
星期四, 10月 05, 2017


Baker-Polito Administration Awards $7 Million to Support Advanced Manufacturing Initiatives and Job Creation
Funding supports job growth and innovation and growth in Commonwealth’s manufacturing sector

AMHERST – In celebration of National Manufacturing Day, the Baker-Polito Administration awarded $7 million in funding to support growth in seven innovative advanced manufacturing projects across the Commonwealth through theMassachusetts Manufacturing Innovation Initiative (M2I2)The funding supports critical research and development infrastructure at advanced manufacturing projects in leading sectors such as advanced functional fabrics, integrated photonics, robotics, & flexible-hybrid electronics.

Governor Charlie Baker and Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Jay Ash made the announcement at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, where they toured its nanomanufacturing and additive manufacturing facilities as part of the continued importance of manufacturing to the Commonwealth’s economic future during the event at UMass Amherst.

“Advanced sensors, smart construction materials and adaptable clothing are just a few of the innovative products that will be developed in Massachusetts’ evolving manufacturing sector over the coming decades,” said Governor Baker. “These awards will ensure the Commonwealth remains a leader in advanced manufacturing to spur job growth and train students for valuable career opportunities.”

The Baker-Polito Administration has committed more than $100 million in funding over five years to the M2I2 effort, which provides a vehicle for the Commonwealth to invest in the Manufacturing USA program and advance innovation and job growth through cross-collaboration among companies, universities, national labs, government, incubators, accelerators, and other academic/training institutions.

“Today’s awards represent our Administration’s focus on building on our strengths, investing in critical R&D infrastructure at our world-class research institutions, national labs and innovative companies that will expand training opportunities,” said Secretary Ash. “Manufacturing has the ability to drive employment statewide and provide extremely competitive salaries for workers, while also advancing the development of revolutionary products. This Administration is committed to expanding opportunities in manufacturing and to increasing access to cutting-edge R&D tools.”

"It's exciting to see investments from the Commonwealth to support advanced manufacturing, said Senate President Stan Rosenberg. “It will help grow our economy, keep us competitive, and is exactly what we need to do right now."

Under the Manufacturing USA program, Massachusetts is convening the national effort to develop revolutionary functional fibers and textiles, and participating in regional manufacturing innovation institutes in robotics, integratedphotonicsflexible hybrid electronics, and biopharma manufacturing.

The awards announced today during Massachusetts Manufacturing Month will fund seven projects from four of the national manufacturing institutes, including those focused on flexible-hybrid electronics (NextFlex), advanced functional fabrics (AFFOA), integrated photonics (AIM Photonics), and robotics (ARM):

Grantee(s) & Location(s)
Manufacturing USA Institute

Analog Photonics
(Boston, Mass.)


Building a new industry, and a new ecosystem for supporting the development of sophisticated automated design software and the required Intellectual Property (IP) Blocks for the fabrication of novel integrated photonics.

(American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics)

MIT Lincoln Labs
(Lexington, Mass.)


Germanium deposition tool to complete and establish the nation’s first DoD Trusted Integrated Photonics Fabrication Prototyping Facility for the development of defense-related products for advanced computing (quantum, cryogenic, all-optical) and sensing (bio screening, AVs, microwave radar).

(American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics)

MIT/Ministry of Supply
(Cambridge and Boston, Mass.)


The project will result in a new type of garment that can sense and adapt comfort to the local climate by changing garment breathability and body blood circulation, addressing key needs in the emerging athletic and defense smart clothing markets. This 3D-Knitting technology can bring back apparel production to Massachusetts.

(Advanced Functional Fabrics of America)

MIT/Northeast Regional Robotics Innovation Collaborative (RRIC) in Boston at MassRobotics
(Years 1 & 2:Cambridge and Boston, Mass.;Year 3: Boston and Worcester, Mass.)

$500,000 in year 1; total of $1,980,000 over 3 years

Develop and deploy “Teach-Bot”, an innovative robotics instructor and demonstration machine that interacts with the learner; training targets experienced manufacturing workers, to arm them with new skills to deploy, program and maintain robots in the workplace.

