
星期五, 1月 16, 2015

抗議者攔93號高速公路 州警斥危及車禍受害者生命

昨(十五)日一大早,麻州93號州際公路的南,北向道路,各有一撥人呼籲社會關注族裔壓抑,攔路抗議, 導致大塞車。
            麻州警察主管Timothy Alben表示,抗議人士是早上七點四十分時,在麥德福(Medford)市神秘道(Mystic Ave.)附近的南向93號州際公路,以及七點半時在東米爾頓(Milton)廣場的北向93號公路,攔阻了道路。
            抗議者發言人Shannon Leary表示,米爾頓的抗議者並不屬於任何一個特定組織,但和其他抗議者都一任,認為族裔關係應該改善。
            麻州警察主管Timothy Alben表示,他尊重第一修正案給人們的抗議權力,但那些抗議者做得太過分了些。


星期四, 1月 15, 2015

Charlie Baker Appoints Quinn as Bristol County District Attorney

Charlie Baker Appoints Quinn as Bristol County District Attorney

Boston – Governor Charlie Baker today appointed Thomas M. Quinn III as District Attorney for Bristol County.  The district attorney is responsible for overseeing office operations and his appointment is effective immediately.  Quinn will serve his term until the next district attorney is elected in the next biennial election of November 2016.

“Tom is an experienced manager with a solid record that fully qualifies him for the position of district attorney and I am pleased to announce his appointment to this important post,” said Governor Baker.  “Tom has loyally served the entire community and earned their support, demonstrating true professionalism and steady leadership throughout his career.  I am confident that he will continue to dutifully serve the citizens of Bristol County and our Commonwealth.”

“I am glad to announce Tom’s appointment as District Attorney for Bristol County and have full confidence that he will continue his career of devoted service to support the people of Bristol County and our state,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito.

“It is an honor to receive this appointment from Governor Baker and I look forward to continuing to serve the people of Bristol County as the district attorney,” said Quinn.

About Thomas M. Quinn III:

Quinn first worked in the Bristol County DA’s office as an Assistant DA from 1988 to 1997.  He later worked in private practice in Fall River, representing clients through the Committee for Public Counsel Services.  Quinn recently served as First Assistant DA, supervising all prosecution in Superior Court cases in Bristol County Superior Court.  Quinn is deeply invested in his community, serving as a member of the Bishop Connolly High School Board of Trustees, Nativity Preparatory School Advisory Board and the Holy Name Parish Finance Council.  Quinn grew up in Dartmouth and graduated from the College of the Holy Cross and Suffolk University Law School. He lives in Fall River with his wife, Sharon, and has three children.

Baker-Polito Administration Establishes Three-Month Regulatory Pause

Baker-Polito Administration Establishes Three-Month Regulatory Pause

Boston – Governor Charlie Baker today announced a 90-day pause on all new regulations to allow for the Administration’s long-term goal of streamlining unnecessarily burdensome regulations on the Commonwealth’s small businesses and job creators. The three month time frame will halt new regulations and those in the renewal process in order to enable the administration to implement new guidance that regulations going forward communicate a clear, desired and effective goal and focus on the development and implementation of the 2016 Fiscal Year Budget.

“If Massachusetts is to succeed in creating new jobs and making state government more efficient, we must tackle burdensome regulations,” said Governor Baker. “Regulations void of a clear and concise purpose increase the cost of doing business and make dealing with state government more difficult. This temporary freeze will allow us to review codes already on the books, ease the unnecessary amount of bureaucratic red tape and focus on crafting the next budget.”

The regulatory pause was outlined in a memo issued to all Cabinet Secretaries today by Administration and Finance Secretary Kristen Lepore, who in accordance with Executive Orders issued in prior administrations, has final approval before any regulation is filed.  The three-month period is effective until March 31st.

“Massachusetts’ looming budget deficit is one of our utmost priorities in the coming months,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “As we begin the hard work of reducing costs and responsibly meeting the needs of the Commonwealth, today’s announcement will help ensure our small businesses are not left behind.” 

As outlined in a memo issued by the Executive Office for Administration and Finance, any new regulation will be presumptively disapproved with limited exceptions for those mandated by statute to be implemented by a fixed date, those substantially reducing an existing regulatory burden, those essential to public health, safety, environment or welfare and those addressing unanticipated matters of importance to the Commonwealth.

