
星期四, 4月 30, 2015

中華耆英會講座 吳皓解答骨髓疏鬆疑難

中華耆英會與十健康(Ten Health),紐英崙婦女心運會合作,昨(廿九)日中午在帝苑大酒樓辦“骨骼強健宣導會”,請吳皓醫師向150多名出席者講解如何預防骨質疏鬆。






創業中國大賽波士頓賽區選出六隊 六月赴上海決賽

經過三個半小時的展示,答問後,曾在麻省理工學院中國創新創業大賽中獲獎的葛志飛,以“Cam Med貼附式柔性泵”這項目,和汪楨的“氣體染物監測平台”,王璞的“Vibronix血管光聲成像”,韓壁丞的“BrainCo腦電可穿戴設備,孫瑞的”智能無線輸液滴速及氣泡檢測預警系統“,以及王韜戎的”手術室智能信息平台“等六個項目,打入決賽。
其他參加複賽的項目包括王鑫拓的“水產養殖的水下機械人”,張宜業的“圖像感測面板“,王若謙的”智能溯源機械人“,吳檸的Medicbnb跨國醫療的醫院選擇平台“,陳莉洋的“Ucare 雲端老人安養中心資訊管理系統”,陸世龍的“景安唾液腫瘤篩查”,陳航的“Belleds智能LED節能燈泡“,周振宇的”eXlouge語言教學交換平台“。





星期三, 4月 29, 2015

Boston Housing Authority submits plan to increase housing opportunities for elderly applicants in public housing

Boston Housing Authority submits plan to increase housing opportunities for elderly applicants in public housing

Boston- The Boston Housing Authority submitted a new plan which would increase the elderly resident percentage in its elderly/disabled public housing developments from 70 to 80 percent today.  Called a “Designated Housing Plan,” by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, the plan dictates the demographic make-up of elderly and non-elderly disabled residents of the BHA’s elderly/disabled developments.

“We look forward to HUD’s review and approval of this plan,” said BHA Administrator Bill McGonagle.  “With more and more elders in need of affordable housing, we want to insure that we are providing Boston’s seniors with affordable housing options that they need and deserve.”

The BHA currently has 36 public housing developments throughout Boston that specifically house elderly and non-elderly disabled residents.  Those developments have been operating since 2007 under a plan which designates each site as 70% elderly and 30% non-elderly disabled.  BHA’s new plan would change that ratio to 80% elderly and 20% non-elderly disabled.  The BHA would also provide 300 new Housing Choice (Section 8) Vouchers to non-elderly disabled applicants.  The BHA also houses many additional non-elderly disabled applicants throughout its various housing programs.  Approval of this Plan will bring the BHA’s percentages of elderly and non-elderly disabled residents in designated buildings in line with those of other housing authorities throughout the Commonwealth.

The new plan must be reviewed and approved by HUD prior to implementation.  Seniors represent Boston’s fastest-growing and most economically challenged group according to the Boston’s housing report, Housing a Changing City: Boston 2030.  The BHA’s plan is consistent with the growing recognition of the need to provide additional housing opportunities for the elderly population, as highlighted by a recent research report from the City of Boston’s Commission on Affairs of the Elderly and the Gerontology Institute at UMass Boston.

The BHA’s Designated Housing Plan may be viewed on the BHA’s website.

AARP Foundation Establishes Relief Fund for Victims of Nepal Earthquake

AARP Foundation Establishes Relief Fund
for Victims of Nepal Earthquake

AARP and AARP Foundation to match contributions
dollar for dollar up to $225,000

WASHINGTON, April 29, 2015 – To respond to the immediate needs of older people in the region, AARP Foundation President Lisa Marsh Ryerson announced that AARP Foundation has created a relief fund to help the victims of the devastating earthquake in Nepal – especially the 600,000 people over 60 who are expected to have been affected. The fund will help provide aid to the victims of this disaster. AARP and AARP Foundation will match dollar-for-dollar contributions up to $225,000.

“The magnitude of the crisis in Nepal is almost beyond comprehension, and we know AARP members want to help,” Ryerson said. “AARP Foundation will direct donations collected through the AARP Foundation Nepal Relief Fund to international relief organizations to deliver aid to victims of this disaster, with 100% of all funds raised going to organizations operating on the ground in the region – every dollar will make a difference.”

The 7.8 magnitude earthquake that rocked Nepal and neighboring countries last Saturday struck with devastating force, killing thousands of people, injuring thousands more, and causing widespread destruction. There is immediate need for older Nepalese and their families to have access to shelter, food, water and medical attention.

To donate and learn more about the AARP Foundation Nepal Relief Fund please visit:www.aarp.org/disasterrelief

About AARP Foundation
AARP Foundation is working to win back opportunity for struggling Americans 50+ by being a force for change on the most serious issues they face today: housing, hunger, income and isolation. By coordinating responses to these issues on all four fronts at once, and supporting them with vigorous legal advocacy, the Foundation serves the unique needs of those 50+ while working with local organizations nationwide to reach more people and make resources go further. AARP Foundation is a charitable affiliate of AARP. Learn more atwww.aarpfoundation.org.