(Advanced Robotics Manufacturing)

(Billerica, Mass.)


Develop a tool that can place lasers onto silicon photonics with sub-micron precision, allowing MRSI to compete with or exceed industry leaders, expand its market share, and create more jobs in Billerica, Mass.

(American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics)

Saint-Gobain/ UMass-Lowell
(Northborough, Mass.; Lowell, Mass.)


Development of an optical fabric that can be woven into infrastructure and provide a groundbreaking civil infrastructure monitoring system (buildings, pipelines, bridges & tunnels, rail lines, etc.).

(Advanced Functional Fabrics of America)

UMass -Amherst/Uniqarta
(Amherst, Mass.)


The Ultra-Thin Die Assembly for advanced flexible-hybrid electronics (FHE) Systems will address key manufacturing gaps and workforce development needs critical to the deployment of FHE technologies.


UMass Amherst Chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy highlighted the importance of its new award in driving next generation advanced manufacturing and training at the campus and statewide.
“Governor Baker and his administration clearly understand the value of bringing together academia, government and industry to create an innovative economic environment that positions the Commonwealth competitively for continued success,” said Chancellor Subbaswamy. “The investments in research announced today at our flagship campus include support for our game-changing Institute for Applied Life Sciences at UMass Amherst, and such strategic funding helps drive the innovation economy throughout the state.”

According to the recently launched Manufacturing in Massachusetts website, 10.1%of the Commonwealth’s total economic output is tied to manufacturing and $26 billion in manufactured goods were exported from the Commonwealth in 2016 alone. Roughly 250,000 employees work in the manufacturing sector in Massachusetts, comprising 7.8% of the total workforce in the state.

“Massachusetts has a long history of driving innovation in manufacturing and has a strong base of workers in this space, but the way we manufacture products is changing, relying less on repetition and more on innovation,” said Ira Moskowitz, Director of Advanced Manufacturing Programs at the Innovation Institute at MassTech, which manages the Commonwealth’s investments in the M2I2 program. “Today’s awards are an important step to prepare our workers and companies for the future. Under M2I2, we are continuing to identify projects that will grow our base of advanced manufacturing firms and encourage Massachusetts firms to engage with us and with this program.”  

To learn more about the M2I2 program, including how Massachusetts manufacturers can apply for grants, visit http://m2i2.masstech.org.

About M2I2:

Launched by the Baker-Polito Administration in 2016, the Massachusetts Manufacturing Innovation Initiative (M2I2) aims to help Massachusetts manufacturers adopt innovative new technologies and provides the Commonwealth to invest in the Manufacturing USA program. The Administration has committed $100 million-plus in funding over five years to support M2I2 projects across theCommonwealth, investments which are managed by the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. Through the creation of sector-specific Manufacturing USA Centers, M2I2 will advance innovations and job growth within the state through cross-collaboration among companies, universities, national labs, government, incubators, accelerators and other academic and training institutions. For more information visithttp://m2i2.masstech.org.



BOSTON - Friday, October 6, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today proclaimed October to be 'Manufacturing Month' in the City of Boston. At a visit to Dorchester Brewing Company this morning, Mayor Walsh was joined by representatives from the Mayor's Office of Economic Development, Newmarket Business Association Executive Director Sue Sullivan and local manufacturing companies to recognize the economic impact and growth of manufacturing and industrial businesses within the City of Boston.

"Manufacturing is a key sector of Boston's economy. By employing more than 13,000 people in the City of Boston, it doesn't just produce goods, it produces opportunities," said Mayor Walsh. "I am proud to declare October Manufacturing Month. Through our Back Streets Program to priorities embedded in Imagine Boston 2030, we will remain committed to helping manufacturing and industrial companies thrive in the City of Boston."