The regulatory freeze follows the administration’s announcement on January 9th to issue an immediate hiring freeze across state government, launch a 100-day agency review for efficiency and cost-savings, and to direct all cabinet Secretaries conduct reviews of all contract amendments made since September 1, 2014 and those currently in the procurement process to determine they are in the best interests of the Commonwealth.

于翔 1/17 於喬丹廳辦音樂會首演天際鴻音

梅紐因國際小提琴比賽首獎得主于翔及年青鋼琴家蔣晴,應中華表演藝術基金會之邀,將於元月十七日(週六)晚上八點,在新英格蘭音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall),攜手舉辦音樂會。
他倆當晚將演出的曲目包括莫扎特的E大調慢板,K.261,C大調 Rondo,K.373,貝多芬的小提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲 C小調第7號,Op.30二號,德布西的小提琴和鋼琴奏鳴曲 G小調,L 140,以及徐可的天際鴻音,拉威爾的茨岡。




BOSTON - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today released the Greenovate Boston 2014 Climate Action Plan Update, taking steps to prepare the City of Boston for the impacts of climate change and celebrating the City’s progress towards reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 25 percent by 2020 and 80% by 2050.

"When we’re talking about the environment, we’re talking about economic development, social equity, public health and safety, and community engagement," said Mayor Walsh. "That’s why we bring an environmental mindset to everything we do. Everyone can help make Boston a greener city."   

The Mayor will formally present the Plan along with members of the Climate Action Plan Steering Committee and welcome incoming Chief of Environment Energy and Open Space, Austin Blackmon on Thursday evening at 6:15 p.m.at Artists of Humanity in South Boston. The event will conclude with a performance by the local band, Guster. Under Mayor Walsh's leadership, the 2014 plan lays out a more robust climate preparedness strategy, building on prior reports with an enhanced focus on social equity, public health and safety, economic development and community engagement, and superior data and performance measurement.

For the first time, the Walsh Administration report sets sector-specific GHG and program participation targets, giving Boston residents, businesses, institutions, and government a clear sense of what is needed to achieve Boston’s 25 percent by 2020 GHG reduction goal. The report also takes a first look at what it will take to reach Boston’s longer-term goal of reducing emissions 80 percent by 2050, putting Boston on par with only a handful of cities around the world that are exploring such ambitious goals.

While the 2014 Plan sets ambitious community goals and targets, the City continues to lead by example. In 2014, the City announced it had reduced municipal GHG emissions by approximately 27%, meeting its 2020 goal of 25% seven years early. The City is now exploring a new 2020 goal. The Renew Boston Trust, which was announced in the Mayor’s Chamber of Commerce speech, will further help municipal buildings reduce energy consumption and cut costs.

"This is a bold climate action plan put forth by Mayor Walsh and the City which will require engagement by all of our citizens. The Steering Committee felt that, going forward, greater involvement by Bostonians was key in both the development and implementation of an aggressive climate action plan. All of us have a stake in the outcome, and all of us can make a difference", said Vivien Li, Co-Chair of the 2014 Climate Action Plan Steering Committee.

The City already has many initiatives underway to achieve its 2020 goals and targets, and is making significant progress. For example:

  • Almost 36,000 home weatherizations, heating system replacements, and other home energy upgrades have been completed in Boston since 2009 and Boston will need another 36,000 by 2020 to reach the 8% Neighborhood sector GHG goal. The City is working with its partners to expand Renew Boston and other residential energy efficiency programs. For example, Renew Boston, in partnership with NSTAR and Mass Saves, recently launched a new website to connect Boston residents with home energy efficiency products, regardless of whether your rent or own, or the number of units in your building.

  • Solar generation eclipsed 11 MW in Boston in 2014. In addition to the plummeting cost of solar installation, City programs such as the new solar map and Race to Solar, which was recently extended until March 2015, are helping Boston reach the 2014 Climate Action Plan’s target of installing another 10 MW of commercial solar by 2020.

