
星期五, 4月 29, 2016


(Boston Orange 周菊子昆士市報導)中華頤養院康復中心423日揭曉“創辦人牆”,向14名三十多年前出錢出力,為病痛纏身華人耆老打造幾近完美頤養天年之所的熱心人士致敬。


三十年前,是阮陳金鳳,陳毓璇,陳家驊,陳鐵堅,朱曉東, 梅伍銀寬,吳文津,黃令南,陳秀英,和已辭世的喬治史立德(George A. Schlichte),克文珍(Martha Jane Hackett),陳郁立,李實卿,黃兆英等人持續努力8年,出錢出力,鼓動了整個社區人心,才終於建成中華頤養院。
陳秀英坦白指出,85%中華頤養院長期護理院民是由醫療補助(Medicaid)支付費用,每日每人次有 37.5元差額,中華頤養院的營運因此面對的挑戰不小。

中華頤養院的其他創辦人,個個貢獻良多,包括本業是律師的陳鐵堅,為中華頤養院提供了許多法律顧問服務,包括和波士頓重建局等公家機關討論土地及區域規劃等許多事。曾任紐英崙中華公所主席的李實卿,曾協助中華頤養院爭取社區支持,給了中華頤養院辦理申請時必要的基礎。 波士頓大學退休教授黃令南,當年協助中華頤養院招聘了許多雙語的專業護士,醫生,還加入了董事會服務。陳家驊及喬治史立德撰寫了中華頤養院最原始版本的企劃書,並在申辦期間提供專業諮詢協助。克文珍和阮陳金鳳攜手,招募符合資格的雙語工作人員。他們當年拿到在政府登記有案的持牌護士名冊,再根據華人姓氏來一個個找。她倆還研擬出工作細則,福利內容及培訓辦法,使得中華頤養院的經營得以更有條理。

South Cove Manor Founders
       Paul Chan  陳家驊
                         Bill Y.S. Chin  陳毓璇                        
Robert Chin *   陳郁立
          William D. Chin 陳鐵堅          
Hugh Tung Chu * 朱曉東
      Amy C. Guen  阮陳金鳳
Shih Hing Lee * 李實卿    
Martha Jane Hackett  *  克文珍
Bernard Lin-Nan Huang 黃令南 醫生
       Ruth C. Moy  梅伍銀寬
George A. Schlichte  *  喬治史立德
Helen Chin Schlichte  陳秀英
David Shu Ying Wong  * 黄兆英
Eugene Wen-Chin Wu 文津

United Health Foundation Invests in the Future Health Workforce; Commits $2.25 Million in Scholarships

United Health Foundation Invests in the Future Health Workforce; Commits $2.25 Million in Scholarships to More Than 200 Students for the 2016-17 Academic Year

