
星期五, 2月 17, 2017



僑 務 簡 訊 中華民國1062月第1

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   ◎「2017年海外華裔青年英語服務營」開放   線上註冊

2017年海外華裔青年英語服務營」活動,預計招募海外華裔青年前往臺灣偏遠地區學校實地從事英語教學,歡迎就讀11年級以上且於20171130日前年滿17足歲但未滿25足歲之華裔青年報名參加。報名時間自201721日至228日止,申請人須先於營隊專屬網站(http://www.aidsummer.net)完成線上報名後,印出「網路登錄確認單」,連同相關報名表件於31日前寄(送)達波士頓華僑文教服務中心90 Lincoln St., Newton Highlands MA 02461,如有洽詢事項,歡迎電話聯繫陳美樺小姐,TEL:617-965-8801



中華函授學校自2017起轉型,不再提供註冊選課服務,為讓各界能夠充份運用豐富的函校課程資源,特自2017110日起至331日止,開放函校課程共計119門全部免註冊,隨選隨讀,歡迎學員踴躍利用。課程免註冊,隨選隨讀 請於『中華函授學校遠距學習網』(http://chcs-opencourse.org/index.php)點選2017年隨選隨讀 (http://chcswm.chcs-opencourse.org/mooc/)即可進行課程免註冊隨選隨讀,並可下載全文網頁教材! 為讓中華函授學校課程能夠有效活化利用,並以與時俱進的方式推動遠距教學,20174月起,相關課程及教材將逐步上傳至全球華文網,讓海內外民眾能以最便利之方式透過網路自主學習。未來不論海外僑民或國內民眾均可運用自主學習,不受時空限制達到進修之目的。






   ()於各式學士班適用簡章中,增列採計「國際文憑預科課程考試 IBDP


   () 106學年度「個人申請」報名及放榜期程提前2週辦理。










      項,請逕洽國際醫療管理工作小組陳怡伶經理(電話:02-2885-1528 ext.12







      及中央部會等。目前 (除臺北市以外之)四縣市及國私立大學之場館整修工




   ◎歸化國籍規定放寬囉! By內政部    














中華民國文化部為獎勵出版發行優良雜誌、圖書與數位出版品之出版事業及其從業人員;以及對推動中華民國出版產業有具體成就或貢獻之個人,特舉辦金鼎獎。自即日起至218日止受理報名。相關訊息及表件請至文化部網站(http ://www.moc.gov.tw)之「獎補助資訊網」查閱;或電話洽詢:文化部圖書類莊小姐011-886-2-8512-6496



為傳承八年抗戰及日據時期之歷史,臺北市感恩協進會特辦理第5屆「發現、感恩、致敬—我身邊的抗戰臺灣日據故事」影像紀實比賽活動,並期望藉由此活動拉近海外僑胞與國內的距離,凝聚海內外同胞的向心力。 活動參賽對象為全球華人,收件日期自即日起至10595日止,並訂於1051023日舉行頒獎典禮,詳細資訊請參閱活動簡章或活動網址 http://www.facebook.com/ouroralstory



華僑救國聯合總會為復興中華文化,促進海外文化事業,特設立「華文著述獎」,獎勵項目包括學術論著、文藝創作及新聞寫作3類最近2年內出版或發表之論著或作品;參加方式係由海外僑團、僑校、僑報、使領館、駐外機構及旨揭總會名譽理事、理事、顧問等推薦具有華僑身分者參加,未受推薦之本人亦可申請參加,惟需提出華僑證明,參加者均須於規定日期內填表,連同作品有關資料及華僑身份證明等,送僑聯文教基金會辦理。該活動申請期限至本年6月底止;詳細辦法請至該總會網站 (http://www.focat.org.tw/)下載運用。


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Governor Baker Seeks $200 Million in Chapter 90 Transportation Funds for Local Infrastructure Improvements

Governor Baker Seeks $200 Million in Chapter 90 Transportation Funds for Local Infrastructure Improvements
Administration requests funding for municipal bridge, road, and infrastructure improvements

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration is filing “An Act Financing Improvements to Municipal Roads and Bridges,” which requests $200 million in Chapter 90 funds for local transportation infrastructure projects across Massachusetts.

“We are proud to once again file for $200 million for Chapter 90 funds for cities and towns as we approach the road construction season,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “This essential and flexible funding allows our municipalities to make infrastructure upgrades that promote reliability and public safety on roads and bridges, as well as economic development and job creation, and we hope for swift action by the legislature.”

