
星期日, 6月 04, 2017

波士頓華埠槍擊案二嫌犯 一人被捕

在逃嫌犯,Greg Wright。
            (Boston Orange)波士頓華埠Hudson66號前,527日凌晨兩點左右發生槍擊案,一名20歲出頭男子死亡案件,波士頓警察局64日宣佈已逮捕兩名嫌犯的其中之一,籲地方民眾協助追捕另一人。
             波士頓警方早前已公佈了兩名嫌犯的照片,個資,分別為現已被捕,23歲的Ricardo Edwards,以及住在劍橋市,仍然在逃的21Greg Wright。他們兩人都大約510吋高,180磅重。
             波士頓警察局局長尹萬斯(William Evans)表示,希望民眾協助搜尋另一名嫌犯。通報訊息可打電話給波士頓警察局凶殺案警探,617-343-4470。社區民眾有意匿名協助者,可打電話到阻止犯罪者熱線1-800-494-Tips,獲發短信”TIP” CRIME(27463)

            Ricardo Edwards預定週一(65)到波士頓地方法院出庭。




星期六, 6月 03, 2017

Artaic 用機器人客製化馬賽克磁磚 引來中國投資人

波士頓市政府經濟及策略計畫主任Andrew Grace(左)和Artaic Artaic
創辦人Ted Acworth(右)。(周菊子攝)
(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓市創新經濟的一個成功案例,Artaic公司上週四(61)在波士頓創新及設計大樓慶祝喬遷,開放參觀,波士頓市府經濟發展辦公室,新投資者InTeaHouse等相關單位都派員道賀。
Artaic創辦人Ted Acworth在他的個人領英網頁上指出,Aartaic是一家座落在波士頓,從麻省理工學院分拆出來的公司,主要生產客製化磁磚馬賽克藝術裝置的公司,持有尚待批准的機器人精準製造,以及電腦輔助設計系統專利。
Artaic創辦人Ted Acworth(右起)和InTeahouse創辦人劉欣,
波士頓市政府經濟及策略計畫主任Andrew Grace當晚代表波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh), 經濟發展長約翰巴洛斯(John Barros),為Artaic的總部喬遷至波士頓創新及設計大樓致詞。他指出,2010年時,經濟環境和現在大不相同。當時的波士頓市長正式宣佈,他要把海港區發展成為創新區的看法。這公開聲明是呼籲行動,因為地方上有迫切感,也有藉著初創公司,孵化器,一個創新廳,加速器,以及給大大小小公司地方,來測試機會的意願。。
Artaic公司創辦人Ted Acworth以及該公司團隊代表了波士頓整合科技,設計,藝術及製造的最好結合。10年來,Artaic一直是波士頓市中心不斷成長的製造商,從4名員工到20名員工。在波士頓市政府支持下,麻州人力訓練補助項目在2012年,以及今年的2017年,都撥給了很重要的員工培訓補助,依序為82,000元,以及97,000元。
Andrew Grace還指出,Artaic還和波士頓的社區組織合作,辦理人類藝術家的青年藝術企業計畫(Artists for Humanity’s Youth Arts Enterprise program),為波士頓青少年提供有薪學徒機會,以及簡稱為STREAM的科學,技術,機器人,工程,藝術及數學等領域的創新經濟及實驗教育。

第38屆波士頓香港龍舟節 紀念香港回歸20週年


(波士頓2017年5月30日)波士頓一年一度的香港龍舟賽將於六月十一日(星期日)舉行, 時間中午十二至下午五時。 2017年 是波士頓龍舟節和龍舟賽的第三十八週年。大波士頓地區、紐約、羅德島及加拿大渥太華等各地前來參賽的有七十五個龍舟隊,參賽船隊之多創歷年新高。屆時,七十五個隊的龍舟健兒們將在鑼鼓喧天聲中,劃著顏色鮮艷、船身輕盈的香港式龍舟, 在Weeks 步行橋和 Western Ave大橋之間的查理斯河中激烈角逐。龍舟賽激烈的競爭將在以下十個分組之間展開:集團組、金融組、醫保組、大學組、中國大學校友組、社區組、俱樂部組及女子組,高中組,以及癌癥幸存者專賽。本年度龍舟賽及節慶由波士頓龍舟節組委會主辦,由以下公司和單位贊助:香港駐紐約經濟貿易辦事處、道富銀行、Harvard Pilgrim Health Care、日產汽車、Eastern Bank、華人醫務中心等。香港駐紐約經濟貿易辦事處處長柏嘉禮,將出席開幕式並頒發為紀念香港回歸二十週年設置的冠軍杯特別獎杯。


