
星期二, 12月 04, 2018


           (Boston Orange 周菊子牛頓市報導) 慈濟基金會波士頓聯絡處在牛頓市慈濟會所舉辦的寒冬送暖慈善音樂會122日儘管天候不佳,波士頓華埠的聖誕點燈儀式都取消了,仍有數十人出席,踴躍認捐了12,276.45元。
根據新聞報導,今年下半年從九月起,先有颱風Florence橫掃北卡羅來納和維琴尼亞兩州,導致上千間房屋毀損,倒塌,接著十月份佛羅里達州海灣,發生80年來最強的五級颶風Michael,許多災民有家歸不得,麻州羅倫斯(Lawrence)美瑞邁谷(Merrimack Valley)一帶的瓦斯爆炸,不但造成125傷,更有3萬民眾被迫撤出自己的家。加州也在十月,十一月頻傳火災,118日的北加州Paradise 火災,更有88人罹難,249人失蹤,14,000間民房被夷為平地,總燒毀面積高達15萬畝,幾乎等於10個曼哈頓。
美霞師姐表示,為每戶家庭打包衣服時,他們遭遇的一個問題是,亞裔多半身材適中,可是有受災民眾需要大號衣物,甚至大到要6X,最後還是靠救世軍組織(Salvation Army) 幫忙籌措大尺碼如 4x-6x 的冬衣。
由於舉辦音樂會的主要目的是為賑災籌款,活動中安排有無聲拍賣環節,在中場休息的15分鐘內,善心人士提供的將近50件捐贈品,全被認購一空,包括中華表演基金會會長譚嘉陵的國畫,華隆、京味、荷花院、元氣屋、台北食坊、珠媽廚房等餐廳,以及秀英美容工作室與Motives 專業彩妝工作室的禮卡。慈濟師兄姐與許多僑界人士,包括于革、胡丕金、蕭蔚和江佩蓉倆夫婦,李寧,朱蓓等人也捐出了各人私藏。
音樂會主持人蕭惠菁(左)和"You & Me"樂隊主持人黃怡菁(右)。
"You & Me"樂團合唱明天會更好。(周菊子攝)
當天的音樂會部分,有波士頓慈少演出的竹筒歲月短劇,慈濟人文學校低年級小朋友與來賓們一起律動"地球的孩子",劍橋合唱團指揮顏毓芬,伴奏林宜穎,團長屠澤寬親自率廿餘名團員大陣仗出席,演唱了答案偶然十八姑娘出外人等歌曲。曾獲台灣五燈獎的黃崇校和波士頓歌唱好手組成的”You & Me”樂隊,以阿卡貝拉形式演唱大愛劇場主題曲Bi Ya Su Na(大愛) / 美麗晨曦(大愛),以及夜來香,流水年華好好愛我小幸運大魚城裡的月光等歌曲。
"You & Me"樂團成員會後合影。(周菊子攝)


波士頓颶風隊冬季排球指導班 12/15

Juniors Volleyball clinic on Saturday, December 15th! Just $5 
Pre-register here: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSexK972ER3b6SE1NU…/viewform



