
星期五, 12月 19, 2014


麻州失業率勞力及人力發展辦公室(Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development)昨(十八)日公佈,麻州失業率在十一月份時降到5.8%
其他類別工作機會也有增長,包擴專業,科學及企業服務等共增加了1600個工作機會。貿易,交通及電力業增加1500個工作機會。製造業及休閒娛樂業各增加1300 個工作機會。其他服務行業上個月增加了1700個工作機會。


星期四, 12月 18, 2014


Mayor Walsh Makes $20 Million Available for Affordable Housing  

BOSTON - Fulfilling a pledge to make more funding available for affordable housing, Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced that the City is making $20 million of funding available through a competitive process to to spur the creation of affordable housing.  Requests for Proposals (RFPs) were made available today by the City’s Department of Neighborhood Development (DND), outlining criteria for potential developments and the process by which developments will be selected to receive funding.    “This is the first round of funding being made available that will help us fulfill the goals outlined in our new housing policy,” Mayor Walsh said.  “We are going to use these funds in a strategic, responsible way, supporting the development of housing that’s affordable, attractive, and efficient.  This is a major first step toward ensuring that everyone who wants to make Boston better can access housing they can afford.”  The two separate RFPs are valued at $10 million each, and outline a set of priorities for developments that align with the strategic goals of Boston2030, the Walsh Administration’s housing plan.  These priorities include: Projects that can be built efficiently, with reduced costs; Projects that can move quickly into construction; Housing developments targeting a mix of incomes; from units for homeless households to units restricted to incomes representative of Boston's workforce;   The creation of housing to serve the disabled community, vulnerable or special needs populations, elders, veterans, artists, and aging-out youth; The acquisition of unrestricted housing developments in order to stabilize the tenancies and provide long term affordability for a mix of incomes; large projects with more than 50 units of housing of which at least 51% will be deed-restricted affordable units; and Projects creating new affordable units in high-cost neighborhoods where most IDP funds are generated. For the first time, DND will oversee the awarding of funds drawn from the Inclusionary Development Fund (IDF), which previously had been under the purview of the Boston Redevelopment Authority.  Monies in the IDF enter the Fund when developers of residential properties of more than ten units choose to fulfill their affordable housing obligation to the city by cashing out, rather than building affordable units on-site.  Today’s RFPs mark the first time that all City funds for affordable housing are entirely centralized in one agency.    In addition to the funds from the IDF, the City is also making available $5 million dollars of HOME, CDBG, and City operating funds, along with $10 million from the Neighborhood Housing Trust.  HOME and CDBG are Federal grants received by the City that can be used for affordable housing; the NHT is the administrator of funds that are created through the City’s Linkage policy.  Linkage is the City directive through which developers of commercial properties make contributions to the City for affordable housing, based on a formula calculated per square foot of commercial space constructed.

麻州長卸任忠告 人民應學會高姿態讚揚低姿態憤怒

麻州現任州長派區克(Deval Patrick)昨(十七)日主持卸任前最後一次族裔媒體圓桌會,坦率表示,八年過去,自己交出去一個比以往更好的政府,但也感性期望民眾,學會高姿態聲張正義,讚揚好事,低姿態表達憤怒或不滿。
            派區克表示,他更在意公民生活(civic life),將回到私人企業界去,但人在位置上時,幾乎無法和任何機構洽談。
派區克提醒族裔人士,縱使應享有權益,也得提出要求(make a claim)。



馬丁華殊為救世軍搖鈴 引民眾求合照捐善款

波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh(左一)昨(十七)日撥冗,到梅西百貨(Macy’s)門前為救世軍搖鈴,勸募善款。城中區銅管樂隊特地到場助陣。