今年的表演加介紹並邀請觀眾參與的展演活動,保留了去年的亞洲文化中心太極班的太極展示, 另外邀請了波士頓京劇協會為大家演示經典京劇片段,並教授京劇基本手勢和步式,以及女子巾幗舞獅隊和觀眾互動並表演舞獅。當然還有必不可少的大波士頓文協的傳統手工製作以及衆多亞洲美食攤位擺賣,請光臨參與並欣賞。

每年農歷五月初五(陽歷五月下旬至6月中旬)的端午節是為了紀念中國古代詩人愛國人士屈原(340-278 BCE)。作為楚國的政治領袖,屈原被認為是中國第一家傑出的詩人。屈原失去了國王的


查詢可上網www.bostondragonboat.org,或洽國粵英語電話:(617) 259-0286,電子郵箱:pr@bostondragonboat.org。(波士頓龍舟節籌委會提供)

星期五, 6月 02, 2017

波士頓地區華文教師研習會 6/30起一連3天


. 研習目的:中華民國僑務委員會為協助海外華文教師汲取現行最新教學方法,精進華語文教師知能,委託勒星頓中文學校主辦波士頓地區海外華文教師研習會(以下簡稱本研習會)
. 研習對象:教授正體中文之僑校及公私立中小學之現職教師、儲備教師、相關華語文教育工作者,以及未來有意從事正體字華語文教育工作者,均可報名參加。全程參加研習活動者,獲頒中華民國僑務委員會發給之中英文結業證書(含研習時數證明)
. 課程與師資: 本研習會由僑委會委託推薦講座並進行課程規劃,
. 參加名額:30人名額有限,額滿為止。
. 研習日期:2017 6 30 (星期五) 7 2 (星期日)
. 研習時間:630日下午1:005:00
. 研習地點:波士頓華僑文教服務中心
              (90 Lincoln St., Newton Highlands,MA 02461)
. 報名方式 : 本次活動一律採取線上報名
    線上報名表  https://goo.gl/forms/8oFHUbLduNrtXEIx2
. 報名費用:$30 (包括兩天研習餐費及教材)
. 報名日期:即日起 至 6 20 日(星期二)截止
. 聯絡方式:勒星頓中文學校  
              波士頓華僑文教服務中心  617-965-8801 

Governor Baker Issues Statement Regarding Massachusetts Joining the U.S. Climate Alliance

Governor Baker Issues Statement Regarding Massachusetts Joining the U.S. Climate Alliance

BOSTON - Today(June 2nd), Governor Charlie Baker released the following statement regarding the decision to join the U.S. Climate Alliance:

“As the Commonwealth reiterates its commitment to exceed the emission reduction targets of the Paris Climate Agreement, today we join the U.S. Climate Alliance to expand on our efforts while partnering with other states to combat climate change.  After speaking with Governors Cuomo and Scott, our administration looks forward to continued, bipartisan collaboration with other states to protect the environment, grow the economy and deliver a brighter future to the next generation."

Governor Baker Issues Statement Regarding Trump-Pence Administration Withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement

BOSTON - Today (June 1st), Governor Charlie Baker released the following statement in response to the Trump-Pence Administration’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement:

“While the decision by the Trump-Pence Administration to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement is disappointing, the Commonwealth is committed to working with our partners around the nation and world to reduce carbon emissions. Despite today’s announcement, Massachusetts is aggressively working to exceed the goals of the Paris Agreement on the state level, while growing our economy through clean energy innovation and environmental stewardship. In Massachusetts and around the world, climate change is a shared reality and our ability to rise and respond to this challenge will shape future generations.”

USGBC Massachusetts stands together with Governor BakerMayor Walsh, and the more than 80 other Governors and Mayors across the region and across the country who have committed to upholding the Paris Climate Agreement and to pushing forward despite the failure of Federal leadership.

We condemn the decision of the current Administration to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement, and we redouble our commitment to drive sustainable and regenerative design, construction, and operation of the built environment!  As professionals, practitioners, and builders responsible for the construction and operation of our buildings, infrastructure, and communities, we can and will continue to lead the climate change fight! We can and will build carbon neutral cities and communities.