WASHINGTON – Four individuals have been charged in an indictment unsealed today in the Southern District of New York with wire fraud, tax fraud, money laundering and other offenses in connection with their alleged roles in a decades-long criminal scheme perpetrated by Mossack Fonseca & Co. (“Mossack Fonseca”), a Panamanian-based global law firm, and related entities.
Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman for the Southern District of New York, Chief Don Fort of IRS Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI), and Special Agent in Charge Angel M. Melendez of U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) New York made the announcement today.
Ramses Owens, 50, a Panamanian citizen; Dirk Brauer, 54, a German citizen; Richard Gaffey, a U.S. citizen, of Medfield, Massachusetts; and Harald Joachim Von Der Goltz, 81, a German citizen, have been charged in an 11-count indictment. Owens, Gaffey and Von Der Goltz are charged with one count of conspiracy to commit tax evasion, one count of wire fraud, and one count of money laundering conspiracy. Owens and Brauer have been charged with one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States and one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Gaffey and Von Der Goltz are additionally charged with four counts of willful failure to file an FBAR. Von Der Goltz has been additionally charged with two counts of making false statements.
Three of the four defendants named in the indictment have been arrested. Brauer, who worked as an investment manager for Mossfon Asset Management, S.A. (“Mossfon Asset Management”), an asset management company closely affiliated with Mossack Fonseca, was arrested in Paris, France, on Nov. 15. Von Der Goltz, a former U.S. resident and taxpayer, was arrested in London, United Kingdom, on Dec. 3. Gaffey, a U.S.-based accountant, was arrested in Boston, Massachusetts earlier today. Owens, a Panamanian attorney who worked for Mossack Fonseca, remains at large.
“Law firms, asset managers, and accountants play key roles enabling entry into the global financial system,” said Assistant Attorney General Benczkowski. “The charges announced today demonstrate our commitment to prosecute professionals who facilitate financial crime across international borders and the tax cheats who utilize their services.”
“As alleged, these defendants went to extraordinary lengths to circumvent U.S. tax laws in order to maintain their wealth and the wealth of their clients,” said Manhattan U.S. Attorney Berman. “For decades, the defendants, employees, and a client of global law firm Mossack Fonseca allegedly shuffled millions of dollars through off-shore accounts and created shell companies to hide fortunes. In fact, as alleged, they had a playbook to repatriate un-taxed money into the U.S. banking system. Now, their international tax scheme is over, and these defendants face years in prison for their crimes.”
“The unsealing of this indictment sends a clear message that IRS-CI is actively engaged in international tax enforcement, and more investigations are on the way,” said IRS-CI Chief Don Fort. “IRS-CI specializes in unraveling these intricate offshore tax schemes and following the money around the globe wherever it may lead. Cases like this help maintain the public’s confidence in our tax system by letting them know that we investigate and prosecute those who evade their tax obligation.”
“Today we announce the indictment of four individuals who allegedly defrauded the U.S. government through a large scale, intercontinental money laundering and wire fraud scheme, associated with Mossack Fonseca and its affiliates,” said HSI Special Agent-in-Charge Angel M. Melendez. “HSI’s El Dorado Task Force, together with the IRS, built a case that uncovered an alleged complex trail of offshore shell corporations and bogus foundations used to disguise the beneficial ownership of huge amounts of money. These efforts reflect the commitment of U.S. law enforcement to follow that trail and apprehend these criminals regardless of where they are in the world.”
According to the indictment, from at least in or about 2000 through in or about 2017, Owens and Brauer conspired with others to help U.S. taxpayer clients of Mossack Fonseca conceal assets and investments, and the income generated by those assets and investments, from the IRS through fraudulent, deceitful, and dishonest means. To conceal their clients’ assets and income from the IRS, Owens and Brauer allegedly worked to establish and manage opaque offshore trusts and undeclared bank accounts on behalf of U.S. taxpayers who were clients of Mossack Fonseca. Owens and Brauer allegedly marketed, created, and serviced sham foundations and shell companies formed under the laws of countries such as Panama, Hong Kong, and the British Virgin Islands, to conceal from the IRS and others the ownership by U.S. taxpayers of accounts established at overseas banks, as well as the income generated in those accounts. As structured by Mossack Fonseca, the sham foundations typically “owned” the shell companies that nominally held the undeclared assets on behalf of the U.S. taxpayer clients of Mossack Fonseca. The names of Mossack Fonseca’s clients generally did not appear anywhere on the incorporation paperwork for the sham foundations or related shell companies, although the clients in fact beneficially owned, and had complete access to, the assets of those sham entities and accounts.
In furtherance of the scheme, and in exchange for additional fees, Owens and Brauer allegedly provided support to clients who had purchased the sham foundations and related shell companies by providing corporate meeting minutes, resolutions, mail forwarding, and signature services. Moreover, Owens and Brauer are alleged to have purposefully established the bank accounts in locations with strict bank secrecy laws, which impeded the ability of the United States to obtain bank records for the accounts. Owens and Brauer also allegedly instructed U.S. taxpayer clients of Mossack Fonseca about how to repatriate funds to the United States from their offshore bank accounts in a manner designed to keep the undeclared bank accounts concealed. Among other things, Owens and Brauer instructed clients to use debit cards and fictitious sales to repatriate their funds covertly, the indictment alleges.
Von Der Goltz was allegedly one of Mossack Fonseca’s U.S. taxpayer clients. At all relevant times, Von Der Goltz was a U.S. resident and was subject to U.S. tax laws, which required him to report and pay income tax on worldwide income, including income and capital gains generated in domestic and foreign bank accounts. U.S. citizens, resident aliens, and permanent legal residents with a foreign financial interest in or signatory authority over a foreign financial account worth more than $10,000 are required to file a Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts, commonly known as an FBAR, disclosing the account. Von Der Goltz is alleged to have evaded his tax reporting obligations by setting up a series of shell companies and bank accounts, and hiding his beneficial ownership of the shell companies and bank accounts from the IRS. These shell companies and bank accounts allegedly made investments totaling tens of millions of dollars. According to the indictment, Von Der Goltz was assisted in this scheme by Owens and by Gaffey, a partner at a U.S.-based accounting firm. In furtherance of Von Der Goltz’s fraudulent scheme, Von Der Goltz, Gaffey, and Owens are alleged to have falsely claimed that Von Der Goltz’s elderly mother was the sole beneficial owner of the shell companies and bank accounts at issue because, at all relevant times, she was a Guatemalan citizen and resident, and — unlike Von Der Goltz — was not a U.S. taxpayer.
As alleged in the indictment, Gaffey, in addition to assisting Von Der Goltz evade U.S. income taxes and reporting requirements, also worked closely with Owens to help another U.S. taxpayer client (“Client-1”) of Mossack Fonseca defraud the IRS. Client-1 allegedly maintained a series of offshore bank accounts, which Mossack Fonseca helped Client-1 conceal from the IRS for years. The indictment further alleges that, upon the advice of Owens and Gaffey, Client-1 covertly repatriated approximately $3 million of Client-1’s offshore money to the United States by falsely stating on Client-1’s federal tax return that the money represented proceeds from the sale of a company. After Client-1 repatriated approximately $3 million in this manner, approximately $1 million still remained in Client-1’s offshore account, the existence of which remained hidden from the IRS.
The charges in the indictment are merely allegations, and the defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.
The investigation was conducted by IRS-CI and HSI with significant assistance by the Justice Department’s Tax Division and the FBI. The Justice Department’s Office of International Affairs and law enforcement partners in France and the United Kingdom secured the arrests of the defendants located overseas.

