
星期四, 4月 28, 2016

Web Industries Opens New Lateral Flow Immunoassay (LFI) Manufacturing Facility

Web Industries Opens New Lateral Flow Immunoassay (LFI) Manufacturing Facility 
Leading medical CMO to provide high-precision, high-volume automated production 
of LFI devices

MARLBOROUGH, MA. – Web Industries, Inc., innovative provider of precision contract manufacturing and converting services, is proud to announce the opening of the company’s first lateral flow immunoassay (LFI) production facility. Co-located within the company’s existing Web Boston location, the Lateral Flow Diagnostics Center of Excellence will provide companies marketing LFI tests with a one-stop outsource manufacturing solution that offers a reliable path from small-scale test development to high-volume commercialization of new LFI devices. The 6,500 square foot environmentally-controlled facility was purpose-built for automated reel-to-reel medical device production and features an in-house biochemistry lab, reagent deposition, LFI strip manufacturing, device assembly, and packaging stations. 

With the opening of this facility, Web Industries becomes the only US-based non-competing medical CMO to offer automated reel-to-reel LFI strip manufacturing, device assembly, and packaging services at commercial-scale volumes (>10MM). This allows Web to leverage its precision flexible material converting and multi-layer device manufacturing expertise and give companies marketing LFI devices a trusted contract manufacturing solution when bringing new tests to market. 

The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center’s Board of Directors has approved tax incentives totaling $150,000 to support Web Industries growth in Massachusetts, based on a commitment by the company to create 10 net new jobs in Massachusetts this calendar year.

“Massachusetts companies lead in developing the next new innovative technologies and services, with Web Industries becoming the only US based life sciences manufacturer of its kind bringing LFI devices from testing to commercialization," said Governor Charlie Baker. "We are proud to support their expansion and contributions to our life sciences ecosystem through the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center’s Job Creation Tax Incentive Program.”

“We’re excited to bring these unique production capabilities and capacities to the LFI device market,” said Mark Pihl, President and COO of Web Industries. “Recent medical and environmental issues have demonstrated the strong need for easily deployable rapid tests, and our company’s long history of success in the IVD test, diagnostic strip, and medical consumable markets position us as the manufacturing partner LFI marketers can rely on to help safeguard personal and public health.”

“Web Industries’ expansion in Holliston is further evidence that Massachusetts can support the needs of life sciences companies through the entire health technology life cycle, including manufacturing,” said Travis McCready, President & CEO of the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center. “They are part of a strong and growing network of life sciences contract manufacturing organizations, mostly located in regions of Massachusetts outside of Greater Boston that are playing a vital role in bringing new health technologies to market. We are proud to be supporting Web Industries’ growth.”

"The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center's tax and incentives are directly linked to the continued growth of the medical device industry here in the Commonwealth, and we are pleased to see Web Industries benefiting from this program,” said Tom Sommer, President of the Massachusetts Medical Device Industry Council (MassMEDIC). “These incentives set Massachusetts apart from other leading life science states and send a signal to medical technology companies and manufacturers that the State is serious about fostering this sector." 

LFI devices are rapid diagnostic tests that typically provide results in less than 15 minutes, often without processing at a centralized lab. Home pregnancy tests are a very common example of an LFI device. Historically used for point-of-care medical testing, the demand for LFI tests is increasing as the technology is adopted by other life science, environmental safety, veterinary, and food and beverage industries. 

Web Boston is the company’s Center of Excellence for Medical Manufacturing and specializes in medical-grade material converting, device assembly, and the production of diagnostic tests. The company has manufactured many long-running, high-volume clinical diagnostic and personal health monitoring product programs that have been responsible for more than 100 billion medical tests over the past two decades, and the new LFI facility will create additional high-tech manufacturing jobs in the region.


"With increasing frequency, Boston has become a sought-after location for events, often large scale multi-day events such as concerts and races," said Mayor Walsh. "We have also seen increasing demand for Boston as a location for film and TV production. These have proven to be powerful marketing and tourism opportunities for the city. We have also recognized that the bigger the event, the more complex it is to manage properly. And, I want to make sure that our agencies and staff have the right training and tools to do so properly." 

