
星期三, 10月 18, 2017


BCNC Pao Arts Center 
Announces Inaugural Artist-In-Resident, Shaw Pong Liu 刘茂珍

Boston, MA – The Pao Arts Center is proud to announce the selection of its inaugural artist-in-resident, violinist and composer, Shaw Pong Liu.

Known for engaging diverse communities through multidisciplinary collaborations, creative music and social dialogue, Liu will be at the Pao Arts Center from October 2017-July 2018 with her project Sing Home.

The project, Sing Home, will collect and share songs from the homes of the people of Boston's Chinatown - residents, workers, visitors - and create new musical compositions, as a way to start conversations about immigration, neighborhood and cultural and civic identity. Through her project, Liu explores how understanding the musical history of the people in one neighborhood contributes to a wider conversation on immigration.

"I'm thrilled and honored to collaborate with the Pao Arts Center and deepen my understanding of Boston's Chinatown in this exciting new residency venture,” shares Liu. The Sing Home project has been brewing in my mind for a couple of years and I'm excited to have a partner and home in Chinatown to develop this inquiry into people's musical and cultural lineages and music, as a pathway for social dialogue, all the while connecting with my own Chinese heritage (which can sometimes get lost in Boston)."

Liu’s background and experience will fulfill the residency and Pao Arts Center’s vision of using the arts, culture and education to connect across generations to build stronger families and neighborhoods. Liu was selected by a jury comprised of artists and community leaders working directly with the Chinatown community and the selection is based upon artistic excellence and commitment to community involvement using a creative dialogue process.

Funded by a national funder, ArtPlace America, Liu will receive a $22,000 stipend for the year, as part of her residency, as well as programmatic support and space at the Pao Arts Center to carry out her project.  For Liu, the opportunity to participate in the residency not only provides creative and artists support, but also an opportunity to explore her own identity.  

About Shaw Pong Liu:
As 2016 City of Boston Artist-in-Residence, Liu started the Code Listen project, using creative music workshops and performances to support healing and dialogue around gun violence, racism, and police practices, in collaboration with the Boston Police Department, teen artists and family members surviving homicide. Her compositions have been commissioned by A Far Cry, the Lorelei Ensemble and the New Gallery Concert Series. As a violinist Shaw Pong has performed with groups including: Silk Road Ensemble, MIT’s Gamelan GalakTika, Boston Modern Orchestra Project and Castle of Our Skins. She is a teaching artist for the Silk Road Project, Young Audiences, Cantata Singers and Celebrity Series.



BOSTON – Treasurer Goldberg has announced four more locations for the second round of the Women’s Economic Empowerment Series. The initiative, launched in collaboration with Citizens Bank, is a free program focusing on wage negotiation, money management, retirement and investment strategies for women. The workshops will be held at the Worcester YWCA on November 2nd and 9th.

“Women face unique challenges when it comes to financial security,” said Treasurer Deb Goldberg. “This Program will provide critical information that will give the women in Worcester the skills they need to be successful in today’s economy.”

For more specifics on the event details, programmatic content, and to register please visit the program’s site HERE.

Worcester was chosen as part of a statewide expansion to bring economic security workshops to women across Massachusetts. The workshops, held in partnership with YWCA Central Mass, are designed to help empower Worcester women and give them the tools to secure their economic future and reach their full financial potential

On day one, Treasurer Goldberg created the Office of Economic Empowerment (OEE), led by a deputy treasurer, with the deliberate goal of implementing a range of economic empowerment initiatives that include closing the gender wage gap, increasing access to financial education, improving college affordability, and investing in STEM careers and education. For more information visit http://www.mass.gov/treasury/empowerment or follow the hashtag #EqualPayMA.

紐英崙中華公所幹部改選 第一組候選人出爐

               (Boston Orange)紐英崙中華公所宣佈下一屆幹部改選,自1010日起至1110日止接受提名,125日辦理選舉,現已收到一組提名人選。


星期二, 10月 17, 2017

紐英崙華人歷史協會今日講座談與時俱變的華人移民 (圖片)


新一代移民大都是學者,專業菁英人士。從左上向右下行,貝聿銘,王安,杜維明,Ching-Shih Chen等人。

This panel presentation, led by Tunney Lee with Shauna Lo and Lisong Liu, will cover the changing nature of Chinese immigration to Boston from the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 (CEA) through its full repeal in 1965 to contemporary times. With a focus on Boston and Massachusetts, this panel considers national laws and local sentiments to shed light on an immigration history that is continuing today.

