
星期二, 4月 18, 2017

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Grant Program

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Grant Program
Program to Assist Communities Prepare for Climate Change and Build Resilience

SHELBURNE FALLS – April 19, 2017 - Continuing its commitment to working with communities and local partners to prevent and prepare for climate change, the Baker-Polito Administration today announced the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) grant program. The new grant program, which builds on Governor Baker’sExecutive Order 569, will provide funding to cities and towns to complete a community-driven process to identify hazards and develop strategies to improve resilience. The announcement was made by state environmental officials at a tour of the Bridge of Flowers in Shelburne Falls as part of the Commonwealth’s Earth Week celebration.

“Climate change is a challenge that impacts every corner of the state, and combatting it properly requires collaborative work between state and local partners,” said Governor Charlie Baker.  “By providing grants to communities, the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness program will help the Commonwealth identify key climate-related vulnerabilities throughout Massachusetts so that we can effectively deal with these challenges.”

“Cities and towns across the Commonwealth are critical partners as Massachusetts implements a comprehensive approach to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and safeguard our residents from the impacts of climate change,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “With this program we’re ensuring that our communities can access technical assistance and planning tools to engage local officials, municipal staff, and residents in preparing for climate change.”

Through the MVP Program, municipalities will be better equipped to plan and prepare for climate change, and state government will gain a better understanding of the challenges communities face. Additionally, the program will help ensure coordinated statewide efforts and align programs with the critical challenges facing communities.

The program will be delivered by state-certified MVP providers using a standardized toolkit for assessing vulnerability and developing strategies, and the best available statewide climate projections and data. Upon successful completion of the program, municipalities will be designated as a “Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program community,” which may lead to increased standing in future funding opportunities.

“The MVP program is a critical component of implementing Governor Baker’s Executive Order 569 on climate change,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton. “This program will help communities understand their vulnerabilities and risks, but also the strengths they already have that make them resilient.  We look forward to working with our local partners to build on these strengths and create a more resilient Commonwealth. ”

“We are proud to be a partner in this effort to assist municipalities anticipate and prepare for the effects of climate change,” said Secretary of Public Safety and Security Daniel Bennett. “These grants will foster important collaboration, which will allow cities and towns to effectively plan for and recover from damaging storms and extreme weather.”

In September 2016, Governor Baker signed an Executive Order which lays out a comprehensive approach to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard residents, municipalities and businesses from the impacts of climate change, and build a more resilient Commonwealth.  The Order, Establishing an Integrated Climate Change Strategy for the Commonwealth, represents the collaboration between the Office of the Governor, the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, and key state, local and environmental stakeholders.

The Executive Order ensures that Massachusetts will continue to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resiliency within government operations. The Order also directs the development and implementation of a statewide comprehensive climate adaptation plan that will provide a blueprint for protecting the built and natural environment of the Commonwealth, based on the best available data on existing and projected climate change impacts. Recognizing the need to strengthen the resilience of communities throughout Massachusetts a key commitment in this order is coordinating assistance to cities and towns as they prepare for the impacts of climate change.

“Our small towns will benefit from the expertise offered by the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program,” said State Senator Adam G. Hinds (D-Pittsfield).  “Unfortunately, severe weather events like blizzards, tropical storms and even tornados seem to occur with more frequency in western Mass.  Each time nature strikes hard we need to activate emergency response and assess damages.  My hope is that this community resilience process will identify ways to limit damage in the future.”  

“The MVP Program will be a valuable tool for communities to use in dealing with the impacts of climate change on our surroundings, especially those caused by severe storms and weather-related natural disasters,” said State Representative Stephen Kulik (D-Worthington). “This will be especially important in our small rural Hilltowns, where the terrain, many gravel roads, and preponderance of rivers and streams can result in extraordinarily high damage from flooding and erosion in an event such as Tropical Storm Irene just a few years ago.  Climate scientists predict that such events will occur more frequently in the future, and I am pleased that the MVP Program will help our towns to be better prepared to respond and to manage the impacts.”

“This innovative effort will assist cities and towns across the Commonwealth by connecting them with tools and resources to help move us from shared concerns to specific steps to deal with climate change,” said Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester).  “The MVP program is geared toward giving communities the tools they need to put local leadership into action, using the expertise available in our state.”

