
星期五, 3月 21, 2014

麻州長候選人Juliette Kayyem 資歷令人印象深刻

麻州州長候選人柯妍(Juliette Kayyem)十九日晚在華埠表示,一眾候選人中,只有她曾先後在聯邦政府,州政府任職,資歷,經驗最豐富,最有能力做麻州下任州長。
麻州州長亞裔顧問委員會(Governor Patrick's Asian American Commission/Advisory Council)主辦的麻州州長候選人論壇,十九日晚進行第三場。出席候選人是民主黨籍的柯妍。
柯妍坦言,小時候她不懂母親常說的“我屬於(Ibelong)“有什麼意思,直到奧巴馬總統把她找進交接團隊,後來再聘她為國土安全部的跨政府事務助理副部長(Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs),到芬紐廳出席400名新公民的入籍儀式時,她才體會到其中深意,也更加堅信,政府有能力做好事(capable of doing good),國家的最大優點是它不掌握在一個人手中。
下一場論壇訂三月廿七日晚舉行,候選人為Don Berwick (D)查詢論壇系列,可洽陳穎玉(Christina Chan, CChan84@Gmail.com),或 李超榮(Leverett Wing, Leverett.L.Wing@Gmail.com)。

            麻州州長亞裔顧問委員會主席陳穎玉(右),副主席李超榮(左)歡迎麻州州長候選人柯妍(Juliette Kayyem)出席論壇。(菊子攝)

春遊世界十大首選 四月的波士頓擠身其中

四月份的愛國者日假期,去那兒好?國家地理雜誌(National Geographic)從全世界各地挑了九個城市做推薦,波士頓是其中之一。
            國家地理雜誌(National Geographic)在“最佳春遊2014Best Spring Trips 2014")“這篇專文中指出,四月份第三個週一,是愛國者日,也是麻州和緬因州的州定假期(在1820年以前,緬因州還是麻州的一部份)。這愛國者日週末,是一遊波士頓的最佳時間。
            該雜誌列舉出來的理由包括,那時候可以欣賞波士頓馬拉松賽,看芬衛球場(Fenway Park)紅襪隊和巴爾的摩Orioles比賽,勒星頓鎮(Lexington的民兵國家歷史公園重演戰事,搭波士頓公園天鵝船遊湖等。大蘋果馬戲團也已在波士頓市府廣場上搭起帳篷表演。
            那篇文章還介紹如何搭車,搭地鐵去不同地方,可以在自由酒店(Liberty Hotel)住,到波士頓食物卡車,友好乾杯等地用餐,在Yawkey ay那條路上買個紅襪隊的紀念品,逛逛甚至還建議了抵達波士頓前,先讀讀Robert B. Parker的斯賓塞系列叢書(Spenser book series)。進入五月份,蘇華舊貨市場(SoWa Vintage Market)也開張了。

Boston Mayor Announces Increase in Homeland Security Funding

BOSTON -- This week Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced that Boston will receive $18 million in grant funding from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency, representing a 2.47% increase from last year’s funding award. The funds will be used to support ongoing and future homeland security initiatives through the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) grant program. 

"Last week I met with DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson to discuss these grants, as well as preparations for this year's Marathon and our plans for the upcoming Urban Shield training activities," said Mayor Walsh. "The City of Boston has maintained a strong relationship with Homeland Security, and has historically used these vital grant funds to ensure that the people of Boston are safe, which is, in large part, why our coordinated response in the wake of last year's Marathon was so professional and effective. I'm grateful for Secretary Johnson's continued support of our City, and grateful for the support of our delegation -- particularly Senators Warren and Markey, and Congressmen Lynch and Capuano -- in this application process." 

In line with federal grant guidance, the region's first responders will be meeting in the next month to decide what projects they need to build upon and/or sustain to best ensure that the region reaches its national preparedness goals. Many of the investments made through prior years' grant funding will be visible during the 118th Boston Marathon, including specialized equipment for police, such as bomb-detecting K-9s and command vehicles; new fire detection equipment, and investments made in communications interoperability so that first responders can communicate with one another.

