
星期一, 4月 27, 2015




勒星頓中文學 賴雋 和文誠中文學 將代表新英格蘭中文學校協會參加今年五月美東年會中文歌唱比賽在Flushing, NY 舉行
因為電腦計分程式錯誤, 經查證後,牛顿中文學范雪景應得朗誦比賽中年級組第二名,修正如下
第一名  牛顿中文學  
第二名  牛顿中文學  何明耀
第三名  文誠中文學  陶宏   威斯伍中文學  李雅
第一名  牛顿中文學  周颖
第二名  牛顿中文學  范雪   牛顿中文學  
第三名  文誠中文學  
第一名  牛顿中文學   
第二名  牛顿中文學   馬轶
第三名  威斯伍中文學 李宇
優勝    牛顿中文學   張路
第一名   威斯伍中文學 劉紫
第二名   牛顿中文學   马思
第三名   牛顿中文學   高唯
優勝     文誠中文學   冯灵  
         沙龍中文學   汪文 
         文誠中文學   周金
第一名    威斯伍中文學 
第二名    文誠中文學   齐 
第三名    牛顿中文學   李章
優勝      牛顿中文學   张怡
第一名    牛顿中文學  卢正
第二名    沙龍中文學  李丹
第三名    牛顿中文學  周丽
優勝      牛顿中文學  宓尹
第一名    勒星頓中文學 賴雋      歌曲我期待
第二名    文誠中文學 冉云Amy Li  歌曲
第三名    文誠中文學 Amy Li        歌曲橄欖樹
優勝      文誠中文學           歌曲等你愛



一、    研習目的:
二、    研習時間:201576日至717日(週日不上課)
三、    主辦單位:僑務委員會、客家委員會
四、    承辦單位:弘光科技大學
五、    報到及研習地點:弘光科技大學(臺中市沙鹿區臺灣大道1018
六、    研習對象:20歲至65歲,通曉中文,有意學習客家美食實作相關創業技術之海外僑胞。以海外相關僑營事業從業人員及近兩年未曾參加本會經貿研習班者為優先。
七、    研習課程內容及時數:
八、    費用負擔方式:
(一)      本會提供研習期間午餐(不含晚餐及712日自由活動日之午、晚餐)、課程教材、師資、場地及材料等學雜費用。
(二)      學員自行負擔部分:
1.          僑居地往返臺灣之機票費、返臺後機場至報到(研習)地點及活動結束後至機場之往返交通費。
2.          研習期間膳宿費及其他個人費用;如需協助住宿安排,可洽由承辦單位弘光科技大學協助代訂「文華道會館」(臺中市西屯區文華路13831號)或「星享道酒店」(臺中市西屯區福興北路18號)。
3.          研習所需書籍及實作制服等費用,由弘光科技大學統一採購。

九、    報名注意事項:
(一)   報名表件請以電腦繕打或正楷填寫,於簽名處親簽後,送我駐外館處或華僑文教服務中心報名,未經核轉逕向本會或承辦單位報名者,概不受理。報名表件請向各駐外館處或華僑文教服務中心索取或逕自本會網站(www.ocac.gov.tw首頁/公告事項/開班)或全球僑商服務網(www.ocbn.org.tw首頁/僑商培訓邀訪/最新預告)下載。
(二)       同一家庭或同公司人員僅限一人報名參加,眷屬不得隨同參加課程
(三)       錄取僑胞於接獲通知並依本會規定向承辦單位完成線上報到後取得訓資格
十、    其他
(一)     本研習班課程緊湊,請報名者衡量自身健康及體力狀況,以免研習期間不堪負荷,致影響班級學習。如因而發生意外事故,應自負責任及相關醫療與返回僑居地等相關費用。
(二)     本會於研習期間為參加人員投保新臺幣本會於研習期間為參加人員投保新臺幣二百萬元旅遊平安險或意外險及附加10%之意外醫療險,參加人員如認不足,請自行斟酌額度加保;另參加人員須於行前辦妥個人醫療保險,在臺活動期間如因疾病就醫治療,應自行負擔所有醫療費用。
(三)     為避免培訓資源浪費,本活動學員需全程參訓,未能全程參與者,請勿報名。
(四)     本研習班實作類課程係以葷食為主,各實作菜色材料固定且已於開班前備妥,為免因個人因素提出額外需求而造成其他學員及承辦單位困擾,報名者請慎思個人飲食習慣後再行決定是否報名。

波士頓華僑文教中心 ( Culture Center of TECO in Boston )

City of Boston, BRA, and Boston Society of Architects to hold Innovative Design Alternatives Summit on May 6 and 7

City of Boston, BRA, and Boston Society of Architects to hold Innovative Design Alternatives Summit on May 6 and 7
Thought leaders to convene on Mayor Walsh’s challenge for innovative design

BOSTON – Next week, the City of Boston, the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA), and Boston Society of Architects (BSA) will bring together designers, community leaders, developers, city officials, and academics in a unique two-day event called IDeAS: Innovative Design Alternatives Summit. The summit, set to take place at Faneuil Hall and BSA Space on May 6 and 7, is intended to jumpstart the conversation about enhancing design and architecture in Boston through an inclusive, interactive visioning process. The events are free and open to the public, and interested attendees are encouraged to register for one or both days.

The summit emerged in response to a challenge Mayor Martin J. Walsh issued in his December speech to the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. At the time, the Mayor observed, “Boston is home to the world’s most innovative thinkers – in science and technology, and in business, art, and architecture. Our City’s built environment should reflect this culture of imagination. Too often, in recent decades, new buildings have been merely functional. I believe Boston can do better.” He encouraged developers and designers to “reach beyond your comfort zone” and “take design to a new level” to build inspiration into Boston’s landscape.  

