
星期五, 8月 11, 2017

Baker-Polito Administration Issues Regulations to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Reach Global Warming Solutions Act Goals

Baker-Polito Administration Issues Regulations to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Reach Global Warming Solutions Act Goals

BOSTON – In accordance with Governor Charlie Baker’s Executive Order 569An Order Establishing an Integrated Climate Change Strategy for the Commonwealth, the Baker-Polito Administration today issued final regulations that build upon the Commonwealth’s nation-leading efforts to further reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and protect communities, residents, and infrastructure from the impacts of climate change. The regulations, published by the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and developed with significant stakeholder input, seek to ensure the Commonwealth achieves the greenhouse gas emissions limits for 2020, required by the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2008. 

“Combatting and preparing for the impact of climate change remains a top priority of our administration, and requires collaboration across state government and with stakeholders throughout Massachusetts,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “These regulations will help ensure the Commonwealth meets the rigorous emission reductions limits established in the Global Warming Solutions Act in order to protect our residents, communities, and natural resources from the effects of climate change.”

“Our Administration has worked with urgency to develop sensible, effective regulations that will continue the Commonwealth’s efforts to continue achieving nation-leading greenhouse gas emission reductions,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “The final rules were carefully crafted with significant stakeholder engagement from across the state, demonstrating a balanced approach to combating climate change while continuing to grow our economy and build strong communities.”

To position the Commonwealth to meet its emission reduction limits under the Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA), the final regulations lay out an approach to reduce GHG emissions from multiple sectors. Pursuant to the GWSA, in 2010 the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs established a 2020 GHG emissions reduction limit of 25 percent below 1990 emissions levels and the GWSA requires at least an 80 percent reduction by 2050.

As of 2014, the Commonwealth had reduced emissions by 21 percent from 1990 levels, leaving about 4 percent remaining to achieve the 2020 goal. The six final regulations announced today will, along with other Commonwealth climate policies, ensure that this goal is achieved by addressing emissions from the natural gas distribution network, the transportation sector, the electric sector, focusing on generation and consumption, and gas insulated switchgear. The rules ensure that state agencies are “leading by example” with their use of more efficient and advanced technology vehicles, complement Massachusetts’ nation-leading portfolio of clean energy programs, including the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and address other sources of carbon dioxide emissions.

The regulations address:
-          Carbon Dioxide Emission Limits for the Commonwealth’s State Fleet Passenger Vehicles;
-          Global Warming Solutions Act Requirements for Transportation;
-          Reducing Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Distribution Mains and Services;  
-          Increasing clean energy through the development of a Clean Energy Standard; 
-          Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Electricity Generating Facilities; and
-          Reducing Sulfur Hexafluoride Emissions from Gas-Insulated Switchgear.

“Combatting climate change requires that we do as much as we can to avoid the worst impacts of climate change by reducing emissions, while also working to build resilience and adapt to ongoing impacts that we’re already experiencing across the state,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton.“Completion of these regulations in under a year marks a significant milestone towards implementing Governor Baker’s Executive Order on Climate Change and demonstrates our continued commitment and leadership on this issue.”

Under Section 2 of Executive Order No. 569, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) was directed to publish proposed regulations by December 16, 2016, hold public hearings on the proposed regulations by February 24, 2017, and finalize those regulations by August 11, 2017. The Executive Order’s requirements followed a decision by the Supreme Judicial Court, in the case of Kain v. DEP, where the court ruled that the steps mandated by the GWSA include promulgation of regulations by MassDEP that establish declining annual aggregate limits on multiple GHG emission sources or categories of sources. The Executive Order also directs the state to begin planning for climate change adaptation and working with cities and towns across the state to assess vulnerability and build resiliency to address climate change impacts.

“The Commonwealth benefitted from extensive public comment on these issues,”said MassDEP Commissioner Martin Suuberg. “We received more than 300 comments in this process, and reviewed the information submitted carefully to develop these final rules.”

“Thanks to the Legislature’s passage of the Global Warming Solutions Act, Massachusetts continues to lead the nation in reducing harmful emissions and protecting the health of all of our residents,” said Senate President Stanley Rosenberg (D-Amherst). “This new set of regulations will help ensure that we achieve the goals set out in the original Act.”