Past funding has supported initiatives such as Urban Shield Boston, the largest first responder exercise conducted in New England and the cornerstone of the Metro Boston Homeland Security Region (MBHSR) training and exercise program. Urban Shield is a continuous 24-hour exercise, during which first responders are deployed to strategically and tactically complete a real world scenario. The goal of Urban Shield is to test and evaluate specific public safety capabilities that have been developed, or enhanced, with the investment of funds received through the UASI grant program. 

Urban Shield Boston was last held in November 2012 and involved more than 1,800 emergency response personnel from more than 50 local, state and federal agencies. The 2012 exercise was around a mass casualty event, and marked the first time that hospitals participated in the exercise, challenging participants to handle a threat, triage a mass casualty incident, and then disseminate the patients to the multiple hospitals in Boston in an coordinated fashion. Participating in this exercise helped teams identify gaps in their plans that they were able to address long before the tragic events of April 15, 2013.

The UASI program provides financial assistance to address the unique multi-disciplinary planning, organization, equipment, training and exercise needs of high-threat, high-density urban areas, and assists them in building capabilities to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from threats or acts of terrorism. The City of Boston was designated as an UASI site in 2003. Boston is a part of the Metro Boston Homeland Security Region (MBHSR) along with eight surrounding jurisdictions: Brookline, Cambridge, Chelsea, Everett, Quincy, Revere, Somerville, and Winthrop. The Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) coordinates and administers the UASI grant program on behalf of the MBHSR.

To learn more about the Office of Emergency Management, visit www.boston.gov/oem or follow @oemboston on Twitter. For more information about the Federal Emergency Management Agency's grant programs, please visit www.fema.gov/grants.

星期四, 3月 20, 2014

波士顿台灣生物科技協會 3/23 起 三活動


1. 學術演講系列: 本週日BTBA將舉辦學術演講,有兩個演講,內容如下:
3/23 (日) 2:00-3:30pm, MIT 5-134
李湘盈Sherry Lee: "Blood pharming—feasible or not?"
蔡宗涵Tsung-Han Tsai: "Endoscopic optical coherence tomography for clinical gastroenterology"
這屬於BTBA例行的學術演講活動,每月的第二個星期二晚上6:30-7:30pm在Longwood的CLS12007 (3 Blackfan Circle, Boston, 02115, MA),每月第四個星期日下午2:00-3:30pm在MIT 5-134。這個系列去年十月就開始了,直到今年五月底,每月都會有兩次演講活動,這些演講不必報名即可參加。

2. 職業分享講座:下週六BTBA將舉行一場職業分享講座
Career Talk: "From Biology to Business"
Time: Saturday, Mar 29 3:00 pm
Location: MIT building 56-162
Jenny Hsiung, MBA candidate, Harvard Business School
Paul Lu, PhD, MBA candidate, Kaplan Life Sciences Fellow, Harvard Business School
Jeng-Shin Lee, PhD, Co-founder, AB Biosciences

