
星期六, 5月 31, 2014

華美福利會籌款新猷 拍賣得標者有專家繪肖像

華美福利會為籌款服務社區,觸角越伸越廣,昨(五月三十)日邀得著名肖像畫家Warren Lucia Prosperi 夫婦參觀該會,並允諾為華美福利會嘉年華會中的拍賣得標者,繪製一幅價值五萬美元的半身肖像。
1949年出生的Warren Prosperi 是一名自學成功的藝術家,以自然寫真,人物栩栩如生著稱。過去這四十年間,他和喜歡攝影的妻子Lucia合作,從歷史角度,生活細節,了解他們要畫的人物後,再設想什麼樣的背景,光度及構圖,最能表現那個人的神韻。他們的繪畫態度,以及他們畫出來的成果贏得許多人欣賞,包括哈佛大學的麻省總醫院等,許多人口耳相傳,以致他們的畫作,如今掛在華府的國家肖像藝廊,倫敦的空氣藝廊(Air Gallery)等地。波士頓美術博物館(MFA)也在2012年六月收藏了他畫的“頓悟博物館III(Museum Epiphany III )”,並放在Penny and Jeff Vink Gallery展出。
波士頓名人中的威廉鮑傑(William Bulger),傑克康諾(Jack Connors),也請他畫了肖像。
華美福利會董事會董事長陳美霞表示,Warren Lucia Prosperi 夫婦都是遺民後代。Lucia的祖父當年為逃避納粹,離開德國。Warren的祖父從義大利移民來美,對移民在美國如何掙扎求存,都有相當的了解。
昨日他們兩人看了義工為華美福利會拍的宣傳片,聽片中來自伊朗,中國等等移民述說各自的移民故事,深為感動,再聽該會行政主任李秋明說起該會的許多英語班,就業技能培訓班,移民咨詢等等服務完全免費,目前已幫助來自 83個不同國家的移民,在美國重新開啟人生,更覺不容易,也為他們能為華美福利會出一分力,感到更為開心。
            華美福利會訂六月四日(週三)五點半起,在波士頓公園廣場酒店(Boston Park Plaza Hotel舉辦的年度籌款嘉年華會,將共有77拍賣品,日前已有57人次的網上競標Warren Lucia Prosperi 夫婦的肖像畫作,也是拍賣品之一。拍賣得標者將可在十八個月內,獲得一幅他們繪製,價值五萬元的半身油畫肖像。拍賣起價為二萬五千元。
華美福利會六月四日晚的嘉年華會,門票每張200元。查詢可洽張韻寧(Teresa Cheong),617-426-9642X206,或上網aaca-boston.org.


            華美福利會董事長陳美霞(右一)與行政主任李秋明(左一)邀該會創辦人之一阮陳金鳳(中)陪同Warren Lucia Prosperi 夫婦參觀該會。(菊子攝)

星期五, 5月 30, 2014

台灣廚藝名師抵波士頓 傳授變素材為佳餚多樣化訣竅

            今年才四十出頭,台灣南投人,目前住在台中的黃汶達曾任弘光科技大學西點主廚,得過2012年奧林匹克國際廚藝大賽 (IKA Olympics) 藝術類烘焙組銀牌、2011年韓國首爾第8屆國際展能節職業技能競賽-蛋糕裝飾職類國際銅牌等獎項。
剛五十一歲,台灣臺北市萬華長大的許凱敦,得過2012年奧林匹克國際烹飪大賽(IKA Olympics)南瓜雕第二名,2011年第十三屆檳城廚藝大賽現場職業組海鮮銀牌。
三十出頭的林士育,也得過2012年奧林匹克國際烹飪大賽(IKA Olympics)藝術類組金牌。
            六月二日,四名大廚將與劍橋市廚藝學校,波士頓市燒酒餐廳(Shojo Asian Bar & Bistro)交流,並合辦晚宴。






The BRA and Fort Point Channel Operations Board announce 2014 Watersheet Activation Grant Awardees

The BRA and Fort Point Channel Operations Board announce 2014 Watersheet Activation Grant Awardees

The Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) recently awarded seven grants to art, education, and community groups with plans for activating the Fort Point watersheet for the 2014 season.

Grant applicants were asked to submit project ideas that would develop creative water-based programming around the edges of the channel or construct capital improvements within the Channel. The grant program is part of the Fort Point Watersheet Activation Plan, established in 2002 by the Mayor's Office and the BRA to spearhead a vision for a “Boston Common on the water.” The Plan created a map of cultural activities and year round programming and is proof that collaboration between the City, landowners, nonprofit and cultural leaders, and residents is a success. 

“Fort Point is an exciting and vibrant part of our city,” said Mayor Walsh. “I’m pleased these grants will support the neighborhood's art and children’s programming, which are cornerstones of the community. I want to thank the Fort Point Channel Operations board for its partnership, and I applaud the awardees for their creative initiatives.” 
The Pilot Fort Point Channel Watersheet Activation Grant Program is funded by the Chapter 91 Waterways Regulations License for Atlantic Wharf and developer Boston Properties.

2014 Winning Projects: 

My Sky Outdoor Activities Program 
Applicant: Boston Children's Museum
Award: $6,000
The Boston Children's Museum, located on the Fort Point waterfront, will present a series of family-friendly daytime and Friday evening programs related to astronomy. The activities will be a companion to a new astronomy exhibit opening in July called My Sky

FPAC's Temporary Public Series on the Fort Point Channel and Harborwalk
Applicant: Fort Point Arts Community, Inc. (FPAC)
Award: $11,000
The Fort Point Arts Community will offer two temporary art programs this summer, one alongside the channel, and one on the water within the Fort Point "Art Basin". Both projects will be developed and curated through juried calls to FPAC members, and will include free programming and activities for the public. 

