
星期四, 3月 29, 2018


                          (Boston Orange 整理報導) 綜合武術(Mixed Martial Arts, 簡稱MMA)、太極、咏春拳,這些搏擊,功夫需要分高下嗎? 中國一綜合武術手在去年4月,今年3月,先後挑戰太極,咏春好手,都在極短時間內得勝引發的熱議,327日晚也在哈佛大學的講座中延燒。
                      應邀講談的兩名武術專家,一個是曾多次在國際武術大賽中取得多項金牌,有著國家一級武術運動員和一級武術裁判員頭銜,目前住大波士頓,在衛斯理學院擔任武術教練的陳笑儀,一個是實用永春拳創始人溫鑑良的入室弟子,曾應香港浸會大學、科技大學邀請,講授武術,開辦了紐約Gotham Martial Arts武術學院的郭威賢。
                      網路上有一位平時寫軍事專欄的朱江明,也以咏春丁浩敗給徐曉東冤枉嗎?”為題,詳細評論了這場比賽,在網上眾多頗為偏激的談論中,算比較中肯。他認為丁浩沒有格鬥的抱纏摔打概念,然後體力不濟,輸得不算難看。他也指出,在歐洲,許多練咏春拳的人,也在摸索參加格鬥(MMA)比賽的可能,英國的咏春拳手Josh Kaldani就曾多次在MMA比賽中擊倒對方。

            朱江明的文章還提到2004年時李小龍被UFC主席Dana White尊為西方MMA之父,言下之意,無論是太極,咏春,都是已揉合進MMA的武術。(初稿)



首先,感謝哈佛大學中國學生學者聯合會,感謝岳林博士的邀請。並且,我要向武術界的一位兄長,尊敬的郭威賢先生,表示特別的敬意! (向郭先行禮!)很榮幸今天能和郭先一起,作為特邀嘉賓來到這個講座。三年前,也是應中國學聯的邀請,我在哈佛大學做過一次講座,題目是,“中華武術的譜系。那次講座中,我以在大學受到的專業教育,和自己這些年不斷學習的知識,試著比較系統地介紹了中華武術的譜系。我想強調的是,這種介紹是很簡略的,因為中華武術是一個龐大的體系 -- 我想,對中華武術,至少可以寫一百篇博士論文,而我的學識實在太有限了。
中華武術有各種門類,多種門派。不同門類有不同的功用,不同門派有不同的特點。 (我們都知道武術有健身和防身的功能,有的項目強調健身,有的項目強調防身,包括對打和格鬥。那麼現在我們就事論事:有人以綜合格術挑戰了一位太極拳師和兩位詠春拳師。詠春拳有郭先生在這兒,我們一會兒聽他做專家講演。
不同。現在全中國全世界大多數人練太極拳,是以健身為目的的。但這並不意味著,太極拳沒有防身的功能。不過我認為,太極拳不是種以主動攻擊為特點的拳術。對比之下,少林拳的特點是比較主動攻擊的,剛勁勇猛,簡短精悍,這可以從它的套路看出來。現在,我試著為大家做一下少林拳的示範 -- 因為場地的關係,只能像徵性地做幾個動作。我想大家對太極拳都比較熟悉,那麼可以從少林拳來看這種拳的不同。
再說太極--太極是武術的一部分,一個很大的門派,太極拳只是其中一種門類,還有多種其他的,比方說太極棍,太極劍,太極扇,太極拂塵、太極推⼿手等等。那麼現在,我試著大家示範一下太極佛塵剛才我說,太極拳不是一種以主動攻擊為特點的拳術。為什麼呢?因為我認為,太極拳以及所有太極門類的武術,基本概念是以柔克剛。所以我剛才示範了太極佛塵。 大家知道,佛塵並不是武器。但是在太極佛塵的套路中,它是作為武器來使用的,因為它可以“四兩撥千斤” -- 在與對⼿手的交⼿手中,太極門派強調躲閃騰挪,出其不意,借力打力,以故意的被動來實現攻擊。比方說,如果對⼿手伸大臂出拳,一般會身體重心靠前。如果你側身閃過,迅速轉身,以扇子向對⼿手的背側出擊,就有可能能
使他失去重而倒地! 。這就是為什麼說,太極不是以主動攻擊為特點的,但它仍然是一種以攻擊為目的武術。