“We must work on local, state, regional and global levels to make our communities more resilient to the harmful effects of climate change,” said Senate President Pro Tempore Marc R. Pacheco (D-Taunton), founding chair of the Senate Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change. “If we do not, the costs will be astronomical. Vulnerability preparedness plans for our municipalities are great first steps in the protection of our economy, public health and built and natural infrastructures, and a complement to Governor Baker’s executive order last year. We must commit to codifying such plans in statute; the Massachusetts State Senate, for example, passed a climate adaptation management plan three times in our last legislative session. Climate change is happening now. If gone unchecked, it will wreak immense havoc on current and future generations. We must be proactive in protecting our communities.”

“I applaud Governor Baker and Secretary Beaton for their leadership in helping build resilient communities in the Commonwealth,” said State Representative Frank Smizik (D-Brookline). “Climate change is a global issue, but many of its solutions are local. Planning for the impacts of climate change in our communities saves lives, saves money, and protects our natural and built environment. The Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program will provide our cities and towns with the tools and guidance necessary to make regionally specific adaptation plans in response to the environmental impacts of climate change. This program is a necessary step forward in order to ensure the safety of residents across Massachusetts.”

“The Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program will allow cities and towns to access the funding and expertise they need to help them identify and prepare for potential hazards related to climate change,” said House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R-North Reading). “This is just another example of the Baker-Polito Administration’s ongoing commitment to building strong state-municipal partnerships to improve the lives of all Massachusetts residents.”

“The Town of Buckland experienced four million dollars in flood damage from Hurricane Irene so it is very appropriate you hold this grant announcement here,”said Rob Riggins, Chair of the Buckland Board of Selectmen. “We appreciate this opportunity to help future generations prepare for events like Irene.”

“We applaud the Baker Administration’s leadership in launching the MVP program to help community resiliency by enhancing safety, reducing costs and restoring natural resources,” said Wayne Klockner, state director for the Nature Conservancy in Massachusetts. “The MVP program illustrates the importance of public and private collaboration on climate resiliency.”


New workshop series geared towards fraud and scam awareness

BOSTON – In partnership with People’s United Bank, Treasurer Deb Goldberg launched a new financial literacy workshop series in Methuen specifically geared towards senior citizens. The first workshop, titled “Protect Yourself from Fraud and Scams,” was held at the Methuen Senior Center and focused on educating the elderly to identify potential financial scams.

“I am delighted to partner with People’s United Bank on this opportunity for our seniors,” said Treasurer Goldberg. “Financial literacy is important at all stages of life. Educating our senior citizens to be aware of potential fraud and scams not only keeps this vulnerable population safe, but empowers them to make their own wise fiscal decisions.”

The series, held by Treasurer Goldberg’s Office of Economic Empowerment, will be offered at locations around the state in the coming months. The next workshops will be held:
  • May 23 at 1:30 p.m. at Colony Retirement Homes in Worcester
  • May 26 at 9:30 a.m. Wamsutta Club in New Bedford
  • July 25 at 11:00 a.m. at the New Bedford Council on Aging in New Bedford
  • July 27 at 1:30 p.m. at Colony Retirement Homes in Worcester
Registration is recommended, but walk-ins are welcome. For questions, to register, or to schedule a workshop please contact Leanne M. Fay at (617) 367-3900.

On day one, Treasurer Goldberg created the Office of Economic Empowerment (OEE), led by a deputy treasurer, with the deliberate goal of implementing a range of economic empowerment initiatives that include closing the gender wage gap, increasing access to financial education, improving college affordability, and investing in STEM careers and education.

波士頓馬拉松 讓世界看見臺灣


【波士頓馬拉松 讓世界看見臺灣】
駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處新聞組組長朱永昌、波克萊臺灣商會會長蘇鴻昌和波士頓地區僑胞,從上午10點就在馬拉松終點前集合,並準備中華民國國旗,讓完賽的臺灣選手可以披著國旗衝過終點線;波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉則在牛頓市(Newton)著名的馬拉松賽道碎心坡(Heartbreak Hill)前,高舉「TAIWAN」標語牌及國旗,為臺灣選手加油。