Although the main driver for passage of the CEA were the conflicts on the West Coast between recently arrived European settlers and the Chinese immigrants, Boston and Massachusetts played key roles in the passage and enforcement of the law. The panelists will address Massachusetts’s politicians’ reactions to the CEA, racialized labor politics, Chinatown raids, the Immigration Station in East Boston, and legal employment for Chinese Americans. Panelists will continue the conversation on the growth of the Chinese community in Massachusetts after WWII through the War Brides Act, the Refugee Acts, and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, the influence of international students, and expansion beyond Chinatown to Brighton, Fenway, Quincy, Medford, Malden, and other suburban towns.

Tunney Lee is professor emeritus of architecture and city planning at MIT and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His primary research focus is urban residential density, Boston’s Chinatown, and the planning history of Boston.

Lisong Liu is an associate professor of history at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. His teaching and research interests focus on Chinese emigration and nation-building, post-1965 Asian-American communities, US-China relations, and comparative and global migrations.

Shauna Lo is assistant director of the Institute for Asian American Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston, where she administers the institute and assists on programs and research projects related to Asian-American communities in Massachusetts.

AALDEF Voter Survey Volunteer Training 10/18

Via Leverett Wing

An important effort being organized by our friends at the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF), in New York.

As they do annually in various states, AALDEF will be conducting national, non-partisan survey of Asian American voters to document voting patterns and instances of voter disenfranchisement.

Tomorrow (Wed., 10/18), AALDEF will be offering two trainings in Boston for volunteers interested in helping with these efforts.  Attorneys can receive 1.5 CLE credits including 0.5 ethics credit for volunteering.

~ Here are the details on the two training opportunities ~
* AALDEF Voter Survey Volunteer Lunchtime Training
Where: Bechert LLP (CLE Training) - One International Place, 40th Fl, 100 Oliver St, Boston, MA 02110
When: Lunch, 12-1:30 PM

* AALDEF Voter Survey Volunteer Evening Training
Where: Metropolitan Community Room, 38 Oak Street, Boston, MA 02111
When6-7:30 PM

Attendance at one 60-minute training session is required for all new volunteers. All volunteers must be non-partisan and work a 3-hour shift on Election Day. Asian language ability is helpful, but not required.

CLE trainings are 90 minutes. Attorneys can receive 1.5 CLE credits including 0.5 ethics credit.

Please share this email, or AALDEF's Facebook event page for the trainings, with anyone you think may be interested.

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------
2017 Asian American Election Protection – Tuesday, November 7, 2017
MA • NJ • NY • VA
In past elections, Asian Americans have faced a series of barriers in exercising their right to vote, including segregated “Asian” voting lines.  When the news media reported on election results, Asian Americans were overlooked.  In response, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) conducts a non-partisan survey of Asian American voters to document voting patterns and instances of voter disenfranchisement. AALDEF has also monitored the elections for compliance with the federal Voting Rights Act, which mandates bilingual ballots and forbids anti-Asian voter discrimination.
We need your help.  All are welcome to volunteer for our exit poll, which we will conduct in Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Virginia.  Exit poll volunteers work in 3-hour shifts. We are also looking for law students and attorneys to monitor polls in NY, NJ, and MA. We will conduct mandatory 60-minute community trainings and offer 90-minute CLE trainings in all of these regions. All volunteers must be non-partisan during the time they help; Asian language ability is helpful, but not required.  Complete the form at www.aaldef.net.  Thank you!
For more information, contact AALDEF Democracy Program Director Jerry Vattamala or Voting Rights Organizer Iris Zalun at 800-966-5946 or votingright s@aaldef.org.