“Massachusetts emerged as a national leader in the fight against climate change with the creation of the Global Warming Solutions Act. Achieving its rigorous emission reduction targets will require programs spanning multiple sectors of our economy. I applaud the Department of Environmental Protection for taking a strong step forward in reducing the Commonwealth’s emissions by completing these regulations. We must continue taking bold action to make a meaningful impact in our state’s carbon future,” said State Representative Frank Smizik (D-Brookline), Chairman of the House Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change.

“These rules re-establish the Commonwealth as a national leader in developing sensible, enforceable standards to transition our economy to a low-carbon future,”said Brad Campbell, president of the Conservation Law Foundation.  “Much more needs to be done, and Governor Baker’s leadership will be essential to getting neighboring states to take meaningful action to prepare New England for the energy future being shaped by the Paris climate agreement.” 

While the final, official version of the rules are published in the Massachusetts Register, an electronic version, the public comments received and other information about MassDEP’s rules can be found at this portal.


Boston Housing Authority designation begins major redevelopment of the historic South Boston housing community
BOSTON - Friday, August 11, 2017 - WinnDevelopment Company, LP has been selected by the Boston Housing Authority to redevelop the first and one of the largest public housing developments in New England. Built in the 1930s, Mary Ellen McCormack (MEM) consists of 1,016 deeply subsidized apartments and row houses. The proposed plan will rebuild the site into a vibrant mixed-income community with a thoughtful design that embraces the existing residents and connects with the surrounding neighborhood.

"The Mary Ellen McCormack redevelopment effort is another example of our commitment to improving the quality of life for all Boston residents," said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "As the oldest public housing development in the city, MEM marks an important piece of our history and also serves as a significant example of how important and needed our public housing communities are. We must preserve this resource, and I look forward to this development becoming an even better resource and home for many. "   

The proposed redevelopment would take place over four phases, paying close attention to the needs and concerns of relocated residents. The current proposal calls for a total of approximately 3,000 new units, including replacement of all existing units, creation of workforce (middle-income) units, as well as market rate apartments and home ownership condominiums. In addition, all units, regardless of affordability level, will be of identical quality and integrated evenly among the newly constructed buildings.

"We are excited and pleased with the selection of WinnDevelopment, LP for Mary Ellen McCormack," said Tenant Task Force Executive Director, Carol Sullivan. "They heard us and listened to our ideas about how to make our development better; we are excited about this partnership and BHA's choice."

The WinnDevelopment plan was one of five proposals that BHA received in response to a Request for Proposals for the redevelopment in South Boston. A selection committee comprised of residents of the Mary Ellen McCormack public housing development and BHA staff reviewed proposals and interviewed all teams that submitted proposals. The Winn team received high points from the selection committee for its demonstrated model for strong resident partnerships and robust resident services, items which are a priority for existing residents at the site. BHA and the developer will kick off the design process by holding a series of resident and community meetings In the near future.

"Mary Ellen is a community that is near and dear to me; in fact I call it home," said BHA Administrator Bill McGonagle, who grew up in the development. "Preserving housing developments by creating partnerships with developers who understand the value of community is key to maintaining our housing stock in this city. I am pleased with the selection of Winn and look forward to working with the residents and the development team."

As with previous BHA redevelopment efforts, residents will be offered relocation options that will include moves to other BHA public housing sites or Housing Choice/Section 8 vouchers.  Existing residents will have the right to return to the site after redevelopment.

"We are grateful for the chance to partner with the McCormack residents, the BHA and the City of Boston to redevelop this community into a first class mixed-income neighborhood," said WinnCompanies CEO Gilbert Winn. "We recognize the property is old and therefore requires a major redevelopment effort. Our goal then, is to move through the formal approval process as quickly as possible while paying close attention to resident and community input."

BHA issued the Request for Proposals (RFP) for redevelopment of the Mary Ellen McCormack site as part of a wider strategy to upgrade and make sustainable its affordable housing communities in the wake of historic federal budget cuts. The creation of additional market rate and workforce housing will also further Mayor Walsh's goal of creating 53,000 new units of housing by 2030. 