This case is being prosecuted by Trial Attorneys Michael Parker and Parker Tobin of the Criminal Division’s Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section of the Justice Department and Assistant U.S. Attorneys Sarah E. Paul, Nathan Rehn, Kristy Greenberg and Andrew Adams of the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office’s Complex Frauds and Cybercrime Unit and Money Laundering and Transnational Criminal Enterprises Unit, with substantial support from previous co-counsel, Assistant U.S. Attorney Ann Marie Blaylock of the Western District of Kentucky.


(Boston Orange 麻州昆士市報導)麻州昆士市市長Thomas Koch,今日(124)在舊市政廳前宣佈,曲棍球大聯盟球隊 波士頓大砲隊(Boston Cannons)將落戶昆士市。
昆士商會會長Tim Cahill表示,他一直認為昆士市是一個大聯盟城市,現在昆士市要有大聯盟球賽了。
波士頓大砲隊董事長Ian Frenette表示,該隊對於能夠以退伍軍人紀念場體育館為家,深感光榮。
            他和昆士市長Thomas Koch表示,將協商搬遷細節,希望在201961日的第一場比賽前,能修繕座位,儲物室,計分牌等等。之前的最初計畫是至少得三年。
           Ian Frenette表示,該隊和麻州大學安赫斯特芬校合作研究後,選擇遷入昆士市。該隊有很多球迷來自南岸地區,而且較小的球場更適合該球隊。


Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation Awarded $500,000 To Nonprofits

Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation Announces Additional 2018 Partnership Grant GivingBringing The Total To $500,000 Awarded To Nonprofits For Capital Needs

BOSTON, December 4, 2018 – Responding to a strong community need raised by local nonprofits, 
Eastern Bank, America’s oldest and largest mutual bank, has announced that the Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation is granting additional Partnership Grants as part of its 2018 charitable giving. As a result, a total of $500,000 will now be awarded to 20 nonprofit organizations by year-end to specifically address their capital needs.