      (Boston Orange)從台灣來參加波士頓馬拉松賽的選手人數,今年再破紀錄,高達65人,加上隨行眷屬25人,規模浩大。波克萊台商會16日晚在華埠舉辦的"波士頓馬拉松賽選手歡迎會",也因此格外盛大,創下破百人紀錄。
        波士頓清華大學校友為此賽事特地組織了加油團,事前就為校友們規劃出不下三個最適宜加油的地點,請校友們集中為參賽者加油打氣。清華校友會也很有組織的列出所有參賽者的姓名,編號,賽跑時間紀錄,供校友們在比賽進行時上網查詢。其中成績最好的兩人,分別為拿到650號02級的張噢,和688號91級的余春峰,時間依序為2小時43分30秒,2小時44分35秒。代表波士頓華埠社區中心(BCNC)參賽的選手,今年也增至4人,在Terry Park,以及Marisa Chiang之外,後來又增加了 Kuangshin Tai,Wayne Chan。他們總共為BCNC籌得261113元,其中的前兩人各籌得1萬餘元。

星期一, 4月 17, 2017


(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)哈佛中國論壇(HCR)2017年創業大賽(Harvard China Pitch)16日公佈入圍決賽名單,8個團隊將於422日上午在哈佛商學院做總決賽。
            入圍決賽的8個團隊,分別為讓創業者不需編寫代碼,就能把商業靈感轉化成應用程序的Baleen Labs,開發氮化镓(GaN)半導體器件,已和一大型半導體公司合作,獲得200萬美金收入的劍橋電子(Cambridge Electronics),已有3項美國專利,開發出的光學人工智能加速器和軟價架構比傳統電子計算方式快10倍,卻只需要1%原耗量的Lightmatter,為教育產業提供創作,分享,探索高品質虛擬現實內容的一站式平台Luccia,通過視網膜圖像分析,為病人做相關疾病早期診斷,提醒患者及時就醫的奧普羅(Opaloid),打造全面的STEAM教育生態系統,培養下一代科技創新領袖的Orimagi,致力於清潔技術開發,由美國能源部高及能源計畫署和橡樹岭國家實驗室資助的過氧系統有限公司(Peroxygen System)”,改變試管嬰兒行業準則的頂峰科技(Top TechGenomics)

        當晚的811點,哈佛中國論壇還將舉辦群英會,邀請2016年的冠軍團隊與其他優秀創業企業在哈佛大學西北大樓(52 Oxford St., Cambridge)交流,展覽。同一場地還將舉辦兩場夜話論壇,投資人說中美投資的雙向驅動。這部分的活動開放公眾參加,持有哈佛中國論壇門票者可免費入場,其他人士需提前註冊,門票20原。查詢或報名可上網www.hcfmixer.eventbrite.com

Visual Online Communication in BRICS Countries Call for Submissions

Visual Online Communication in BRICS Countries Call for Submissions
This special section of China Media Research invites scholars from a broad range of disciplines to submit manuscripts on the theme of “Visual Online Communication in the BRICS Countries”. Visual Online Content here refers to imagery, GIFs, emoticons, pictures and other visual means that accompany text in an online environment, non inclusive of the audiovisual content and moving images. Despite the increasing prominence of visual online content on social media such as WeChat, Weibo, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as traditional mass media websites across the BRICS countries, comparative academic studies focused on visual content are scarce. Recent discussions focused on plurality of emoticons such as hijabs, or emoticons with different facial color. Despite discussions in the public sphere, there is a lack of cross-cultural studies looking at the differences in imagery. This call for submissions therefore hopes to fill this research desiderate. Arguably, a lack of visual communication research in the BRICS countries is attributed to the prevalent Western tradition in communication research. This special section serves to overcome the dominance of Western approaches in visual communications research. Following these considerations, scholars are invited to submit their original manuscripts that address the following topics, among others: - Comparative studies of visual online content from the BRICS countries, including at least one BRICS country as comparative country; - Content or discourse analysis of journalistic visual content, advertisements, PR and political communication visual content and social web visual content in the BRICS countries; - Research on use of emoticons in the BRICS countries; Both qualitative and quantitative approaches investigating visual online content in the BRICS’ countries are welcome. Submissions must not have been previously published nor be under consideration by another publication. An extended abstract (up to 1,000 words) or a complete paper at the first stage of the reviewing process will be accepted. All the submissions must be received by May 26, 2017. If the extended abstract is accepted, the complete manuscript must be received by August 13, 2017. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the APA publication manual (6th edition) and should not exceed 8,000 words including tables and references. All manuscripts will be peer reviewed, and the authors will be notified of the final acceptance/rejection decision. Please visit www.chinamediaresearch.net for more information about the quarterly journal of China Media Research, which publishes both print and online versions. Please direct questions and submissions to the CMR special section guest editor Maria Faust at maria.faust@uni-leipzig.de.