Through the Chapter 90 program, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) reimburses cities and towns for costs incurred for eligible transportation projects. Funding is awarded by municipality, and is predetermined by a formula that includes factors such as population, road miles, and employment. This is the third year that the Baker-Polito Administration has filed for $200 million for Chapter 90 funds. In total, since taking office in 2015, the Baker-Polito Administration has released $500 million in Chapter 90 infrastructure funds.

“Our administration has prioritized strengthening the state’s relationship with the Commonwealth’s cities and towns, and Chapter 90 funding is an important resource in that partnership,” said Lieutenant Governor Polito. “In addition to unrestricted local aid and Chapter 70 education monies, these infrastructure funds are yet one more tool for local leaders to apply to their specific needs and improve their communities.”

The legislation includes a technical change to allow municipalities to more easily use Chapter 90 funds upon approval of the grant by MassDOT, removing an existing requirement that an appropriation be made by the local legislative body.

“Prioritizing aid for our cities and towns has always been at the forefront during our budget planning process, and the administration has continued this commitment this year,” said Administration and Finance Secretary Lepore. “Local aid, including Chapter 90 funding, is key to ensuring all communities across Massachusetts thrive.”

“We are proud to work closely with cities and towns to improve transportation infrastructure,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. “Chapter 90 funding allows municipal leaders who best know the needs of their communities to make crucial capital improvements that keep the Commonwealth moving forward.”

In addition to the Chapter 90 funding, the legislation also includes $30 million for a mobility assistance program through which MassDOT can purchase accessible vehicles on behalf of municipal transit agencies, local councils on aging, and private non-profits to provide transportation services to seniors and individuals with disabilities. The bill also provides $70 million for upgrades to the Registry of Motor Vehicles’ core information technology system, ATLAS.

In one of his first official acts after taking office in 2015, Governor Baker directed MassDOT to release $100 million in Chapter 90 funds that had been promised the previous year, fulfilling a commitment made to cities and towns. In total, the Baker-Polito Administration has released $500 million in Chapter 90 infrastructure funds, and if approved by the legislature, today’s request would bring that total to $700 million.

More information about the Chapter 90 Program is available here.

Governor Baker Announces Launch of Search for Permanent MBTA General Manager

Governor Baker Announces Launch of Search for Permanent MBTA General Manager
Recommends Fiscal and Management Control Board (FMCB) exercise two-year extension to 2020

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker today announced that Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Secretary Stephanie Pollack is launching the search for a permanent CEO and General Manager for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA).  Governor Baker also recommended in his address before the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, that the MBTA’s Fiscal and Management Control Board (FMCB) exercise the two-year extension of its governance of the MBTA, as permitted by statute. Chief Administrator Brian Shortsleeve will continue to serve as Acting General Manager in the interim and will sit on the search panel.

“The MBTA is showing real progress in its turnaround, from vastly improved winter operations to cutting its operating deficit by more than half, but more work is needed to deliver better and more efficient results to riders and taxpayers,” said Governor Baker. “As the MBTA enters this next phase, the time is right for a transformative and permanent General Manager with a strong business background and experience in delivering major capital programming and providing direct service to customers. The unrelenting dedication and talent provided by Secretary Pollack, Brian Shortsleeve and Jeff Gonneville, has steered the MBTA in a better direction, and we look forward to their steady leadership as the search for a turnaround CEO proceeds. The Fiscal and Management Control Board is playing a critical role in reforming the MBTA and we welcome their request to extend their governance to continue the MBTA’s turnaround.”

Secretary Pollack, who by statute is charged with hiring the MBTA’s General Manager, has created a GM Search Advisory Panel, and is in the process of securing an executive search firm to identify a CEO-style GM whose primary focus will be to continue the work of changing the MBTA’s culture to focus on performance, capital investment and improved customer service. The search process will be coordinated closely with members of the FMCB, and board member Steve Poftak will serve on the search panel.  

“The MBTA now has the momentum to implement changes which will give customers the service they need and deserve and to rebuild its aging infrastructure,” said Secretary of Transportation Stephanie Pollack. “A new General Manager and the continued partnership of the Fiscal and Management Control Board will create the stability necessary for the MBTA to complete its transformation into the high performing, customer-focused transit agency to better serve the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.”

Chief Administrator Brian Shortsleeve, who assumed the dual  role of Acting General Manager in July 2016, and MBTA Chief Operating Officer Jeff Gonneville, will continue their current leadership positions at the MBTA, focusing respectively on the MBTA’s fiscal sustainability and day-to-day operations, and serving on the search panel. Shortsleeve has served in his dual roles since July, 2016, when he assumed the role of Acting General Manager.

