
星期三, 5月 18, 2016

中華頤養院年會表揚員工 感謝董事、社區

            (Boston Orange 周菊子昆士市報導)中華頤養院康復中心日前以“榮耀過去,歡慶未來”為主題,在昆士市龍鳳酒樓舉行年會,頒發獎學金及丁大文/穆加(Mugar)獎,通過理事連任。
 Lee,華人醫務中心行政主任衛優駿(Eugen Welsh )。
            該院董事長雷偉志,新任執行長Wendy Lee先後致詞,報告該院2015年成就及里程碑,並指出在2015年時,一整年的慶祝成立三十週年活動,既給了他們機會誌記一路走來的歷史,也彷如重新充電,要迎接輝煌未來。
            在2015年,該院人事略有變動,其中包括秋天時退休的前任執行長該院董事陳逢想。以及接替上任的Wendy Lee。
            當晚的年會晚宴,嘉賓包括麻州參議員John Keenan,麻州眾議員陳德基。中華頤養院還頒發服務獎,表揚服務年資長的員工,服務滿三十年的有三人,金杏濱,蔡珍美(譯音),Veronica Saunders;頒發使立德學習中心及護士基金獎學金給四名得獎人,丁大文/穆加傑出領導者獎給Claire Wheeler,Marylou Falletti,Irene Zhu,Wing Mui等四人。
            該院董事會董事包括主席雷偉志,副主席陳美貞(May Y. Chin),財政陳遇均,Hemmie Chang,Marianne B. Bowler,Edward ChengStanley D. ElkertonLeonard S. LaiSusan Xu LuoPaul J. MackinnonLisa Mui,屈振生(Jason Qu),Alice L. Rose,陳秀英,丁大文,Hon Hoi Yee等人。

張昊辰波士頓演出 聽眾驚艷 起立鼓掌 久久不歇

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)2009年范克萊本鋼琴大賽金獎得主張昊辰,514日晚應中華表演藝術基金會之邀,在新英格蘭音樂學院喬丹廳的演奏,技驚全場,數百觀眾不斷起立鼓掌,久久不歇。
“波士頓音樂情報員(The Boston Music Intelligencer)”的樂評家對張昊辰稱許有加。他對這場演奏會的描述是,想像一場完全古典式的鋼琴演奏會,蕭邦,舒伯特,普羅柯菲耶夫(Prokofiev)的曲目,你幾乎每一首都熟悉,但張昊辰的演奏,卻從一開始就那麼動人,細緻入微,表達得那麼有原創感,體貼的攫獲人心,讓人覺得彷彿是第一次聆聽這樣的作品。
當晚出席演奏會的聽眾中,有許多著名的音樂家,音樂學院教授,音樂界冒起中的新星,包括2015年柴可夫斯基鋼琴大賽銀獎得主黎卓宇,2010年梅紐因(Yehudi Menuhin )小提琴比賽金獎得主于洋,也都特地出席,致意,道賀,結緣

青年鋼琴家于洋(右起),張昊辰,黎卓宇,Andrew Li在後台聚會。



Cambridge, MA, May, 14, 2016 – 五月份的專業分享玉山邀請了兩位嘉賓,陳家彥博士,和賴文福博士。
骨頭專家賴文福博士簡短的分享了從台灣經驗到台灣理論的主題,並簡單介紹了Taipeibio 以及New England Organogenisis
本次活動於ARC(Architectural Recourses Cambridge)舉行,現場20多位來賓,對於專業分享的內容和場所都非常的滿意。

玉山科技協會於六月份舉行講座,邀請Victor Tang博士來和大家探討創意發想。譚博士為前IBM副總裁,現為I3nsight的董事長。活動將於六月十一日舉行,活動詳情即註冊請用以下網址https://www.eventbrite.com/e/creativity-workshop-tickets-25529029013 (MJNE提供)

Ultrino Announces Event to Promote Senior Housing Stability

Ultrino Announces Event to Promote Senior Housing Stability

MALDEN – Representative Steve Ultrino (D-Malden) is hosting an event next week to address senior housing and homelessness concerns and to provide resources to Malden’s seniors. The event, Building Elder Housing Stability, will be held from 10am to 12pm on Thursday, May 26 at the Malden Senior Center, located at 7 Washington Street in Malden.

All Malden seniors and their friends and families are invited to attend the free event, which will include information to assist elders in staying in their homes, resources on access to health care, information booths, a panel discussion, and more.

“Our state’s housing crisis presents a particular challenge to seniors, many of whom are seeking retirement or have already retired and are living on fixed incomes,” said Representative Steve Ultrino. “My office works with seniors struggling with the rising costs of housing, healthcare, and other necessities every week, and issues affecting elders have been a priority of mine in the Legislature.”