Prior to issuing the Mary Ellen McCormack RFP, BHA issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) in November 2014, asking the non-profit and for-profit development community for ideas about how to preserve public housing units with decreased reliance on federal public housing subsidy, which has been shrinking for many years. There is a copy of the RFQ and more information on the BHA's funding situation in our Five-Year Plan on the BHA's website.

山东省注重美中地方交流 洛杉矶办一带一路经贸论坛


全美中华青年联合会 www.aacyf.org     微信号:Richard3132

山东省注重美中地方交流 洛杉矶办一带一路经贸论坛

“山东企业到美国投资快速发展。在美国投资的山东企业累计达到 660 家企业,投资额 达到150.5 亿美元。青岛海尔在美国并购通用电气家电业务,中方投资 56 亿美元,是目前山东省在北美最大的投资项目。”这是山东省商务厅副厅长吕伟日前在洛杉矶举办的“一带一路,山东文化贸易推介会”经贸论坛中介绍的山东省投资美国的现状。
据吕伟介绍,山东是中国人口经济大省,全省拥有 1 亿常住人口;2016  GDP 突破 1 万亿美元(6.7 万亿元),是中国第三个万亿美元区域经济体,人均超过 1 万美元。经济增长率一直保持在 7.5%以上。
山东是中国制造创新大省,实体经济坚实,工业体系完善,工业增加值占中国的 1/10,拥有海尔丶海信丶浪潮丶重汽等一批大企业丶大品牌享誉海内外,中小企业成长迅速。
2016 年,山东与美国进出口实现314.1 亿美元,其中,出口237.1 亿美元,进口77 亿美元。美国还是山东第一大文化贸易合作夥伴,山东与美国文化产品进出口实现 16.8 亿美元。
美国也是山东引进世界 500 强投资最多的国家之一。通用丶惠普丶思科丶高盛丶雅培等美国世界 500 企业在山东投资。思科投资的浪潮思科网络科技有限公司是中国信息产业领军企业与国际 IT 巨头间实现战略合作,开创了中美合作的新模式。
山东省委宣传部副部长王少杰、中国驻洛杉矶总领事馆商务组领事郭汝达、美国国会众议院外交事务委员会主席Ed Royce代表Lauren Pong,前加州参议员Bob Huff,哈福智库主席何美湄、牛犊创投联合创始人王静远等参加了当天的论坛。
论坛中身穿红色制服的留学生义工,承担了报道、引领嘉宾、服务会场的工作。获得与会嘉宾的好感。 (AACYF洛杉矶讯)

清華第一期美東領航計畫招員 8/15截止報名

为了更好的服务美东华人社区不限于清华校友清华企业家协会(TEEC)美东分会,联合清华经管学院美东分会纽约清华校友会 波士顿清华校友会以及麻省理工华人创业协会(MIT CEO于今年在大纽约地区和波士顿地区开启第一期美东TEEC未来领袖领航计划本计划的目标是通过学员与导师面对面头脑风暴的方式,将年轻一代的活力与前辈们经验和智慧相融合,激发年轻一代的无限潜能与社会责任感,为社会培养拥有国际视野的未来企业家,同时,也为前辈们注入更多创新的活力。 


2017815 报名截止
2017825 确定入选学员,通知导师学员分组
2017831 培训计划开幕
20179-20185 课程安排
20171202   中期活动
20185  培训计划结业




张鸿飞Hongfei Zhang

张鸿飞先生现任弘桥投资集团管理合伙人,曾在华尔街资产管理、投资银行和保险等领域担任多种高级管理职务。张先生对多种金融产品有广泛知识,并在交易、投资组合管理、风险控制、以及重组并购、融资、房地产业务等方面拥有丰富的经验。张先生是HEY资本的创始合伙人,专注投资CMBS MBS ABS。他曾担任鑫根资本高级管理合伙人负责国际业务,包括跨境并购,房地产和基金管理等。 张先生曾就职于法国/比利时Dexia集团,担任董事经理和风险总监以及资产负债管理委员会执行成员,直接负责200亿美元的投资以及衍生物交易。此外,他还曾在德意志银行纽约任全球股票对冲经纪业务部任高级职位并曾在美国前十名的Nationwide保险公司投资部担任投资董事。张先生领导和管理了第一个保险业界的动态避险项目:对冲变动年金。在进入金融业前,张先生在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校和波尔州立大学担任教授也是阿冈国家实验室研究员之一;张先生曾获荷兰代尔夫特科技大学数学系博士及清华大学应用数学学士学位,亦是特许金融分析师(CFA)。