Mayor's Office Photo by John Wilcox

波士頓華商會首慶新春 17名董事浩蕩亮相

波士頓華埠商會慶新春,嘉賓雲集。波市警局第一區警長梅志強,波士頓洪門致公堂主席梅少華,(前排右起)薩福克郡地方檢察官候選人Greg Henning,波士頓安良工商會會長陳仕維,麻州眾議員麥家威,中華總會會長陳毓禮,波士頓華商會共同會長蔡倩婷,波士頓市長馬丁華殊,波士頓華商會共同會長陳文棟,波市警察局長伊凡斯,麻州參議員賓加利,駐波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉,薩福克郡地方檢察官丹康利,費雪學院校長Alan Ray,波士頓市議員吳弭,波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)。(周菊子攝)

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導 波士頓華商會328日晚首度舉辦慶祝新春晚宴,在波士頓市長,麻州參眾議員,波士頓市議員等政要紛紛到賀中,近500人歌舞同歡,慶祝戊戌狗年,也在銧籌交錯中聯誼,交流如何兼顧經商與服務社區。
               到會嘉賓包括波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh),麻州參議員賓加利(Joe Boncore),麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz),波士頓警察局局長伊凡斯(William Evans),波士頓警察局第一區隊長梅志強(Ken Fong),波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu),愛德華費林(Ed Flynn),波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉等人。
               已宣佈不再競選連任的薩福克郡地方檢察官丹康利(Daniel F. Conley),這天也帶著他支持的候選人Greg Henning到會拜票。
               晚會中的一個特殊嘉賓是費雪學院(Fisher College)校長Alan Ray。他在今年三月把原任波士頓市長亞裔聯絡員的翁耀漢(Denny Ching)聘為校長特別助理。他在致詞時說明,費雪學院建校150年,一向致力於幫助年輕人生活得更好,去年該校學生中有39%是家中第一個上大學的人。他稱許中國人的勤奮美德,相信該校可和華人家長攜手,塑造其子女的未來。

費雪學院校長Alan Ray(左)介紹他新聘了翁耀漢(右)擔任他的
左起,麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz),波士頓華商會共同
會長陳文棟,蔡倩婷,麻州參議員賓加利(Joe Boncore),以及兩名




Boston School Committee Approves FY19 Boston Public Schools Budget
Unanimous Vote In Favor of $1.1 Billion Allocation
BOSTON — Thursday, March 29, 2018 — Last night, the Boston School Committee passed the fiscal year 2019 (FY19) Boston Public Schools (BPS) budget with a unanimous vote. The $1.109 billion BPS budget marks the largest in City history, and a $48 million increase over last year’s budget.

“This budget is the largest in Boston’s history and represents an investment in our students, our schools, and education in Boston,” said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. “We will always prioritize high-quality education for all our students, and this strong investment will help ensure our young people have the tools they need to succeed.”

Mayor Walsh has increased the BPS budget by $170 million, or 18 percent, over the past five years. During the same time, BPS has continued to achieve its highest four-year high-school graduation rate and more high-ranking Level 1 and 2 schools than ever before.

The FY19 budget features investments in individual school budgets, extended learning time, hiring effective teachers, supports for students experiencing homelessness, and an empowerment program for young men of color, among other vital supports.

“I would like to thank my fellow Boston School Committee members for listening to public feedback and carefully deliberating before taking this important vote,” said Boston School Committee Chairperson Michael Loconto. “The FY19 budget sustains our position as a national leader in urban public education and continues to increase supports for students who need them most.”

The FY19 budget increases funding to individual schools by $40 million, which includes approximately $30 million toward higher teacher salaries and an additional $10 million in further investments.
Those additional investments are focused on the district’s highest-need schools and supporting schools in transition due to enrollment shifts. In the FY19 budget, no school will see a financial impact for the first one percent of an enrollment decline. In total, BPS has proposed dedicating $3.4 million to ensure smooth transitions for schools with fluctuating enrollments, including a $1 million reserve to support lower performing schools with declining enrollment.
Additionally, using a new formula that measures student need and is in adherence with the BPS Opportunity and Achievement Gaps Policy, BPS will be reallocating $5.8 million in external partnership funding to schools with our highest-need students. The district will also be providing an additional $3 million to schools to assist high-need students.