  • Diverse Scholars Initiative supports undergraduate and graduate students pursuing careers in health care
  • More than 1,800 scholarships, totaling over $13 million, have been awarded since 2007
MINNETONKA, Minn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- More than 200 students studying to work in health care professions are receiving $2.25 million in scholarships for the 2016-17 academic year from United Health Foundation.
The funding is part of United Health Foundation’s commitment to investing in the country’s future, diverse health care workforce. United Health Foundation, in partnership with nine nonprofit and civic organizations, is providing the scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students through its Diverse Scholars Initiative.
“Creating a future health workforce that meets a community’s diverse and distinct health care needs is critical to building healthier communities,” said Chris Stidman, president of United Health Foundation. “Increasing access to culturally competent care helps reduce health care disparities and improves health outcomes. United Health Foundation is grateful for the opportunity to partner with national organizations and nonprofits to invest in the future health workforce.”
Diverse Scholars Initiative and Partners
Since the Diverse Scholar Initiative’s inception in 2007, United Health Foundation has awarded more than 1,800 scholarships totaling over $13 million.
“It’s been immensely helpful to have the financial support, but also the mentorship opportunities,” said Kenji Taylor, a 2013 United Health Foundation and National Medical Fellowships Diverse Scholar. “It’s so powerful to have people who inspire you and believe in your ability to do great things.” Taylor is currently completing his residency in family medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.
Scholarship applicants must demonstrate financial need, the pursuit of a degree that will lead to a career as a primary care health professional, and a commitment to working in underserved communities.
The nine grant partners will announce individual Diverse Scholars recipients throughout the year.
United Health Foundation engages with the scholars throughout the year to support their educational and professional goals, including hosting a Diverse Scholars Forum in Washington, D.C., in June. The event will bring together undergraduate-, graduate- and doctorate-level scholarship recipients from across the nation. Scholars will meet with policymakers and thought leaders to discuss the nation’s most pressing health issues, network with peers and special guests, and engage in interactive dialogue to share their own ideas and experiences.
Meet our 2016-17 Diverse Scholars throughout the year by visiting the Diverse Scholar Initiative page or follow @UHGGives, #DiverseScholars on Twitter.
About United Health Foundation
Through collaboration with community partners, grants and outreach efforts, United Health Foundation works to improve our health system, build a diverse and dynamic health workforce and enhance the well-being of local communities. United Health Foundation was established by UnitedHealth Group (NYSE: UNH) in 1999 as a not-for-profit, private foundation dedicated to improving health and health care. To date, United Health Foundation has committed more than $285 million to programs and communities around the world. We invite you to learn more at www.unitedhealthfoundation.org or follow @UHGGives on Twitter or Facebook.com/UHGGives.

Baker-Polito Administration To File Legislation Seeking Water Protection Delegation

Baker-Polito Administration To File Legislation Seeking Water Protection Delegation
Proposal Ensures State Oversight of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems Program

BOSTON – With a commitment to continue strong protection of the waters of the Commonwealth, the Baker-Polito Administration today will file An Act to Enable the Commonwealth’s Administration of the Massachusetts Pollutant Discharge Elimination System which supports the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s (MassDEP) efforts to join 46 other states in administering the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) for federal water quality protection and announced a budget commitment of $4.7 million annually for staff, programming and up-to-date monitoring and analysis of water quality data.

“As a state that has a proud history of working to protect and improve water quality, this legislation will ensure that Massachusetts has an active, hands-on role in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System program,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “I am confident that in joining 46 other states, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection will implement a strong, science-based program to protect our natural resources.”

“By allowing the Commonwealth to continue its proven-track record of implementing federally delegated programs, including the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Air Act, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection is well positioned to administer this program,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “With our administration’s commitment to technical assistance and municipal outreach, cities and towns across the Commonwealth will have a strong partner in MassDEP to ensure the preservation and protection of our state’s environmental resources for all residents.”

Under the federal Clean Water Act, the EPA administers numerous water quality programs across the United States, including efforts like NPDES which regulates public and private discharges of wastewater and stormwater. As states have the option of applying to the EPA for authorization to administer the program at the state level, subject to federal oversight, the legislation to be filed by the Baker-Polito Administration will make changes to the Commonwealth’s Clean Waters Act, which is needed for MassDEP to make an application to the EPA.

“By seeking authorization of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System program, the Baker-Polito Administration is taking the necessary step to solidify Massachusetts’  ability to integrate decisions it is making in other water programs, and to bring  the best science and management approaches to this very important water quality program,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton.

Massachusetts, through MassDEP, has a decades-long history of effectively and successfully administering other federal environmental programs in areas of drinking water, hazardous waste, and clean air, as well as other state water programs such as Title 5, wetlands, and water management. In seeking authorization from EPA to administer the NPDES program, MassDEP will continue to promote the use of science-based water monitoring information during permitting decisions and will provide ongoing effective technical assistance to permittees. Furthermore, adding the NPDES program to MassDEP’s portfolio will promote an integrated process in which a single agency can work with cities and towns across the Commonwealth to the protect Massachusetts’ water quality as well, if not better, that the EPA while minimizing the number of permit appeals and legal challenges. 

MassDEP will also embrace the concept of integrated planning and will work closely with local partners to establish a program that takes a holistic view of clean water requirements and implementation schedules.

