
星期四, 5月 26, 2016


於近日所發佈的一篇調報告中 , 非牟利組織全美金融改革聯盟(AFR) 及其成員齊聲促請聯邦監管部門, 對於英語能力有限者(Limited English Proficiency, 簡稱LEP)在瞭解及使用金融財政系統方面應由難轉易, 特別是在房屋抵押貸款行業。
2014 , 英語能力有限的美國居民已高達兩千五百三十萬,佔全國總人口的百分之九。這些英語能力有限的借款人特別容易遭遇詐騙及 掠奪式貸款陷阱。該文同時指出許多金融業玩家在市場研究中針對英語能力有限的社區, 量身打造一套推銷手法, 包括使用每個種族自己的語言去做廣告推銷金融。不過一旦品成功售出, 通常消費者所收到的跟進聯絡信函及文件, 包括容複雜的房屋抵押貸款選項及條款,  則完全只用英文。
同時發表的一篇附加文稿提及有幾個英語能力有限的房屋業主, 他們很遲才發現自己的房屋抵押貸款竟然有非常不利於己的條文, 使得他們在調整貸款時困難重重。其中有一對講西班牙文的夫妻, 他們一向自以為所借貸的房屋抵押貸款是固定利率分期攤還的, 在經過了付款 十年之久以後, 他們才發現其房貸只是在償還利息, 對貸款本金毫無影響。而且情況更糟的是, 他們每月的還款額即將要從$1,983 調升到 $3,350 。這對夫妻有一個朋友, 以前在向他們推薦貸款公司後就成為 他們的口譯員, 現在事後才得知, 這個朋友其實和他們所使用的貸款公司、權公司以及售屋成交律師, 均可能有財務方面的關聯。
其實聯邦監察機構是具備公權力改善相關問題的。該文特別促請聯邦 的消費金融保護機構(Consumer Financial Protection Bureau), 以及 其它監管部門採取各項特別措施, 包括應將貸款主要文件至少印製成 八種語文以供所需 (西班牙文,中文, 越南文, 韓文, 菲律賓文, 俄文, 阿拉伯文, 以及海地克里奧爾語); 改善消費者向聯邦監管部門提出投訴及申請諮詢的多語服務管道; 向各個金融機構提出多語服務的標準; 以及在全國範圍全面改進對房貸申請人首選語言的記錄追蹤。
*** 此次共同參與研究寫作上述兩篇報告,而且向政府監管部門提出呼籲的各大組織包括:
National Consumer Law Center (全國消費法律中心), National CAPACD (美國亞太裔社區發展全國聯盟), National Council of La Raza, Empire Justice Center, National Housing Resource Center (全國住房資源中心), Consumer Action (消費者行動), National Fair Housing Alliance (全國公 平住房聯盟), MFY Legal Services (MFY 法律服務).

全美金融改革聯盟(Americans for Financial Reform 簡稱 AFR) 是一個不 分黨派的非牟利聯盟組織, 其加盟成員超過二百個組織, 提供各類不 同服務, 其範圍包括: 民權、消費者、勞工、商業、投資者、宗教團體, 以及民間團體和社區團體等等。AFR 成立於 2008 年金融危機之後, 其宗旨即為建立一個強壯、穩定、符合倫理道德的金融財政系統, 使其效益普及經濟,並且服務全國上下。

星期三, 5月 25, 2016







Mass Health Care Price Variation Measure reached consensus

Governor Baker, House Speaker DeLeo, Senate President Rosenberg Announce Consensus On Health Care Price Variation Measure

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker, House Speaker Robert DeLeo and Senate President Stan Rosenberg announced they reached a consensus solution that aims to avoid a ballot question concerning healthcare pricing. The measure reforms the Special Commission to Review Variation in Prices among Providers, adjusts MassHealth rates and provides additional support for community hospitals.

“Working across the aisle with legislative leaders to work out a consensus agreement is important to addressing the issues raised by the proposed ballot question and I am thankful for the cooperation of the Speaker and Senate President,” said Governor Baker. “I am pleased that we were able to reach these solutions together and I look forward to the Legislature taking up this matter.”