“I look forward to assisting in the search for a permanent General Manager who will continue the progress we have made in delivering better service for our riders,” said Acting General Manager and Chief Administrator Brian Shortsleeve,” and focusing full time on the MBTA’s long term fiscal sustainability for taxpayers.”

By statute, the FMCB sunsets at the end of June, 2018, with the option for the board to exercise a single, two-year extension through June, 2020. Extending the existing governance model for two years will ensure a longer-term structure is in place for General Manager candidates to consider while the search is underway and after their selection.

星期四, 2月 16, 2017



BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey today issued the following statement in response to the announcement that Andrew Puzder withdrew his nomination for Secretary of Labor:
“I am relieved that Andrew Puzder has withdrawn his name from consideration to be Secretary of Labor. Over decades, our office has worked in close partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor to protect the rights of our workers, maintain safe and healthy workplaces, and ensure a level playing field for employers that follow the rules. Unfortunately, Mr. Puzder had established himself as an opponent of basic worker protections and appears to have advantaged his company at the expense of more responsible employers. We need a Labor Secretary who is committed to partnering with the states to uphold and enforce federal labor laws, not one with a track record of flagrantly violating them.  
I urge President Trump to select a new Secretary of Labor nominee who will work with me and my fellow attorneys general to ensure workers receive the wages they are owed and stay safe on the job. Employees in Massachusetts and across this country deserve nothing less.”



WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) and Congressman Don Beyer (D | Virginia) released a resource guide for federal employees who wish to break the Administration’s communications blackout on federal agencies. The guide explains how to safely and responsibly share information, and encourages employees to "Know Your Rights" and "Know Your Options." In the "Know Your Rights" section, federal employees can learn about which federal laws apply to them. In the "Know Your Options" section, employees can learn about how to safely disseminate information to agency inspectors general and the press. The resource guide also includes links to an in-depth list of federal whistleblower statutes and information about agency inspectors general. 


“We believe the American people have a right to know how their government works. The Trump administration has strapped a muzzle on federal agencies and attacked legitimate whistleblowers. Should federal employees wish to break that silence, we want this to be a resource for the safe and responsible disclosure of information." 


“From day one the Trump Administration and its allies in Congress have treated the federal workforce like a punching bag, all while issuing hostile threats to whistleblowers and dissenters. In this age of gag orders and alternative facts, it’s important that we provide federal employees tools to ensure transparency. I look forward to working with Congressman Lieu in support of good government and federal workers.”


Minuteman Lands $108,172 Competitive Grant from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center

Minuteman Lands $108,172 Competitive Grant from

the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center

LEXINGTON – Minuteman High School has landed another major grant from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center to help upgrade its Biotechnology program.  The $108,172 competitive grant will enable the school to outfit its Biotechnology lab with more advanced equipment and send two Biotechnology teachers to intensive training in the latest biomanufacturing techniques.

“We’re extremely grateful to the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center and to the Baker Administration for this investment in education,” said Dr. Edward A. Bouquillon, Minuteman’s Superintendent.  “This equipment will help us strengthen the Biotechnology pipeline and prepare our students for careers in one of the state’s fastest-growing industries.” 

The grant will enable Minuteman to expand its Biomanufacturing capability through the purchase of $100,000 in equipment, including three Biological Safety Cabinets (BSC) Class II hoods and three single-stage vacuum pumps to run the hoods.  The hoods are essential for maintaining sterility and aseptic technique in growing animal cells and microbes in the school lab.

The grant will also enable Minuteman to update the water purification system in its Biotechnology lab to meet industry standards. The purified water is required for cell growth, molecular biology, and biomanufacturing.

The grant will also allow Minuteman to purchase two 3D printers to introduce students to cutting edge technologies which are being used in micro-nutrient research and production and in tissue culture.  3D printers create models that allow students to visualize cell and tissue structure and better understand related diseases and how to target them.  Knowing 3D printing is fast becoming an essential skill for bio technicians. 

In addition to the $100,000 for equipment, Minuteman received $8,172 to enable Biotechnology teachers Patrick Rafter and Mark Jurman to take a four-day certificate program at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) titled  “Microbial Fermentation Development, Scale-up, and Manufacturing.”

The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center received a record-high 105 applications for equipment funds.  It approved 49 applications totaling $4.3 million.

