
星期四, 1月 22, 2015

國泰航空訂五月三日開通波士頓香港直飛 高管訪波推廣

國泰航空企業發展董事包偉霆(James Barrington)在早餐會中詳述公司發展史,決定開闢波士頓市場緣由,並指出國泰航空甫於去年獲選為全世界服務最佳航空公司,輔以子公司港龍的在中國有22個據點,有美國航空等15個“一個世界(oneworld)“會員航空公司夥伴,勢必可為波士頓往香港及亞洲各地乘客,提供更便捷,舒適選擇。
            目前國泰航空公司在美國五個城市設有據點,包括舊金山(San Francisco),洛杉磯(Los Angeles),芝加哥(Chicago),紐約(New York )的JFK,以及新澤西州的紐沃克( Newark)等。波士頓將是第六個據點。
            根據霆透露的資料,國泰航空是1946年時,由美國冒險家Roy Farrell和澳洲飛行員Sydney de Kantzow在香港聯合創辦的,用的第一架飛機是從美國買來,名叫Betsy的二手DC3飛機。七十年後,國泰航空已是在美國和亞洲之間往來的最大航空公司。
            國泰航空如今一週有87班客機飛進美國,總共104班次飛進北美,都採用超效率的 777-300ERs
            1997年時,國泰航空到紐約的航班,一年締造了載客 135,000 人的紀錄,2014年時,這數目達到全美近2百萬人

            國泰航空企業發展董事包偉霆(James Barrington)親自到波士頓,為直飛香港航線開通做準備。(菊子攝)

ILF Civic Fellowship Accepting Asian Pacific American Student Applications for 2015

ILF Civic Fellowship Accepting Asian Pacific American Student Applications for 2015
The International Leadership Foundation (ILF) is pleased to announce that the application process for the 2015 Civic Fellowship Program is open and ongoing until February 14, 2015. Every year, ILF’s selection committee identifies approximately 30 outstanding Asian Pacific American (APA) college students to spend eight to ten weeks interning at a federal agency in Washington D.C. during the summer. 
Students accepted into the program are known as Civic Fellows and will receive a stipend of 2,000 dollars. In addition, they will attend weekly leadership seminars on Capitol Hill, learn networking skills and gain valuable, firsthand working knowledge of the American system of government. Fellows are responsible for their own travel, housing and living expenses.
“ILF has a stellar record of advocating for increased civic engagement and public service from the APA community,” said Chiling Tong, ILF’s Chief Executive Officer. “We need a greater representation of our community in government, and ILF’s goal is to train a new generation of successful leaders in their chosen fields and raise our community’s profile as engaged, American citizens who deserve to have our voices heard.”
Based on the interests and majors of selected Civic Fellowship candidates, ILF will work to place them with over a dozen federal agencies, as well as limited placements in congressional offices and the White House. “The ILF works hard to foster bright young APA youth who wish to experience the inner workings behind this great country’s national government, and provides effective training classes to enhance leadership skills,” said Norman Mineta, former Secretary of Transportation. Mr. Mineta is also the honorary chairman of ILF, while the Honorable Elaine Chao serves as honorary chairwoman. 
Undergraduate students of APA heritage who are United States citizens and possess a GPA of 3.0 and above are eligible for this fellowship. Applications must be recevied by February 14, 2015To learn more or submit an application, visit www.ileader.org

About ILF
The International Leadership Foundation (ILF) has promoted the civic awareness, public service, and economic prosperity of the Asian Pacific American (APA) community as a non-profit organization. Our mission is to develop young leaders in the United States, Asia, and Pacific Rim countries in the fields of public affairs, entrepreneurship and international relations through a network of business and community leaders. ILF has a network of national advisory boards and global advisory councils in 15 cities and two continents, comprised of professional, civic and business leaders.  Since its founding in 2000, ILF has provided scholarships and leadership training for thousands of talented APA college students from across the country. 

星期三, 1月 21, 2015

Mayor Walsh, Director Golden release “Building the New Boston Redevelopment Authority”

Mayor Walsh, Director Golden release “Building the New Boston Redevelopment Authority” 
2014 year in review report highlights reforms to improve transparency and accountability at agency

BOSTON – Mayor Martin J. Walsh and Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) Director Brian Golden released a 20-page report today that offers an in-depth look at how Boston’s planning and economic development agency sought to improve its transparency, accountability, and operations in the past year through a series of policy reforms, personnel changes, and investments in technology. The year in review report, entitled “Building the New Boston Redevelopment Authority,” is divided into four sections: 1) Improving Policies and Protocols; 2) Modernizing Systems and Organizational Structure; 3) Maximizing BRA/EDIC (Economic Development and Industrial Corporation) Assets and Enhancing Fiscal Accountability; and 4) Nurturing Opportunity and Financial Empowerment among Residents. 

“The fact that we were able to make so many important reforms at the BRA while supporting four billion in new construction that broke ground last year speaks volumes about the new leadership of the organization and the talented staff they have around them,” said Mayor Walsh. “This report highlights all of the progress we have made so far, but our work is not over. We will continue to make adjustments so that we keep building trust and confidence in the BRA.”