“On behalf of the House, I’d like to express my appreciation to Governor Baker and Senate President Rosenberg in working to forge consensus on this price variation agreement. It is my hope that this plan will avert a costly and divisive ballot initiative and lend assistance to our community hospitals, which serve our most underserved residents,” said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo (D-Winthrop). “I look forward to the work of the commission.”

“This framework establishes a path to a long term solution on the issue of price variation that will protect consumers, provide stability in the healthcare marketplace, and help put all of our hospitals on solid financial footing,” said Senate President Stan Rosenberg (D-Amherst).  “It is my hope that this consensus effort by the Legislature and Baker Administration will avoid a costly ballot question.”

Price Variation Commission:
Reforms the “Special Commission to Review Variation in Prices among Providers” by adding the Chairs of the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing as co-chairs to the Commission, giving the organization increased ability to examine this important issue for the healthcare industry.

MassHealth Rate Relief:
Authorizes the Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders to expend up to $15 million in additional rates to be returned to hospitals -- in addition to the $250 million hospital assessment proposal already included in the FY17 state budget. The additional funds will follow the same distribution formula as used for the distribution of the $250 million – sun setting after five years. 

Community Hospital Reinvestment Trust Fund:
The Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) will administer a new $45 million Community Hospital Reinvestment Trust Fund over a period of five years.

The Trust Fund will be financed by redirecting existing assessments that now fund CHIA’s  budget.  The legislation will transfer $5 million from the CHIA appropriation to the Trust Fund in FY17 and $10 million each year thereafter in FY18-FY21.
The resulting $45 million in revenue will be distributed through a series of annual relief payments over a five year period.  All hospitals with relative prices below 120% of the statewide median price will be eligible for this funding.  Such annual payments would be weighted and allocated proportionally so that those hospitals with lower relative prices would receive relatively higher payment awards.

BCNC昆市品嚐風味Vivi 珍珠奶茶最受歡迎 (圖片)

Baker-Polito Administration Files Legislation to Cap Sick Time Accrual

Baker-Polito Administration Files Legislation to Cap Sick Time Accrual
Bill brings Massachusetts in line with other states and the private sector, limits accrual to no more than 1,000 total hours

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito introduced “An Act to Reform Sick Time ,” aimed at limiting sick time accruals that have led to exorbitant payouts upon retirement from state government.  The legislation would cap accrual of sick time for state employees in the Executive Department at no more than 1,000 hours, equivalent to six months of work.  The bill grandfathers in approximately 5,800 current state employees who already have more than 1,000 hours accrued. Those employees would be capped at their current earned amount as of the date of enactment. Once the legislation is passed, the policy will take effect immediately.

“Sick leave is a benefit designed to offer employees a way to deal with health and family issues, not a retirement bonus,” said Governor Baker. “Bringing the Commonwealth’s sick leave accrual policy in line with other private and public sector employers just makes sense and is the fiscally responsible thing to do.”

“This legislation ensures the use of sick time remains consistent with its intended purpose,” said Lieutenant Governor Polito. “Benefits for Executive Department employees will remain competitive while we implement an accrual policy that is fair to Massachusetts taxpayers.”

“Sick days serve an important purpose, but they must be used in an appropriate and accountable way for our compensation system to have the integrity and transparency taxpayers deserve,” said Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr.

“Recent media reports highlighting excessive sick leave payouts in the public higher education system clearly demonstrate the need to crack down on these types of abuses,” said House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr. “The reforms proposed by the Baker-Polito Administration will help to provide greater transparency and accountability to the state’s taxpayers.”

"I am so pleased that the Governor has recognized the taxpayers' frustration at the types of "golden parachutes" we have seen recently by high ranking public employees leaving state service. I think his legislation will be an effective tool to mandate sick leave and vacation time be used correctly in the future," said Rep. Colleen Garry.