Residents with questions about the event should contact Alex Pratt in the Office of Representative Steve Ultrino at (617) 722-2460 or Alexander.Pratt@mahouse.gov.


據悉,哈佛校方今(18)早11:16時,在推特上表示收到炸彈威脅,提醒學生們,警方正派員搜查,並要求人們從Morgan, Esteves, Aldrich, Chao, Tata, Hawes and Batten等七座樓宇中撤出。


BPHC Announces Community Listening Sessions

BPHC Announces Community Listening Sessions
Open sessions will connect City to residents who can help identify gaps in trauma resources
BOSTON - Wednesday, May 18, 2016 - The Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) will be hosting a series of community listening sessions designed to help the City assess trauma resources and needs in Mattapan, Dorchester, Roxbury, and East Boston.  The sessions will be open to neighborhood residents and community partners and encourage feedback and ideas around how to improve existing resources and engage residents in trauma prevention efforts.  The first session is in Dorchester on Wednesday, May 18, at 5:30 PM.   

"We look forward to learning from residents how we can better support individuals and communities who have been victims of trauma," said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "I am pleased the Boston Public Health Commission is leading these efforts and working with other City departments and agencies to connect with residents in their neighborhoods. I look forward to learning how the City of Boston can better support residents who have faced trauma, and the lessons we can learn from their resilience."

BPHC invites both residents and representatives of community agencies to attend the meetings and to share perspectives on the types of supports their communities would need in the instance of a traumatic event and for longer-term recovery efforts. Leaders will be prompting attendees to share ideas on how the city can help support their neighborhoods, and on the information and education that communities would need in order to offer comfort to neighbors who have been impacted by violence.

"Violence never has just one victim, and any single event can impact an entire community," said BPHC Executive Director Monica Valdes Lupi, JD, MPH.  "Residents know their communities best, which is why we turn to them now for guidance in preparing and delivering support response and recovery services for traumatic events."
Through a network of community health centers in Dorchester, Jamaica Plain, Mattapan and Roxbury, BPHC supports eight trauma recovery teams. The trauma recovery teams are a resource for residents impacted by violent or other traumatic events, with services available on an ongoing basis after short term crisis response needs are met. Residents are encouraged to use this resource regardless of when their traumatic incident took place.

BPHC will use information gleaned in these community listening sessions to determine how to improve and continue providing these resources.

Meetings are scheduled for the following dates and locations:

May 18: Dorchester, First Parish Dorchester, Meetinghouse Hall, 10 Parish St.; 5:30 - 8 p.m.
May 24: East Boston, East Boston Social Center, 68 Central Square; 5:30 - 8 p.m.
May 25: Roxbury, BCYF Tobin Community Center, 1483 Tremont St.; 5:30 - 8 p.m.
May 26: Mattapan, Mattapan Branch, Boston Public Library, 1350 Blue Hill Ave.; 5:30 - 8 p.m.

Dinner, childcare and translation services will be provided at all of the meetings. For more information, call 617-534-2382.

BCNC 6/1 邀名人朗讀白蛇傳

Join us for an Exclusive Madame White Snake Reading!
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
6:00-7:30 PM
BCNC | 38 Ash Street | Boston, MA 02111
(MBTA Accessible: Tufts Medical Center T Stop on Orange Line)
Ouroboros Trilogy, a trio of grand operas created by BCNC supporter, Cerise Lim Jacobs, will be premiering at the Cutler Majestic Theatre in September 2016. The trilogy comprises the Pulitzer Prize winning Madame White Snake by Zhou Long, Gilgamesh by Paolo Prestini, and Naga by Scott Wheeler. 
As a community partner of Ouroboros Trilogy, BCNC will host a reading of Madame White Snake as a sneak preview of this award winning opera. In addition to the reading, there will be a singing performance, talk-back with the artist, and wine & cheese reception. 
Our Readers
Liz Cheng - General Manager of Television: WGBH-2, WGBX-44, 'GBH Kids, and WORLD Channel
Shirley Leung - Columnist at The Boston Globe
Ian So - CEO of Chicken and Rice Guys
Geoffrey Why - Member of Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky, and Popeo, P.C.

This event is free, but space is limited. Please RSVP to reserve your spot by Friday, May 27. We look forward to seeing you there! 
BCNC is selling advanced tickets at $25 for the following performances: 
Madame White Snake - Tuesday, September 13 at 7:30 PM
Gilgamesh - Wednesday, September 14 at 7:30 PM
Naga - Thursday, September 15 at 7:30 PM
Ticket sales will benefit BCNC family-centered programs for children, youth, and adults. Click here to purchase your tickets today!

BCNC Special Events
BCNC , 38 Ash Street, Boston, MA 02111 (US).

