
星期二, 9月 04, 2018

BCIC & CFA Society Boston Conference 9/7: China from Inside and Outside - Investing in China

BCIC & CFA Society Boston Conference 9/7China from Inside and Outside - Investing in China

China, an economic miracle for past decades, has developed the world’s second biggest financial market. MSCI’s decision to include China A shares in its global indices has attracted further attentions and capital flows. Meanwhile, Chinese investors are looking abroad for their asset allocation decisions.

The China conference co-
organized by the Boston Chinese Investment Club (BCIC) and CFA Society Boston will bring together thought leaders and finance practitioners from both China and the U.S. Through a panel discussion format, we will explore opportunities and challenges in investing in the Greater China region.

2018.09.07@MIT Samberg Conference Center, Cambridge, MA
(6th Floor, 50 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, MA 02142)


12:30: Registration open

13:00 - 13:10: Welcome speech from BCIC and CFA Boston

13:10 - 14:10: Panel 1 Dragon’s Growth and Power – China’s Macro Outlook
·         Constance Everson, CFA, Managing Director, Capital Markets Outlook Group, Inc.
·         Qing (Gene) Ma 马青, Chief China Economist - Institute of International Finance
·         William H. Overholt, President - Fung Global Institute; Senior Research Fellow - John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

14:10 - 15:10: Panel 2 Beyond Diversification – China in the Global Asset Allocation Arena
·         Jay Willoughby, Chief Investment Officer - The Investment Fund for Foundations (planned)
·         Sarah Samuels, Managing Director - Wellesley College Endowment
·         Kun Yang 杨坤, Director - PanAgora Asset Management, Inc.
·         Hedan Wang 王鹤丹, Debt Advisory and Services - ICBC New York 工商银行
·         Shen Dong 董申, Chief Investment Officer - China Merchants Bank, Private Banking (North America) 招商银行

15:10 - 15:40: Afternoon Tea Break

15:40 - 16:40: Panel 3 What About Alpha? – Active vs. Passive Investing and Market Access
·         George Hoguet, Chesham Investments, LLC
·         Zu Cowperthwaite, Senior Director, Emerging Markets -DePrince, Race & Zollo, Inc.
·         Bin Shi 石彬, SVP, Portfolio Manager - Acadian Asset Management
·         Yin Luo 罗崟 , Managing Director and Vice Chairman - Wolfe Research
·         Thomas Coleman, Vice President - State Street Global Advisors

16:40 - 17:40: Panel 4 Too Disruptive to Ignore – Connecting the U.S. and China Through Innovation
·         Qi Pei 祁培, Managing Partner at Brain Robotics Capital (planned)
·         McFarlan, F. Warren, Professor of Business Administration - Harvard Business School; Guest Professor - School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
·         Derek Wang 汪晓宇, Founder & CEO - Stratifyd
·         Huiyao Wang 王辉耀, Founder and President - Center for China and Globalization (CCG) (planned) 中国与全球化智库

17:40 - 18:00: Networking Reception

Please register either through CFA Society website:

OR by the following link through Eventbrite:

Receipts for reimbursement will be available upon request.


CFA Society Boston is a non-profit professional society that has been a point of connection for the Boston investment community since 1946. The Society provides an open forum for the exchange of fresh perspectives on industry issues and promotes ethics and integrity. Originally called the Boston Security Analysts Society, Inc. (BSAS), the Society changed its name to CFA Society Boston, Inc. in 2017. 

CFA Society Boston is New England’s largest membership organization for investment professionals with over 5,800 members. The membership represents over 650 investment firms and 94 percent of CFA Society Boston members hold the Chartered Financial Analyst designation from CFA Institute. To achieve this designation, members are required to pass a series of three intensive exams that equip financial professionals with superior analytical skills, real-world portfolio management experience, and high ethical standards. 

CFA Society Boston is a founding society of CFA Institute, the global association of investment professionals that sets the standard for professional excellence and credentials. The organization is a champion for ethical behavior in investment markets and a respected source of knowledge in the global financial community. The end goal: to create an environment where investors’ interests come first, markets function at their best, and economies grow. CFA Institute has over 152,000 members in 163 countries and territories, including 145,000 CFA charterholders, and 148 member societies.

