
星期五, 7月 08, 2016

廣西同鄉會 8/7 野餐

           美丽的新英格兰夏日风光再次展现在我们的眼前,为了创造同乡们在户外欢聚一堂、重温乡音乡情的美好时刻,美国新英格兰地区广西同乡会理事会定于201687日(星期天),举办同乡会成立以来的第六个年度野餐聚会活动,广西商会理事会参与协办。内容包括: 野餐、交流、游戏等,欢迎关心广西同乡会的同乡、朋友们参加。
         聚会收费为每人$8 (12岁以下儿童、65岁以上长者免费) 午餐食品、饮料由活动组织者统筹安排提供。为了便于统计人数和组织安排,请有意向参加活动的人员于730日前报告联系人:陈铭, negxfa@gmail.com ,508-496-2171,或范建蘭janecnh@hotmail.com ,781-298-1651。
活动时间:201687日(星期天)上午11时至下午4 ,如遇雨天,则推迟至813日(星期六)进行。
活动地点: Pine Banks Park (马萨诸塞州摩登市Pine Banks公园)1087 Main Street, MaldenMA 02148乘橙线地铁到Oak 站后步行15分钟可到达)。



紐英崙客家鄉親 8/6 烤肉

紐英倫客家鄉親會即將舉辦 2016 年度烤肉聯誼活動 (picnic),詳情如下。
時間: 八月六 日,星期六, 中午12 㸃 至下午 2 㸃 30 分
地點: Larz Anderson Park, Brookline

費用: 會員(已交 2016 年會費者為限)每人 $10,非會員每人  $15

如有興趣參加,請在 7月 31 日以前向下列鄉親會理事報名,以便準備食物,謝謝合作。

曾秀梅 (meihsu168@gmail.com), 617-553-0388617-792-8828 
陳裕逢 (terrenceychen@gmail.com), 617-816-6622
林上田 (sts_lin@hotmail.com), 617-610-1153617-969-6189 
周一男 (georgeinchou@gmail.com), 617-969-0867


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貝爾蒙特華協仲夏聚會 7/17

星期四, 7月 07, 2016


华盛顿特区 - 美国众议员迈克·本田(加州硅谷,民主党)正在敦促国会通过一项让全国的小型企业更加方便地得到融资的法案。
在金融危机开始之际(2010年),美国政府成立了国家小型企业信用协会(State Small Business Credit Initiative, SSBCI)以鼓励银行对小型企业提供贷款。虽然很多银行仍然对小型企业的贷款犹豫不决,但是如果国会不为其延期,这个项目将会在2017年过期。“我们可以做得更多,”本田议员说道。因此,他与众议员丹·基尔迪(Dan Kildee,密歇根-5)、马克辛·沃特新(Maxine Waters,加利福尼亚-43)和詹姆斯·朗格文(James Langevin,罗德岛-2)共同提出了《小型企业融资法》(Small Business Access to Capital Act),对SSBCI进行重新授权。此法案还增强了数据采集的条款,以确保SSBCI为少数民族、女性和其他劣势人群开创的企业进行服务。
SSBCI为各州提供基金以创立支持小型企业贷款的创新型项目。加州已经利用SSBCI帮助贷款人大幅增长贷款的接受率。贷款人和借款人两边府城资金,而加州政府配套。减少贷款违约的风险,导致贷款人更加愿意给有风险项目贷款。 SSBCI 带来了7百万美金的贷款资金到加州国会议员第17选区。
根据圣荷西的机会基金(Opportunity Fund),银行对 $100,000以下的贷款比较犹豫。机会基金,一个专门为较小型和高风险的企业提供贷款的非营利机构,称80%的客户都是中低等收入,并且89%是少数民族,其中包括14%的亚裔和中东裔。
“小型企业是我们州经济的引擎,雇用了本州90%的私人部门员工——但很多人都无法利用可支付的资金以发展和创造工作,”埃里克·威弗(Eric Weaver),加州最大的非营利小型企业贷款机构机会基金的CEO和创始人评论道。“国家小型企业信用协会对于机会基金为小型企业提供融资,尤其是少数人群和女性拥有的企业是至关重要的。如果没有这个项目,我们就无法每年为加州超过1600家小型企业提供贷款。我们称赞本田议员、基尔迪议员、沃特新议员和朗格文议员对这个问题进行的优先考虑。” 



First Summer Concert of 2016 Series is a Huge Success

Thursday, July 7, 2016
Mayor Christenson, City Hall employees and nearly 100 residents enjoyed the first of the Mayor’s Summer Concert series held Tuesday, July 5th on City Hall Plaza. The “Jambalaya Horns” wowed the audience for two hours with New Orleans style music of jazz, funk and blues - and got everyone moving! Please plan to attend the next concert on Tuesday, July 12th from 6-8 PM on City Hall Plaza, 200 Pleasant Street where Blues Band “Tokyo Tramps” will be the featured performer. 


