
星期五, 10月 31, 2014

高柏珂競選麻州財政廳長 華裔選民聚眾助陣

今年的麻州大選,亞裔助選熱度比往年高很多。刻正競選麻州財政廳廳長的高伯珂(Deb Goldberg)昨(廿九)日應邀,出席在華埠龍鳳酒樓舉行的餐會,與亞裔支持者歡聚。
今年五月十一日慶祝了六十歲生日的高伯珂,在19842004年間曾經擔任布魯克蘭鎮鎮議員,其中的最後兩任,當上鎮議會議長。2006年,她曾參選麻州副州長,去年宣布參選麻州財政廳廳長,並於九月九日的初選,打敗了角逐同一職位的麻州參議員范高德(Barry Finegold),以及麻州眾議員康洛伊(Tom Conroy ),成為民主黨提名的候選人。
高伯珂家族在1892年移民來美,落腳波士頓北端(North End),開了家雜貨店,後來擴張成新英格蘭最大的連鎖超市“停下來買(Stop & Shop)“。
她也支持聯邦參議員伊麗莎白沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)的允許學生以更低利率重新貸款等提案。
波士頓商業雜誌(Boston Business Journal),波士頓環球報都撰文討論,但這兩個刊物對高伯珂有不同評價。
            支持高伯珂的亞裔群眾表示,高伯珂的競爭對手,共和黨籍的麻州財政廳廳長候選人賀福南(Mike Heffernan),迄今仍沒多人知道他是誰,麻州財政廳長一職的選舉,應該是未選,已有結果。




政要悼念萬寧路(Tom Menino)

BOSTON – Thursday, October 30, 2014 – Governor Deval Patrick today released the following statement on the passing of Mayor Thomas M. Menino: 

"Boston has lost a political giant, and Diane and I have lost a friend. Our hearts and prayers go out to Angela and the whole Menino family. And we thank God for the service and the life of Tom Menino."

Statement from Mayor Martin J. Walsh on the Loss of Former Mayor Thomas Menino

"Today the City of Boston mourns together.
"To any who had come to know him, it is no surprise that more than half of Boston had a direct interaction with Tom Menino. No man possessed a greater love for our City, and his dedicated life in service to Boston and her people and changed the face of the City.
"With sheer determination and unmatched work ethic, he took a city that is not as big in size as we are in stature and put us on the world stage as a national leader in health care, education, innovation and the nitty gritty of executing basic city services.
"He was a leader on policy issues that shaped the Boston we know today: from the environment, to youth engagement, to innovation, to crime prevention. But more than anything, he was a man of the neighborhoods. He held a profound understanding of the direct and immediate impact that municipal government can have on people, and made it a great priority to ensure that government served people, and not the other way around.
"Even in the latest stages of his illness, his concern – first and foremost – was always for Boston. We are forever grateful for Mayor Menino’s guidance, advice, and continued dedication to Boston. And though he has passed, his legacy and spirit will be felt across the City for generations to come.
"Because of his leadership, Boston is a better place today.
"From a grateful City: Our prayers are with Angela, Susan and Tommy, their families and friends, and all who loved Tom Menino.

Statement from House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo

“Mayor Menino had the courage to do whatever it took to fight for the people of Boston. We are all beneficiaries of his generous spirit, particularly the children of Boston, for whom he advocated tirelessly so they would have bright futures. My deepest prayers are with Angela and the Menino family. We are grateful for the decades that you and Mayor Menino shared with the citizens of Massachusetts.”


"Tom Menino's passing leaves a gigantic hole in the heart of the city he loved. His life and courage 

epitomized "Boston Strong" and will inspire our community for generations to come. Barbara and I extend 

our condolences to Angela, the entire Menino family, and the people of Boston."

Statement From Michelle Wu

Thank you, Mayor Menino, for your fierce joy and love in serving our city.

I am grateful to be among the many, many people whose lives have been shaped and inspired by Mayor Tom Menino. He gave me my start in city government and set the most powerful example of dedication to residents in every corner of Boston. He taught me that government is about helping people, especially those without a voice. He showed me that hard work gets results, that no issue is too small to matter and none too big to tackle. He inspired us all with his enormous love for Boston, the joy lighting up his face each time he spoke with young people, who represent the next generation of this great city.