Now more than ever, our vision of  thriving and diverse communities that are creating net positive buildings and neighborhoods provides a path forward.  Together, we are showing that positive environmental and social outcomes are not at odds with economics, but are actually drivers of new economic growth and new job creation. Today Massachusetts and Boston  lead the nation in energy efficiency and green building construction. We are a hub of innovation and economic growth and we are committed to a thriving and inclusive society.

We are confident that even in the face of an antagonistic Administration,  we can demonstrate leadership and we can work together towards a positive future for everyone.  

Join us in this!  

Become a member, or a sponsor, or attend our upcoming Showcase of projects demonstrating this work, and together we will help fulfill on the Paris Climate Agreement.

The Board of Directors and Celis Brisbin, Acting Executive Director

Newton Mayor Setti Warren Affirms City’s Commitment to Paris Climate Agreement

Newton Mayor Setti Warren Affirms City’s Commitment to Paris Climate Agreement

To Join Over 80 Mayors in Signing Climate Mayors’ Statement

Newton, MA – Newton Mayor Setti Warren will join over 80 mayors from across the country in signing a statement that affirms their commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement.

“If Washington will not lead on climate change, cities and states must step in,” said Mayor Warren. “I am proud to sign this statement that affirms Newton’s commitment to the principles and goals outlined in the Paris Climate Agreement, joining us in partnership with cities across the country and countries across the world to protect the planet from the devastating impacts of climate change. In Newton, we have reduced the city’s carbon footprint in half since I took office in 2010. We will continue to invest in solar energy opportunities, build energy efficient buildings, and pursue additional technological advances to ensure that we are doing our part in this effort.”

By signing this statement, Mayor Warren commits Newton to “meet…current climate goals, push for new action to meet the 1.5 degrees Celsius target, and work together [with other cities and international partners] to create a 21st century clean energy economy.”

MAYOR WALSH vow to uphold Paris Climate agreement


BOSTON - Thursday, June 1, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh released the following statement regarding today's announcement from the White House that the U.S. will withdraw from the Paris climate agreement:

"Withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement isn't just a setback, it's irresponsible. This damages our nation's reputation as an international leader and puts future generations at risk to the threat of climate change. Boston will not standby given what's at stake.

We are committed to addressing climate change head on and will accelerate Boston's efforts to become carbon neutral by 2050. Fighting climate change means fighting for all those affected by worsening air quality, extreme heat, eroding coastlines -- issues that will continue to impact residents for generations to come.

As Mayor, I will continue to work with U.S. Mayors and cities around the world to uphold the tenets of the Paris climate agreement and protect Boston against the very real impacts of climate change."

Mayor Walsh is a member of Climate Mayors (Mayors National Climate Action Agenda or MNCAA), a network of 87 U.S. mayors representing over 42 million Americans -- working together to strengthen local efforts for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting efforts for binding federal and global-level policy making.  Climate Mayors recently released an open letter to President Trump to oppose his actions thus far against climate action. In January, 30 Climate Mayors issued an EV RFI to show automakers and manufacturers that 114,000 of their cities' cars and trucks could be electrified.

Mayor Walsh is also North American Vice Chair of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, an international network of the world's major cities addressing climate change.

June 01, 2017
"Withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement isn't
just a setback, it's irresponsible. This damages our nation's
reputation as an international leader and puts future generations at
risk to the threat of climate change. Boston will not standby given
what's at stake."

Hi Chutze --

This afternoon the White House announced that the U.S. will withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. This action does not change the course of Boston’s climate initiatives. The City of Boston and Mayor Walsh are committed to addressing climate change head on and will accelerate Boston’s efforts to become carbon neutral by 2050.

Yesterday, Mayor Walsh held a press conference urging President Trump not to pull out of the Paris climate agreement. You can read Boston’s message on the Paris Agreement here and watch a short video of the press conference here.

Greenovate Boston and the City will continue to reduce our carbon emissions, invest in clean energy, support green jobs, and help Bostonians take climate action. 

Please help us spread the word by sharing the Mayor’s message far and wide with your friends, family, and neighbors and ask them to join us in protecting the climate.Austin Blackmon
City of Boston
Chief of Environment, Energy, and Open Space