Photo by Mayor's Press Office
City Hall Porch is another initiative to welcome residents and visitors to City Hall

BOSTON - Thursday, July 7, 2016 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the opening of the new "City Hall Porch," an area accessible through the 3rd-floor mezzanine of City Hall. The launch of the City Hall Porch is another project designed to encourage Boston residents and visitors to enliven City Hall and the Plaza. City Hall Porch will remain open to the public throughout the summer during lunch hours, Monday - Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Porch builds off City Hall Plaza's front lawn, which was launched earlier this summer and features astroturf grass and lawn games on the steps of City Hall Plaza.

"Opening the City Hall Porch for the summer is a simple and creative way to make City Hall more inviting for residents and visitors," said Mayor Walsh. "Everyone is welcome on the Porch, whether it is to socialize with friends or to relax in the summer sun. The opening of the space is just one more step towards making our most prominent civic space in Boston more resourceful and welcoming for all who visit."

The Porch opened yesterday during the awards ceremony for the Public Space Invitational, and features four sets of the City's parklets - seasonal patios designed for public spaces - that provide comfortable seating for the city's residents and visitors.

The parklets featured on the Porch will eventually be dispatched to neighborhoods throughout Boston to provide centrally located places in busy urban locations for people to sit and socialize in an attractive, well maintained outdoor living space.  

The parklets were installed as part of a pilot program led by the Boston Transportation Department in Allston/Brighton two summers ago, when the City partnered with local businesses to provide day-to-day maintenance of the parklets. The parklets are made of durable plastic, and can easily be transferred between locations in the city. As a concept, parklets provide a fresh interest in the surrounding area by attracting people to Main Streets Districts, enlivening local streets, and generating business activity.

About the Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics
The Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics serves as the City's innovation incubator, building partnerships between internal agencies and outside entrepreneurs to pilot projects that address resident needs. Their streetscape work spans ways to make the transportation experience better for users, through products like the ParkBoston app, to providing ways for local designers to make public space more intuitive and delightful with the Public Space Invitational.


(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)中國駐紐約總領事館新到任副總領事邱艦,今(6)日抵波士頓,拜會僑團,聯繫感情,聆聽意見,還特地邀約數名來自台灣僑胞餐敘。

星期三, 7月 06, 2016

CAPAC on Meeting with U.S. Department of Justice

CAPAC on Meeting with U.S. Department of Justice
Washington, D.C. – Today, Members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) met with senior officials from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to discuss several high-profile cases in which Chinese American scientists were wrongfully accused and arrested for alleged espionage only to have those charges later dropped. CAPAC Chair Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27) released the following statement:  
“I thank the Department of Justice for meeting with CAPAC today to discuss our grave concerns over what appears to be an ongoing pattern and practice of Asian Americans being wrongfully targeted for alleged espionage. However, I remain unsatisfied with the limited actions the Department has taken thus far. Today’s meeting made clear that DOJ has no tangible way to identify whether race, ethnicity or national origin played a role in any of these cases, which is why we once again called for an independent investigation into the cases of Dr. Xiaoxing Xi and Sherry Chen.

“As Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, I will continue to push for an independent investigation and more data on espionage-related prosecutions against Asian Americans. I also look forward to working with DOJ as they develop their recently announced implicit bias training materials for federal law enforcement officials and prosecutors to ensure that they include guidance to address the targeting of Asian Pacific Americans.”


On June 27, 2016, the Department of Justice announced new Department-wide implicit bias training for all of its law enforcement agents and prosecutors. The training will be administered to more than 23,000 agents employed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),  Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), as well as the approximately 5,800 attorneys working in the 94 U.S. Attorney’s Offices across the country. 

On May 13, 2016, CAPAC sent a letter to the DOJ Office of Inspector General demanding an independent investigation into whether race, ethnicity, or national origin played a part in recent cases in which Chinese Americans were suspected of espionage. The letter comes after similar requests were made in letters sent last May and November, as well as during a CAPAC meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch in November 2015. 



(Boston Orange  周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華總會和紐英崙廣東同鄉總會,紐英崙港澳之友社攜手合作,七月四日晚在帝苑大酒樓席開廿餘桌,做三合一慶祝,既慶祝美國國慶,表揚參加越戰華裔退伍軍人,也慶祝紐英崙廣東同鄉總會廿週年。
Johnny Chu John D. EngJames Men FongJohnny LauJack. L. LeeJimmy LeeWalter LeeJames MoyArthur Ben Wong等,在二,三百人行注目禮中,或由本人,或由代表李奇舜等人,一一上台領取獎牌。




        駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處與羅德島州黑石谷旅遊局(Blackstone Valley Tourism Bureau, Rhode Island)聯合舉辦的「2016年羅德島州龍舟賽暨臺灣日節慶」(2016 Rhode Island Dragon Boat Races & Taiwan Day Festival)業定於本(2016)93(週六)上午11時至下午4時在羅州普塔吉市(Pawtucket西空河畔(Seekonk River)舉行(地點: School Pier, Pawtucket, RI 02860)