“A continuing challenge faced by many nonprofits is funding their general capital needs. We heard the demand and elected to award additional Partnership Grants in 2018 to help address it,” said Bob Rivers, Chair and CEO of Eastern Bank. “These grants will be applied to a variety of capital-focused programs in the community, such as direct contributions to capital campaigns and support of new construction for life skills, counseling and early education centers.” 

Eastern Bank’s Partnership Grants are awarded at $25,000 each to
 nonprofits in communities from New Hampshire to Rhode Island and throughout Cape Cod, MetroWest, Greater Boston and the North Shore, South Shore and Merrimack Valley.
The newest Partnership Grant recipients are:
Cambridge Community Center (Cambridge, MA)
Cape Abilities (Hyannis, MA)
Elizabeth Stone House (Roxbury, MA)
The Fitch Home (Melrose, MA)
Food Link (Arlington, MA)
Granite Pathways (Concord, NH)
Horizons for Homeless Children (Roxbury, MA)
Interfaith Social Services (Quincy, MA)
Lazarus House (Lawrence, MA), and
Rhode Island Community Food Bank (Providence, RI)

Earlier this year, ten other Partnership Grants were awarded to: Boston Rescue Mission (Boston); Community Health Center of Cape Cod (Mashpee); JOI Child Care Center (Lynn); Merrimack Valley Food Bank (Lowell); Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services (Mission Hill); Plummer Youth Promise (Salem); Raw Art Works (Lynn); Signature Healthcare (Brockton); The Way Home (Manchester, NH); and Toward Independent Living and Learning (Dedham).

Since 1999, on average, Eastern Bank has given 10 percent of its net income—seven times the national average—to charity each year, which now totals over $110 million. The Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation has several different grantmaking programs set up to support the Bank’s culture rooted in community service and the pursuit of social justice and opportunity for all, with Partnership Grants specifically dedicated to funding nonprofit capital needs.

Information about all of Eastern Bank’s grant-giving programs is available 

星期一, 12月 03, 2018

波士頓僑務座談 續聘八名僑務榮譽職人員

(Boston Orange 周菊子牛頓市報導) 波士頓僑教中心121日舉辦「107年僑務年終工作座談會」,頒發續()聘證書給八名僑務榮譽職人員,匯報僑胞卡特特約商店,發放,預告元旦升旗,新年揮毫活動。
僑務促進委員暨美國退伍軍人會華埠分會的陳文浩,在會上說明該會每年舉辦的為兒童收集玩具(Toy Drive for Kids)活動,呼籲熱心人士在周末時到華埠牌樓前捐贈適宜兒童玩具,好讓更多小朋友在聖誕節期間可收到禮物,歡樂過節。



Minority Business Development Agency Awards Over $2 Million for Disaster Readiness and Recovery

Minority Business Development Agency Awards Over $2 Million for Disaster Readiness and Recovery

WASHINGTON (December 3, 2018) – The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) is announcing over $2 million in grant funding to help minority business enterprises (MBEs) prepare for and recover from disasters. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), about 25 percent of businesses do not reopen after disasters.
"Given the recent devastation caused by hurricanes and other natural disasters, our objective was to help MBEs develop and implement plans to increase their resilience and rebound after a natural disaster. MBDA will play a critical role in ensuring that minority-owned firms have the resources they need to prepare for and respond to a disaster,” said MBDA National Director Henry Childs, II.
The following organizations have received funding to support priority initiatives in disaster readiness and recovery:
Disaster Readiness:
  • Asociación Productos de Puerto Rico, Inc. ($273,793) to establish disaster management plans, continuity plans, and training for businesses as well as support services.
  • Xavier University of Louisiana ($465,894) to electronically link MBEs to a Disaster Resource Registry for web-based training and access to a call center for technical assistance.
Disaster Recovery:
  • Houston Community College ($500,000) to launch a disaster recovery and resilience initiative that will provide tools and in-person and digital resources for business matchmaking and capital access. The project will also provide a training academy to MBEs that have been impacted by Hurricane Harvey.
  • Synergistic Hawaii Agriculture Council ($483,042) to construct agricultural parks (innovative pilot demonstrations for impacted farmers), and to survey the needs of minority farmers and match them with available resources.\
  • M. Gill & Associates ($500,000) to focus on practical and innovative ways of equipping MBEs with the information, training, and tools to identify available resources and to assist with financing, counseling, and disaster-related contracting opportunities.
These programs are part of the 2018 MBDA Broad Agency Announcement, a new initiative this year. More than $13 million was awarded for 35 projects focused on Department of Commerce and MBDA priorities from resources that increase disaster preparedness and relief to programs that increase access to capital. For a full listing of MBDA’s 2018 grant awards, visit www.mbda.gov/news.
About the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA)
MBDA, www.mbda.gov, is the only Federal agency dedicated to the growth and global competitiveness of U.S. minority-owned businesses through the mobilization and advancement of public and private sector programs, policy, and research. Our services provide greater access to capital, contracts, and markets and better equip minority-owned firms to create jobs, build scale and capacity, increase revenues and expand regionally, nationally and internationally.



