
星期五, 5月 01, 2015


Harvard Art Museums to Join in Association of Art Museum Directors’ Sixth Annual Celebration of Art Museum Day on May 18, 2015, with Free Admission and Membership Discount
Cambridge, MA May 1, 2015
The Harvard Art Museums—comprising the Fogg Museum, Busch-Reisinger Museum, and Arthur M. Sackler Museum—announced today that they will offer free admission, as well as 10 percent off all new memberships, on Monday, May 18, 2015. The promotion is part of the Association of Art Museum Directors’ (AAMD) Art Museum Day, coinciding with International Museum Day.
Art Museum Day underscores the critical role that art museums play as cultural resources in their communities and celebrates the unique opportunities that AAMD member museums offer visitors to engage with works of art. The Harvard Art Museums also invite visitors to share their experiences on Art Museum Day via social media with the hashtag #ArtMuseumDay.
On Monday, May 18, all visitors to the Harvard Art Museums will receive free admission to the newly renovated and expanded facility, featuring works from the ancient world to the present, and from the Americas, Europe, North Africa, the Mediterranean, and Asia. Visitors will also receive free admission to the special exhibition Mark Rothko’s Harvard Murals, which returns the artist’s 1962 commission for Harvard University to public view through an innovative digital projection conservation approach. See the museums’ exhibition listings for more detail: www.harvardartmuseums.org/visit/exhibitions.
A 10 percent discount will also be offered on all new memberships purchased on May 18. Memberships can be purchased at the museums’ admissions desk or shop, adjacent to the Calderwood Courtyard. For more information about the many benefits of membership, visit www.harvardartmuseums.org/support/members.
“Art museums are invaluable communal spaces that bring people together to experience the arts across cultures and generations,” said Chris Anagnos, executive director of the Association of Art Museum Directors. “AAMD is so pleased that the Harvard Art Museums are joining us in this celebration by welcoming everyone in Cambridge and the greater Boston area to participate in Art Museum Day.”
AAMD represents 242 art museums across the United States, Canada, and Mexico—from regional museums to large museums in major urban centers. International Museum Day is organized annually around the world by the International Council of Museums (ICOM). AAMD’s Art Museum Day is an opportunity to focus attention on the role of art museums in North America.
A comprehensive list of participating Art Museum Day museums is available on the AAMD website: https://aamd.org/our-members/from-the-field/art-museum-day-2015. A list of International Museum Day participating museums is available on the ICOM website: http://network.icom.museum/international- museum-day.

Details about the Harvard Art Museums’ free admission day on May 18 can be found in the museums’ calendar: www.harvardartmuseums.org/visit/calendar/free-admission-day-for-international-museum- day-and-art-museum-day.

慶祝世界太極日 五團體華埠牌樓秀功夫

            波士頓今年的慶祝世界太極日活動,由五個參加團體中“最年輕”的“道門武當(Daoist Gate Wudang Arts)“主辦,南派武館,麥寶嬋武藝協會,華林功夫及太極學校,勒星頓陳太極團等參與演出。
            麥寶嬋武藝協會的Jean Lukitsh,南派武館的黃雅亭,華林功夫及太極學校的余翠梅,Bob Rosen,以及勒星頓陳太極團的師傅等人,各自率領徒弟在場內輪流演練,也彼此切磋技藝。
            周玄雲透露,在19941999年間,他曾出家到武當山修煉,1999年後雲遊四方,在雲南落腳授徒。其中一名外國學生,後來率領由多所大學人員組成的學習團,到雲南跟著他整整學了一個月,讓他認識了現在的妻子朱麗(Julianne Baecker),這才於2009年搬到波士頓來。


       左起,周玄雲,Jean Lukitsh,黃雅亭等師傅,日前帥徒弟在華埠牌樓前演練,慶祝世界太極日。(菊子攝)


       周玄雲的徒弟Kathleen Kondylas(右)和贊助商AmeriPrise工作人員,在會場協助宣傳。(菊子攝)