3. 第二屆波士顿台灣生物科技研討會:
6/14-15 (六-日), Science Center, Harvard University
就當科學不斷翻開一頁頁令人驚嘆的生命之美,現在也同樣是對生命科學家極具挑戰的年代。BTBA 於今年六月十四/十五號,邀請大家,一起來創造:生命科學的未來,你我的未來!
We are pleased to announce that the second Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Symposium is going to be held on June 14th and 15th in Harvard University. This year, we are honored to have Dr. David Ho (The Rockefeller University), Dr. Morgan Sheng (Genentech) and Dr. Jennie Shen (DuPont China) as our keynote speakers. We also invited many outstanding scientists and professionals as our academic and industrial panelists to share their experiences with attendees about how to prepare and succeed in academia, biotech industry or other possible career paths. In addition, the symposium features a Career Fair session. Potential job seekers can talk with representatives from Taiwan Liposome Company, Academia Sinica and National Chiao-Tung University about possible job openings. This is a wonderful opportunity that you don’t want to miss!
All graduate students and postdocs in bio-related fields are very welcome to join us for the symposium. Registration opens on April 15 and ends on May 10. Please visit our website http://btbatw.org for detailed information about this event and registration. If you have any questions, please contact btba.tw@gmail.com. We are looking forward to meeting you in Boston!
第二屆波士頓台灣生物科技研討會將於今年六月十四、十五日在哈佛大學舉行。 今年會議很榮幸邀請到何大一院士 (洛克菲勒大學,The Rockefeller University)、 沈華智博士 (美國基因泰克公司,Genentech) 及沈碧君博士 (杜邦中國集團,DuPont China)發表專題演說。本次會議同時也邀請多位任職於美國學界及業界的專業人士一同與會,以座談會形式與在場人員互動,以對學術界、生物科技業界及其他領域有進一步了解。此外,今年會議特別安排徵才活動,邀請台灣微脂體公司、中央研究院及國立交通大學,與參會學者進行當面訪談,機會難得,千萬不可錯過!
我們誠摯歡迎所有生物領域相關的研究生及博士後研究員來參加此會議。詳細會議內容及報名辦法請參閱活動網站http://btbatw.org ◦ 報名時間為四月十五日至五月十日。如有任何問題,請聯絡btba.tw@gmail.com 。期待你/妳的熱情參與!


Unemployment Rate Drops to 6.5 Percent

BOSTON, MA – March 20, 2014 – The Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD) today reported that the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) preliminary estimates show that Massachusetts added 3,800 jobs in February and the total unemployment rate dropped 0.3 of a percentage point to 6.5 percent from the January rate.

Over the month, jobs are up 3,800 with private sector jobs up 3,000.  Since February 2013, Massachusetts added 47,600 jobs; the private sector added 50,500 jobs.  The total unemployment rate was down 0.4 of a percentage point from the February 2013 6.9 percent rate.

BLS also revised downward the number of jobs lost in January from 4,500 to 3,900.

February 2014 Employment Overview

Professional, Scientific and Business Services added 6,200 (+1.2%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Professional, Scientific and Business Services added 18,000 (+3.6%) jobs.

Trade, Transportation and Utilities gained 3,200 (+0.6%) jobs over the month.  Over the year, Trade, Transportation, and Utilities added 6,100 (+1.1%) jobs.

Manufacturing added 400 (+0.2%) jobs over the month.  Over the year, Manufacturing lost 600 (-0.2%) jobs.

Information gained 400 (+0.4%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Information gained 4,000 (+4.7%) jobs.

Leisure and Hospitality lost 3,600 (-1.1%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Leisure and Hospitality added 5,300 jobs (+1.6%).

Financial Activities lost 1,600 (-0.8%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Financial Activities lost 100 (0.0%) jobs.

Education and Health Services lost 900 (-0.1%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Education and Health Services gained 12,600 (+1.7%) jobs.

Construction lost 700 (-0.6%) jobs over the month.  Over the year, Construction has added 2,800 (+2.3%) jobs.

Other Services lost 300 (-0.2%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Other Services jobs are up 2,400 (+2.0%) jobs.

Government added 800 (+0.2%) jobs over the month.  Over the year, Government lost 2,900 jobs (-0.7%).

Labor Force Overview

The February 2014 estimates show 3,266,500 Massachusetts residents were employed and 227,900 were unemployed, for a total labor force of 3,494,400. The February labor force increased by 8,900 from 3,485,500 in January, as 18,200 more residents were employed and 9,300 fewer residents were unemployed over the month. The labor force was an estimated 14,100 above the 3,480,300 February 2013 estimate, with 25,700 more residents employed and 11,700 fewer residents unemployed. 

The unemployment rate is based on a monthly sample of households. The job estimates are derived from a monthly sample survey of employers.  As a result, the two statistics may exhibit different monthly trends.

