
星期二, 1月 16, 2018





OCEAN 系列创投讲座第一讲:中国投资行业的早期发展,现状和未来走向。
2018-01-15 马尧 OCEANUSA
      2018年的新年在百年难遇的严寒中如期而至,而大洋两岸的创新与投资交流却依然如火如荼地展开着。随着中国政府供给侧改革的深入以及飞速增长的财富带来的海量资金的支撑下,中国全国上下正经历着前所未有的历史新机遇。大量的资金从地产行业转向高科技行业,对高科技项目的渴望前所未有。如果您是怀揣高科技项目,想法或技能的高科技人才,感慨自己因为来到美国错过了中国经济高速发展的十年,您是否意识到,未来的十年才是高科技行业人士的真正的历史机遇。留美企业家协会将在2018 年里推出系列创投讲座,助力有识之士赶上时代的列车,实现人生的价值。

     2018 OCEAN 系列创投讲座第一讲,我们请到中国投资界的先锋,被麦戈文誉为称为广东IDG VC 教母的石国玲博士为我们详细讲解中国投资行业的早期发展,近况以及未来的走向。

      石国玲女士是中国最早的风险投资人之一,中国最早的IT人,1992 年将美国著名的IDG风险投资引进广东成立合资投资公司,成为广东省风险投资集团和广东IDGVC的联合创始人。现为香港汇泽亚洲投资有限公司副总裁。该公司的另一位联合创始人王干芝先生是阿里巴巴的首位投资人,而且是唯一一位投资阿里巴巴前三轮的投资人。该公司投资了日本最大的的语音技术公司AMI,日本最大的电子地图公司昭文社等网络与软件公司,并在全亚洲范围内重点投资技术型的中小企业,帮助这些技术型的中小企业发展。这次讲座我们将可以听到石博士讲述阿里巴巴早期的融资策略,发展中遇到的问题和如何峰回路转达到今天的局面。

      石国玲女士近年来专注于物联网,人工智能及大数据,移动互联网,机器人,石墨烯及生物医药领域的投资。投资参股了中国科学院的中科智城,有米科技及米双创信息科技,瀚信通信科技,丰石大数据,学壹传媒,千微网,美国硅谷Seevider等许多创新科技公司。石国玲女士在进军投资领域之前,本身就是一位高科技的IT 人才。她领军设计的“CGT-901高档中英文/图形终端1992年成为第一批进入中国银行和中国保险公司的国产计算机,为中国的计算机国产化做出了贡献,荣获1993年广东省科技进步奖。石博士还参与了中国第一台汉字微电脑“GF20/11A”攻关工作,荣获1984年广东省科技成果一等奖,中国科学院科技成果一等奖。研制的用于国家计委工业普查的“CSI–I型装置,荣获1987年广东省科技进步二等奖。研制的电解电容自动分选机,荣获1987年电子工业部科技进步二等奖。她还被授予广东省劳动模范。

星期一, 1月 15, 2018



                             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓伍胥山公所114日中午在華埠泰勒街會所舉行幹部就職典禮,伍黃兩家宗親及嘉賓濟濟一堂,恭喜主席伍輝民,伍樹俊,以及一眾新屆職員上任就職。

伍氏公所歡迎宗親到會所造訪,電話(617) 482-2163





The future city will be enabled by Digital technology

Lucas DiLeo
Contributing Writer, Boston Orange

The future city will be enabled by Digital technology. These was the theme for Prof. MIT's Dennis Frenchman's talk at the Jan 6 MIT- Tsinghua Innovation Summit.

Prof. Frenchman discussed how digital technologies are being increasingly imbedded into cities and how these technologies are affecting life in cities. Back in 2000 we saw major tech firms developing info technologies to make cities smart. But these new digital technologies did not make the cities run any faster.

Now we are in the middle of a second wave, according to Frenchman. Cities are investing in new technologies and sensors - creating an urban intelligence. The most important product of these smart cities is not new technologies but the social changes that the new technologies are bringing about.