 “We are looking forward to working with cities, towns, advocates and all partners who are working on water quality issues,” said MassDEP Commissioner Martin Suuberg. “Our proposal includes an important commitment to science, to ensure work related to water quality stays up to date and that we are in close contact with those who are working on these issues.”

“As a state that has been authorized to administer the NPDES program for decades, I know what it takes to run this effort,” said Janet Coit, Director of the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management. “I also know the leaders and staff at the MassDEP, and I am confident that Massachusetts will be successful in taking on this water quality endeavor.  State agencies are close to the ground, and can work with partners and municipalities to confront and tackle the pollution reduction goals needed to achieve the standards in the Clean Water Act.”

“Moving NPDES authority to the MassDEP will bring it closer to affected communities, which are often faced with major and costly challenges to comply,” said State Senator Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester), who sponsored a budget amendment in 2012 to initiate such a change. “This change will empower greater consideration of local needs and circumstances, and more focused collaboration to address wastewater and stormwater issues in practical, cost-effective ways.” 

“I support the work of MassDEP,” said State Senator Anne Gobi (D-Spencer), Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture. “Ensuring greater responsiveness to our cities and towns while protecting our environment is a difficult balancing act.  If this legislation is referred to my committee, I hope to review it closely and schedule a hearing as soon as possible to hear input from communities, as well as my colleagues.”

“I commend the Baker-Polito Administration for taking a pro-active approach in filing this legislation to authorize MassDEP to apply for NPDES delegation,” said House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R-North Reading).  “Massachusetts officials have a unique understanding of the needs of our communities, and allowing them to play a more direct role in the decision-making process will benefit municipalities across the Commonwealth.”  

“Massachusetts has a strong record of developing and implementing innovative environmental programs,” said State Representative Hannah Kane (R-Shrewsbury). “I look forward to the work we can do together on the NPDES program.”

“Protecting our waterbodies is an issue that is very important to me and my district,” said State Representative Paul A. Schmid (D-Westport). “As an advocate of the environment, and Co-Chair of the Joint Committee on the Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture, I look forward to learning more about how this effort will continue MassDEP’s overall commitment to environmental protection and promoting high water quality standards.”

“As a representative of communities dealing with a number of water-related issues, I welcome the Administration’s efforts to promote thoughtful, integrated management of our water resources at the state level,” said State Representative John Fernandes (D-Milford).

“I’m glad to see the administration taking this step,” said State Representative Jeffrey Roy (D-Franklin). “This proposal gives MassDEP the authority to take a broad look at protecting our water resources and working closely with cities and towns who are partners in this effort.”

“Protecting water quality is essential for our communities,” said State Representative Peter Durant (R-Spencer). “The Baker-Polito Administration's legislation is further evidence of its commitment to clean water for our cities and towns.”

“This is very good news for Massachusetts, because MassDEP has a well-deserved reputation as both a tough and fair enforcement agency,” said Geoffrey C. Beckwith, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Municipal Association.  “Because MassDEP works with cities and towns every day, we are confident that this integrated enforcement approach will deliver stronger results for the environment with less bureaucracy, and will provide greater responsiveness to all communities and stakeholders.”

“I applaud the Baker-Polito Administration for taking this step,” said City of Marlborough Mayor Arthur Vigeant. “It has put forward a plan for a comprehensive, science-based program that recognizes the value of working with communities to achieve environmental goals.”

“As a Mayor who has worked with MassDEP on a number of challenging environmental issues, I have every confidence that this agency can run a first-class program,” said City of Gardner Mayor Mark P. Hawke.

“I applaud Governor Charlie Baker, Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matt Beaton, and MassDEP Commissioner Marty Suuberg for recognizing that everyone benefits from clean water and appropriately funding administration of the program through the state budget,” said Philip D. Guerin, President of the Massachusetts Coalition for Water Resources Stewardship. “Having MassDEP manage the NPDES program will benefit communities by providing a perspective that is more attuned to local issues and is more consistent with state goals and values.”