The Walsh Administration continues to support manufacturers that are producing goods in the city through the Back Streets Program, a comprehensive outreach and engagement initiative for industrial and commercial businesses in Boston's industrial corridors. Under the Mayor's Office of Economic Development, the Back Streets Program supports businesses throughout the City's nine Back Streets, and provides guidance around licensing and permitting, zoning and workforce development.

"Manufacturing is vitally important not only as an economic driver of our City, but also as a key generator of innovation, product development and employment potential," said John Barros, Chief of Economic Development. "As Boston's economy continues to transform, I look forward to supporting our manufacturing with the tools and technology to remain productive and competitive."

"The City of Boston and all its various departments have been instrumental in the successful launch and growth of our company," said Travis Lee, Co-Founder, Dorchester Brewing Company. "Mayor Walsh has clearly brought a new level of energy, excitement and commitment to Boston's small business community. It has been a privilege to do business in this great city."

The recently completed Image Boston 2030, Boston's first city-wide plan in over 50 years, prioritizes the "preservation and enhancement of critical industrial uses," and identifies ways that Boston can develop an advanced manufacturing ecosystem, including investments in the Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park's power systems, Readville's transportation connections, and programs focused on advanced manufacturing and other twenty-first-century industrial jobs.

About the Mayor's Office of Economic Development
The Economic Development Cabinet's mission is to make Boston an appealing and accessible place for working families, entrepreneurs, businesses, and investors to innovate, grow, and thrive in a way that fosters inclusion, broadens opportunity, and shares prosperity, thereby enhancing the quality of life for all Bostonians and the experience for all visitors. Learn more on their website.



Flynn to help execute City's housing plan; establish increased homeownership opportunities for homebuyers in Boston

BOSTON - Thursday, October 5, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the appointment of West Roxbury resident Maureen Flynn as Deputy Director for Homeownership Programs.  

In this position, Flynn will oversee the management and operations of the Boston Home Center, which plays a significant role in the execution of the City's housing policy, helping Bostonians obtain, retain, and maintain their homes.

"In today's housing market, it's especially critical to ensure that Boston's middle class has access to homeownership opportunities in the City of Boston," Mayor Walsh said. "As our City grows, the success of middle class homeowners is crucial, and Maureen's long history in the housing, finance, and community development space will be key to the success of the Boston Home Center and the people it helps."

In her new position, Flynn will report to Sheila Dillon, Mayor Walsh's Chief of Housing, and will be responsible for oversight of the Boston Home Center, which is housed within the Department of Neighborhood Development. The Boston Home Center is charged with creating programs to help Boston homebuyers buy a home in Boston, and assisting existing homeowners with maintenance issues in their homes. These programs include first-time homebuyer education; down payment and closing cost assistance to first-time homebuyers; lead paint abatement for housing units in Boston; and home repair programs for senior citizens.

The Boston Home Center also oversees City programs that assist homeowners with avoiding foreclosure, and works to enhance the City's relationships with banks, mortgage companies, and non-profits to promote City programs and coordinate homeownership opportunities.

"For my entire career, I've been lucky to be able to help public agencies and non-profits to address housing and community development issues, and I hope my experience in the financial sector will help more Bostonians be able to achieve the dream of homeownership," Flynn said. "I'm grateful to Mayor Walsh and Chief Dillon for the opportunity to return to the City, where the work of the Boston Home Center directly impacts so many Bostonians every day. As the Mayor says, anyone who wants to make Boston a better place to live should be able to afford to live here, and I couldn't be more excited to get to work to make that vision a reality."

Prior to coming to the Department of Neighborhood Development, Flynn served as the Executive Director for the Coalition for Occupied Homes in Foreclosure (COHIF). As the first executive director of this start-up non-profit, she helped create and manage the Greater Four Corners Pilot Project, which included the purchase, rehabilitation, and long-term management of occupied foreclosed properties. In addition, she advocated for changes in federal policy to minimize displacement for former homeowners and tenants in foreclosed properties.

Before her work at COHIF, she was General Counsel for the Housing and Economic Development Secretariat for former MA Governor Deval Patrick, and also served as Special Counsel to the secretariat. In that position, she drafted several provisions of the administration's Economic Development Act, including a new housing tax credit for gateway cities, and also helped to coordinate the state's response to the foreclosure crisis.   