And as cities are facing increasing challenges the need for innovation by cities is increasing. 

These new activities are not being designed by engineers or university professors - but are driven by the customers and users of cities - the digital natives who grew up on the Internet, social media and mobile phones.

Millenniums are flocking to cities - they prefer the density, diversity, social networks of cities - and benefit of less commuting. This is where they are locating their new companies. 

And they are bringing their generations' values to cities and their own companies - less consumption and ownership oriented - more social and collaborative. Their networks and communities are global. They are health and environmental conscious in their outlooks and activities. These are the risk takers and the entrepreneurs who are moving to cities. And with $200 billion invested in startups - the proliferation of these innovative commercial models are changing the nature of business itself - and cities.

According to Frenchman, we are living a digital lifestyle where everything is incredibly connected. In the 20th century, highways were likened to arteries; we now have new urban pathways - the Internet and mobile systems creating a nervous system for the city. 

Thru mobile and sensor based applications a new science is developing for looking at how cities behave - and tracking them in real time. The analysis of cities tell us that cities are not doing well - there are inefficiencies, waste and a lot of inequality in the 20th century city. However, big data is creating opportunities to change this, and capitalize on underutilized urban assets.

Prof. Frenchman then discussed the traditional assumption of cities based on hierarchies, separation of spaces and specialization - and that the new work, business and living patters are fragmenting cities and bringing their parts together in surprising ways.

For instance, streets used to define the public vs private realm - at the building lines. With the new digital technologies those edges are becoming blurred. New models for storefronts and digital signs are creating ubiquitous potential for transformation and meeting places and advertising. And the use of media to create new types of commercial spaces.

New models for working are arising: WeWork and other co-working spaces now account for significant square footage in New York and London. And now they are looking to introduce new models for living: co-living space. 

These new companies and their services and production techniques are driving a new model for urban industry - efficient, clean, knowledge based and advanced manufacturing. And mixed into housing to create a new fine grain for living. Making efficient, live networks for community. 

This is the new Tech city. According to Prof. Frenchman, in the old economy we moved to where the factories were located. In the new economy we are moving to where the idea factories are situated.

Prof. Frenchman concluded his talk by presenting his projects for a digital media city in Seoul and a new business district for Jinan China that illustrate these themes.

MIT Prof. Dennis Frenchman's talk at MIT – Tsinghua Innovation Summit on January 6 2018)

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陳必先鋼琴獨奏會 1/27 喬丹廳

 Foundation For Chinese Performing Arts  
            3 Partridge Lane, Lincoln, MA 01773
ChinesePerformingArts.net Foundation@ChinesePerformingArts.net 
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" She takes a sparkling, crystalline view of the music"
The New York Times
 "Chen is a first-rate, penetrating musical intelligence."
The Boston Globe

Saturday, 1/27/2018, 8 PM

NEC's Jordan Hall

Pi-Hsien Chen 陳必先, piano

$15, $30, $50 (VIP)

100 free student tickets available at www.ChinesePerformingArts.net
(1 per request for age 14 and up)  

Children under 6 not admitted

Student/Senior rush tickets $10
6:30 PM at Box office

MOZART: Fantasie c-Minor KV 475
MOZART: Sonata c-Minor KV 457 
SCHOENBERG: Five Piano Pieces Op. 23
BOULEZ: Third Sonata (1962)
- intermission --
LIANG 梁雷: My Windows 我的窗
SCHUBERT: Sonata E-flat Major, D 568

