold and defend. I will keep fighting for comprehensive immigration reform, and for fact-based travel and immigration policies that do not discriminate against people based on religion or nationality.”

Congressman Jimmy Gomez (CA-34):

“The United States has always stood as a symbol of hope for those who seek refuge and opportunity. Two years ago – with the unveiling of the Muslim travel ban – President Donald Trump tried to change that. January 27 shouldn’t be remembered as the day he began to implement his agenda of fear and ignorance, but rather as the day Americans rose up in resistance against it. From airports and city streets to courthouses and places of worship, Americans made it clear that our nation never has – nor ever will – shy away from our aspiration to be a beacon of tolerance and justice across the globe.”

Congressman Ro Khanna (CA-17):

“Two years ago today, the travel ban based on religious affiliation was announced by President Trump. This policy was un-American at its core. Without diversity Silicon Valley would not exist and thrive, as an economic power house globally.” 

Congressman Barbara Lee (CA-13):

“In the two years since President Trump imposed his Muslim Ban, this xenophobic and racist policy has torn countless families apart. My colleagues and I are fighting this ban in Congress, so we can unify families and end this baseless, hateful policy. The fight is not over!”

Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52):

“Two years ago President Trump issued the first of many rash and hateful executive orders. His Muslim Ban betrays our values as Americans and unfortunately, the Supreme Court’s affirmation emboldens the president to continue to enact discriminatory policies. America has always been a shining beacon of opportunity, and we must preserve these founding principles.”

Congressman Adam Smith (WA-09):
“Two years since the President’s executive order banning refugees, this xenophobic and prejudice policy continues to go against our country’s values. We are a nation of immigrants and refugees, and our policies should reflect that strong heritage – not project fear and prejudice. I will continue to fight to end this ban and ensure our country protects the core American value of religious freedom.” 
Congressman Juan Vargas (CA-51):

“Two years ago, President Trump kicked off his administration with an unconstitutional and discriminatory Muslim and Refugee Travel Ban. The ban had nothing to do with national security; it was an excuse to promote discrimination and perpetuate harmful stereotypes. Since then, he has pushed forward policy after policy based on hatred, fear, and malice. We will continue to fight to ensure all people are treated humanely in this country, regardless of their faith or nationality.”

豬年行大運 摩頓賀新春

摩頓市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson,右三)頒發表揚狀
 (Boston Orange) 2019年1月26日,摩頓市。
摩頓市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson)穿龍袍,向市民拜年。

星期日, 1月 27, 2019


 New England Association of Chinese Professionals
              Website: http://www.neacp.com
              Email: 2neacp@gmail.com


專協將於二月(星期六)中午舉行慶祝春節猜謎餐會希望大家攜帶家人參加地點是Sanyo - Asian Cuisine (以前的楊子江), 25 Depot Square, Lexington, MA 02420如去年一樣,我們也邀請了許多來自台灣的社團參加,大家一起慶祝新年並聯誼專協請到袁尚賢博士主持猜謎專協及各團體也準備了一些抽獎禮物請大家在Eventbrite詳情如下:

時間 (Date/Time)February 9, 2019 (Saturday) 12:00pm – 2:30pm
            (formerly Yangtze River) 781-861-6030

Lunch for NEACP and co-sponsor members: $25
Child: 6 to 18 years old: $10; under 6 years old: free

Please register at Eventbrite: https://2019cnyluncheon.eventbrite.com

聯絡 (Contact): 彭淑敏會長 Shumin Peng Yang shuminpy@gmail.com;
               康雅雰會長Yafen Kang  ycain@hotmail.com
協辦單位(Co-Sponsors)(Co-sponsors as 1/24)
BEINUAA: 波士頓北一女校友會
NEHA: 紐英倫客家 鄉親會

專協邀請到台灣慶辰律師事務所創所律師與執行合夥人侯慶辰(James Hou)律師演講講題是 Bio-Pharm Companies' Winning Strategy in China from Perspective of Intellectual PropertyDr. Yu-Feng Wei擔任moderator。侯律師擁有台大法律碩士、政大商學碩士與美國賓州大學(University of Pennsylvania)法學碩士學位,以及中國北京大學法學博士學位。精通台灣、美國與大陸的法律並擁有美國與台灣雙律師資格及台灣專利師證照。迄今執業逾十年,專精於公司法、證券交易法、企業併購、資本市場、稅務訴訟、智慧財產權