罗建刚Jiangang Luo

罗建刚是Prime Science & Technology的联合创始人,专注于清洁能源技术,软件和服务外包业。曾任大纽约清华大学校友会董事会主席,美国联合商会主席,全美湖南工商会秘书张,新州华人电脑协会前会長/董事。任职期间曾协办﹑主办过许多大型讲座﹑会议﹐深受大纽约地区会员们的信赖。

文兵 Bing Wen


胡剑Jian Hu


过大江 Dajiang Guo 
201681日,华兴资本集团宣布委任过大江博士担任首席战略官,过博士将负责华兴资本集团企业战略的规划与制定,向华兴资本集团首席执行官包凡汇报。过大江博士曾担任中信证券董事总经理、战略规划部负责人、投资银行委运营部负责人,以及中信证券国际美国公司的首席执行官。在此之前,过博士曾在中金公司香港与美国公司担任管理职位,发展中金在美国的平台与销售交易业务。过大江博士曾在花旗集团全球市场部担任结构化信用产品分析部门负责人,专注于资产证券化、结构化信用产品及衍生品,以及不良资产的组合管理。他还曾任职于苏格兰皇家银行格林威治金融资本市场部、苏黎世金融服务公司旗下的Center RE 再保险。过博士曾受聘于纽约保险学院和加拿大圭尔夫大学担任助理教授。他在多家知名金融期刊上发表过多篇学术文章,并于2000年获得美国财产险精算协会Michelbacher奖项。过博士拥有加拿大多伦多大学金融经济学博士学位,同时是特许注册金融分析师(CFA)持证人。

李海洋Haiyang Li 
梭子鱼网络公司(Barracuda Networks)工程部资深总监; Intronis(梭子鱼网络公司并购)工程部副总裁西北大学凯洛格商学院MBA

韩成 Cheng Han

韩成现担任美国纽约梅隆银行EAGLE公司信息服务及大数据分析产品副总裁, 着力建设全球一体化基于数据分析和人工智能管理的资产管理系统。 在纽约梅隆银行之前,他创立了中国第一大专业媒体出版和销售平台DynoMedia Incorporated, 收购了中国互动出版物(www.china-pub.com并成功转型为主营数字化出版和数字化发行的综合业务。之前,韩成先生就职于甲骨文公司,美国亚马逊集团和北京金沙江创投等企业。
韩成拥有威斯康辛麦迪逊大学计算机硕士学位及麻省理工学院斯隆商学院工商管理硕士学位。 在此之前,就读于中国北京清华大学计算机系攻读人工智能专业。

丁元华 Yuanhua Ding


邵旭辉 Xuhui Shao


孙中平 Steve Sun

孙中平博士在美国创办GENEWIZ ,任董事长。GENEWIZ总部位于美国新泽西州,在位于美国,中国,欧洲,日本的14个国际生物医药研发热点设立了实验室,聚焦基因测序及合成产业。GENEWIZ连续数年入选INC杂志增长最快的美国公司榜,及NJBIZ的新泽西增长最快的50强榜。孙中平博士曾获美国安永公司(E&Y)的年度企业家奖,美国新泽西州中美商会颁发的杰出企业家奖。
赵萌 Meng Zhao


杨峻峰Junfeng Yang

杨峻峰先生是哥伦比亚大学计算机系教授,NimbleDroid的联合创始人及首席执行官。之前在微软硅谷研究院担任研究人和顾问,在斯坦福大学获得计算机博士学位,在清华大学获得计算机学士学位。过去15年他一直致力于创建更快,更稳定,更安全的软件系统。他发明的技术,算法,及工具被广泛用于测试和优化多种软件。他的工作被多家媒体报道,包括美国ACM的旗舰杂志CACMThe Register,及The Atlantic,并赢得多个奖项,包括Google研究奖,Sloan研究奖,美国空军科学研究YIP奖,和美国自然科学基金Career奖。