Massachusetts Life Sciences Center Announces Two New Universal Partnership (UP) Program Grants

Massachusetts Life Sciences Center Announces Two New Universal Partnership (UP) Program Grants

Waltham, MA –The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) today announced two grants through the agency’s Universal Partnerships (UP) Program.  The grants were awarded to PNPResearch Corporation for a collaboration with BBI Solutions in Cadiff, United Kingdom and to Riparian Pharmaceuticals for a collaboration with Hybrigenics Services in Paris, France.
As the global leader in life sciences, Massachusetts has a unique ability to collaborate with companies in other parts of the world to improve health care through innovation,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “I’m excited to see the results and the impact of these international partnerships.”
Based in Drury, Massachusetts, PNPRC utilizes plasmonic nanoparticles to detect and corroborate a new biomarker for lung and ovarian cancers. PNPRC is collaborating with BBI Solutions, a Welsh company with expertise in preparing one of the key reagents needed for the new test. At this time, there is an unfulfilled medical need for biomarkers and improved treatments for lung and ovarian cancers. Once developed, the new test could lead to improved detection and outcome of these challenging diseases. The grant funding, which will go to PNPRC to support the collaboration, totals $198,400.
“We could not hope to achieve our goal of understanding the cellular immune response to ovarian cancer without an international partnership with BBI Solutions of Cardiff, UK,” said Petra B. Krauledat Ph.D., Founder of PNPResearch Corporation.  “BBI is a pioneer in plasmonic nanoparticle probe diagnostics and a natural fit with our Boston- based effort, which leverages collaborations with Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Wellman Center for Photomedicine. International cooperation in the life sciences is essential, not only for innovative product development but also for the creation of export markets via the effective deployment of medical diagnostic tools worldwide.”

Riparian Pharmaceuticals, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, uses unique biological screening to identify novel small molecules protective in atherosclerotic vascular disease among other disorders. Hybrigenics, the company collaborating with Riparian, has complimentary expertise in yeast screening technology and conducting an unbiased proteome-wide search for the protein binding partners of Riparian’s lead compound. The work of this partnership focuses on the development of a new medicine in a therapeutic area where many pharmaceutical companies have abandoned research and development of new drugs. Riparian will receive $200,000 in funding from the MLSC.

 “Riparian is discovering small molecules therapeutics to promote vascular health and provide a new therapeutic approach to cardiovascular and diabetic vascular diseases among others,” said Will Adams, CSO and co-founder of Riparian Pharmaceuticals, Inc. “This MLSC UP grant will allow Riparian to leverage Hybrigenics Services’ expertise in probing protein interactions and provide new biological insight into our discovery efforts.”
Last summer, at the 2014 BIO International Convention, the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) announced the launch of the UP Program, a new international program to provide grant funding to support Massachusetts companies who are forming R&D collaborations with life science organizations throughout the world. The creation of the UP Program furthers the MLSC’s efforts to create global partnerships between life science organizations to enable scientific and commercial breakthroughs and to fuel economic development in the Commonwealth. The UP program enhances the MLSC’s international program portfolio by offering Massachusetts companies more collaboration opportunities.
“No country can address the challenges of life sciences discovery and development alone,” said Susan Windham Bannister, Ph.D. President & CEO of MLSC. “The challenges we face in trying to improve global health are too great. The Center's Universal Partnership Program enables Massachusetts companies to partner with colleagues around the world to collaboratively address health challenges. The partnerships between Massachusetts-based PNPResearch Corporation and Riparian Pharma with British company BBI Solutions and Hybrigenics Services of Paris are great examples of the type of collaboration that we hope to encourage with UP.”
For the inaugural year of the UP Program, the MLSC will award grants ranging from a minimum of $50,000 to a maximum of $200,000 to selected Massachusetts companies. Applications will be accepted year round and an ongoing review will allow for a streamlined process. An eligible project will focus on a milestone within a R&D collaboration and will consist of one Massachusetts company and an organization in a non-U.S. geography, which could include a company, an academic institution, a hospital or a research institute.
For more information about the Universal Partnership Program, visit www.masslifesciences.com/programs/up.


新英格蘭地區中文教師協會成立于2012年,現任會長是塔芙茨大學的王命全老師,副會長是布朗大學的胡龍華老師。這次的研討會,由塔夫茨大學中文部, 羅德島大學孔子學院贊助。
五月三日下午一點半起,舉行研討會。南京大學程愛民教授率領的中方漢語教學專家學者,將與新英格蘭地區各大學教授,講師們,包括何文潮、羅雲、何寶璋、董樺、崔頌人、王志軍、陳彤、Amber Navarre、李愛民等分別主講,目有“漢語教學中的文化交流”,“漢語教學中的課程及課本”,“漢語課堂教學中的科技和方法”,“漢語語法和漢字的教學”等。

波士頓經文處感謝僑界餐會 江宜樺、賴銘琪獻歌