IDeAS will open with remarks from Mayor Walsh at an afternoon plenary session focused on design at Faneuil Hall on May 6 at 3:00 p.m. The summit will then transition to BSA Space on May 7, where a daylong series of interactive panels will bring thought leaders together to discuss a variety of topics related to Boston’s identity, economy, open space, environment, and, of course, buildings. The group hopes to begin a robust conversation about how innovative design, broadly speaking, can enhance the quality of life for people in Boston.

The event is expected to draw an array of influential leaders in architecture and design, including Andrea Leers, co-founder and principal at Leers Weinzapfel Associates, Bill Rawn, founding principal of William Rawn Associates, and Francine Houben, founder and creative director at the Dutch firm Mecanoo, which helped design the newly opened Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building in Dudley Square. Major developers, community leaders, and city officials will help round out the panels, making sure that the discussion is informed by diverse perspectives. By having such a wide cross-section of stakeholders represented, organizers of the summit hope to underscore the level of collaboration that is needed to foster design excellence throughout the city.

“The Mayor’s remarks in December were a clear call for all of us in the development and design communities to step up our game,” said BRA Director Brian Golden. “People are already beginning to embrace the notion that taking a bit of risk isn’t just acceptable, it’s expected. I’m excited to see a fruitful discussion about the future of architecture and design unfold at IDeAS. We couldn’t ask for a better partner and host than the Boston Society of Architects, and I thank all of the participants and sponsors for coming together around this important topic.”

BRA board member and President Emeritus of Boston Architectural College Ted Landsmark was a driving force behind organizing the summit. Autodesk, which makes design software and recently announced that it will open a new office in Boston, The Boston Foundation, and BSA Foundation are sponsoring the event.

The agenda for May 7 includes the following six panels:

Who We Are
How do we best respond to Boston’s emerging demographics? This session will discuss how design helps us to integrate Boston’s diversity into the fabric of the city, neighborhood identity, historic preservation, culture, entertainment, and sports. How do we describe ourselves to those who do not know Boston?

How We Grow
This panel will address how design enhances economic development, regionalization, transportation, transit-oriented development, and infrastructure. What is our plan for smart growth? How can big data and the overlap between design and planning be used to inform our process and to assess our needed resources?

How and Where We Live
This panel will explore housing, equity, affordability, and design in a global environment. How do we ensure affordability to attract and retain a middle-class economic base? How do we design intelligently across generations and for individuals with disabilities? What are the possible effects on housing and transportation of Boston’s bid to host the 2024 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games?

Creating Common Ground
Open space can support place-making, facilitate way-finding, and enhance community and cultural identity. How do we explore design solutions that work in harmony to support the public good? This panel discussion will address accessibility, design interventions for health and safety, neighborhood needs and scale, and how innovative design enhances the experience of the city. What can we achieve using civic technology and big data to better understand how we live and play?

How We Survive in our Environment
How do form, materials, technology, energy management, sustainability and resiliency affect planning the built environment? This session will tackle morphology and form, innovative technologies, construction practices, and design tools, energy management strategies, and climate change and design opportunities. How do we engage and experience the city through digital interfaces?

How We Share Resources
As we engage communities in design, we must consider how regionalization and infrastructure needs as well as alternative financing mechanisms can foster equitable access to economic development resources. How do we assess community and cultural benefits from design interventions?

About the Boston Redevelopment Authority
As the City of Boston’s urban planning and economic development agency, the BRA works in partnership with the community to plan Boston's future while respecting its past. The agency’s passionate and knowledgeable staff guides physical, social, and economic change in Boston’s neighborhoods and its downtown to shape a more prosperous, sustainable, and beautiful city for all. The BRA also prepares residents for new opportunities through employment training, human services and job creation. Learn more at www.bostonredevelopmentauthority.org, and follow us on Twitter @BostonRedevelop.

星期六, 4月 25, 2015

哈佛商學院趙朱木蘭中心上樑封頂 預定2016六月竣工

曾任美國勞工部部長的趙小蘭與父親趙錫成,妹妹,福茂集團副董事長趙安吉(Angela Chao),以及哈佛大學商學院院長諾瑞亞(Nitin Nohria),承建大樓工程公司(Lee Kennedy)的高級副總裁Robert C. OLeary等人,昨日早上十一點半,和出席嘉賓們在頂樑上一一簽名後,向緩緩升上樓頂的橫樑行注目禮。
            趙小蘭指出,這棟由Goody Clancy建築師事務所設計大樓, 有如輝映她父母的這一生旅程,從舊世界走向未來,開闢出新天地。入口處的白柱紅牆,和哈佛大學商學院其他樓宇風格銜接一致,但走進大樓,穿越迴廊後,映入眼簾的卻是一幅完全不同景象。她們全家對於有此機會,回饋社會,非常感恩。


            趙小蘭(左二),哈佛商學院院長諾瑞亞(Nitin Nohria),趙錫成等人一起在頂樑上簽名。(菊子攝)


        右二起,哈佛商學院院長諾瑞亞(Nitin Nohria),布萊爾資本(Breyer Capital)執行長吉姆布萊爾(Jim Breyer)、趙安吉夫婦,趙小蘭,趙錫成等人,在頂樑前合影。(菊子攝)


            布萊爾資本(Breyer Capital)執行長吉姆布萊爾(Jim Breyer)、福茂集團副董事長趙安吉夫婦。(菊子攝)