遡源公所慶新春 表揚顧問雷如鏡

            當晚到會嘉賓,有從三藩市、紐約等地遠道而來的總堂顧問與兄弟公所主席,有紐英崙本地的中華公所主席阮鴻燦,摩頓市市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson,駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長洪慧珠、波士頓華僑文教中心主任郭大文、僑務委員馬滌凡等人。









三益公所迎新春 慶六週年

(Boston Orange) 紐英崙三益公所日前在喜臨門大酒樓舉辦馬年春節聯歡宴會今年比去年多4共設36有三百多人到會共聚慶賀
 三益公所顧問江天源(右起), 三益前任主席黎雯(左二),歡迎紐英崙中華公所
紐約的美東三益總公所元老暨美國藝盟製作控股公司董事總經理何子慧Jan He),還把她的亞洲電視同行——美國藝盟製作控股公司主席兼行政總裁毛義德(Eddie Y. Mo)製作統籌饒洺毓Jessica Rao,以及既是節目主持人,也是2013年美東亞洲小姐的劉佩欣Mikki O'Brien)邀來助陣。
三益公所現任的三名主席江麗瓊Li Qong Jiang黎亦置Peter Lee
何遠光Gibert Ho)。(林仲芳攝)
波士頓地區的到會嘉賓,首長,包括麻州眾議員黃子安Donald Wong陳德基Tacky Chan市議員吳弭Michelle Wu 紐英崙中華公所主席阮鴻燦駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長洪慧珠駐波士頓華僑文教中心主任郭大文、僑務委員馬滌凡等人
三益公所現任的三名主席江麗瓊Li Qong Jiang黎亦置Peter Lee何遠光Gibert Ho)和公所全體委員,顧問江天源元老黎雯等分工合作,籌辦晚會
表演節目有昆士小學的交響樂團演奏,何家三姐妹蝶戀花舞蹈隊的舞蹈—“愛琴海”“梁祝”“當兵的歷史引得拍照的人見縫插針郭雅志Yazhi Guo何滔Sara He夫婦的薩克斯風/嗩吶與二胡合奏茉莉花”,“賽馬”,“掛紅燈令人耳目一新
亞洲小姐劉佩欣用英文演唱鐵達尼號“的電影主題曲我心永恆My heart will go on馬滌凡委員演唱梅艷芳的似水流年”。美國黑人Randy Sneed ,在多名公所成員伴唱中,用純熟粵語主唱財神到”,更是搏得熱烈掌聲
出席宗親與嘉賓們當晚在唱卡Ok,熱舞,抽獎,寒暄,敬酒的熱鬧中,歡慶了馬年新春。 (林仲芳攝影,提供內容)

Mass Turnpike 普天壽中心段 3/21起縮窄為一線道

麻州政府交通廳(MassDOT)在網站上公佈,三月廿一日(週五)起,麻州收費公路(Massachusetts Turnpike)的普天壽中心部分隧道,行車道將縮減為來回方向各一條。
            為了保持雙向行車,在施工期間的車輛交通將轉移到道路對面的潮水式人流通道(contra-flow lanes)。

頂大學人講座 3/29 談食品安全、教育學

紐英崙中華專業人員協會將於三月廿九日(週六)下午兩至四點,在MIT 4-163 教室,舉辦頂大學人座談,邀兩名學者談食品安全,教育學。
這場講座將由紐英崙中華專業人員協會與新英格蘭地區台灣同學會聯合會合作。應邀講談的學者及題目分別為,倪貴榮博士主講「食品安全與美國動物用藥之規範(Food Safety and U.S. Regulations on Animal Drugs)」,劉蔚之博士主講「中國近代教育學之建立告訴我們的事(The American influence on the discipline of education in modern China)」。
倪貴榮博士1986年畢業於國立臺灣大學,於2000年獲英國愛丁堡大學法學博士,現為交通大學科技法研究所專任教授,2013-2014年在哈佛大學法學院擔任訪問學者。他將主講「食品安全與美國動物用藥之規範(Food Safety and U.S. Regulations on Animal Drugs)」,談歐盟與美國使用化學物質及藥物在動物食品的標準,美國 FDA 設定動物藥品的安全級別,及檢視美國 FDA 的動物藥品政策法規及專題研究等。
劉蔚之博士於國立臺灣師範大學獲學士、碩士學位後,前往德國曼海姆大學Universität Mannheim 進修獲社會科學博士。現為國立臺灣師範大學教育學系助理教授,2013-2014年在哈佛大學教育學院擔任訪問學者。她將主講「中國近代教育學之建立告訴我們的事(The American influence on the discipline of education in modern China)」,研究源起、問題意識、目前得到的初步發現、可能的歷史意義、對今天的可能啓示。
查詢詳情,可洽專協會長游子揚 2neacp@gmail.com