王金龙 Jerry Wang 
王金龙先生于 2008 年到 2010 年在美国圣母大学基金担任投资主管,管理全球私募股权和亚洲投资两个投资组合,总投资额超过 10 亿美元。王金龙先生于 2011 年到 2013 年担任美国 Wesleyan 大学基金的助理投资总监,协助首席投资官管理超过 6 亿美元的全球投资组合。 
王金龙先生主导了对 30 多家基金超过 5 亿美元的投资,管理的投资组合囊括了中国和美国最优秀的风险投资基金,包括红杉资本,凯鹏华盈,Union Square Ventures, AndreessenHorowitz 等和中国和美国最领先的私募股权基金,包括鼎晖、弘毅、TPGKKR 等和中国和美国做领先的对冲基金高瓴、润晖、老虎系列基金等。王金龙先生于 2014 年创立海投金融,曾主导了阿里巴巴和滴滴等中国独角兽公司的未上市股权投资和奇虎 360 等私有化项目的投资。王金龙先生还主导在美国的房地产和能源的投资。王金龙先生从 2006 年在德丰杰龙脉基金开始进行风险投资,并在硅谷,纽约等创新中心投资了多个天使投资项目。王金龙先生在清华大学获得工程学士学位,并在美国圣母大学获得工程硕士和工商管理硕士学位。

魏可成 Coach Wei

魏可成,于清华大学1996年本科毕业(自动化和结构工程), 1998年于麻省理工学院毕业, 是二十多项美国和国际专利的发明者,有丰富的创业,融资, 销售及成功退出的执行经验。他曾被不少孵化器和企业聘为创业导师,对企业运作, 投资, 和孵化有丰富经验.
20002009,他在波士顿创立Nexaweb 从一个人开始,建立团队, 融资,销售, 一直到成功退出。  Nexaweb是全球第一家开发web 2.0 技术的软件公司之一,有8项美国专利, 在美国, 日本及欧洲都有很多大型企业客户,包括Nokia, 西门子百事可乐及日本的许多大银行。 Nexaweb 对互联网从1.0  2.0 的转变起到先驱作用。 2006年他和IBM Google Microsoft150 家科技公司成立了OpenAjax Alliance,并连续三年当选为七名Steering Committee成员之一,确保了互联网2.0 发展的开放性。在2007年他被选为 “40 under 40“  Nexaweb 后来被成功收购。 2009 年他在波士顿创立Yottaa一家云计算自动化优化服务的软件公司 。做为第一发明人,他开发15项美国和国际专利。他用来创办Yottaa的专利计术, 被麻省技术领导委员会 Mass TLC)评为 2013 “最创新的云技术  作为CEO,他从美国一流的投资者融集五千万美元投资,把公司从零成长到100多家企业客户,包括很多10 亿美元以上的客户。公司现还在成长之中。 他于2016年创立第三家公司,专注于人工智能在企业的应用。

金学成Michael Jin 
清华生物医学工程本科、硕士,斯坦福电子工程博士。世界知名的模拟及数模混合集成电路与节能电源技术专家,英特格灵芯片有限公司的执行董事CTO全面负责公司的模拟与数模混合集成电路产品定义与工程研发。4美中高科技公司的共同创始人及TEEC天使基金的创始合伙人,最新的成功退出是201373.45亿美元的 iWatt-Dialog并购案。曾任清华企业家协会(TEEC)的国际副主席及北美分会主席;现任TEEC美中高层次人才交流协会(UCAHP)及清华大学北美校友基金(TAFNA)的理事。

刘友忠 Richard Liu

刘友忠博士于2008年加入Google,先后负责Google Search Appliance, Google Shopping  Google Offers 的研发团队,参与并负责了公司众多电子商务产品的创意,策划和开发,逐步成长为工程总监。从2014初,开始负责Project Fi的工程研发。在Google之外,刘博士也是 TEEC Angel  Venture Partner 刘友忠先生从美国佛罗里达大学获得电子及计算机工程博士学位,从Southern Methodist University获得MBA并分别在四川大学和清华大学获得学士和硕士学位。