目前共有成員29人的“合田聖樂團”,當天表演了十幾項節目,包括鋼琴三重奏“靜默在主前”,薛悅悅、江佩蓉二重唱“我耐性等候主”,醴陵,黃筱軒,,王藝臻等人以大中小提琴合奏“耶穌恩友歌”,“奇異恩典與巴哈“,全體合唱“我們心同聚”,詩歌聖樂團演唱“就在這房間裡”,“祢扶持我”,瑞典民謠改編的“你真偉大”,拉丁文改編的“純潔聖體”,非常現代,由金希文作曲的“他是愛我”,“燭光頌歌”,“平安夜”,“願主賜福保佑你”,“We Wish you a merry Christmas“等歌曲。
音樂會主題之一,是請領養了四名中國孤兒的Cindy Morrison,說一下她領養中國孤兒的始末,以及她與夥伴為中國孤兒院奔走的情況。
Cindy Morrison表示,她本人在麻州安多福市的兒童發展專業中心(Professional Center for Child Development)工作,親赴中國領養她的大女兒時,認識了在中國廣西,為孤兒院工作的一名女孩。由於那所孤兒院收容的大都是有特殊病難兒童,如果沒人收養,照顧,有百分之九十都會死亡,讓她很揪心的一直想要再去中國,照顧那些病童。她自己收養的這幾名小孩,其中一個病情比較嚴重些,每二、三星期就得去一次醫院看診,但她也一直很記掛著在中國的那些孤兒。她很感謝合田事工籌款,協助她照顧中國孤兒。

指揮: 薛悅悅,李建平
伴奏: 周鑫泉,徐雅琳




            Cindy Morrison(左二)帶著她領養的中國小孩,敘述她到中國的經驗。(菊子攝)




波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)這兩天很忙碌,一邊繼續追逐波士頓主辦奧林匹克夢,宣佈波市新的桂冠詩人,一邊要主導波士頓土地發展,給波士頓重建局更多權力。
            馬丁華殊團隊正要求麻州政府批准,把波士頓市內18個更新區中的 15個,展期十年,以容許波士頓重建局使用“徵收權(eminent domain powers)”,抵稅優惠(tax breaks),以及其他工具,來整頓土地發展。
            馬丁華殊日前已宣佈指派高登(Brian Golden)真除為波士頓重建局局長。


Massachusetts adds 13,500 jobs in November Unemployment Rate Drops to 5.8%

Massachusetts adds 13,500 jobs in November
Unemployment Rate Drops to 5.8%

BOSTON, MA – December 18, 2014 – The Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD) today reported that preliminary estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show Massachusetts added 13,500 jobs in November for a total preliminary estimate of 3,438,500.  The November total unemployment rate was 5.8 percent, down 0.2 of a percentage point over the month.

Since November 2013, Massachusetts has added a net of 59,600 jobs; with 57,400 jobs added in the private sector.  The total unemployment rate for the year is down 1.3 percent from the November 2013 rate of 7.1 percent.

BLS also revised its October job estimates to a 1,600 job gain from the 1,200 gain previously reported for the month.

November 2014 Employment Overview

Education and Health Services added 3,900 (+0.5%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Education and Health Services gained 18,100 (+2.5%) jobs. 

Financial Activities gained 2,600 (+1.2%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Financial Activities added 4,500 (+2.2%) jobs.

Other Services added 1,700 (+1.3%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Other Services jobs are up 2,800 (+2.2%) jobs.

Professional, Scientific and Business Services gained 1,600 (+0.3%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Professional, Scientific and Business Services added 13,000 (+2.5%) jobs.

Trade, Transportation and Utilities added 1,500 (+0.3%) jobs over the month.  Over the year, Trade, Transportation, and Utilities gained 9,000 (+1.6%) jobs.

Manufacturing gained 1,300 (+0.5%) jobs over the month.  Over the year, Manufacturing lost 1,300 (-0.5%) jobs.

Leisure and Hospitality added 1,300 (+0.4%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Leisure and Hospitality added 1,800 (+0.5%) jobs.

Construction lost 400 (-0.3%) jobs over the month.  Over the year, Construction has added 2,000 (+1.6%) jobs.

Information lost 200 (-0.2%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Information added 7,400 (+8.5%) jobs.

Government added 100 (0.0%) jobs over the month.  Over the year, Government gained 2,200 (+0.5%) jobs.

Labor Force Overview

The November 2014 estimates show 3,355,800 Massachusetts residents were employed and 207,800 were unemployed, for a total labor force of 3,563,600. The November labor force increased by 17,600 from 3,546,000 in October, as 21,000 more residents were employed and 3,400 fewer residents were unemployed over the month. The labor force was an estimated 80,300 above the 3,483,300 November 2013 estimate, with 120,600 more residents employed and 40,300 fewer residents unemployed.  

The unemployment rate is based on a monthly sample of households. The job estimates are derived from a monthly sample survey of employers.  As a result, the two statistics may exhibit different monthly trends.