We are planning to have a 反對黑箱服貿 activity in Kendall Sq at 6pm tomorrow, Thur. Wanna come?
so far, main logo is 反對黑箱服貿 守護民主台灣 We oppose back door trade deal with China. Safeguard democracy in Taiwan.
Facebook event
海外響應反黑箱服貿行動 - at MIT Cambridge MA
March 20 14
6pm to 6:30pm
Kendall T station

星期三, 3月 19, 2014

Eight out of 10 uninsured Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders may be eligible for Medicaid, CHIP or tax credits in the Health Insurance Marketplace

Eighty-nine percent of uninsured Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders could qualify for lower costs on coverage if all states expanded Medicaid

According to a new report released today by HHS, 8 out of 10 (1.6 million) uninsured Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPIs) may be eligible for coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace and could qualify for Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or tax credits to help with the cost of premiums. If all states took advantage of new opportunities to expand Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act, 89 percent of uninsured Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders who may be eligible for the Marketplace might qualify for Medicaid, the CHIP, or tax credits to help with the cost of health insurance premiums.
“The health care law is working to address long standing disparities in access to health care that have affected minority communities,” said HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. “Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, 1.9 million uninsured  Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders have new options to obtain quality, affordable health care coverage through the Marketplace.“
Today’s report also details uninsurance rates by state and provides several examples of what premiums might look like for AANHPI’s living in major metropolitan areas. More than half of uninsured AANHPI citizens and others lawfully residing in the U.S. live in California, Texas, and New York. A 27-year-old in San Francisco with an income of $25,000 can pay as little as $21 a month for a bronze plan after applying the tax credit, while a family of four with an income of $50,000 could pay zero for a bronze plan after applying the tax credit.
Nationwide, about 798,000 uninsured AANHPI’s may be eligible for coverage through Medicaid or the CHIP.
States have new opportunities to expand Medicaid coverage to include Americans with family incomes at or below 133 percent of the federal poverty level (generally $31,322 for a family of four in 2013). This expansion includes adults without dependent children living at home, who have not previously been eligible in most states.
Security and peace of mind are a click or phone call away. You can sign up 24 hours a day, 7-days a week at HealthCare.gov (which is working smoothly) or 1-800-318-2596. You can even get in-person help in your own community (just visit localhelp.healthcare.gov and punch in your zip code).


Home Opener Fundraiser Presented by HP Hood;
Event Takes Place Immediately Following the 2:05 p.m. Red Sox-Brewers Game

BOSTON, MA – The Red Sox Foundation will once again host the annual ‘Welcome Home Party’ presented by HP Hood on April 4 at the House of Blues. The event will take place immediately following the 2:05 p.m. home opener against the Milwaukee Brewers. Tickets for the charitable fundraiser are on sale now at redsox.com/welcomehome.  

Attending the event will be members of the 2014 Red Sox team and coaching staff, as well as owners and members of the front office. Proceeds from the event benefit the Red Sox Foundation’s donations and programs benefitting the families of New England.

This year’s fundraiser will have a game show format with players and is emceed by Emmy award nominated actor Mike O’Malley and Red Sox Alumni Kevin Millar. 

In addition to HP Hood, other companies supporting the event include Bank of America, Cross Insurance, CVS, Amgen, Suffolk Construction, Ernst & Young, and Sapient Nitro.

地鐵政府中心站 3/22起 將關閉兩年