第121屆波士頓馬拉松賽 肯亞、瑞士選手奪冠

            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導)今日(417)舉行的第121屆波士頓馬拉松比賽,由肯亞籍選手包辦精英組男女冠軍,瑞士籍選手包辦輪椅組男女冠軍。精英組的Geoffrey Kirui Edna Kiplagat都是第一次參加波士頓馬拉松賽,成績依序為2小時零937秒,以及2小時2152秒。
            其中37歲的Edna Kiplagat5次奪得職業馬拉松桂冠,包括在紐約,倫敦,但這次還是第一次來波士頓。她在第13英里時開始短暫領先,然後從18英里開始,一路領先。緊跟其後,贏得亞軍的Rose Chelimo,落後59秒。
            輪椅組男女冠軍,Marcel Hug Manuela Schar,都是瑞士籍,贏得冠軍的時間,都打破了紀錄。
            Marcel Hug是在波約斯頓街時超過Ernst Van Dyk,連續第三次贏得波士頓馬拉松冠軍,非正式的總時間為1小時18分零4秒,打破了2012年時,加拿大籍選手Joshua Cassidy1小時1825秒紀錄。
            Manuela Schar的非正式全程時間為1小時2816秒,打破了日本籍Wakako Tsuchida2011年的1小時34分零6秒的紀錄。
            波士頓馬拉松的最佳紀錄時間是2011年,由Geoffrey Mutai 2小時32秒締造的。那是當年馬拉松賽有史以來最快的時間,但卻不能算作馬拉松的世界紀錄,因為波士頓馬拉松的賽道並不符合世界紀錄要求。
            目前的世界紀錄是肯亞籍跑者Dennis Kimetto2014年在柏林跑出的2小時257秒。
            每年都在愛國者日(Patriots’ Day)舉行的這波士頓馬拉松賽,已是全世界最古老,並仍在持續舉辦的馬拉松比賽,由波士頓體育協會從1897年開始辦理。今年的獎金總額約為83500元,義工約9,500人。
                 為紀念波士頓馬拉松賽爆炸案而製作的紀錄片,"Boston, An American Running Story",在四月十五日於波士頓的Boch Center王氏劇院(Boch Center Wang Theatre)做世界首映後,419日,將在全美450家戲院同步上映一天。


(Boston Orange 周菊子整理)刻正參選緬因州路易斯頓市(Lewiston)市長的陳樂(Ben Chin),為爭勝算,今(17)日推出"徵義工"活動。
徵義工活動將於4月17日下午4點,在陳樂競選總部舉行,地址為145 Lisbon St, 2nd floor, Lewiston。


Marathon victims' families choose artist for Boylston Street markers; City of Boston announces planning process for a monument to resilience
BOSTON - Monday, April 17, 2017 - Together with the five families who lost loved ones as a result of the events of the 2013 Boston Marathon, Mayor Martin J. Walsh and Father John Unni from St. Cecilia  Parish, who was asked to facilitate this effort in order to provide emotional and spiritual support, today announced initial plans for installations to commemorate the victims and survivors of the April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon bombings. A phased process will include the siting of markers on the two bombing locations, followed by the eventual installation, after a robust public process, of a larger monument signifying the resilience of the City.

"We will never forget the events of April 15, 2013," said Mayor Walsh. "Together, these memorials will create a place for people to connect with each other, and to reflect. The result will be a testament to the spirit and resiliency of the people of Boston, and a way to honor those we have lost, and those who are still healing."

The artist selection and design process for the Boylston Street memorial markers started approximately one year ago and included preliminary discussions with a variety of world-renowned artists. The families described their aspirations for a timeless memorial and the artists responded with preliminary design concepts for their review and consideration.  

"It is really a honor and a privilege to accompany these beautiful families through the process of creating a lasting memorial to loved ones who died on that day and are so deeply missed," said Father Unni. "I hope that over time, these memorials will serve as a beacon of peace, reflection and remembrance."

The families unanimously selected Pablo Eduardo to design the markers on the two bombing sites on Boylston Street. A graduate of the The School of the Museum of Fine Arts and Tufts University, Mr. Eduardo has over 20 years of experience creating sculptures. Eduardo will work in collaboration with the families, the City of Boston and the Boston Art Commission to design, construct, and install this memorial.  

