
星期一, 6月 08, 2015

MassDOT Reminds Drivers of Toll Amnesty for Tobin Bridge Pay-By-Plate Fines for the Month of June

MassDOT Reminds Drivers of Toll Amnesty for Tobin Bridge Pay-By-Plate Fines for the Month of June
BOSTON – Monday, June 8, 2015 – MassDOT is reminding customers of the changes to the fine structure to the all-electronic, Pay-By-Plate, toll collection system on the Tobin Bridge.  The 30-day amnesty program that started Monday, June 1, is in place so that drivers can simply pay the amount of outstanding tolls and have all late payment fines waived.  Both the new fine structure and the 30-day toll amnesty apply exclusively to the Tobin Bridge. 
The Tobin Bridge’s All-Electronic Tolling system was activated on July 21, 2014, and eliminated the need to pay tolls in cash.  The system employs a dual technology that detects E-ZPass transponders, or for vehicles without transponders, captures an image of the registration plate and sends an invoice to the address listed on the vehicle registration.
Known as Pay-By-Plate, vehicles without transponders that cross the Tobin Bridge are mailed invoices and reminder notices based on a monthly billing cycle.  Subsequent reminder invoices and notices of non-payment are accompanied by a fine structure that was modeled after the structure that has been in place on the Turnpike since 2000.
Under the new structure for the Tobin Bridge, fines will be assessed according to the following:
·       A $1 late fee will be added to every unpaid Pay-By-Plate toll after an invoice goes unpaid for 30 days;
·       An additional $1 will be added to each toll transaction after 60 days of non-payment, and another $1 after 90 days;
·       Under the maximum fines allowed, each unpaid Tobin Bridge toll transaction will be capped at $6; also at that time, the vehicle owner’s driver’s license and vehicle registration will be placed in a non-renew status, until the toll balance and fines are resolved.  Also at this stage, there is an additional $20 fee to remove the hold on driver’s license and vehicle registration renewals. 
Additionally, for the month of June MassDOT is offering a toll amnesty program, whereby Tobin Bridge Pay-By-Plate customers with outstanding balances have the opportunity to pay tolls only in full, with all fines waived dating back to July 21, 2014.  The 30-day amnesty also includes the suspension of the $20 fee to remove the hold on registration and driver’s license renewals. 

Massachusetts Life Sciences Center and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Announce Official Opening of Dana-Farber’s Molecular Cancer Imaging Facility

Massachusetts Life Sciences Center and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Announce Official Opening of Dana-Farber’s Molecular Cancer Imaging Facility

Boston, MA – The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) today celebrated the official opening of Dana-Farber’s Molecular Cancer Imaging Facility in Boston’s Innovation District.

The laboratory focuses on making chemical tracers that “light up” cancer cells and molecular pathways, a technology for research on improving cancer diagnosis and developing precision drugs matched to individual patients.

“The capital investments made by the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center in the research capacity of hospitals and academic institutions across the Commonwealth have been crucial to our growing global leadership in the life sciences,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We congratulate Dana-Farber on the grand opening of its Molecular Cancer Imaging Facility and look forward to seeing the life-saving treatments and therapies that will come from their state-of-the-art research.”
The Molecular Cancer Imaging Facility (MCIF) includes a cyclotron for making short-lived molecular imaging probes that are tracked by PET scanners. The process is key to evaluating experimental drugs and showing whether they hit vulnerable targets within cancer cells.

“Molecular imaging is a cornerstone of the new era of personalized medicine,” said Dana-Farber President and CEO Edward J. Benz Jr., MD. “Our new facility will provide a comprehensive platform for determining drug efficacy within days, instead of weeks or months, shortening the time it takes for new drugs to reach patients.”

Barrett Rollins, MD, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer at Dana-Farber, said, “The MCIF cyclotron – the only one in Massachusetts dedicated entirely to cancer research – will allow our scientists to create the tools needed to identify the precise molecular and genetic abnormalities that drive cancer.”
Construction of the facility at Dana-Farber’s Harbor Campus in South Boston’s Innovation District was made possible through a $10 million grant from the MLSC, a state-funded investment agency that supports life sciences innovation, research, development and commercialization. The MLSC is charged with implementing the state’s 10-year, $1 billion Life Sciences Initiative.
“This facility will save lives by accelerating Dana-Farber’s groundbreaking work in the development of personalized cancer therapies,” said Angus McQuilken, MLSC Vice President for Communications & Marketing.  “The project is a great example of the goals of our capital program, as this new facility will serve as a unique resource that will strengthen Massachusetts’ position as the global leader in life sciences innovation.”

The new 50,000 square foot facility is adjacent to the Dana-Farber’s Lurie Family Imaging Center (LFIC). The construction and initial operation of the facility have created jobs for nearly 60 people.

A GE cyclotron has been installed on the first floor of the facility. A cyclotron whirls beams of charged particles at extremely high speeds in a spiral-shaped machine the size of a small car.  The particle beams can be used to bombard atoms of different types to produce radioisotopes that are detected by PET scanners. The new cyclotron will produce isotopes including oxygen-15, carbon-11, nitrogen-13 and fluorine-18.  Locating the cyclotron adjacent to the Lurie Family Imaging Center is essential because the probes become unusable in a matter of minutes.

“This new facility will strengthen the Innovation District’s status as a hotbed of innovation in the life sciences, and will allow Boston to continue to lead the way in finding cures and improved, personalized cancer therapies,” said Dr. Huy Nguyen, Interim Executive Director and Medical Director of the Boston Public Health Commission. “The important research that that will come from Dana Farber will not only benefit the people of Boston, but the global community as well.”