Prior to joining the executive office, Flynn was the Deputy Director of the MA Association of CDCs and wrote the state's omnibus foreclosure law and expiring use law. She had previously worked at the Buffalo Urban League and Western New York Law Center where she developed a multi-dimensional foreclosure prevention project. She also worked for the City of Boston in various capacities for eight years. Flynn received her MPA from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard in 1995 and her law degree from SUNY at Buffalo in 2000; she is licensed to practice in Massachusetts and New York.  

Flynn will start her new position on October 16th.  

賴銘琪善經營 大波士頓5市宣佈10月10日為中華民國日

                      (Boston Orange) 波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處於104日晚7時在波士頓費爾蒙卡普利廣場酒店(The Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel)舉行「慶祝中華民國建國106年國慶酒會」,由賴銘琪處長夫婦主持。紐英崙地區政要、駐波士頓領事團成員、僑界領袖、學人及留學生等共七百餘人出席,會場冠蓋雲集、賀客盈門,酒會儀式莊嚴隆重。麻州波士頓市、牛頓市、羅德島州中瀑市(Central falls) 、克蘭斯頓市(Cranston)及普塔吉市(Pawtucket) 均宣布1010日為中華民國日(ROC Day) 。






             隨後,羅德島州眾議會副議長Brian Kennedy、州眾議員Carlos Tobon、新罕布夏州眾議員Benjamin Baroody、麻州眾議會多數黨領袖Ronald Mariano、參議會代議長Marc Pocheco、紐英崙中華總會會長陳毓禮及紐英崙中華公所主席陳家驊等政要及僑領分別致詞慶賀我建國106年,酒會在全體與會貴賓舉杯共祝「中華民國國運昌隆、中美兩國友誼長存」及切蛋糕儀式中進入高潮。






The National Association of State Treasurers (NAST) has elected Massachusetts Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg to serve as the organization’s Secretary-Treasurer for 2018. Goldberg received non-partisan confirmation from her peers to the one-year post at the recent NAST Annual Conference in Boston.

“I am honored to be elected Secretary-Treasurer of NAST,” said Treasurer Goldberg. “I am proud to work with my fellow Treasurers and the professionals who dedicate themselves to advancing sound financial policies and programs that benefit all our country’s citizens.”
Prior to her election to this leadership role, Goldberg held the position of Eastern Region Vice President. She will continue to serve as Vice Chair of NAST’s Long Range Planning Committee, as well as a member the Executive Committee, the Taxation Committee, and the Financial Education and Empowerment Committee.

“Congratulations to Treasurer Goldberg on her recent election. I look forward to serving with her as we move forward to address the important issues facing our respective States,” said State Treasurer Beth Pearce of Vermont. Pearce will serve as the President of NAST for 2018.
NAST is an organization dedicated to helping the nation's financial leaders pursue and implement sound financial policies benefiting the citizens of the nation. Membership is composed of all state treasurers or state finance officials with comparable responsibilities throughout the United States.

A businesswoman, local official and community leader, Goldberg was elected state treasurer in 2014 on a platform to protect taxpayer dollars, bring new levels of transparency to state government and advance policies that break down barriers and create economic empowerment.



BOSTON – Following inquiries about the impact of federal immigration policies and executive orders on immigrant students at institutions of higher education, Attorney General Maura Healey today issued an advisory to public and private colleges and universities in Massachusetts on issues that may affect immigrant students. 

The advisory addresses questions and concerns, including ways to support immigrant students on campus, a potential increase of on-campus detention and deportation enforcement activities by federal immigration officers, and the ability of schools to protect information about students’ immigration status. 
“Each year, thousands of dreamers and immigrant students graduate from high school and want to further their education,” AG Healey said. “Massachusetts schools should be safe places for learning. With this advisory, we hope to clarify the rights of students and public and private college and university officials so that all students can feel welcome on campus.”