Sending thoughts and prayers to Mayor Menino’s family, friends and all those who loved him.
Michelle Wu
Boston City Councilor At-Large


For Immediate Release: October 30, 2014

Boston — The thirteen mayors and managers of the Metropolitan Mayors Coalition were incredibly saddened to learn of the passing of Boston’s longest serving Mayor, Thomas Menino, earlier today.

Mayor Menino was a founding member of the Metro Mayors Coalition and an active participant in all of the Coalition’s events and activities. His regional leadership and enthusiasm were key to making the Coalition an effective voice.

“Mayor Menino deserved more time to enjoy the fruits of his relentless, hard work over 20 years making Boston a safe, vibrant and livable city,” said Somerville Mayor Joseph Curtatone, Chairman of the Metro Mayors Coalition. “I am heartbroken to hear of his too-soon death, which he faced with the same grace and resolve that was a trademark of his leadership, and that his close friends and family have lost him after sharing him with all of us for so long. He was more than the Mayor of Boston—he was our mayor, for many beyond the city limits. His legacy is a city, a region, and a Commonwealth irrevocably better because of his public service.”

“Mayor Menino was the driving force that helped establish the Metropolitan Mayors Coalition and then the glue that held it together,” said Chelsea City Manager Jay Ash, Vice-Chair of the Metro Mayors Coalition. “He was personally involved in ensuring that a regional tone in his strong Boston voice was heard, and his work resulted in a better Boston and a better Greater Boston.  I’m saddened to lose a good friend and champion, and will forever be appreciative for all he did to advance the cause of all communities here in the commonwealth.”

On issues ranging from youth violence prevention to municipal employee health insurance, Mayor Menino lent his voice to the Coalition and ensured that Boston’s neighbors continued to move forward with our capital city.

The Metro Mayors Coalition’s thoughts are with Angela and the entire extended Menino family during this difficult time. Mayor Menino was a truly larger-than-life figure in Boston and across our region. We will all miss him dearly, and we will work to keep his memory alive by living up to the example he provided for all of us.

Mayor of Boston

Mayor of Braintree

MEL KLECKNERTown Administrator of Brookline

City Manager of Cambridge

City Manager of Chelsea

Mayor of Everett

Mayor of Malden

Mayor of Medford

Mayor of Melrose

Mayor of Quincy

Mayor of Revere

Mayor of Somerville

Town Manager of Winthrop

B.A.A. StatementThomas M. Menino, Mayor of the City of Boston (1993-2014)

The B.A.A. expresses our profound sadness at Mayor Menino's passing, together with our deep gratitude for the magnificent support to the Marathon, the B.A.A. and the hundreds of thousands of athletes who have run in Boston under his watchful eye.  He was always one of the first spectators to arrive at the Marathon and the last to leave, including in 2014. He touched the event and the athletes in every way, every year. The race is diminished without him.  

Mayor Menino’s support for the Boston Marathon and the B.A.A. never wavered.  His leadership after the bombings which occurred on Marathon Day in 2013 resulted in the City becoming synonymous with resiliency and strength. “Boston Strong” was his hallmark, and his compassion for the family of the victims and the survivors directly led to the quick formation of The One Fund Boston. Our thoughts are with his family during this difficult time.