"It is humbling to have been chosen to create a work of art that will honor the victims of the 2013 Boston Marathon attack," said Mr. Eduardo. "Art is a powerful vehicle for remembrance and healing, and my goal is for this art to embody the spirit of those we lost and the spirit of the city they loved."

The art installation at the site(s) of the attack is scheduled to be complete by April 2018.

Additionally, on April 24, 2017, the City of Boston will seek proposals from qualified consultants or a team of professionals to carry out a public engagement process that will culminate in the selection of an artist to design a work to honor and commemorate the survivors and victims, as well as Boston's first responders. This process will ensure that the call for artists, as well as the final artwork, reflects the resilience and resolve of the people of Boston in the face of unspeakable loss and tragedy.

The consultant will begin working toward an agreed-upon approach for the project with the City of Boston and key stakeholders, before leading approximately four months of public engagement outlined in a public engagement plan. The City is encouraging a breadth of engagement methods including public town-hall style meetings, digital campaigns, exhibits or hands-on activities, marketing and outreach through multimedia, with consideration for translation and maximizing access to participation. Results of the public engagement will shape the call for artists.

The City of Boston, the Boston Art Commission, and the consultant will manage the design and installation of the work with the artist, maintain a schedule, as well as facilitate meetings on design and feasibility. Final budget for the artwork will be included in the call for artists and finalized by the City. The anticipated completion date for this installation is April 2020.



              (Boston Orange)駐波士頓臺北經文處處長賴銘琪今天在波克萊臺灣商會舉辦的晚宴中,歡迎我國參加今年波士頓馬拉松的選手及親友近90人,祝福所有選手比賽能跑出個人最佳成績,也對他們願意披著國旗衝過終點線,提高臺灣能見度之熱誠,表示欽佩。







中華表演藝術基金會,將於五月十三日星期六於新英格蘭音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall),舉辦一場由波士頓當地竄起一顆古典樂壇新星19歲的鋼琴家陸逸軒 (Eric Lu) 的鋼琴演奏會。
陸逸軒出生於麻州波士頓,是一位迅速掘起響譽國際,具有巨大前景和獨特音樂特質的鋼琴家。繼在2014第九屆莫斯科國際蕭邦大賽青少年組獲得第一名後, 2015年他在美國邁阿密蕭邦鋼琴大賽奪冠,並得到最佳協奏曲獎。同年更贏得第十七屆華沙國際蕭邦鋼琴大賽第四名,且當年以十七歲之齡成為此比賽歷史中最年輕的獲獎者之一。 最近他又贏得了法蘭克福 2017年德國國際鋼琴大獎。 陸逸軒青年時期就已多次獲獎,其中包含2010在德國埃特林根(Ettlingen)國際鋼琴比賽冠軍、2013年明尼蘇答全美青少年鋼琴賽獲獎等。紐約古典音樂 (New York Classical Review) 評論家描他是一位具有對音樂特殊的敏感性Duszniki音樂節的麥可摩朗稱讚他:「他彈奏的音色十分明亮,音樂表達引人入勝令人激動。」 2015年陸逸軒贏得 Verbier Festival Academy音樂節的Tabor基金會鋼琴獎 再次受到樂壇肯定。
他對音樂獨特的敏感性及美感,引起全球觀眾的注目及樂迷極大的迴響。在世界各地排滿了演出行程; 即將到來的多場獨奏和協奏演出包括在馬德里國家演藝廳,華沙愛樂音樂廳,波士頓喬丹廳,諾昂蕭邦音樂節,克拉科夫音樂節,首爾藝術中心,札幌音樂廳,東京藝術劇場等。 2015-16季演出主要包括在紐約卡內基音樂廳,波蘭Duszniki-Zydrój70屆國際蕭邦音樂節,中國北京音樂廳,以及許多樂團合作演出:如華沙愛樂,明尼蘇達,辛辛那提室內樂團,亞美尼亞國家青年管弦樂團,蕭邦基金會交響樂團等。
陸逸軒6歲開始和 楊鏡釧 (Dorothy Yang Shi) 老師學習鋼琴。進而在新英格蘭音樂學院大學預科,師從 Alexander Korsantia A. Ramón Rivera2013年進入費城柯蒂斯 Curtis音樂學院,師從 Jonathan BissRobert McDonald。他也是鋼琴家鄧泰山 (Dang Thai Son) 的學生。
莫扎特: A 小調RondoK 511
舒伯特: C小調即興曲,作品90 D. 899 No.1
蕭邦24首前奏曲, Op. 28

節目精彩請勿錯過。 陸逸軒的華沙蕭邦比賽的CD在音樂會上出售。每張20美元.