An Act to Enable the Commonwealth’s Administration of the Massachusetts Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, when passed, will be part of a submittal made by MassDEP to EPA’s New England Regional Office in Boston. As part of its application, MassDEP will be required to demonstrate that it has developed an effective plan for managing the NPDES program, that its legal authorities are sufficient to meet federal requirements and that a plan for funding is in place.  While the formal submission cannot be made until the Baker-Polito Administration’s proposal receives legislative approval, MassDEP is continuing to consult with EPA on delegation requirements and will develop other elements of the plan for submittal.

States with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Delegation

MassDEP is responsible for ensuring clean air and water, safe management and recycling of solid and hazardous wastes, timely cleanup of hazardous waste sites and spills and the preservation of wetlands and coastal resources.

White House CrossLines in May

whiaapi headerCrossLines

This May, the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center presents #CROSSLINES 

Every day, we cross lines, push boundaries, meet at crossroads, bridge divides in conversations about race, gender, disability, immigration, class, and much more. Crossing lines is a fact of life in Asian Pacific America—and the America in which we live.

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Connect with us on social media via TwitterFacebookInstagramYouTube, and Flickr. Also, be sure to follow our Executive Director at @DouaThorAAPI.

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 Learn more about what we do at www.whitehouse.gov/aapi.
We want to hear from you! Have suggestions or comments? Send them toWhiteHouseAAPI@ed.gov

Obama's AAPI Heritage Month proclamation

                         THE WHITE HOUSE
                  Office of the Press Secretary


     Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) are the
fastest growing racial group in our country, growing over
4 times as rapidly as the population of the United States.
As one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse groups
in America, the AAPI community reminds us that though we all
have distinct backgrounds and origins, we are bound in common
purpose by our shared hopes and dreams for ourselves and our
children.  Our Nation's story would be incomplete without the
voices of countless Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and
Pacific Islanders who have called the land we all love home.
This month, we honor the irreplaceable roles they have played in
our past, and we recommit to ensuring opportunities exist for
generations of AAPIs to come.
     The AAPI community's long and deeply-rooted legacy in
the United States reminds us of both proud and painful
chapters of our history.  Confronted with grueling and perilous
working conditions, thousands of Chinese laborers on the
transcontinental railroad pushed the wheels of progress forward
in the West.  Japanese American troops fought for freedom from
tyranny abroad in World War II while their families here at home
were interned simply on the basis of their origin.  And many
South Asian Americans in particular face discrimination,
harassment, and senseless violence often in the communities in
which they live and work.
     Today, AAPIs lend their rich heritage to enhancing our
communities and our culture.  As artists and activists,
educators and elected officials, service men and women and
business owners, AAPIs help drive our country forward.  Yet
despite hard-won achievements, AAPIs continue to face obstacles
to realizing their full potential.  One in three AAPIs does
not speak English fluently, and certain subgroups experience
low levels of educational attainment and high levels of
unemployment.  AAPIs also often experience heightened health
risks, and millions of AAPI men, women, and children in the
United States live in poverty.
     My Administration is committed to supporting and investing
in AAPI communities.  Thanks to the Affordable Care Act,
20 million uninsured adults have gained health insurance
coverage, including 2 million AAPIs.  Among Asian Americans
under the age of 65, the uninsured rate has declined by
55 percent since 2013.  Last year, we brought together thousands
of AAPI artists; advocates; and business, community, and Federal