Urban Waters
Applicant: "e" inc.
Award: $7,160
"e" inc. will offer a six-week, hands-on Urban Waters educational program from July 7 through August 15, 2014. The program will be open to children from different summer camps, community centers, and Boys and Girls clubs. Each group will experience a one-day program that includes science lessons, a rowing experience, and an art activity. 

Brown Box Theater Project 2014-2015 Theatrical Season
Applicant: Brown Box Theatre Project
Award: $10,000
Brown Box Theatre Project will offer classic and contemporary free productions on Atlantic Wharf from summer 2014 through spring 2015. Planned productions include Macbeth, Constellations, Spike Heels, and Rosencrantz & Gildenstern Are Dead. 

In the Summer House
Applicant: Fort Point Theatre Channel, Inc. 
Award: $5,000
Fort Point Theatre Channel will stage eight free performances of In the Summer House at Waterfront Square, Atlantic Wharf, October 16 - 25, 2014

Fort Point Channel Lunchtime Livery and Home Waters Programs
Applicant: Hull Lifesaving Museum
Award: $10,000
The Hull Life Saving Museum will operate two programs on the Fort Point Channel this summer. The first, Lunchtime Livery, will offer rowboat rentals in July and August. The second program, Home Waters, will offer an experimental rowing education program for adults and youth. 

Applicants: Kate Balug, Dana Busch, Alyson Fletcher, Conor MacDonald, Siqi Zhu, Danielle Pillion
Award: $4,500
The Tidraphone will be installed in front of the Intercontinental Hotel. Its pipes extend into the water at various lengths, and as the tide changes so will the tones of each pipe. Passersby will be invited to strike the instrument with a mallet or other implement to make music.  

星期四, 5月 29, 2014

法律爭議解決前 中華公所續停三僑團選舉權

John Meaney在會中做說明。(周菊子攝)
廿七日晚的中華公所會議,在正式開會前,有兩項社區陳情,一為管理大同村的榮氏住宅管理公司資深副總裁Brian Kean與大同村管理經理翁麗芳,設計師黃樹臻等人,報告修建庭院的設計理念,一為阮陳金鳳,陳美霞與波士頓市檢查局(ISD),公共工程局(PWD)等部門合組的華埠清潔委員會,催促社區攜手合作,清潔地方街道,也提醒社區垃圾收集及回收的新法規將從七月一日起生效,居民需注意配合,以免被罰。
阮鴻燦還報告,波士頓華僑文教中心決定與中華公所合作,使用公所辦公室旁邊,佔地約八百平方尺,早前由期刊雜誌“亞裔波士頓(Asian Boston)”租用的房間,設立圖書館。僑教中心將捐贈電視,電腦,書籍,鋪地毯,並每月捐給中華公所五百元,由中華公所負責營運。


[ ]二十五週年

25th Tiananmen Massacre Memorial
June 4, 2014, Wednesday, 7:30 pm, memorial formally begins
Audio-visual prelude at 7:00 pm              
Science Center Lecture Hall C, Harvard University, Cambridge
Speaker: Dr Rowena Xiaoqing He ( Harvard University)
Student leader Wang Dan will address the audience.
Candle light vigil afterward; Offering of flowers at the Boston Chinatown Tiananmen Monument at 9:30pm

日期: 201464日(星期三)晚上七時半正式開始七時正影音回顧
地點哈佛大學科學中心 禮堂
演講:何曉清博士 (哈佛大學);  八九民運學生領袖王丹致辭
六四紀錄片放映燭光悼念, 晚上時半波士頓華埠天安門紀念碑獻花
Organized by Association of Overseas Hong Kong Chinese for Democracy and Human Rights, and Long March Foundation

Candle Light Vigil
25th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre
4 June 2014 (Wednesday)
In commemoration of the June 4 Democracy Movement, a candle light vigil will be held on 4 June 2014 (Wednesday) in the Harvard University Science Center, Hall C (1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138).  The memorial will formally start at 7:30 pm. An audio-visual prelude will start at 7:00 pm. All are welcome.
Dr. Rowena Xiaoqing He, lecturer at Harvard University will be our speaker.  The Tiananmen Massacre is the subject of Dr. He’s research studies and the topic of her seminar class.  
Wang Dan, student leader of the Tiananmen movement, will come a long way back to the Boston area to address the audience. 
After the memorial at Harvard, we will be at the Boston Chinatown Tiananmen Monument at 9:30pm to offer flowers.

For inquiries, please contact the organizer of the vigil, Association of Overseas Hong Kong Chinese for Democracy and Human Rights, at +1(617)966-2575 or 
Che8888@aol.com. Mr. Chungchi Che
2014  6  日(星期三)
為悼念二十五年前犧牲生命、以及向八九民主運動期間失去家園的鬥士與難屬致敬,海外香港華人民主人權促進會將於 2014 6  日(星期三),晚上七時半,假哈佛大學科學館C禮堂 (Harvard University, Science Center, Hall C, 1 Oxford St , Cambridge, MA 02138),舉行燭光晚會。影音回顧於晚上七時開始。
講者何曉清博士,  是哈佛大學講師專题研究和開課授教 ˹六四˼ 課程。
歡迎各界人士參加。查詢請電 +1(617)966-2575  Che8888@aol.com 謝中之先生