BOSTON - Monday, December 3, 2018 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the appointment of Manny Lopes as the Chair of Boston's Board of Health. The Board of Health is the seven-member governing body that oversees the work of the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC). Lopes succeeds Francis Doyle, who stepped down in October from the Board to assume a leadership role within the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

"We are fortunate to have Manny Lopes as the new chair of the Board of Health and look forward to working with him in this new capacity," said Mayor Walsh. "Over the past several years, Manny has built a culture designed to provide the best possible care for patients at the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center. Having served on the Board of Health since 2015, he is already aware of the current and emerging challenges and opportunities facing the Commission's work today and I'm confident that he'll do great job leading the Board."
Lopes currently serves as president and chief executive officer of East Boston Neighborhood Health Center (EBNHC), one of the largest community health centers in the country. Born and raised in East Boston, Manny joined EBNHC as a research assistant at the age of 18, and later held positions at multiple departments within the health center. After a few years outside the health center, during which he worked as a business consultant, Manny rejoined EBNHC in 2004 as vice president and chief information officer. In 2012, Manny was named CEO by the EBNHC Board of Directors and in 2015, became president. He becomes the first person of Cape Verdean descent to be named Chair of the Board of Health in Boston.

"I am ready to serve and drive forward the public health priorities and goals outlined by the Mayor and being executed daily through the vast programming offered by the Commission and its public health and community partners," said Manny Lopes. "I look forward to working closely with Executive Director Valdes Lupi, the BPHC staff, and my fellow board members to further advance an agenda that supports all Bostonians, so they can equally have every opportunity to thrive."
"I am excited to have Manny as Chair and to work closely with him and our Board to implement strategies and initiatives to advance the health for all Bostonians," said Monica Valdes Lupi, Executive Director, Boston Public Health Commission. "Given his leadership at the health center, he has a keen appreciation for the public health challenges that our clients face and brings great energy and experience in innovating to this role."

For more information on the Board of Health, please visit bphc.org/boardofhealth.

星期五, 11月 30, 2018






歐宏偉主任說,目前已加入波士頓地區僑胞卡特約商店的業者,包括有波士頓和昆西市的「龍鳳大酒樓」、牛頓市的「珠媽廚房」、摩頓市的「一品香」、麻州西部春田市的「Ginger Blossom」和佛蒙特州南伯靈頓市的「Zen Garden」,都已提供持卡人消費優惠,「功夫茶」是波士頓地區第六家特約商店,而且有9家營業據點,很感謝竹前佳佑的支持。(圖與文:波士頓僑教中心提供)

Minority Business Development Agency Awards $1.8 Million To Tackle Opportunity Gaps

Minority Business Development Agency Awards $1.8 Million To Tackle Opportunity Gaps