Mayor Walsh has asked three local professionals with deep expertise in various facets of event management to serve on a committee that will oversee a top to bottom review of the city's event management. The local professionals are Larry Moulter, Executive in Residence at the Center for Collaborative Leadership at UMass Boston and CEO of the New Boston Garden Corporation, who is regarded as among the most knowledgeable of sports management experts and formerly served as CEO of Best of Boston, the largest event management company in the state; Bryan Rafanelli of Rafanelli Events, a premier event planner and designer in the country; and Colette Phillips of Colette Phillips Communications, a strategic public relations and event production firm. 

In addition, Attorney Brian Kelly, who reviewed the city's interaction with Top Chef and has continued to provide advice on policies and procedures, will serve as a consultant to the committee to ensure an ethical process for all event managers. 

"My intent is to build on what we learned from the review that Attorney Brian Kelly conducted of interactions and permitting procedures related to the filming of Top Chef in Boston. That report on Top Chef brought transparency to how the city interacted with that particular production and I want to make sure that we build on that knowledge, learn from it and are using best practices in this field," added Walsh. "I have a team of young energetic and dedicated professionals in this area. They need the right tools and some guidance to ensure that they know how to manage high-profile events."

The city hosts numerous high-profile events every year, such the Boston Marathon, Sail Boston and an upcoming Adidas track meet that will be held in Boston for the first time this summer. Additionally, Boston serves as a filming location for feature films, currently Patriots Day and Stronger, and television programs. 

波士頓清華校友年會包下Maki Maki 二百人歡聚


    Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓清華校友會今年好豪氣,一口氣包下整間Maki Maki自助餐廳,二百多名校友,兄弟機構代表,歡聚一堂,慶祝母校享壽105,為6月上旬的划龍舟比賽打氣助陣。
            會長庄曉丹,副會長向凱,高策,以及胡媛媛等逾20人的統籌團隊,花了許多時間設計,刻意安排了憑顏色,找同行做法,讓校友們即使原本不認識,也能從生物醫藥,金融、 工程,或法律藝術等不同專業領域,找到更親切,跨年齡層交流對象。


紐英崙中華公所大樓是否應列入美國史蹟名錄 4/29 華埠有公聽會

Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)429日(週五)下午2:304:00,在紐英崙中華公所大樓(90 Tyler St., Boston, MA),將有一場公聽會,邀請社區民眾和本地歷史保護機構成員,以及中華公所代表晤面,探討把中華公所大樓列入“美國國家史蹟名錄(National Historic Register)”可能帶來的有形或無形好處,以及支出。


2014年時,紐英崙華人歷史協會經由麻州歷史委員會,從美國公園服務局(National Park Service)的鼓勵人們把國家史蹟名錄中未獲充分代表族群的重要史蹟地點也列入名冊項目,爭取到一筆款項。

20151月時,史蹟保護會聯邦顧問委員會(ACHP)在舊南會議屋(Old South Meeting House)舉行了一次”AAPI東岸聆聽會“。紐英崙華人歷史協會從那以後,就開始和麻州歷史委員會做波士頓華埠背景研究。紐英崙中華公所也指派了一名聯絡人,羅燕玲(Nancy Lo),協助研究登錄方向。

由於華埠社區大眾對這保護史蹟行動,所知有限。據悉,這次的公聽會是應社區要求舉行的。聯邦政府美國歷史保護會委員Terry Guen將出席主持會議。

增建可負擔住宅得有錢 波市長計畫提高物業稅1%

            Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)昨(27)日宣佈,計畫把物業稅提高1%,以期市政府有更多經費建可負擔住宅。
            馬丁華殊在市府廣場宣布的這一計畫,幾乎獲得所有人的支持, 今年11月時,將由選民投票決定。
            馬丁華殊打算訂立“保護社區法(Community Preservation Act)”,徵收1%的物業稅,來資助住宅,開放空間及史蹟的保護。波士頓市政府估計,這做法可籌得1650萬元,並把州政府的配合資助款提高到至少500萬元或更多。
            波士頓市議員米高法拉提(Michael Flaherty)早在2001年就提議過這辦法,這次也是主要推動者。波市議會將於下週討論這計畫,然後決定11月的選票上是否印出這問題,供選民投票表決。