Boston Chinese Investment Club (BCIC) is a non-profit organization founded by TCFA (The Chinese Finance Association) Boston organizers. It serves as Boston centered platform for exchanging ideas, knowledge, and information in finance and related areas between US and China. Main activities include monthly seminars/gatherings and providing services to members, e.g financial training. If you want to join the mailing list for future activities, please click here or send email to boston.chinese.investment.club@gmail.com. If you are interested in participating future road shows, please contact us in advance: start ups please send business plans to roadshow@bcicglobal.org; investors or sponsors, please contactinfo@bcicglobal.org

The Chinese Finance Association (TCFA) is a government registered non-profit organization aimed at facilitating the exchange of ideas, knowledge and information on education, research and practice in finance and related areas between the US and China. TCFA seeks to bring together the collective wisdom and expertise of scholars and professionals active in the field of finance in an effort to help the development of capital markets in China. TCFA further seeks to serve as the central venue to service its members in their professional development. In pursuit of these goals, TCFA and its local chapters organize and sponsor a broad range of activities including the best paper awards, career development workshops, seminars and annual conferences. TCFA Boson chapter has nearly 1000 members.
MIT Sloan Greater China Club (Sloan GCC) is a voluntary, non-profit organization with the mission to build a close-knit community for the growing number of Sloan students. We hold activities related to Greater China region in areas including professional development, social gathering and cross-cultural communication.

BCIC Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor
E Fund Management Co., LTD. (http://www.efunds.com.cn/)

Gold Sponsors
Eastern Link Capital: (http://www.easternlinkcapital.com/)
Insigma Hengtian Software: (http://www.hengtiansoft.com/)
Mass Ave Capital
Yintech Investment Holdings (http://www.yintech.net)
Shanghai Zhangjiang Boston Enterprise Park (https://www.zjbostonpark.com/ )

星期一, 9月 03, 2018

9/3 勞動節華裔工人參加向萬豪酒店示威遊行




Huaxin Chinese School offers classes on Sunday morning will begin on 9/9; Huaxin School of Arts of classes on weekday evening and will begin on Sep 11; and the Enrichment Programs offers classes on  weekday after 3 pm.


             (Boston Orange) 十月即將到來,波士頓華埠街頭的旗幟大戰,今年提早揭幕。青天白日滿地紅旗幟和五星旗再度並列爭輝。                                                              儘管海峽兩岸都只承認一個中國,但兩岸各自的生日,中華民國的十月十日,中華人民共合國的十月一日,卻實在太接近,這幾年,每到九月底,就上演旗幟卡位戰,青天白日滿地紅旗幟和五星旗瞬間掛滿華埠街頭。今年這場旗幟戰,還居然提前到八月底就上演了。                             波士頓僑教中心日前特地在臉書上發佈消息,感謝余麗媖,謝中之等僑胞讓青天白日滿地紅能夠級時在街頭飄揚。





                      (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)華僑協會總會理事長黃海龍827日拜訪紐英崙至孝篤親公所,親自把兩枚華光獎章頒給在波士頓華埠人人稱之為”uncle”的陳毓璇,陳毓禮兩兄弟,表揚他們兩人對華人社區的貢獻。
1990年代中期,黃海龍曾任波士頓擔任僑教中心主任,並取得波士頓大學財務精算碩士學位。任滿調職後,歷任駐夏威夷僑務專員暨美國松鶴國際企業總裁,美國非牟利組織Mercy Corps的駐東亞暨太平洋大使,其後加入華僑協會總會,一路升遷至擔任理事長,期間和波士頓友人,尤其是黃官羨及黃氏宗親會,一直長期保持聯絡,也曾數度私下探訪。



世界華僑總會成立大會 - 謝開明圖片專輯

陳宏寬獨奏音樂會 9/15 喬丹廳

中華表演藝術基金會將於九月十五日星期六晚八時,假紐英崙音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall),邀請鋼琴家陳宏寬 舉行一場鋼琴獨奏會。

陳宏寬出生於台灣,13歲時以資優生出國進修,先在德國修習五年,後來轉赴美國,在波士頓大學音樂系及紐英崙音樂學院完成學業,獲得藝術家文憑。在德國長大吸取德國古典文學,也閱讀過大量的德國文學著作, 與中國哲學中感性的因素融合,講究的是彼此對立卻互補,正是陳宏寬獨特的藝術人格。