The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center is a state agency charged with administering a $1 billion state investment in the life sciences.  As part of that investment, it has funded five (5) rounds of equipment grants to Massachusetts middle schools and high schools to improve the delivery of instruction in the life sciences.   

Minuteman is an award-winning regional high school that integrates robust academic and career & technical learning to deliver a revolutionary competitive advantage. The school serves a diverse student body with multiple learning styles, expanding opportunities for college and career success.  The school is an accredited member of the New England Association of Schools & Colleges (NEASC). 

Pending local permitting, Minuteman is planning to break ground soon on a new 628-student high school consisting of two Career Academies supporting a total of 16 high-quality career and technical education programs. 

The new high school is planned for the Lincoln side of Minuteman’s property.


Rep. Ultrino appointed to Labor and Workforce, Children and Families; reappointed to Elder Affairs, Health Care Finance

BOSTON – State Representative Steven Ultrino (D-Malden) was appointed to four committees focused on supporting children and families, workers, seniors, and access to affordable health care. For his second term, Representative Ultrino was reappointed to the Joint Committee on Elder Affairs and the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing, and was also appointed to two new committees, the Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development and the Joint Committee on Children and Families. The committee appointments underscore the importance fighting for working class families and seniors, a primary focus of Representative Ultrino’s first term in 2015-2016.

“I’m excited to continue working for Malden’s seniors and working class families on these committees,” said Representative Ultrino.

Last session, Representative Ultrino’s service on the Elder Affairs and Health Care Financing Committee focused on providing supports, keeping costs low, and improving access to quality services. Representative Ultrino also hosted multiple forums and events for seniors, and facilitated conversations on elder homelessness, affordable public transportation for seniors, and more.

“Our seniors built the foundation of our community, and we have a responsibility to provide them with the resources they need to succeed later in life,” said Representative Ultrino. “The high cost of housing, health care, and other services too often pushes seniors out of their homes and away from our community. I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues and Elder Affairs Secretary Alice Bonner to protect our seniors from fraud, homelessness, hunger, and other problems.”

Representative Ultrino’s appointment to the Health Care Financing Committee comes at a time of great uncertainty and concern at the national level as the federal governments debates whether to eliminate or modify the Affordable Care Act. This session, the Health Care Financing Committee is preparing to address any changes at the federal level to maintain high access to health care while limiting growth in spending.

“No matter what happens in Washington, we believe in Massachusetts that everyone deserves access to quality, affordable health care,” said Representative Ultrino. “We don’t yet know how the federal health care system will change, but I am resolute in protecting access to health care as a human right in our state.”

Representative Ultrino’s newer committee appointments, the Committee on Labor and Workforce Development and the Committee on Children and Families, deal with legislation particularly relevant to Malden’s working class families. Several of Representative Ultrino’s legislative priorities, including paid family leave and a living wage, are likely to go through these committees.

Most of the legislature’s committees are joint committees with members appointed from both the House and the Senate. All legislation is referred to a committee and requires a favorable committee recommendation in order to go to the House floor and, eventually, to passage.

In addition to four legislative committees, he also represents the House on the state’s Economic Empowerment Trust Fund Board and on the Special Commission on Local and Regional Public Health.

Steven Ultrino was sworn in to his second term as State Representative on January 4th, 2017.


Victims were Allegedly Transported from New York and Trafficked in Multiple Communities Including Northampton, Hadley, Framingham, East Longmeadow, and Agawam 

BOSTON – Four individuals have been indicted in connection with trafficking women at massage parlors in Western Massachusetts after law enforcement dismantled the criminal operations in a major multistate law enforcement takedown in December, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today.

“Far too often, we are finding that these body works establishments operate as fronts for human trafficking,” said AG Healey. “We will continue to takedown these criminal enterprises and disrupt these business models that are based on making a profit off of the sexual exploitation of human beings.”

The defendants were indicted on Wednesday by a Statewide Grand Jury on the following charges:

Feng Ling Liu, age 50

·         Trafficking in Persons for Sexual Servitude (3 counts)
·         Conspiracy to Traffic Persons for Sexual Servitude (3 counts) 
·         Transacting in Laundered Money (3 counts) 
·         Deriving Support From Prostitution (3 counts) 
·         Keeping a House of Ill Fame (3 counts)

Jian Song, age 48

·         Trafficking in Persons for Sexual Servitude (3 counts)
·         Conspiracy to Traffic Persons for Sexual Servitude (3 counts) 
·         Transacting in Laundered Money (3 counts) 
·         Deriving Support From Prostitution (3 counts) 
·         Keeping a House of Ill Fame (3 counts)