In addition to the space being renovated at the Harbor Campus, the MCIF also occupies 6,000 square feet of cold chemistry and support space in the Longwood Center, which is adjacent to Dana-Farber’s Longwood campus.

BCNC“品嚐風味” 邀民眾支持昆市服務

            波士頓華埠社區中心董事會董事長鍾潔姿指出,該中心的昆士服務站設在紅線地點站附近的興國(Hancock)街275 號,自從開辦後,需求在很短時間內就超過了他們所能提供的程度,該中心因此迫切需要社區支持,以期能夠幫助更多有需要的人。
昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)當天在主持了自己競選連任辦事處的開放日活動後趕到現場。他強調自己也來自移民家庭,祖父當年從德國來美,他因此完全了解移民在他鄉異地求生存,謀發展的辛苦。他認為昆市既是個歡迎移民,也是個適宜人成家立業的城市,他自己的大兒子剛從北昆士高中畢業,他相信移民進昆市的人和他一樣,都相信昆市的教育系統,重視昆市的價值,彼此有如夥伴般將齊心打造更好昆市。
現年十五歲,在北昆士高中就讀的陳碩表示, 2012年他才從廣州來美,當時英語只有二級程度,參加了波士頓華埠社區中心的“青年領導(youth lead)”項目後,不但學習了公開演說及領導技能,還結交了很多朋友。陳麗莎(譯音,Lisa Chen)則是參加了波士頓華埠社區中心的成人教育項目,改善了英語能力,學得實用技能,順利就業。
            “品嚐風味”有 CJ餐廳,龍鳳酒樓,餃子女兒(Dumpling Daughter),富士集團(JP Fuji Group),糖園甜品(Kozy Dessert),紀念茶(Mem Tea),以及泰式餐廳(Pad Thai)等,共八家餐飲相關業者參加活動,有近百人穿梭會場,品嚐魚蛋,蝦餃,燒賣,壽司,泰式麵品,越南菜餚,芒果布丁等各色美食。
             “品嚐風味”的贊助者包括哈佛格林健保,達美(Delta)航空,道富集團,華人醫務中心,智慧慈善(BenefitSmart),民兵健保(Minuteman Health Care),中華頤養院,陳朝聖律師樓,朱氏公司(Choo & Company),聯合健保(United Health Care),以及朱顯明的Chu, Ring & Hazel律師樓等。


            波士頓華埠社區中心董事長鍾潔姿(左起),行政主任李隆華,副董事長馬正行等人歡迎昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)(左二)出席“品嚐風味”活動。(菊子攝)



            哈佛格林健保社區關係經理譚雯楓(Rose Hom)(右一)在會中說明該機構現有中文名稱,並提供包含中醫式治療保險,以及遊學、訪問者的短期保險。(菊子攝)

昆市選舉出現華裔候選人 JP Fuji梁秀婷將參選不分區市議員

昆士市的選舉,今年再度出現華裔候選人。JP富士集團(JP Fuji Group)辦公室經理梁秀婷(Nina Liang)六日表示,將參選昆士市不分區市議員,預定七月十五日正式宣佈參選。
            昆士市愛國者報(Quincy Patriot Ledger)在六月四日時指出,梁秀婷已領取參選表格,今年的昆市不分區市議員選舉,目前為四選三局面。
            昆士市三名不分區市議員中的芬恩(Joseph Finn),麥法蘭(Michael McFarland)都將競選連任,葛楚(Doug Gutro)已表態將參選昆士市長。這三個席位將至少有一名新人。
            角逐昆市不分區市議員席位的另一人為昆市學校委員會委員麥卡錫(David McCarthy)。
            現年廿六歲的梁秀婷住在北昆市。她的表親兼上司,JP富士集團(JP Fuji Group)負責人梁戰士,也曾參選昆市議員。
            其中角逐市長職位的,已知有六人。其中二人為現任市長柯奇(Tom Koch)
,前任市長費蘭(William Phelan),二人為現任公僕,包括不分區市議員葛楚,學校委員會委員馬洪妮(Ann Mahony)。另外二人雖已領取參選表格,但還未開設競選財務帳戶。

        JP富士集團(JP Fuji Group)辦公室經理梁秀婷(Nina Liang)(中)已決定參選昆士市不分區市議員。該公司高管之一的梁戰成(右ㄧ)等人都將是支援後盾。




            波士頓龍舟節活動地點在靠近哈佛廣場的查理士河畔。查詢詳情可洽781-791 5066        



BOSTON, MA – The Red Sox today announced that they will hold a postgame Independence Day celebration for fans attending the 7:10 p.m. Red Sox-Astros game on Friday, July 3.

The celebration will include a fireworksshow, which will be set to special 4th of July music. The show will take place approximately 15 minutes after the conclusion of the game and is expected to last about 6 minutes.

The pyrotechnics will be launched from a building behind the right field seating area. All fans attending that night’s game are welcome to stay for the display.

*pyrotechnics will be used for the fireworks display   


竹蜻蜓壘球聯盟展開球季 現有五隊參賽

目前我們有五隊在2015球季展開角逐(波士頓大學、東北大學、金錢豹隊、台灣黑熊隊和台客隊);九月底會有季後賽。十月初的第一個周末會有一年一度的雙十國慶杯壘球錦標賽,也歡迎各界團體組隊參加一起共襄盛舉 ! 


*有興趣者歡迎私訊or email詢問詳情-- Edward (jrweiw@yahoo.com.tw)