陳宏寬的足跡遍布世界頂尖音樂廳,包括紐約卡內基音樂廳,華盛頓肯尼迪藝術中心,舊金山戴維斯交響音樂廳,蘇黎世音樂廳,慕尼黑皇宮赫克利斯音樂廳,米蘭威爾第音樂廳,東京三得利音樂廳,台北兩廳院音樂廳,上海音樂廳及北京中山公園音樂堂。 陳宏寬曾與眾多傑出的藝術家合作,包括艾森巴赫,漢斯·格拉夫,喬治·克利夫,林昭亮,上海四重奏,水藍和安德魯·帕羅特。在教育事業上,陳宏寬亦孜孜不倦,將自己的音樂學識和藝術熱情傳授給世界各地成百上千名學生。他教授過的得意門生有鋼琴家王羽佳,陳宣堯和張勝量(牛牛)。


1992年,陳宏寬的手神經損傷,導致局部肌肉張力不全。通過 7年得以痊癒,重返音樂舞台。1998年他舉辦了康復後的首場鋼琴獨奏會,穫好評如潮,被稱作涅槃重生的藝術家。談起自己非同尋常的藝術人生時,陳宏寬說:這是一次極大的考驗。這次經歷教會我,要抱著感恩的心接受生活的幸與不幸。能重返舞台演奏的喜悅,對我來說真是奇蹟

當晚陳宏寬將演出 舒伯特的最後三首鋼琴奏鳴曲,D 958, 959960 節目精彩請勿錯過。

票價 $15-$50,一百張學生免費票(十四歲以上)請上網索取。六歲以下兒童請勿入場. 查詢請洽中華表演藝術基金會譚嘉陵,foundation@ChinesePerformingarts.net。 (原刊於8月29日)

星期六, 9月 01, 2018

Governor Baker Signs Bill Approving Sale of Lynn Armory

Governor Baker Signs Bill Approving Sale of Lynn Armory
Legislation will enable historic facility to be developed into veterans’ housing

LYNN – Today, Governor Charlie Baker joined  Lynn Mayor Thomas M. McGee, legislators and members of the Baker-Polito Administration for a ceremonial bill signing for legislation authorizing the sale of the historic Lynn Armory to a city nonprofit, which plans to renovate the historic building into apartment homes for military veterans.

“This project is a great example of how our Administration’s Open for Business initiative works to return underutilized state assets to beneficial public use,”said Governor Baker. “Through collaboration with Lynn officials, we have found a fitting legacy for the Armory building, which served members of the military for more than a century, and will now continue to provide service to our veterans.”

“We are grateful to members of the Lynn legislative delegation, Mayor McGee and the Lynn Housing Authority & Neighborhood Development for working hard to see this bill through,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Developing new housing for veterans in our communities is an important way to support those who have sacrificed so much.”

The legislation, H. 4265, authorizes the state Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance to sell the former Lynn Armory to Neighborhood Development Associates, Inc., a non-profit housing corporation that is overseen by a board of directors and managed administratively by the Lynn Housing Authority & Neighborhood Development (LHAND).

The legislation requires that the castle-style Armory on South Common Street, which was built in 1893 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, be used to provide veterans’ services, including housing.  The nonprofit plans to renovate the building to create approximately 35 rental apartments. LHAND also envisions linking the new housing development to supportive services that the organization offers to veterans.

“Long after their original mission has ended, it is encouraging to see Commonwealth-owned facilities like the Lynn Armory repurposed to serve their communities in critically important ways, and especially in this case, to serve our veterans,” said Secretary of Administration and Finance Michael J. Heffernan. “All over Massachusetts we are working to ensure that the Commonwealth’s capital assets are being put to their highest and best use - or as in this case, re-use.”

