
星期二, 2月 03, 2015

Councilors Flaherty and Linehan create Residency Commission

Councilors Flaherty and Linehan create Residency Commission
             Councilor-At-Large Michael Flaherty, working with Council President Bill Linehan, recently filed an order to create a Residency Policy Commission.  The order passed in the City Council and was signed by Mayor Walsh.
            Councilors Flaherty and Linehan created the Commission in response to the inconsistent residency requirements for city employees.  The Residency Policy is a complicated and controversial issue that dates back to 1973 – when the first residency law was passed.  Residency requirements are defined by city ordinance, collective bargaining agreements, and state law.  This creates many different sets of requirements for different employees.  Consistency and fairness are important to attract and retain the talented employees our city relies on every day.
            The Commission’s goal is to examine the residency policies now in place in the City of Boston, and make recommendations on whether or not the policies should be changed.  The Commission will be composed of seven members, and will present their findings to the City Council and Mayor this year.
            Councilor Linehan said about the Commission:  “Councilor Flaherty and I filed an order to create this commission in response to the inconsistent rules governing residency for city employees.  We want to make sure any possible changes are discussed in an open, transparent forum, which this Commission provides.  It is important we ensure that all city employees are treated fairly and equitably.”
            Councilor Flaherty added, “During the previous administration, the enforcement of the residency policy was politically selective and very inconsistent. At times, this rule was altogether ignored. The Residency Policy Commission intends to improve equity among all City of Boston employees and their supervisors. My hope is that the recommendations by this Commission will offer an efficient solution for implementing and enforcing residency requirements.”

            The Commission should be appointed this month.  Meetings will be open to the public.

Council Passes Tax Deferral Home Rule Petition

Council Passes Tax Deferral Home Rule Petition

            Councilors Linehan, Murphy, and Ciommo filed a home rule petition to defer property taxes for long-term homeowners.  Mayor Walsh signed the measure, and since it deals with tax policy it will now go to the state legislature for approval.
            Councilor Linehan filed this matter during previous legislative sessions, but due to technical language changes the state legislature requested the matter had to be re-filed this year.  Councilor Linehan expects the petition to pass the legislature this time.
            Councilor Linehan feels the Property Tax Deferral for Long Term Homeowners is vital to keeping our communities strong.  The ordinance will create an opportunity for long time owner-occupied home owners to defer half of their taxes until the property is sold.

            Councilor Linehan said of the bill;  “I thank Councilors Murphy and Ciommo for their support, and I look forward to the state legislature making this a reality for Boston homeowners. Many long-time residents of Boston face continued tax increases based on assessments of their property that continue to grow in value.  They bought modest homes decades ago and now find themselves living in the middle of one of the hottest real estate markets in the country, resulting in an exponential spike in property taxes. This deferral will give long-term homeowners some much-needed tax relief and help them to stay in their homes.  I thank Mayor Walsh for his support, which will be invaluable in making this bill a reality for Boston.  The program will help those living on a fixed income who struggle with the rising costs of living in Boston.”

譚達兒、謝如鍵接任昭倫公所主席 三月十五日春宴迎羊年






台灣媽媽親子聯誼會迎羊年 經文處長笑談 happy wife happy life

(Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導) 波士頓台灣媽媽親子聯誼會日前在波士頓華僑文教中心慶祝羊年新春。來自四十八個家庭的一百廿多人,領紅包,看舞獅,學剪紙,寫書法,做鞭炮,交流寒暄,歡欣熱鬧。