“BPS students are the leaders of today and tomorrow,” said BPS Superintendent Tommy Chang. “The proposed budget for next year invests in programs and initiatives meant to support students’ growth, facilitate authentic learning experiences, and help them embark on a successful path in college, career, and life.”

The increased funding from the City comes despite the Governor’s proposed budget that would decrease net state aid to Boston by $17 million. While Mayor Walsh has increased BPS' annual budget by $170 million since taking office, the state’s Chapter 70 funding has only increased by $8 million. The Commonwealth also continues to underfund charter school reimbursements for cities and towns, which under the Governor’s proposed budget translates into $27 million in lost funding in Boston in FY19 alone and more than $100 million over the last five years. The City is bridging this gap and contributing additional resources to strengthen BPS' efforts to provide each of its students a high-quality education in a 21st-century learning environment. 

The approved budget will be submitted to the Boston City Council for final approval later this spring.

Key Initiatives and Programs
  • Early Childhood Education: In the last five years, BPS and the City of Boston have increased participation in K1 (pre-K) programs by 725 students, for a total of 2,947 K1 students projected for FY19. BPS has invested $5 million into K1 expansion since 2014, totaling about $22.7 million for next year. BPS oversees a nationally recognized early childhood education program that is child-centric, highly developmental and is shown through research to lead to academic gains for several years, helping close the opportunity and achievement gap.
  • Extended Learning Time: In the past three years, 57 schools serving K-8 have extended the school day by 40 minutes, which is the equivalent of adding 20 school days per year. BPS is investing $17.4 million to maintain extended hours at these schools next year. Not only does the additional time allow students more opportunity to learn crucial 21stcentury skills, it provides them time for an array of enrichment opportunities — everything from art and woodworking to robotics and yoga — that research shows bring learning alive by making lessons more relevant for young people.
  • Effective Teachers: BPS strongly believes in ensuring high quality teachers are in every classroom. BPS is proud to offer competitive salaries for educators, making them among the highest paid in the country. Approximately $30 million in the FY19 budget will support higher salaries and an additional $8 million will fund benefits. BPS also invests in ongoing retention and training programs, such as the Lynch Leadership Academy, which has aspiring school leaders spend a year learning and leading with our best mentor principals in Boston. Over the past five years, BPS has transformed how teachers are attracted and retained to work for the district, ending a system in which teachers were hired by Central Office, and adopting a process called Early Mutual Consent Hiring, in which school principals, their hiring committees, and the candidates all agree on hiring decisions. Through this process, all hiring begins earlier in the year — typically in March — compared to the traditional school hiring season in June. This has allowed BPS to select from larger and more diverse pools of applicants.
  • Excellence for All: BPS is allocating $700,000 to grow the academic-enrichment program Excellence for All for the third year, serving 1,700 students in grades 4-6 at 16 schools and bringing the total allocation to $2.6 million. Excellence for All aims to match the high-quality rigor that many students receive in the Advanced Work Class (AWC) program in an inclusive setting that also provides for enrichment, such as foreign languages and robotics.
  • Supports for Students Experiencing Homelessness: For the second year in a row, BPS is providing funding to individual schools to assist students who are experiencing homelessness. The amount will total $1.8 million, which is a $500,000 increase from last year. Schools have discretion over how the funding is used. Some schools have used the funds to hire support staff; while others have expanded clothing closets. The Edison K-8 School in Brighton used the funds to launch a weekend “boost bag” program, which allows students in need to receive a bag of supplemental food on Fridays.
  • Becoming a Man: Becoming a Man is a Chicago-based, nationally-recognized program that successfully serves young men of color using school-based group counseling and mentoring to teach valuable life skills. Boston Public Schools is the first district outside of Chicago to adopt this program, which research has shown increases school engagement, social-emotional skills, and graduation rates, while decreasing arrest rates. Now serving four schools in BPS due to a $600,000 philanthropic donation, Becoming a Man will receive an additional $549,000 in the FY19 BPS budget to expand to three more schools.