“The reimagining of the Lynn Armory illustrates the transformative work Governor Baker charged the Lynn Economic Advancement & Development Team to pursue,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash.“Beginning in 2015, the Baker-Polito Administration has worked with local and federal officials, along with community groups and the private sector, to provide tools and resources to enable Lynn to achieve its economic vision. Our work has been far-reaching and includes a major push on housing: market rate, mixed-income, transit-oriented housing projects, and workforce – such as the recently opened Gateway North residences. We look forward to continuing our partnership to make Lynn Armory a welcoming home to our local veteran community.”

“This disposition is exactly what the Baker-Polito Administration’s Open for Business Initiative is all about,” said Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance Commissioner Carol Gladstone. “DCAMM was pleased to collaborate with our partners across state government and the City of Lynn to take the first steps towards turning this underutilized state asset into veterans’ housing.”

“It’s great to see the iconic Lynn Armory building be repurposed to address a serious need for our veterans,” said Mayor Thomas M. McGee. “The veterans housing project will enhance the efforts currently undertaken by LHAND and the Veterans Services Department to support veterans. I want to thank Governor Baker and the Lynn delegation for supporting this legislation. I also would like to thank LHAND Director Charlie Gaeta for undertaking this process and helping the city ensure that our veterans have access to the services they need.”

“LHAND’s vision for Veterans’ housing shows not only an exemplary level of commitment and care to the Commonwealth’s Veterans but also outstanding foresight with regards to redevelopment of an aging and underutilized property,” said Senator Brendan Crighton, Senate sponsor of the bill. “This outside of the box thinking is truly remarkable and represents the kind of innovative projects that Massachusetts desperately needs in this time of housing scarcity.”

“It is fitting that the preservation of the Lynn Armory, where troops were trained and deployed into service for over 100 years, will include quality housing for our returning veterans,” said Representative Daniel Cahill, House sponsor of the bill. “The Legislature and Governor unanimously supported this legislation because NDA's creative proposal was the perfect redevelopment of an underutilized state asset into veteran housing.”

“This is exactly the type of project we all should embrace, and I congratulate Mayor McGee, Lynn Housing, and Neighborhood Development Associates for making it possible,” said Representative Lori Ehrlich. “I also want to thank Governor Baker for his administration’s continued support for economic development in Lynn – project after project, we are moving the city forward together.”

“This bill will enhance the much needed programs and services for our local veterans,” said Representative Donald Wong. “The possibility of adding housing would be beneficial to our homeless veterans that have served our country.”

“To be able to preserve this historic and significant building and reprogram it to house our veterans’ population is a huge win for both the City of Lynn and the State. I can’t imagine a more appropriate reuse of this landmark, and we are thankful to the Baker-Polito Administration and Lynn’s state delegation for the opportunity,” said LHAND Executive Director Charles Gaeta. “Two years ago, the City of Lynn was the first city in the state to be certified as effectively eliminating veterans’ homelessness, and we are excited for this new challenge to continue our efforts in housing those who have sacrificed for our country.”

“This is an exciting piece of legislation that will transform this neighborhood and allow for the full use and potential of this magnificent, historical structure to be achieved,” said Lynn City Council President Darren Cyr. “I wish to thank Governor Baker, the Lynn delegation, Mayor McGee, and LHAND Director Charles Gaeta for having the foresight to recognize the importance of redeveloping this site which overlooks our recently upgraded Lynn Commons.” 

“Lynn’s effort to preserve and revitalize the Armory for veterans’ housing addresses a critical need,” said Lynn Director of Veterans Services Michael Sweeney. “The passion and innovation behind this project honors veterans past and present.”

About Open for Business
With the Commonwealth as the largest landowner in Massachusetts, Governor Baker in 2015 issued a challenge to state agencies across government to protect natural resources, create economic opportunity, build housing, manage these lands with professionalism and creativity, and generate appropriate revenue from leases and other partnerships. This program is called “Open for Business.”

Since the program’s launch in 2015, there are over 100 projects in 47 municipalities, across 1,000 acres, driving the production of more than 2,200 units of housing on state land. For more information on Open for Business, please click here.

星期五, 8月 31, 2018

波士頓添新組織 世界華僑總會8/28成立


Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 逾百年來被稱為革命之母的華僑,在世界各地成立有數難以計,名稱不同的組織。828日,波士頓地區又成立了一個新的華僑組織,名為世界華僑總會
波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)出席致詞,恭賀。(周菊子攝)