票價 $15-$50,一百張學生免費票(十四歲以上)請上網索取。六歲 以下兒童請勿入場. 查詢請

洽中華表演藝術基金會譚嘉陵,電話  781-259- 8195或網站購票: www.ChinesePerformingArts.net

Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts

Eric Lu陸逸軒 , pianist

Saturday, May 13, 2017, 8 PM
New England Conservatory’s Jordan Hall
Tickets: $15-$50, Order online: www.ChinesePerformingArts.net, 781-259-8195


Mozart: Rondo in A minor, K. 511
Schubert: Impromptu in C minor, Op. 90 D. 899 No. 1
Prokofiev: Sonata No. 7 in B-flat major, Op. 83


Chopin: 24 Preludes, Op. 28

Tickets: (Children under 6 not admitted)
$50: VIP Reserved Seats, $30: open seating at non-VIP section , $15: student open seating at non-VIP section
100 free student tickets (age 14 and up) available at :

Rush tickets $10 for students and senior, available 6:30 pm on concert day at Jordan Hall Box Office only, 617-585-1260.

Eric Liu陸逸軒 ,  pianist

19-year old pianist Eric Lu is rapidly building an international reputation as a young pianist with enormous promise, and a distinctive musical voice.

A native of the Boston, Massachusetts area, Eric Lu won the 1st prize at the 2015 US National Chopin Competition in Miami, and recently, won the 1st prize and audience award at the 2017 International German Piano Award in Frankfurt.  In October 2015, at 17 years old, Eric won the 4th prize at the 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Competition in Warsaw, becoming one of the youngest laureates in the history of the prestigious competition. Following these recent successes, Eric received invitations to perform in many important venues around the world in just the past two years, including Carnegie Hall in New York, Auditorio Nacional in Madrid, Alte Oper Hall in Frankfurt, Chopin and his Europe Festival in Warsaw, Jordan Hall in Boston, Taipei National Concert Hall, Beijing Concert Hall, Strathmore Music Center, the International Chopin Festival in Duszniki, Poland, NOSPR Concert Hall in Katowice, Krakow Philharmonic Concert Hall, Nohant Chopin Festival, and a tour of Japan and Korea following the Chopin Competition, performing in halls such as Seoul Arts Center, Tokyo Metropolitan Hall, Osaka Symphony Hall, Sapporo Arts Center, among others.  Described by the New York Classical Review as a musician of “exceptional musical sensitivity”, as well as by Michael Moran from the Duszniki Festival proclaiming, “The tone he produced was luminous, the articulation spellbinding and exciting, the legato and bel canto desperately moving.” Following his performance of Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 3 during the final of the International Piano Award, the Darmstadter Echo wrote, “Lu received thundering applause after a sheer unbelievable performance of the work. Oscillating between melancholy and turmoil, he follows the expressive themes of the work with sensitivity, peeling out melodies with fascinating clarity from the virtuosic, densely-written piano part.”

Paving the way included earlier achievements of 1st prizes at the Moscow International Chopin Competition for Young Pianists(2014), the Minnesota International e-Piano Junior Competition(2013), and the XII Ettlingen International Competition in Germany(2010).  Eric has collaborated with orchestras such as the Warsaw Philharmonic, Minnesota Orchestra, Staatskapelle Halle, National Philharmonic, Arthur Rubinstein Philharmonic, Orchestra of the 18th century, Orquestra Clasica Santa Cecilia, New Jersey Symphony, Sinfonietta Cracovia, Rzeszow and Kielce Philharmonics, Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra, etc.

Eric Lu started piano studies at the age of 6 with Mrs. Dorothy Shi. While at the New England Conservatory Preparatory School, he studied with Alexander Korsantia, and Mr. A. Ramon Rivera. In 2013, Eric entered the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, where he currently studies with Profs. Robert McDonald and Jonathan Biss. He is also a pupil of pianist Dang Thai Son. His debut CD was released under the Chopin Institute in Warsaw, recorded from the Chopin Competition 2015.