中華表演藝術基金會,將於 十一月四日星期六於新英格蘭音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan 
Hall),與韓國文化協會 (Korean Cultural Society Boston) 聯合舉辦由帕克四重奏 
(The Parker Quartet) 及韓裔鋼琴家Jung-Ja Kim及低音大提琴家 Charles 


帕克四重奏贏得“音樂藝術家協會大賽”(the Concert Artists 
Artists-in-Residence) 。

韓裔鋼琴家Jung-Ja Kim 畢業於茱莉亞學院,於1972年開始任教波士頓音樂學院至今。
“激動人心的演出”,波士頓環球報描述她的演奏為 』想像力的精湛』。

低音大提琴家 Charles Clements 

莫扎特:第22號降B大調, 弦樂四重奏 K.589
普羅科菲耶夫: 第2號F大調弦樂四重奏 Op.92
舒伯特:A大調鋼琴五重奏 D.667– 鳟鱼

以下兒童請勿入場. 查詢請洽中華表演藝術基金會譚嘉陵,電話
781-259- 8195或網站購票: www.ChinesePerformingArts.net


The grants are part of the Charlestown Community Impact Fund
BOSTON - Tuesday, October 17, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh, in collaboration with the Charlestown Community Impact Fund, today announced the approval of $197,500 in grant awards for 38 nonprofits and organizations that serve the Charlestown community. Awards support projects spanning the areas of arts and culture, community enrichment activities and events, education, youth sports, veterans, after-school activities, mentoring, job training, substance abuse and recovery, senior programming, environmental and community gardening, and health and wellness.

The Charlestown Community Impact Fund was created as a result of the Surrounding Community Agreement reached between Mayor Walsh and Wynn Resorts. As part of this agreement, Wynn has made a one-time payment of $1 million designated for local Charlestown nonprofits and community organizations. Additionally, Wynn Casino will pay a Community Impact Fee of $2 million annually once the casino opens, as long as the casino is operating.

"These grants are why I fought to negotiate the largest community benefit Boston could obtain from the Wynn Casino. My priority has always been to preserve and protect the quality of life in Charlestown, and these grant awards do just that, helping everyone from students to older residents to veterans gain increased services and opportunities," said Mayor Walsh. "The Charlestown Community Impact Fund represents our continued work on behalf of the people of Charlestown."

In 2017, the Charlestown Community Impact Fund awarded 80 mini-grants totaling $376,500 to 50 nonprofits and organizations. The Managing Committee has been committed to awarding mini-grants in the range of $1,000 - $10,000 to ensure fairness, as well as to ensure the money is distributed to as many eligible groups as possible, and that the money in the fund is available to the community until the casino opens.

"We'll use this grant to create a veteran outreach program in Charlestown, knocking on doors in the community to create a registry of veterans in Charlestown, ensuring veterans have access to the services they need and deserve. In addition, we'll use the grant to create an online resource for Charlestown veterans," said Joe Zuffante, President of the Board of Directors of the Friends of Memorial Hall. "These grants make a big, lasting difference to Charlestown residents, and I thank Mayor Walsh and our partners for ensuring these funds go to benefit Charlestown."

"I want to thank Mayor Walsh and his administration for their work in dispersing these mitigation funds to the Charlestown community," said Representative Dan Ryan. "There is a lot of development going on in and around our town. These funds go a long way toward helping our nonprofits meet their mission and continue to make Charlestown a place where people want to live, work and play."

"I am excited about the latest round for the Charlestown Community Impact Fund Grants. These grants will tremendously help to support youth sports, elderly services, substance abuse, community groups and local non-profits," said City Councilor Sal LaMattina. "I also would like to commend Mayor Walsh for making sure the mitigation funds stay in Charlestown."

The seven members of the Managing Committee of the Charlestown Community Impact Fund are responsible for distribution of the funds. The committee is made up of City of Boston staff and members of Charlestown's elected delegation. The Fund awards mini-grants twice per year in the spring and the fall.

The Charlestown Community Impact Fund Managing Committee voted at its October 12, 2017 meeting to approve the fall mini-grant awards. More information regarding the Charlestown Community Impact Fund can be found at boston.gov/charlestown-fund.