NECINA 四月談金融 六月開年會

紐英崙中華資訊網路協會(NECINA)因應“一切互聯網(The Internet of Things)“時代來臨的講究跨界合作,日前在畢馬威(KPMG)波士頓華埠辦公大樓舉辦”金融創新會議“,從金融角度談創新科技應用,出席者逾百人。
去年以來,該會辦過的大會議,包括“中國”,“IoT“,”職業“,”社交行銷“等。稍後的六月十三日,網協將以”轉變了醫療護理行業的科技及企業創新“為主題,在華森市(Waltham)的Constant Contact舉行本年度年會。
Cabot研究公司執行長Michael A Ervolini談“刻意改善:以慎密數學征服表現高峰(Improve Deliberately: Conquer the Performance Peak with Mathematical Rigor)”。他主要闡述,該公司設計出一套軟體,能夠追蹤股票經紀等金融從業人員進行交易時的相關數據,包括經紀的技術,下買單,下賣單,以及進行交易時的行為等,可讓經紀本人,或者金融公司,顧客了解影響交易成績的原因,進而改善表現。
道富集團資深副總裁暨企業危機管理營運長薩花(Flora Sah)的“駕馭合作:打造一份整合的企業能力路線圖以遵循法規(Driving Synergy: Creating an integrated business capability roadmap to enable regulatory compliance)"。她簡介道富集團是個分支遍佈全球,營業額達103億元,管理資產不下2.45兆元,主要提供金融服務,在許多領域都排名第一的公司之餘,重點說明企業如何因應法規環境,在數位經濟體系中的危機與規範,以及企業怎樣整合能力才適合未來等。
當天的其他講者及講題包括,Quantopian執行長 John Fawcett的“算法交易的新疆域(The New Frontier in Algorithmic Trading)”,UBS主任金兆揚(Fred Kam)的“遞送客資訊:從恐龍時代到前沿之外(Delivering Client Information: from the Dinosaur to the Leading-Edge and Beyond)“,摩根史坦利財務顧問副總裁 Mark Cohen的”經濟偵探:獲取資訊是如何幫助我們視覺化市場及經濟中的危機(Econ Sleuth - How Information Access Helps Us Visualize Risk in Markets and Economies)“。 


            網協會長陶東斌(左)歡迎道富集團企業危機管理營運長Flora Sah(右)到會。(菊子攝)



五月份多音樂會 5/2 新泉香如故, 吳影師生 5/9 林湛濤 5/23 劍橋合唱團

            中華表演藝術基金會邀紐約北美中樂團於五月二日(週六)晚八點,在紐英崙音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall) 演出中國古典印象音樂會 『新泉香如故』 
中國管樂三大金剛,包鍵、胡建兵、陳濤,以及古箏翁慧、古琴劉麗、琵琶周懿  及大阮蔡振起等人,將同台演繹古曲韻律,今日新作。
華森愛樂樂團(Waltham Philharmonic Orchestra)和林湛濤合作的“東方夢境”音樂會,訂五月九日(週六)晚七點,在華森市勒星頓街655號的LFK中學舉行,二胡藝術家林湛濤將演奏“戰馬奔騰”等曲。購票可洽857-919-1385,或www.wphil.org
摩頓市將有來自香港的明星蔣麗萍於五月九日下午一至三點,在摩頓市東方大道50 號的教堂裡,舉行佈道音樂會。



星期四, 4月 30, 2015

Baker-Polito Administration Awards Renewable Thermal Grants to Public Schools

Baker-Polito Administration Awards Renewable Thermal Grants to Public Schools
Savings to Benefit the Mohawk Trail and Hawlemont Regional School Districts

BOSTON– April 29, 2015– The Baker-Polito Administration today announced grant funding for Heath Elementary School in Heath and the Hawlemont Elementary School in Charlemont to convert to highly efficient biomass boilers from their existing oil heating systems. Two grants totaling $355,375 are the third and fourth to be awarded for implementation from the Schools and Public Housing Integrating Renewables and Efficiency (SAPHIRE) Program.

“We are committed to working closely with municipalities across the Commonwealth to reduce energy costs, support local energy projects, and strengthen local economies through energy investments,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “This program provides Massachusetts with the opportunity to allow school buildings to reduce costs and more efficiently manage their energy use.”

“By providing schools across the state with the tools necessary to reduce their reliance upon heating oil, the Commonwealth will take a pivotal step towards ensuring the further reduction of greenhouse gas emissions,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton. “The conversion projects in Heath and Charlemont highlight Massachusetts’ commitment to minimizing climate change impacts, and I applaud these regional school districts for their proactive approach towards an efficient heating system.”

These investments together will save at least an estimated $30,000 annually by using a less expensive and cleaner fuel source. Both school buildings are also planning to add additional insulation and upgrade the lighting this summer with assistance from National Grid.

“With nearly one-third of total energy costs going toward heating our buildings, Massachusetts school districts are searching for more cost-effective and sustainable alternatives to heating oil,” said Department of Energy Resources Acting Commissioner Dan Burgess. “Installing renewable energy heating systems in schools demonstrate how these technologies can deliver significant energy cost savings, as well as provide learning opportunities and comfortable environments for students.”

The SAPHIRE Program helps Massachusetts public schools combine renewable heating and cooling with energy efficiency improvements to achieve deeper cuts in their energy costs. The program is administered by the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) in collaboration with the Massachusetts School Buildings Authority (MSBA). SAPHIRE offers feasibility studies, design and engineering studies and construction funding assistance to K-12 public school buildings pursuing renewable thermal technology, including biomass heating, solar thermal, and/or heat pumps.

"It's great news to see the Baker-Polito Administration making these important investments in our western Franklin County schools,” said State Senator Benjamin B. Downing, Senate Chairman of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. “These projects will serve to reduce the schools environmental impact and as a learning device for students.”

The program is funded by an allocation of approximately $1.7 million in Alternative Compliance Payment (ACP) funds and a $715,000 U.S. Department of Energy grant. ACP funds are paid by electric retail suppliers if they have insufficient Renewable or Alternative Energy Certificates to meet their compliance obligations under the Renewable and Alternative Portfolio Standard programs. The U.S. DOE grant provides staffing support.