*Updated as of April 2017. 

慶祝地球日 MIT幫你修東西

Celebrate Earth Day by Fixing at MIT

Celebrating repair through do-it-together hands-on STEM-oriented fix-n-learn community-based discovery and disassembly where you actively engage in the disassembly, troubleshooting, and repair of your item. Leave empowered to share your new-found confidence and insight with your friends, neighbors, and the community at large.

So bring your broken, non-functioning things -- electronics, appliances, computers, toys, sewing machines, bicycles, fabric items, etc.-- for assessment, disassembly, and possible repair. We'll provide workspace, specialty tools, and guidance to help you disassemble and troubleshoot your item. Whether we fix it or not, you'll learn more about how it was manufactured and how it worked. (Looking at how things are made now provides a unique and important perspective as we transition to Design-centric Thinking, Manufacturing on Demand and Continuous Integration. It’s important to consider designing, engineering, and manufacturing for durability, reliability, sustainability, maintainability, serviceability, repairability from the start.)

WHAT: Fixit Clinic CCVII (207) MIT
WHEN: Saturday, Apr 22 10AM-1PM
WHERE: MIT Edgerton Center, 4th Floor of Building 4 (under the Great Dome), 77 Mass. Av., Cambridge, MA 02139 http://edgerton.mit.edu/contact/edgerton-center-strobe-alley
HOW: Register at http://goo.gl/qTzh9J then
-    Bring your broken item with all parts necessary to recreate the symptoms (carry-in only: no oversize items)
-    Bring any parts and tools you already own that might be helpful (e.g. hand tools, sewing supplies)
-    Come ready to describe what’s wrong and what you’ve tried
-    Come ready to learn and to share your knowledge with others
WHO: An all-ages family-friendly event: accompanied children are heartily invited! 
COST: Free!
WHY: To make friends, learn and teach how to fix things, and have fun!
(Parking: Weekend parking in MIT’s Albany St. Parking Garage is $5. Limited metered street parking may be available.)

More into on Fixit Clinic at www.fixitclinic.orghttps://www.facebook.com/FixitClinic/,plus.google.com/111525193946026734520

New Fixit Coaches always welcome; learn by helping others disassemble and troubleshoot their stuff: sign up here: http://goo.gl/kwVNlv

Windows 10創作者更新5大亮點 激發創作魂

(中央社記者吳家豪台北17日電)微軟宣布Windows 10創作者更新開放全球Windows 10用戶免費更新,為Windows 10用戶帶來 5大特色,包括3D創作、混合實境、4K遊戲、友善設計的Microsoft Edge、資安防護。

    台灣微軟今天舉行媒體聚會,展示Windows 10創作者更新(Windows 10 Creators Update)的5大特色。若使用者個人電腦已安裝 Windows 10,可啟用Windows Update自動更新,系統會自動下載,使用者可選擇安裝時間,透過更新取得版本1703、組建15063.138Windows 10創作者更新。

    微軟指出,Windows 10創作者更新的特色包括:第一,賦予使用者更多的3D創造力,讓想像無限馳騁;第二,幫助使用者迎接混合實境(Mixed RealityMR),體驗將數位與真實世界的巧妙融合,同時帶給不同的產業新的方式與契機;第三,提供玩家享受4K遊戲的最佳平台,讓人人都能當實況主。

    第四,進階進化的Microsoft Edge瀏覽器變得更快、更節能,新增多項功能及優化,帶來更多友善貼心設計;第五,創建更進階且全方位的資安與管理,為個人及企業資安建立更加堅實的重要防線。

    台灣微軟Windows暨裝置事業部副總經理周文英表示,微軟相信,每個人都是創作者,Windows 10能幫助使用者激發和釋放內在的創作魂,而 Windows 10 創作者更新將帶領使用者邁入截然不同的里程,激發及實現更多的創意。

    Windows 10上市以來,全球已有超過4億台裝置執行Windows 10;相較於 Windows 7,同期間安裝Window 10的成長速度高達150%

    根據微軟官方數據,85%的企業預計於2017年底前開始部署Windows 10;企業安裝Windows 10後,發生資安問題的機率及處理資安問題的時間皆減少33%

    此外,超過4100萬的企業與教育單位客戶已使用Windows 10裝置,且每月Xbox Live活躍玩家的年成長率為21%