演講當天座無虛席,許多朋友站在後面,共約三十多人參加,演講非常精彩受歡迎,詳情請看副會長專協康雅雰Yafen Kang所準備的 Press Release  web links to media

Links to media articles:

Press Release

On January 19, 2019, New England Association of Chinese Professionals (NEACP) invited Ching-Cheng (James) Hou to deliver a speech “Bio-Pharm Companies’ Winning Strategy in China from the Perspective of Intellectual Property” at Cambridge Innovation Center, Cambridge MA. This is a full-house event, attracted about thirty people in 18 seating conference room; and the event attracted different backgrounds, MD, entrepreneurs, Phd. Students, professors and government officials, etc. Yafen Kang, VP and Professor Chung Hwa, Board members, of NEACP attended the event. Dr. Yu-Feng Wei is the moderator of the event. 

James came to the US this time because he was invited by Columbia Law School to be a Visiting Scholar. James Hou is a young growing star in IP both in Taiwan and China. He is founding partner of Ching-Cheng Attorneys at Law (Taipei) and founder of China Intellectual Property Information and Consulting Co.(Nanjing, China). James has three master degrees: LLM from National Taiwan University, MBA from National Chengchi University and LLM from University of Pennsylvania; he obtained his PHD from Peking University (China) in 2017.  He is barred in Taipei and the New York State, USA.

In the speech, James shared his insights about four aspect: the value of Chinese patents, the IP environment in China now and future, the must-knows for foreign bio-pharm companies that want to enter into Chinese market, the trend of Chinese bio-pharm patents. Compared to traditional IP lecturers, James’ speech put IP into the larger business context, which reflects James’ belief that IP’s value will be realized only when IP can be appreciated by capital market and IP can be the weapon to exploring certain markets. This is also China Intellectual Property Information and Consulting Co.’s unique business model.

During and after the speech, there were a lot of audience asking questions to James. James’ topic really arose people’s interests. James is also considering expanding his business in the US. NEACP is willing to see our members to have cooperation with him. After the event, NEACP hosted James’ family and guests to lunch at Mulan. 



·     專協會長董事長及多位理事及董事參加一月一日在僑教中心舉辦的中華民國元旦升旗活動
·       新英格蘭台灣同學會聯合會訂22日下午2點至7點,在70 Pacific St. Cambridge舉辦新年園遊會,歡迎大家參加,專協也備有禮物給學生抽獎。https://www.facebook.com/events/1936696266386014/
·       專協將有二十多位會員參加22大波士頓區中華文化協會(GBCCA)的年會
·       新英格蘭台灣同學會聯合會Career Fair資料,希望專協會員及大家能幫忙mock interviews or resume critiques,請在下網址註冊https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdlRS9CGnOGaOQSy_WxchTE1OnBsfPNa9ikfCvj1JCP1zyZHg/viewform
Date & Time: March 23rd, 2019 (Saturday) 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Venue: Harvard University, Northwest Science Building (52 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138) 
Registration for the Career Fair: https://bit.ly/2QIq3dm


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紐英崙中華專業人員協會的宗旨是促進會員間科學知識與人文觀點的交流、提升及運用,並促進台灣與美國的學術、技術、科學和社會文化的交流。協會於一九七八年在波士頓成立,迄今已有四十一年的歷史。當初由曾經參加中華民國『國家建設研討會』之學者專家組成,後為廣泛延攬人才,會員並不限於參加國建會的人士,舉凡學有專精的學者、教授、專家及學生皆可入會。協會的會員分布於紐英崙六州:Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont

New England Association of Chinese Professionals

波士頓迎春揮毫 謝開明圖片專輯

迎春揮毫嘉賓及書法家們,左起,伍振中,周麗桃,林賢琪,林卓培,僑教中心主任歐宏偉,牛頓市議員John Rice,經文處處長徐佑典,僑務委員蔣宗壬,大波士頓中華文化協會會長談繼欣,吳紹營,池元山。(謝開明攝)