WASHINGTON (November 30, 2018) – Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) is announcing the five organizations that received grant funds to support three MBDA initiatives – Access to Capital, Research, and Sustainable Business Models. The call for proposals under each initiative sought solutions for constraints, disparities, and opportunity gaps that impact a minority business enterprises’ (MBEs) ability to build scale and capacity and ensure business sustainability.
“MBDA is focused on creating new opportunities for minority-owned businesses,” said MBDA National Director Henry Childs, II. “Providing greater access to financial resources, data analytics, and world-class business models will help companies grow to scale and remain competitive in the global marketplace.”
The grant recipients include:
Access to Capital:
  • Harbor Bank of Maryland Community Development Corporation ($400,000) to facilitate MBEs receiving equal opportunity to participate in the opportunity zones provisions.
  • National Association of Investment Companies, Inc. ($350,000) to provide diverse investment managers innovative and proven methods for greater exposure to increase the likelihood of MBE firms receiving capital from public and private institutions.
  • The Enterprise Center ($500,000) to introduce new financing and investment models and provide patient growth capital to help MBEs hire more local employees and build their businesses to be more stable, competitive, and profitable for the long term.
  • Research Foundation of the City University of New York ($200,000) to create an interactive visual database that maps the journey of minority entrepreneurs from inception to funding.
Sustainable Business Model:
  • Metropolitan Economic Development Association ($382,896) to develop a playbook for developing sustainable revenue generation for other minority development organizations with a focus on merger and acquisition consulting, accounting services, and loan servicing.
These programs are part of the 2018 MBDA Broad Agency Announcement, a new initiative this year. More than $13 million was awarded for 35 projects focused on Department of Commerce and MBDA priorities from resources that increase disaster preparedness and relief to programs that increase access to capital. For a full listing of MBDA’s 2018 grant awards, visit www.mbda.gov/news.


CAPAC Applauds Historic Asian Pacific American Representation in the 116th Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The 116th Congress will bring tremendous milestones for the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, including a record number of AAPI Members of Congress and the inclusion of an Asian American Member in House Leadership. Earlier today, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) Member Ted Lieu (CA-44) was elected to House Leadership as a Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC) Co-Chair. In this role, Lieu will help guide messaging strategy for the entire House Democratic Caucus and will be the only Asian American Member in House Leadership. Next Congress will also bring three new AAPI Members to the U.S. House of Representatives, including Representative-Elects Andy Kim (NJ-03), Michael San Nicolas (Guam), and T.J. Cox (CA-21). CAPAC Chairwoman Judy Chu (CA-27) released the following statement:

“Since its founding in 1994, CAPAC has always strived to ensure that diverse voices are represented in the halls of Congress, and we are thrilled that the American people voted overwhelmingly to elect candidates who better reflect the diversity of our nation. As a result, the 116th Congress will be the most diverse in history and will include a record 20 Asian American and Pacific Islander Members of Congress. Earlier today, House Democrats also voted to elect Congressman Ted Lieu as a Democratic Policy and Communications Committee co-chair. With these victories, CAPAC will have its highest AAPI membership in history and an important seat at the table within House Leadership.

“I want to congratulate Congressman Ted Lieu on his well-deserved victory and welcome our newly elected AAPI Members, Andy Kim, T.J. Cox, and Michael San Nicolas. I look forward to working with all of my colleagues to continue to strengthen our nation and move our country forward.”


WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Ted. W. Lieu (D-Los Angeles County) issued the following statement after his Democratic colleagues elected him to House Leadership as a Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC) Co-Chair. As DPCC Co-Chair, Rep. Lieu will help guide messaging strategy for the House Democratic Caucus. Rep Lieu received the highest amount of votes for DPCC Co-Chair and is the only Asian American Member and only veteran in House Democratic Leadership.
“Thank you to my colleagues for electing me to House Democratic Leadership as a DPCC co-chair. I am honored to join David Cicilline, Debbie Dingell, and Matt Cartwright in shaping Democrats’ bold and inclusive messaging to move America forward.
Democrats made history in 2018 by winning the largest popular vote margin in a midterm in recent U.S. history. We’re ushering in the most diverse, dynamic and enthusiastic caucus we’ve ever had. It’s an exhilarating time to be in the House and I’m honored to have a leadership role.
Starting in January, the majority House Democratic Caucus will endeavor to stop any harmful policies of the Trump Administration and Republicans; work on a bipartisan basis to advance positive legislation to move our country forward; and execute our oversight responsibilities. I look forward to collaborating with my Democratic colleagues in the 116th Congress."