華埠社區議會11/26改選 11/17截止報名(圖片)





星期一, 10月 16, 2017


波士頓大學全球研究學院院長Adil Najam(左二)和教育組組長
(Boston Orange周菊子波士頓報導)中華民國教育部和波士頓大學全球研究學院今(16)日續簽3年合作協議。波士頓大學亞洲中心將在該協議支持下,舉行2大會議,開辦至少三項取材自台灣文化,歷史及數位發展的課程,並訂閱台灣的電子刊物。
            駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處教育組組長陳幗珍和波士頓大學新上任的全球研究學院(Pardee School of Global Studies)院長Adil Najam昨日在駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長賴銘琪,波士頓大學副校長暨全球項目副教務長王威(Willis G. Wang),波士頓大學亞洲中心主任葉凱蒂,副主任田文浩,波士頓大學亞洲區發展主任馬以正(Eugene Mahr)等嘉賓見證中,簽署這合作協議。
            波士頓大學全球研究學院院長Adil Najam指波士頓大學是個不斷向前推動的學校,在該校與教育部合作10年後,他很高興有機會代表該校續簽合作協議。
            經文處處長賴銘琪半開玩笑表示,過去7年來,台灣政府總共送過142名學者到哈佛大學,麻省理工學院等美國5大院校交流訪問,其中哈佛40人,MIT 9人,但不知為何這些院校中未包括波士頓大學,估計今天的簽約就為彌補此事。




BOSTON – Treasurer Goldberg has announced additional locations for the second round of the Women’s Economic Empowerment Series. The initiative, launched in collaboration with Citizens Bank, is a free program focusing on wage negotiation, money management, retirement and investment strategies for women. The workshops will be held at Bay Path University in Springfield on November 8th and 15th and are co-sponsored by Bay Path’s Strategic Alliances and M.S. in Nonprofit Management & Philanthropy programs.

“Women face unique challenges when it comes to financial security,” said Treasurer Deb Goldberg. “This Program will provide critical information that will give the women in Springfield the skills they need to be successful in today’s economy.”

For more specifics on the event details, programmatic content, and to register please visit the program’s site HERE.

As a gateway city, Springfield was chosen as part of a statewide expansion to bring economic security workshops to women across Massachusetts. The workshops, held in partnership with Bay Path University, are designed to empower women and students and give them tools to secure their economic future and reach their full financial potential

On day one, Treasurer Goldberg created the Office of Economic Empowerment (OEE), led by a deputy treasurer, with the deliberate goal of implementing a range of economic empowerment initiatives that include closing the gender wage gap, increasing access to financial education, improving college affordability, and investing in STEM careers and education. For more information visit http://www.mass.gov/treasury/empowerment or follow the hashtag #EqualPayMA

Councilors Wu and Pressley File Ordinance for Equity in Opportunity for City Contracts for Women- and Minority-Owned Businesses

Councilors Wu and Pressley File Ordinance for Equity in Opportunity for City Contracts for Women- and Minority-Owned Businesses
The ordinance would require evaluation of all RFPs to include criteria for MWBE participation and quarterly reporting of data

BOSTON - Today Council President Michelle Wu and Councilor Ayanna Pressley filed an ordinance to amend the City of Boston’s procurement processes to encourage greater meaningful engagement with women- and minority-owned business enterprises (WMBE). The ordinance directs the City’s Small and Local Business Enterprise Office to create a supplier diversity program, do active outreach to WMBE regarding City needs and contracting processes, and encouraging them to apply. It also directs any and all requests for proposal (RFPs) that the City releases, as well as the evaluation process for such RFPs, to include WMBE participation as a key criterion.

“City government doesn’t just have a policy-making impact; we have an economic impact with every purchase and contract we make,” said Councilor Wu. “This ordinance will help align our spending with our policy priorities — to create opportunity in every neighborhood and pathways for economic mobility. We must take every action to invest in Boston’s small businesses and residents, especially those who for too long have been systematically marginalized.”

“The wealth gap continues to grow across the country and in our city with sharp contrasts along gender and racial lines,” Councilor Pressley said. “Closing that gap requires creating increased opportunities for women and people of color to build wealth. This ordinance looks to level the playing field for MWBEs and create an equity in opportunity, for all of our small businesses, to both contribute to the prosperity of our city and to benefit from it.”

The legislation will be assigned to committee during Wednesday’s City Council meeting. A public hearing will be held before a vote by the full Council.