- B.A.A. President Joann E. Flaminio and B.A.A. Executive Director Thomas S. Grilk

    Remembering Mayor Menino

    To the BPS community,
    Today our city is saying goodbye to one of our very best friends. 
    Mayor Thomas M. Menino transformed the Boston Public Schools. To a person, every one of us who serves our city's children and families shares the same mission. Our goal each day is to offer a great education to every child, regardless of race or ethnicity, ability or disability, income, or whether their family has been in Boston for generations or recently arrived here from across the world.
    Mayor Menino was the person who, more than twenty years ago, asked us to take this mission on. The employees of the Boston Public Schools have done so with passion and a seemingly endless capacity for innovation, excellence and always with the very highest of standards. Our city has benefited greatly from his vision and from your talent. Working daily with parents, students and partners, we are united in this ongoing and urgent work.
    We will share more information in the days to come about opportunities to support the Menino family and honor his memory. In the meantime, I hope you will take a moment to visit our Remembering Mayor Menino page on the BPS website. We have gathered a few thoughts from some of the men and women who served alongside him leading our schools and we have taken special note of many of the accomplishments he was most proud of.
    I wish we did not have to share this news with you today. All of us, including nearly every one of of our students, knew Mayor Menino personally. This is a tribute to his character and to his highly personal touch. Our thoughts and prayers are with Angela, his children and grandchildren, and his entire family.
    John McDonough
    Interim Superintendent

    BOSTON -- The Boston Public Schools has launched a web page about Mayor Thomas M. Menino that contains reflections from key leaders, including past and current School Committee chairpersons and past and present Superintendents. 

    The "Remembering Mayor Menino" page also features a list of major reforms accomplished in the Boston Public Schools thanks to Mayor Menino's leadership.

    The page is linked from the home page of bostonpublicschools.org and can be reached directly at http://www.bostonpublicschools.org/Page/4137.

    Statement from Michael D. O'Neill, Chairperson of the Boston School Committee:
    "Mayor Menino, as much as he loved Boston overall, was all about the children of Boston and most especially those in the Boston Public Schools. He was fond of saying 'we take all students and teach all students' and, as usual with his fighting spirit, he considered that both an honor and an obligation. He consistently reminded those of us charged directly with improving public education in Boston of the need to be focused squarely on the youth and to do what was right at all times. He was a leader nationally among major city mayors in assuming full responsibility for improvement in his city's schools and from his strong, focused, personalized approach, often from individual day-to-day observations in our schools and his numerous daily interactions with school leaders, teachers, staff, parents and students, he led the effort for Boston to now be considered a national leader in urban education. But, for Mayor Menino, it was all about the students, for as he often said 'I'm happiest when I'm in one of our schools.' His positive impact will be felt for generations to come in our city."

    Statement from John P. McDonough, Interim Superintendent:
    "Mayor Menino saw promise and potential in every child. He turned our city’s school system into a model that other big cities have tried to recreate. Over 20 years of school visits he came to know our teachers, students, school leaders, parents, custodians and coaches by name -- and they certainly knew him. He pushed for equity and quality in every school, for every student, across entire generations of Boston families. He never stopped fighting for excellence and he never gave up. Our hearts go out to his family. Mayor Menino will be in our hearts forever."
    To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to release+unsubscribe@bostonpublicschools.org.

  • City Hall will be open until 11:00 p.m. tonight.
  • Flowers and mementos may be left in City Hall, inside the main City Hall entrance (City Hall Plaza side). 
  • By tomorrow, condolence books will be located in all neighborhood libraries (www.bpl.org/branches) and community centers (www.cityofboston.gov/BCYF/centers/). 
  • Letters and cards may be sent to: Mayor Menino’s Office, Boston University, 75 Bay State Road, Boston, MA 02215. 
  • Visit tommenino.org for complete information.