Ting Ting Yin, age 26
·         Trafficking in Persons for Sexual Servitude (3 counts)
·         Conspiracy to Traffic Persons for Sexual Servitude (3 counts) 
·         Transacting in Laundered Money (3 counts) 
·         Deriving Support From Prostitution (3 counts) 
·         Keeping a House of Ill Fame (3 counts)

Shuzi Li, age 52

·         Trafficking in Persons for Sexual Servitude (2 counts)
·         Transacting in Laundered Money (2 counts)
·         Deriving Support From Prostitution (2 counts)
·         Keeping a House of Ill Fame (2 counts) 

Liu, Song and Yin allegedly trafficked women between New York and locations in Hadley, East Longmeadow, and Framingham. Liu and Yin will be arraigned in Hampshire Superior Court tomorrow and in Hampden and Middlesex Counties at later dates. Song will be arraigned in all three courts at later dates.

Li allegedly trafficked women between New York and her businesses in Northampton and Agawam. Li will be arraigned in Hampshire Superior Court tomorrow and will also be arraigned in Hampden Superior Court at a later date.

These charges are the result of a months-long joint investigation by the AG’s Office, the Northwestern District Attorney’s Office Anti-Crime Task Force, and the Northampton Police Department, with the assistance of various other local and federal law enforcement agencies, including agencies in New York.

During the course of the investigation, authorities developed evidence indicating that Li and Liu were the leaders of criminal operations, running profitable and organized criminal enterprises through “massage parlors” that had been set up as fronts for human trafficking.
The investigation revealed that Liu, with help from Song and Yin, allegedly operated Hadley Massage Therapy in Hadley, Feng Health Center in East Longmeadow and Massage Body Work in Framingham. Authorities also developed evidence that Li was running a similar operation at her businesses, Pine Spa in Northampton and Agawam Massage Therapy in Agawam.
Through these businesses, Li and Liu’s employees performed sexual services for a fee. Authorities allege that the defendants typically received the majority of the profits from these sexual encounters. Ten victims were identified during the investigation and authorities recovered a significant amount of cash during the execution of search warrants. The monies recovered from the businesses were allegedly used to fund expensive jewelry, automobiles, bank accounts, and travel for the defendants.

The victims often lived in the businesses and depended on Li, Liu, Song, and Yin for transportation, groceries and other supplies. The defendants allegedly recruited women, advertised sexual services online, set up appointments for sexual encounters, and arranged for transportation for the women.
These charges are allegations, and all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

AG Healey has a dedicated Human Trafficking Division that focuses on policy, prevention and prosecution and includes a team of specialized prosecutors, victim advocates and Massachusetts State Police troopers who handle high impact, multi-jurisdictional human trafficking investigations and prosecutions across the state. Through the Human Trafficking Division, the AG’s Office has charged more than 30 individuals in connection with human trafficking since the law went into effect in 2012.
            Yesterday, a Boston man was arraigned on charges alleges that he supplied multiple women with drugs and trafficked them for commercial sex in the Greater Boston area.
On Tuesday, AG Healey announced that two New Hampshire women were arrested and arraigned in connection with trafficking women for commercial sex in Massachusetts communities through an online “escort” service.
The case is being prosecuted by Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Bourgeois, of AG Healey’s Human Trafficking Division, Assistant Attorney General Elizabeth Vasiliades, of the AG’s Western Massachusetts Office and Criminal Bureau and Special Assistant Attorney General Jeremey Bucci, Chief Trial Counsel of the Northwestern DA’s Office, with assistance from the Massachusetts State Police assigned to the AG’s Office, the AG’s Digital Evidence Lab, Senior Financial Investigator Eugene Griffin and Victim Witness Advocate Rebecca Auld, Director of the AG’s Victim Services Division.



WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) issued the following statement to stand in solidarity with those participating in today’s national “Day Without Immigrants” protest.

“The United States’ story is a chronicle of the successes of immigrants. These are the successes of iconic figures, like Madeleine Albright and John Muir, but also those of our neighbors and friends who are our doctors, laborers, teachers, and caregivers. As an immigrant myself, I am proud to stand in solidarity with everyone participating in the “A Day Without Immigrants” protest. I know firsthand that America is a great nation because it welcomes people of different backgrounds to come together to better themselves and society. The success of the United States is closely intertwined with the contributions of immigrants. I am certain that as long as we remain a welcoming nation, we’ll continue to be great.”