2013年六月才加入,今年接會長的張惠雯,當天與廖素圓,游淑貞,秀妃老師,連如蘋,王美雲,雅琴,Char LeeMina TongSandy等媽媽義工們分工合作,擺出寫書法,剪紙,做鞭炮等勞作攤位,讓一眾台灣媽媽們領著從二,三歲到七、八歲不等的子女,遊走各攤位,還請來在波士頓少林中心練舞有成的林明輝率小瑞獅演出一段祥獅獻瑞,增添新年喜氣。
賴銘琪笑說,這是他抵波士頓履新以來,活動出席者年齡層最低的一次,讓他也沾染了返老還童的喜悅。他坦言,自己有三個小孩,深知媽媽們在海外帶孩子不容易,也笑說,有快樂太太,才有快樂生活(happy wife, happy life),這樣的活動,當然要來支持。他也鼓勵台灣媽媽們多攜帶子女參加經文處各單位舉辦的台灣日,雙十遊行等活動。
台灣媽媽親子聯誼會的新會長張惠雯透露,早年她在英國求學,進企業界做顧問後,曾在多個不同地點工作,2013年中因為夫婿的工作,遷來麻州定居,才加入該會。她指出,台灣媽媽親子聯誼會在僑教中心,布魯克蘭圖書館等地辦有中文說故事時間,另有戶外Play Day,包括五月份的牛頓台灣日,中秋節的燒烤會,以及放風箏,扯鈴等。此外,媽媽們也在臉書上交流育兒心得或互報好康。
今年夏天,他們將組織到熊溪(Bear Brook)州立公園十天的露營活動。

大波士頓再遇風雪 一婦人撞上鏟雪車不治

大波士頓這回真是被埋在雪裏了。上週末下的廿,三十吋雪還堆在路上,昨(二)日又再降十二到十八吋。波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)在下午四點半時宣佈學校停課。
諾弗克(Norfolk)郡地方檢察官莫里塞(Michael Morrissey)辦公室表示,昨日早上十點左右,在麻州南岸的衛矛斯(Weymouth)鎮,有一名婦女被鏟雪車撞倒,不治死亡。
這名婦女,其後證實為五十七歲的 Cynthia Levine。
            昨日麻州的地下鐵照常營運。MBTA總經理Beverly Scott表示,由於天氣關係,有許多時刻延誤狀況。
從麻州感到亞利桑納州的愛國者隊,二月一日晚以28:24的成績,在臨尾幾分鐘反敗為勝,贏得超級盃冠軍。全麻州球迷為之狂歡,波士頓市長馬丁華殊也立即發出恭賀聲明,並於昨(二)日一大早宣佈,要在二月三日早上十一點,從普天壽大樓(Prudential Tower)出發,遊行到波士頓市政府大樓的慶祝勝利。氣象局昨日預測,球迷們到時候恐怕得在華氏十五度,感覺像零度的天氣中遊行。
截至昨日下午兩點半,麻州交通廳已派出3207輛鏟雪車到各地掃雪,波士頓市也派出了414輛鏟雪車。東南向快速道路的“拉鍊道(zipper lane)”昨天也封了。




Governor Baker Announces Delayed Start for Non-Emergency State Employees

Governor Baker Announces Delayed Start for Non-Emergency State Employees

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker tonight announced a delayed start time for non-emergency state employees working in Executive Branch agencies for 11:00AM on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 due to today's winter storm and extreme cold temperatures in tomorrow’s forecast.

“Today's snowstorm coupled with frigid temperatures in tomorrow’s forecast will make for a tough morning commute.  Roadways and sidewalks continue to be in rough shape after several days of significant snowfall, requiring extensive cleanup efforts to ensure the safety of the people of Massachusetts," said Governor Baker.  "A delayed start will allow some time in the morning for everyone to dig out and for crews to continue clearing roads and sidewalks. The MBTA plans to run a regular schedule, but commuters are encouraged to check MBTA.com/winter for scheduling updates.”

The Baker Administration remains in close contact with the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, MassDOT and State Police to monitor the forecast and, just like last week, will work to alert the public with important updates or notifications.

State Offices:  Non-emergency state employees working in Executive Branch agencies will be on a delayed start for 11:00AM on Tuesday, February 3, 2015.

MBTA: The MBTA will operate on a normal schedule tomorrow.  Commuters are encouraged to be patient, allow plenty of time for travel and plan ahead by checking MBTA.com/winter for updates.