MUSIC ALTAR CONCERT by Viktor Lois 11/2

“BANANA JUSTICE” – the Drama of World Trades and Riots
by Yi Chun Lo
For Immediate Release: Oct 25, 2014
Yin Peet, CAI’s founder and director 617-699-6401
Acton, MA (Nov 2, 2014) – The Contemporary Arts International is pleased to present a gallery exhibition, “BANANA JUSTICE” – the Drama of World Trades and Riots by Yi Chun Lo, from Nov 2 to Dec 21, 2014. An preview reception will be held on Sunday, Nov 2, 1:00pm – 4:30pm. An Artist’s Talk is scheduled at Sunday Nov 16, 4:00PM. Gallery Hours are Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (1pm—5pm) and by appointment (call 617-699-6401 or email ypeet@verizon.net).
!This show features the work of Yi Chun Lo, an outstanding international artist who was selected by the Taiwan Ministry of Culture to take a 6-month residency at CAI.
With an abundance of international experience (including art projects in India, Japan, the Netherlands and US prior to taking the residency at CAI), Lo’s work often takes on the themes of advocacy and justice and with a global concern. The exhibit consists of 3 large painting installations, all made with banana peels which she collected from various sources, including the local ice cream shop (Reasons To Be Cheerful in Concord), supermarkets and fundraising events. According to Lo, Taiwan used to be a Banana kingdom, “I love banana, feel at home with banana... recently when I learned that banana has been devastated by the Panama virus disease and people haven’t yet found a cure for the disease, I made it my mission to
explore the subject of banana, one of the most nutritious food people consume daily, its trade and its impact to the environment; through which I hope the project will evoke people’s conscientious attention to the global trade and humanity... ”
Lo effectively uses her artwork as a vehicle to carry on a dialogue with the environment she is in. This project using the “banana peels” as her paint has indeed demonstrated how quickly she was able to initiate her contact with the community (which is foreign to her) within the first few weeks of her residency in Acton, and get them involved in her project.
CAI will be holding an Artist Talk at 4PM on Nov 2nd to give the audience a chance to discuss with Lo her approach to the creation of art.
Description of artwork
The 3 installations respectively are:
1. History of Banana Republic
This painting is a result of Lo’s increasing interests in the Banana Republic

(countries in Central & South America that have been cooperating with the international fruit companies). As the investigation goes on, she comes to realize that the first international fruit company in the US, United Fruit Company, was established in Boston, a site of her artist-residency; furthermore, she learned about the 1929 banana massacre in Colombia, the farming impact of banana farming to the rain forest, how the capitalists dictate banana trade in Central America and the issue of labor exploitation. Thinking how ironic that the banana, being one of the most nutritious foods to humans, turns into one of the most controversial objects in the world economy and social justice, Lo decided to use banana peels, an organic and basic medium, to create a “beautiful picture” of the bloody massacre.
2. Boycott of Market Basket As a conscientious cultural visitor, Lo’s work naturally is drawn to current events. In this painting/installation, she takes on the Market Basket strike as its central scene. Lo personally witnessed the tackling of Market Basket employees to their capitalist

employer’s greed. To her, it is encouraging to see how labor, when united, indeed could exercise their power to settle issues of social injustice. Lo further stated, “coming from East Asia where capitalism has caused alarming unsettle social issues, it seems to me it is a worldwide problem that deserves our attention and action.”
3. Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong The painting depicts this headline in the Asian newspaper. Lo stated, “I ponder over the global revolution today ... how the strategy has evolved to attain the goal of the protest against the unfair and to demand people’s basic right... Is intellectual 'soft request', i.e., peaceful demonstration, enough?”
!____________________________________________________________ ABOUT CONTEMPORARY ARTS INTERNATIONAL (CAI)
Contemporary Arts International (CAI), a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is located at The Quarry, a 12.9-acre site at 68 Quarry Road, Acton MA. The mission of CAI is to promote sculpture, music and interdisciplinary art in a global context through symposia, international artist-in-residency programs, exhibition events, and educational outreach. !
The CAI Co-founders Yin Peet and Viktor Lois, originally from Taiwan and Hungary, respectively, both have extensive international experience and connections in the art world. Yin Peet is a sculptor and performance artist, who earned an MFA in sculpture from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Viktor Lois is a kinetic sculptor and sound artist whose work is displayed in the permanent collection of the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art in Budapest, Hungary, and an entire building in the Mine Museum compound (Tatabanya Museum, Hungary).
At the CAI, granite and kinetic sculptures are situated throughout The Quarry, as well as in the Red Box Building, which includes gallery space, a classroom and a performance stage, Container Man, a large-scale kinetic musical sculpture located in the Red Box Building. Lois, Peet and guest musicians perform concerts on this remarkable sculpture. !
For more information, visit the CAI’s website. Contemporary Arts International
68 Quarry Road
Acton MA 01720