  • Co-generation, a means of local energy production that uses steam to generate both electricity and heat, is a key carbon reduction strategy within the Large Buildings and Institutions (LBI) section. The 2014 Plan sets a target of having 15% of energy use for the LBI sector come from co-generation. The City and Boston Medical Center were recently awarded a $3.6 million grant from the Commonwealth to build a new 2 MW co-generation plant that will provide local, clean energy for the hospital and help the hospital maintain its operations in the event of a power outage.

  • The Building Energy Reporting and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) is enabling the City to better understand commercial energy use and set specific energy targets along with better assistance and services to help business reduce their energy bills. The first year of reporting (2014) provided encouraging results, with a compliance rate of over 85% and initial data showing that Boston buildings have an average Energy Star score of 74, which is well above the national average. A full report with sector-level BERDO data will be release at the end of the month.

  • Vehicle fuel economy improvements, which are largely the result of new federal standards, are leading the reduction of emissions from the transportation sector, despite more jobs and vehicle miles traveled in Boston. As part of Go Boston 2030, the City’s mobility visioning and planning process, the City will set a Boston-specific fuel economy target, as well as strategies to help achieve it.

The Plan’s Climate Preparedness section continues to emphasize the need for regional collaboration. The Regional Climate Preparedness Summit, hosted by UMass-Boston this spring, will help catalyze these efforts. Local efforts include the Living with Water design competition, which is currently underway, and citywide efforts to coordinate resiliency planning through the new Chief Resilience Officer.

The Mayor has declared January 15th Guster Day in Boston to honor Guster's local roots and commitment to the environment.


當晚他宣佈了許多新政,以教育,住宅及創新為主要方向,包括要新設學校樓宇局,推出“創業樞紐(StartHub)“項目,聘請一名全職的“創業凱薩(start up czar)“,挪出250塊市有土地建可負擔住宅,讓“主街”改頭換面,給耆英及殘障人士30%的水費折扣。
            在教育上,馬丁華殊要草擬十年計畫,確認每個鄰里社區的需要,還要設立“波士頓學校樓宇局”,更積極爭取經費,繼去年為洛士百利(Roxbury)建成新的科技工程及數學(STEM)學校後,下一個計畫目標是芬衛(Fenway)的波士頓藝術學校(BAA),以及華埠的昆市高中(Quincy Upper School)。
            在支持創新上,包括前述的與SAP軟體公司合作,馬丁華殊宣佈了六項新政。他要設“創業樞紐”,成立“分析辦公室(Office of Analytics)”,讓民眾可用手機付路邊停車費,還要聘用一名全職的“創業凱薩”來幫助市民創業。波市居民以後有急事要找市政府,市長熱線也改為更簡單的3-1-1
        在住宅上,波市鄰里發展部(DND)將找出250塊市有土地,並撥補助以鼓勵發展商參與發展, 確保房價可負擔,或適合中等收入家庭,但會有50年後才可出售的限制。波市計畫撥款二千萬元來推動建可負擔住宅,要求麻州議會協助通過兩項法案,包括為中等收入家庭提供抵稅優惠,要求可負擔住宅信託基金為低收入耆英建住宅。
            馬丁華殊也特別談到幫助遊民,指出去年十月八日決定關閉波士頓通往長島的橋樑,他個人感到非常難過,因為他曾經每隔一週就到長島去,分享他的恢復(recovery)經驗。他也曾經不斷攔阻預算刪減,以保護庇護所的服務項目。為此,波士頓市將設立“恢復服務辦公室(Officer of Recovery Services)
            麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)當晚原定出席盛會,但臨時因病取消行程。昨日一早,州長辦公室也發出通知,取消了昨日的預定行程。今(十五)日也只排出了副州長的行程。


            波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)在交響樂廳發表他的首次市情咨文。(菊子攝)

            波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)在交響樂廳發表完他的首次市情咨文後,走下台到女朋友身邊,還飛吻給熟人。(菊子攝)




            剛上任麻州企業發展助理卿的范文南(右二)和妻子Mary Troung(左二),在會場遇見紐英崙中華公所主席阮鴻燦(中)等人。(菊子攝)

剛上任麻州企業發展助理卿的范文南(左起)和妻子Mary Troung,在會場遇見波士頓老人局局長阮惠。(菊子攝)