There is limited meter parking on Washington Street, Harrison Avenue and Marginal Road. Nearby parking garages include One Nassau Street (entrance on Ash Street), Tufts Medical Center garage, and Doubletree Hotel on Washington Street.
June 1, 2016
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM


Formerly Known as ONEin3, SPARK Boston Encourages Civic Engagement in Boston's Millennial Population

BOSTON - Wednesday, May 18, 2016 - During a celebration Monday evening, Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced the strategic rebranding of SPARK Boston, formerly known as the Mayor's ONEin3 initiative, to help draw a larger and more diverse range of Boston's millennials into civic participation. The rebranding is part of a concerted effort by the City of Boston to better engage, communicate and collaborate with residents between the ages of 20-34, a demographic that comprises over a third of the city's overall population.

"The City of Boston's vibrant and diverse millennial population is one of our greatest assets," said Mayor Walsh. "We know that our young people care deeply about this city and its future, and we recognize the need for new tools and strategies to interact with them. It is our intention through SPARK Boston to tap into the energy and creativity of our young leaders to encourage them to rethink civic engagement and empower them to have an impact, make a different and spark change in their own communities."

SPARK Boston builds on Mayor Walsh's proactive engagement of Boston's young adults by encouraging their active participation in the city's policies and programs. Young adults make up about 45 percent of eligible voters and nearly half of the city's workforce. They are an economic engine, adding $1 billion annually in goods and services to Boston.

"Since 2004, ONEin3 has been helping young adults build relationships and strengthen their personal and professional networks here in Boston," said Erin Santhouse, Director of SPARK Boston. "While this remains a vital function of the program, SPARK Boston will focus on engaging the next generation of civic leaders and social entrepreneurs in the work of city government. This will shape how the City designs and develops policies, convenes stakeholders for important initiatives, and works collaboratively with young people to shape Boston's future."

The celebration drew over 300 young adults to the TD Garden, including 300 members of the SPARK Council. During the event, Mayor Walsh encouraged attendees to become involved in SPARK Boston and other city programs. Fifteen City of Boston departments and related programs were on-site to showcase their initiatives, distribute informational materials, promote upcoming events, recruit volunteers, register new voters, sign people up for mailing lists and more. 

The following departments and programs were in attendance: Greenovate, Renew Boston, Go Boston 2030, Boston Home Center, Mayor's Health Line, Office of Recovery Services, Imagine Boston 2030, Mayor's Housing Innovation Lab, Women Entrepreneurs Boston, Mayor's Office of Women's Advancement, Elections Department, Mayor's Mentoring Movement, City Hall To Go, Boston 311, Department of Innovation and Technology and StartHub.

For more information about SPARK Boston, please visit here or follow them on Twitter.


Washington - Today, Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) issued the following statement in response to House passage of his amendment (Number 328) to the National Defense Authorization Act: To express a sense of Congress that it is the policy of the United States to support a denuclearized Korean peninsula.
“I am pleased that in contrast to the irresponsible, dangerous language of a presumptive nominee for President, the Republican majority in the House has joined with Democrats to unanimously pass my amendment asserting the official policy of the United States to support a denuclearized Korean peninsula.  We cannot allow the proliferation of nuclear weapons on the peninsula.  We must protect stability in the region by reducing nuclear activity—not increasing it.”

WGBH 5/26 慶祝亞裔傳統月

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Celebration

May 26, 2016, 5:30-9pm
WGBH Studios, One Guest Street, Brighton, MA 02135
Free, but RSVP is required
5:30pm Doors Open
6pm Presentation in Yawkey Theater
7:30pm Dinner Reception in the Atrium
Join WGBH for an evening of provocative conversation and great filmmaking from and about the Asian Pacific community.

Documentary filmmaker and writer Ric Burns and editor Li-Shin will share an excerpt from their new film, Chinese Exclusion Act, the first TV examination of America’s attempt to ban a single people from immigrating. In addition indie filmmaker and Guggenheim fellow Ken Eng will present an excerpt of his film My Life in China, which explores his father’s emotional return to his village in China – possibly to live out his life..

For the second part of the event, General Manager of WGBH Television and WORLD Channel Liz Cheng will lead a frank discussion with panelists, who will share their journeys to success despite obstacles and the “bamboo ceiling.”

Panelists include:

•  Michelle Wu, President of the Boston City Council

•  Heidi Yeh, MD, Surgical Director of Pediatric Transplants at  
   Massachusetts General Hospital

•  Jit Saxena, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Netezza

Register for this important event now.

星期二, 5月 17, 2016

台灣美食廚藝訂5/26 辦晚宴


5/26 6:20PM  龍鳳餐廳二樓


如果您有興趣來品嚐請電僑教中心 617-965-880 或回

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