“This document is a roadmap of the improvements underway at the BRA and the ones to come in the months ahead,” said Director Golden. “Our charge is to reinvent the way we do business in order to create an agency that reflects the world-class city it has helped to build. We don’t seek to erase past blemishes or hide our faults. We seek to learn from them. ”

Mayor Walsh and Director Golden helped to usher in a new wave of leadership at the BRA last year. Newly appointed senior positions include the Chief of Staff, Director of Development Review and Policy, General Counsel, Director of Communications, Director of the Office of Jobs and Community Services, Controller, and Compliance Program Manager.

Under the leadership of Director Golden and the BRA’s Director of Development Review and Policy, the agency has implemented several new policies and is in the process of creating others to improve transparency and accountability. Funding to support affordable housing creation through the Inclusionary Development Policy is now being managed more effectively through a partnership with the City’s Department of Neighborhood Development. The BRA’s Board of Directors passed policies to enhance transparency related to the disclosure of beneficial interests by development proponents, the review and approval of overlay zoning district proposals known as Planned Development Areas, and land takings and transfers involving the BRA. A standard application for funds associated with community benefits, which are negotiated when large projects are approved, is also being developed, as the process for disbursing discretionary funds was cumbersome and unpredictable in the past. The BRA expects to begin using the application this coming spring.

Modernizing systems and investing in technology to support the agency’s operations was a top priority in 2014. The information technology division introduced a new work order management system for IT service and research requests. Developers must now file information about proposed projects using a web-based portal that makes it easier to track key data. The BRA’s website now also allows for electronic tracking of procurement documents for work that is publicly bid. Other technology improvements made last year include a new zoning viewer tool, live streaming video of monthly BRA/EDIC board meetings, and a digital asset management system that allows staff to easily access photographs, renderings, and other images.

KPMG’s performance review of the BRA/EDIC, which was completed last July, found several troubling deficiencies with respect to compliance and asset management practices. The redevelopment authority’s Finance Department, which oversees compliance, is overhauling protocols to improve accountability and has already made significant headway in addressing the concerns. A new Compliance Program Manager will produce a manual to train staff and other stakeholders on the BRA’s compliance responsibilities, and there will be regular reviews to ensure policies and procedures are followed appropriately. The agency will also upgrade software in order to better track developer commitments, community mitigation funds, and housing agreements.

New lease management software was implemented late last year, and all BRA/EDIC leases are expected to be digitized by the end of February. KPMG’s report pointed to over $5 million in overdue receivables, a significant amount of which stemmed from overdue rent from tenants in BRA/EDIC owned properties, as of last spring. The Finance Department has aggressively collected overdue payments and reduced the  BRA/EDIC’s receivables balance to less than $1 million, as of the end of November. The department also updated its accounting practices so that intercompany payments that were once categorized as loans, which inflated the receivables balance, are now categorized as grants.

An asset management team is working on a comprehensive strategy to redevelop several underutilized parcels in the Marine Industrial Park, which is owned by the BRA, so that they begin generating revenue for the agency. The BRA has contracted with Utile, Inc. to update the master plan for the industrial park in order to help inform long-term planning for the area’s growth.

The BRA’s year in review report concludes by highlighting Mayor Walsh’s Office of Financial Empowerment, which launched last October and is being managed by the Office of Jobs and Community Services, an affiliate of the BRA. The initiative is a collaborative effort with outside organizations to address poverty and income inequality in Boston, with the goal of creating effective wealth-building strategies for residents.

Reforms at the BRA/EDIC will continue this year, as the agency has hired McKinsey & Company to undertake a review of the Planning Division. The team of consultants will ultimately make recommendations to improve workflow, predictability, and transparency in the City’s planning process. McKinsey’s report is due to be released this coming spring.


麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)昨(廿)日與副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito),行政及財務長黎普瑞(Kristen Lepore聯袂宣布,州政府2015會計年度預算,估計有赤字七億六千五百萬元,主要是花錢不當造成的問題。
            查理貝克說明,其中最大的問題來源是管理州政府的醫療聯繫者(Health Connector),大約有二億三千萬元的赤字來自這一部分。為州府員工,退休者及市鎮員工買保險的團體保險局(Group Insurance Commission)是另一個赤字來源,約一億五千五百萬元。部門的收入是其中一個有趣項目,比預算基準少了一億八千萬元左右。
            波士頓環球報昨日在報章上稱查理貝克政府面對的赤字,有薩摩雅(Samoa) 這國家的全國毛收入這麼大,和麻州納稅人基金會(Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation)上個月估計得差不多。

            麻州州長查理貝克(中)十七日出席“351計劃(Project 351)“的結業式,向來自麻州351個市鎮的約四百名高中生說,馬丁路德金日最重要的意義之一是教人要記得歷史教訓。他還要求出席高中生們跟著他重複朗誦“我記得”這幾個字。(菊子攝)

            麻州州長查理貝克(中)十七日出席“351計劃(Project 351)“的結業式。 (菊子攝)

Robert Kraft允諾捐獎學金給 Project 351

新英格蘭愛國者球隊東主卡夫特(Robert Kraft)(左)十七日當著麻州州長查理貝克(右)的面,向將近四百名“351計劃“的社區服務大使宣佈,如果愛國者球隊十八日贏球,他就一年捐五千元,連續捐四年,給351計劃做獎學金,鼓勵學生服務社區。
            卡夫特 在1994年以一億七千五百萬元買下新英格蘭愛國者隊。富比士雜誌(Forbes)估計,去年七月時,該球隊已成為全世界最有價值的八個球隊之一,估值廿六億元。