Under current law, employees can accrue a maximum of 15 sick days per year and those employees who retire are permitted to cash out 20% of unused sick time. In Fiscal Year 2015, 378 employees had an accrual of more than 1,000 hours upon retirement.  While this represents only approximately one third the number of retiring employees, the cash-outs for these employees accounted for nearly 80% of the total cash-out cost.  Based on the last three fiscal years, if fully implemented, a 1,000 hour cap on accruals would have saved an average of $3.5M in cash-outs per year.

星期二, 5月 24, 2016

Baker-Polito Administration Awards MassWorks Funding to Ludlow Mills Riverwalk

Baker-Polito Administration Awards MassWorks Funding to Ludlow Mills Riverwalk

The grant will support increased pedestrian safety and historical awareness in a mixed-use, mixed-income development

Ludlow – Tuesday, May 24, 2016 – Today Lt. Governor Karyn Polito announced a $429,500 MassWorks award for the Town of Ludlow to improve pedestrian safety and provide historical signage along the Ludlow Mills Riverwalk. The multi-phased Riverwalk project reconnects the community with the Chicopee River for the first time in 160 years by redeveloping the former Ludlow Manufacturing and Sales Company buildings as residential, commercial, and industrial units.

“We are committed to helping communities invest in their infrastructure to attract private investment and create jobs,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Ludlow’s Riverwalk builds on the community’s history and assets to create an attractive space for residents, businesses, and visitors that will help drive economic development in the area.”

“Community-directed revitalization efforts are the most effective way to support Massachusetts’ cities and towns,” said Lt. Governor Polito. “The collective buy-in on this project, from the streamlined permitting process to Westmass’s commitment to create open public space along the waterfront, was a significant part of our decision to fund the Riverwalk.”

This investment is the first out-of-round MassWorks award granted by the Baker-Polito Administration, and was approved based on its varied funding sources – including $600,000 in matching funds – and its alignment with the Administration’s interest in mixed-use and mixed-income developments that draw private investment and create jobs for Massachusetts residents.

Kenn W. Delude, President of Westmass, reiterated the importance of these grant funds. “These funds will provide the public with pedestrian lighting along the Riverwalk’s route, historic interpretative signage and other site elements so that all who use the Riverwalk will have increased safety and an opportunity to understand the historic significance of the Ludlow Mills,” Delude said. “The Riverwalk provides public open space and links the community to the Chicopee River and to its industrial past.”

The MassWorks Infrastructure Program provides a one stop shop for municipalities and other eligible public entities seeking public infrastructure funding to support housing production, economic development, and job creation through strategic investments in public infrastructure. The 2015 grant round generated 101 applications for more than $245 million in infrastructure requests. The Baker-Polito Administration’s 2017 capital budget increases funding for the MassWorks Infrastructure Program to $90 million. Over the past two fiscal years the Administration has increased MassWorks funding by $35 million.

Each year, the program allocates 10 percent of the awarded funds to assist municipalities with populations of 7,000 or less in completing roadway safety and transportation improvement projects. The MassWorks Program has invested over $357 million across the Commonwealth since the first competitive grant round was held in September 2011.

More information is available at the 2015 MassWorks Award Results page.

麻州中醫學會辦哈佛論壇 申論男性不孕,纖維肌痛治療


            (Boston Orange 周菊子貝爾蒙鎮報導)麻省中醫學會與哈佛大學醫學院替代醫療中心合作,5月22日在該校麥克林(McLean)醫院舉辦中醫藥論壇,申論中醫在治療男性不育症,腸道易激綜合症,及慢性疼痛,纖維肌痛等病症上的應用,逾百人出席,提問十分踴躍。
            中西醫兼通的楊觀虎,去年獲聘為俄亥俄大學醫學院臨床助理副教授,曾於2005到2009年在俄亥俄州擔任SHI針灸學校校長,現在辛辛那提市經營二個中醫診所,同時擔任世界中醫聯合會科專業委員會理事,美國中醫藥學會副會長,還是Cellular % Molecular Biology等國際著名科學雜誌審稿人。

第一排左起李志平 Linda Robinson  章珍珍 Yvonne chen 第二排左起
 曹 grant Hou 陆卫东 杨观张炜 群豪 May Zhang 何德广。