Rep. Chu Disappointed by Prime Minister Abe’s Speech to Congress

Rep. Chu Disappointed by Prime Minister Abe’s Speech to Congress

Washington, D.C. – Today, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe became the first Japanese Prime Minister to address a joint meeting of Congress. Prior to his address, Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27) urged Prime Minister Abe to acknowledge Japan’s role in forcing women known as “comfort women” into sex slavery during World War II. Rep. Chu, who attended the speech, released the following statement:

“While I am grateful that the Prime Minister acknowledged the suffering of Asians at the hands of Japanese soldiers during World War II, I am incredibly disappointed that he failed to directly address the problem of comfort women. Despite numerous pleas from Members of Congress and many others around the world – including countries whose citizens were the victims of Japan’s war time program – I sat and listened to him once again ignore Japan’s responsibility for this particularly troubling and painful chapter. As the Prime Minister said, ‘Armed conflicts have always made women suffer the most.’ But healing these wounds requires honesty and an admission of responsibility. Shirking that responsibility and attributing it instead to the cost of war amounts to a pardon of those who made decisions to dehumanize these women and is license to future generations to use war as an excuse. The Prime Minister said that Japan’s eyes are always on the road ahead, but without responsibility and remorse, it is impossible to move forward.”

全美中华青年联合会 www.aacyf.org     微信号:Richard3132

美侨学界社团联合致信全体国会议员 痛批安倍毫无道歉诚意

美侨学界社团联合致信全体国会议员 痛批安倍毫无道歉诚意
信函也提醒国会议员们,全美各地的亚太裔社区,在安倍晋三访美期间,对于安倍的战争表态表达出了极大的愤慨,安倍当天在国会毫无诚意的发言,令亚太裔社区极度失望,发起了大量的抗议活动。希望美国国会议员们认清安倍对战争的一贯立场,关心和尊重亚太裔社区民众的历史情感, 更不要让“珍珠港”事件的翻版和幽灵,在国际社会中有任何的复活机会。(AACYF洛杉矶讯)

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Federal Funds for North Shore Boating Projects

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Federal Funds for
North Shore Boating Projects

BOSTON - April 30, 2015 – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced that more than $1 million has been awarded to the communities of Newburyport, Gloucester and Manchester-by-the-Sea through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Boating Infrastructure Grant (BIG) program to construct facilities that will improve port access for transient recreational boaters. 

“These grants from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will significantly benefit the economies of these coastal communities by allowing for more access to transient boaters,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton. “The Baker-Polito Administration is pleased to partner with Newburyport, Gloucester and Manchester-by-the-Sea in our efforts to improve Massachusetts’ coastal infrastructure and tourist economy.”

“I would like to recognize the municipalities of Newburyport, Gloucester, and Manchester-by-the-Sea, along with the staff in our Division of Marine Fisheries, who worked so hard to secure these funds and make these projects possible,” said Department of Fish and Game Commissioner George Peterson. “These are great projects that will improve our recreational boating opportunities and greatly benefit these North Shore communities.”

The nationally competitive grant program, administered in Massachusetts by the Department of Fish and Game’s Division of Marine Fisheries, awarded the Commonwealth with a total of $1,072,211. Eligible projects must construct, renovate or maintain boating infrastructure facilities and associated amenities for transient recreational boats at least 26 feet long.

The City of Newburyport was awarded $448,059 and will provide $232,000 in matching funds and services to construct a transient boater visitor’s center that will include showers, toilets, laundry facilities, dock space for dinghies, and six moorings.

The City of Gloucester was awarded $263,930, and will contribute an additional $263, 975 in matching funds in partnership with National Grid and the Seaport Advisory Council for improvements at Solomon Jacob’s Park. Gloucester’s project will create a new float system and include 144 feet of dockage for dinghies; 205 feet of dockage for passenger drop-off, pick-up, and short-term tie-up; an 80-foot gangway compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards; and an arched aluminum access bridge.

The Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea was awarded $360,222. The town and local partners will provide $133,513 in matching funds and services. Manchester-by-the-Sea will use the funds to create transient boater access as part of a new float system at Reed Park, providing a new ADA compliant ramp and tie-ups for ten recreational vessels that are 26 feet or longer and their dinghies.

“Working with the Baker-Polito Administration, these three communities will leverage local contributions along with more than $1 million in US Fish and Wildlife funding,” said State Senator Bruce Tarr. “This partnership with local, state and federal officials will pay dividends for boating access which will ultimately enhance safety and promote recreational use.”

“I want to thank the Baker Administration for recognizing Gloucester Harbor as an important economic asset,” said State Representative Ann-Margaret Ferrante. “With these funds, Gloucester will be able to promote tourism, welcome transient boaters, and open the harbor up for residents and visitors alike.”

“This is an exciting opportunity for Manchester-by-the-Sea,” said State Representative Brad Hill.  “This grant funding will provide for improved access to recreational boating and will help to stimulate the local economy by drawing more tourists to the town and its waterfront area.”