“Attorney General Healey has been a forceful advocate and a great resource for Massachusetts students and colleges,” said Richard Doherty, President of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts. “Her early leadership in opposition to the initial travel ban, her work to protect DACA enrollees, her actions against predatory for-profit colleges and today’s guidance are all greatly appreciated by the higher education community.”

This follows an advisory the AG’s Office sent earlier this year reminding local public school districts of their obligation under state and federal law to provide all students with equal access to primary and secondary education, as well as guidance issued to health care providers and local public school districts on immigration enforcement and requests for information from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Today’s advisory specifically addresses policies affecting students who are grantees of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), undocumented, and those who have Temporary Protected Status (TPS).

Under its current policies, ICE does not generally conduct enforcement activities such as surveillance, interviews, searches and arrests, at certain “sensitive locations,” which includes institutions of higher education (IHEs).

While the AG’s Office has no current information indicating that ICE will formally change its “sensitive location” policies, today’s advisory provides information to colleges and universities about developing protocols to use in the event that immigration officers request access to campus or seek to interview or take custody of a student, as well as proactive policies schools can adopt to support immigrant students.

The advisory also provides information about requests for information from ICE, and what protections are granted by federal privacy law and proactive steps that IHEs can take to protect students’ immigration information.

星期三, 10月 04, 2017

高丹尼參選國會議員 一個月籌款80萬5000元

高丹尼(Dan Koh)。(檔案照片,周菊子攝)
(Boston Orange 整理報導) 才宣佈參選國會議員妮基桑加(Niki Tsongas)的席位一個月,現年32歲的波士頓市長幕僚長高丹尼(Daniel Koh)已募得經費8050000元,聲勢震人。
麻州第3區國會議員妮基桑加已宣佈退休,不再競選連任,她空出來的席位在民主黨內已吸引不下五人跳進選戰。高丹尼之外,還有麻州參議員Barbara A. L’ItalienEileen M. Donoghue,劍橋市議員Nadeem A. Mazen,以及前任國會議員Marty Meehan 的助理Lori A. Trahan
曾任民主黨國會競選委員會高層的民主黨顧問Jesse Ferguson 表示,那麼早就籌款有成,證明了高丹尼擁有足夠資源在接下來的日子裏和選民溝通,也證明高丹尼已得到足夠支持。
高丹尼目前是波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)的幕僚長,和好幾個富裕圈有良好關係。他是安多幅菲利浦學校(Phillips Academy Andover),哈佛大學,哈佛大學商學院等名校的畢業生,當初在赫芬頓報(Huffington)工作時和創辦人Arianna Huffington合作密切,然後在擔任波士頓市長幕僚長期間,波士頓的業界及金融界鉅子也都熟知了他是誰。
從籌募競選經費的角度看,高丹尼在那麼短時間內籌得那麼多錢,都讓他令人刮目相看。20139月,有3個哈佛學位,曾在海軍服務的國會議員Seth W. Moulton,為挑戰當時的國會議員 John F. Tierney,在民主黨的黨內初選期間,籌得30萬元。他也和富裕圈聯繫緊密。
甘迺迪家族的政治幼苗,約瑟夫甘迺迪三世(Joe Kennedy III)2012年參選國會議員時,正式宣布參選後,籌得的款項大約為50萬元。
 高丹尼的父親,韓裔後代高京柱(Howard Koh),曾任美國助理衛生部部長,現為哈佛大學陳曾熙公衛學院及甘迺迪政府學院教授。他的母親Claudia A. Arrigg是眼科醫生,也是羅倫斯Arrigg眼耳診所合夥人,祖籍黎巴嫩。去年六月,他才和哈佛商管學院同學,現為Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale & Dorr律師樓律師的Amy Sennett結婚。 他為參選這第3區國會議員席位,最近才搬回他生長的地方,和數名在地的重量級民主黨政治人物角逐。
妮基桑加的這席位,共和黨也有人參選,目前是上周宣佈參選的Pepperell汽車零件公司高管,Rich Green