Phone: 617-699-6401 Email: ypeet@verizon.net

Acton, MA (Nov 2, 2014) – Contemporary Arts International is pleased to present an exhibition and concert of the permanent collection in the upstairs Gallery by Viktor Lois. The concert will be presented as a series of mini-play demonstrations starting Nov 2 (5PM), leading to the “Concert with composition” on Nov 15 (5PM) and Nov 16 (5PM). The ticket of $20 applies to the entire series. Tickets are limited because the Music Altar is in an intimate setting, and we only have 25 seats for each show. Advanced reservations are highly recommended. Tickets can be purchased at the door on a first-come-first-serve basis. To reserve a ticket: mail a check to CAI, call 617-699-6401 or email ypeet@verizon.net *Due to weather, Nov 1 (Sat) concert is canceled.
“...a mechanical genius, Lois strives to develop a new folklore that nestles upon post-industrial revolution, post-modern individualism... the outcome is complex, enigmatic and irrationally romantic...." (1992 comment by art critic Konkoly).
Lois started making art in the 1970s. At great risk of Communist repression, he opened the first private gallery in Tatabanya, his birth city, showing avant-garde sculpture and experimental performance work and articulated his critical viewpoint of the consumerist mentality. In the 1980s he exhibited a series of mechanical kinetic sculptures that brought him acclaim and fame in the kinetic world, bringing comparisons to Jean Tinguely.
Lois doesn’t simply compose artwork from the recycled, deserted machinery he finds, he transforms the function of the machine into artistic movement as well as music. By the end of the 1990s, he had created more than 150 musical instruments, a body of work that best represents the artistic fruit produced under the socio-political background of the previous two decades in Central Europe. In 1993 he represented Hungary to participate in the 45th Venice Biennale. In 1996 the Hungarian government designated a building in the Tatabanya Museum compound for Lois’ collection. Lois' exhibitions have been acclaimed in major museums and galleries throughout Europe.
Viktor has immigrated to the US in 2006 and resides in the Boston area. Together with Yin Peet, they created the CAI Art Grounds. Currently, he is the Artistic Director of CAI.
Music Altar is a masterpiece of Lois’ 25 years of instrument making. It was conceived in 1999-2000 at the height of Viktor’s maturity in instrument making, and a result of his nearly 150 pieces of instrument making experience. The system as designed is stereo, in contrast to the current digital world. The Music Altar strives to be down-to-earth “physical”; it consists of a total of 24 instruments, including all elements in an orchestra, i.e., bass- percussion, keyboard guitar, two-necked fiddle, motorized violin, conga-bass, double bass, singing/vocal instruments with effects, stringed heart instrument, motor guitar, mandolin, and a wind-trumpet instrument.
____________________________________________________ ABOUT CONTEMPORARY ARTS INTERNATIONAL (CAI)
!Contemporary Arts International (CAI), a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is located at The Quarry, a 12.9-acre site at 68 Quarry Road, Acton MA. The mission of CAI is to promote sculpture, music and interdisciplinary art in a global context through symposia, international artist-in-residency programs, exhibition events, and educational outreach.
!The CAI Co-founders Yin Peet and Viktor Lois, originally from Taiwan and Hungary, respectively, both have extensive international experience and connections in the art world. Yin Peet is a sculptor and performance artist, who earned an MFA in sculpture from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Viktor Lois is a kinetic sculptor and sound artist whose work is displayed in the permanent collection of the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art in Budapest, Hungary, and an entire building in the Mine Museum (Tatabanya Museum, Hungary).

At the CAI, granite and kinetic sculptures are situated throughout The Quarry, as well as in the Red Box Building, which includes gallery space, a classroom and a performance stage, Container Man, a large-scale kinetic musical sculpture located in the Red Box Building. Lois, Peet and guest musicians perform concerts on this remarkable sculpture.
### --submitted by Contemporary Arts International
Contact: Yin Peet, Director
68 Quarry Road, Acton, MA 01720 Tel: 617-699-6401, email: ypeet@verizon.net For more information, visit www.contemporaryartsinternational.org