leaders from across America for the first-ever White House
Summit on AAPIs to discuss the key issues facing their
communities.  The Summit was hosted by the White House
Initiative on AAPIs, which I reestablished during my first year
in office and is housed within the Department of Education.
We are working with Federal agencies to build stronger and more robust regional networks across our country that improve access to Federal resources and expand opportunities. We have worked to protect civil rights, foster educational equity, and create economic opportunity across our country. Because a lack of detailed data perpetuates the false notion of AAPIs as a model minority, we are working across Government to improve data collection to counter existing stereotypes and to shed light on the realities faced and resources needed by the AAPI community. Through the White House Task Force on New Americans, Federal agencies are working with cities and counties around America to build welcoming communities that allow immigrants and refugees to thrive. And we will continue working to allow more high- skilled immigrants to stay in our country -- too many talented AAPIs are held back from fully realizing our country's promise, and too many have suffered the consequences of our Nation's broken immigration system.
     Peoples of diverse backgrounds and circumstances have long
come to our country with the faith that they could build a
better life in America, and spanning generations, the story of
AAPIs in the United States embodies this promise.  During Asian
American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, let us celebrate
the many contributions our AAPI brothers and sisters have made
to the American mosaic, and let us renew our commitment to
creating more opportunities for AAPI youth as they grow up and
embrace the hard work of active citizenship, adding their unique
voices and experiences to our Nation's narrative.
     NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the
United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested
in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States,
do hereby proclaim May 2016 as Asian American and Pacific
Islander Heritage Month.  I call upon all Americans to visit
www.WhiteHouse.gov/AAPI to learn more about our efforts on
behalf of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific
Islanders, and to observe this month with appropriate programs
and activities.
     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this
twenty-ninth day of April, in the year of our Lord
two thousand sixteen, and of the Independence of the
United States of America the two hundred and fortieth.

CAPAC Members React to New DOJ Rules for Espionage Cases

CAPAC Members React to New DOJ Rules for Espionage Cases

Washington, D.C. – The New York Times reported yesterday that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) issued new rules to require an extra level of oversight when investigating cases of espionage.  These new rules come after several high-profile cases in which Chinese American scientists – including Sherry Chen and Dr. Xiaoxing Xi – were wrongfully accused and arrested for alleged espionage only to have those charges later dropped. In November 2015, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) Chair Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27) and Reps. Ted Lieu (CA-33) and Michael Honda (CA-17), along with 39 other Members of Congress, sent a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch calling for an independent investigation into these cases. A second letter was sent later that month to Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker requesting a fair and judicious review of Ms. Sherry Chen’s case. CAPAC Members also met with Attorney General Lynch to raise their concerns over what appears to be an ongoing pattern and practice of Asian Americans being singled out by federal law enforcement and prosecutors.  Reps. Chu, Honda, and Lieu, released the following statements:
Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27), CAPAC Chair:

“Wrongful accusations of espionage should not be a pattern of practice in our country. The cases of Sherry Chen and Dr. Xiaoxing Xi are appalling. Two prominent scientists, who are U.S. citizens, were publicly humiliated and had their lives turned upside down simply because they were emailing while being Chinese American. Their charges were dropped, but only after their reputations were shattered. Further, their arrests sent a chilling message to other Asian American scientists that they, too, could be next. That is why I welcome the new rules by the Department of Justice as a positive first step in the right direction. These extra levels of scrutiny are clearly necessary to avert other false charges against American citizens. The Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus will remain vigilant to prevent such wrongful accusations in the future, and we will seek justice for those who are already victims.”

Congressman Mike Honda (CA-17), CAPAC Chair Emeritus:

“For too long, Americans have been accused of espionage by our government on the basis of their heritage, not any finding of fact,” said Honda. “Today, the Justice Department took a good first step to making certain that never happens again. However, too many have still been hurt by these cases in the past. Along with my colleagues, it is critical for us to make certain that the Department of Justice appoints an independent panel to investigate these potential miscarriages of justice."

Congressman Ted Lieu (CA-33):

“I am pleased that the Department of Justice has heard the calls of Members of Congress and implemented a policy change to provide critical oversight for national security cases. The pattern of wrongfully arresting and indicting Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders on flimsy espionage allegations has painted a concerning picture of targeting based on race and national origin, and it is clear that these cases need to be handled differently. I thank Attorney General Lynch for taking action and look forward to being briefed on the changes by the Department of Justice to evaluate whether further steps are needed.”


Rep. Michael Honda, in his role as the Ranking Member of the Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Subcommittee, advocated for a change in the behavior of the Justice Department when questioning Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Comey earlier this year about the two accused scientists. Rep. Judy Chu, in her role as a Member of the Judiciary Committee, also questioned FBI Director Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch on these matters.