Pi-hsien Chen was born in Taipei in 1950. When she was nine, she left Taiwan and one year later entered the University of Music in Cologne, Germany. She grew up in the home of her teacher, Hans-Otto Schmidt-Neuhaus, who was also the teacher of Karlheinz Stockhausen, Christoph Eschenbach, and Péter Eötvös. She later studied with Hans Leygraf and also with Wilhelm Kempff, Claudio Arrau, Geza Anda, and Tatjana Nikolajewa.
In 1972,  she won the First Prize at the International ARD Competition in Munich. Her special interest in Schoenberg and Bach also enabled her to win the Arnold Schoenberg Competition in Rotterdam and the Bach Competition in Washington, D.C.
She has performed in most of the major concert halls and with many of the world's major orchestras, particularly almost every orchestra within the German radio system. Among the orchestras with whom she has appeared are the Royal Philharmonic, the London Symphony, the BBC Orchestra, the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, the Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam, the Zurich Chamber Orchestra and Tonhalle Orchestra, as well as the NHK Orchestra in Tokyo. She has also been a partner in the Asko Ensemble in Amsterdam, Ensemble Modern in Frankfurt, and Ensemble Intercontemporain in Paris.
She has appeared in the festivals in Lucerne, Schwetzingen, Hong Kong, and Osaka, as well as the Berliner Festspiele, the Wien Modern festival, the Festival d'Autumne in Paris, the Strasbourg Festival, the South Bank Festival in London, the Huddersfield Festival, the BBC Proms, the Ruhr Piano Festival, and the festival in Roque d'Antéron. She represented German music at EXPO 2000 in Hanover, appearing with Alfons Kontarsky. She has been a frequent guest at the Donaueschingen Festival, and was one of six piano soloists in the world premiere of Georg Friedrich Haas's limited approximations in 2010.
Her dedication to new piano music evolved out of her collaboration with composers such as John Cage, Elliott Carter, Pierre Boulez, Karlheinz Stockhausen, György Kurtág, John Patrick Thomas, and Péter Eötvös, to whom she was married. An IRCAM documentary film by Walter Schels shows Boulez assisting Pi-hsien Chen as she prepares for the world premiere of his Douze Notations. In "Black and White", a documentary film about Elliott Carter, Pi-hsien Chen is the pianist in his Double Concerto for Harpsichord & Piano and Two Chamber Orchestras.
She was a professor specializing in contemporary piano music

"Chen creates a masterful "Art of the Fugue".
(Richard Buell, The Boston Globe)
"...Ms Chen's recording of Jean Barraqué's Sonata is remarkable. She takes a sparkling, crystalline view of the music in a way that brings it near the music of Barraqué's principal French contemporary, Pierre Boulez...."
(Paul Griffiths, The New York Times)
"...Pi-hsien Chen's opening to Beethoven's Bagatelles announced that the audience would be treated to musical universes that were clear and clean, contained and carefully considered and phrased.... In the carefully curated and bigger-scope-than-normal Scarlatti sonatas, Chen wielded a rich palette while expressing an enlightening variety of characters, lines, and moods within each sonata ...." 
"Pi-hsien Chen's playing was strikingly colorful and exciting, and the duo with Nicholas Kitchen played Mozart's Sonata with real Mozartian elegance...."  

Saturday, 1/27/2018, 8 pm, Jordan Hall, 
Pi-Hsien Chen  陳必先, pianist

Saturday, 3/31/2018, 8 pm, Jordan Hall,

                                                   Angelo Xiang Yu 于翔 violin
Andrew Hsu   



The 27th Annual 
All-American Chinese 
Brush Painting and Calligraphy Competition
  (April 15, 2018) 


Roger Wong 黃汝琛age 13, Liu Xiaoyong Studi, MA麻州劉曉勇畫室

Kaden Chen 陳萬盛age 11, Ichen Art Academy, CA 加州宜真美術學院

Saturday, 5/12/2018, 8 pm, Jordan Hall, 

Dang Thai-Son 鄧泰山, pianist

The 27th Annual Music Festival at Walnut Hill 
胡桃山音樂營 July 19-August 12, 2018
Application before April 5

Concerto 2018:

Schumann Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 54

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Order Ticket Online: 

Foundation For Chinese Performing Arts Cathy Chan 譚嘉陵, Founder and President
Foundation For Chinese Performing Arts, 3 Partridge Lane, Lincoln, MA 01773