
星期三, 4月 02, 2014

華人歷史會 4/3 談“第一個華裔美人王清福”

Presentation & Book Signing!

The First Chinese American
The Remarkable Life of Wong Chin Foo
with author
Scott D. Seligman

Thursday, April 3th @6:30pm
Kwong Kow Chinese School Auditorium
87 Tyler Street, Boston Chinatown

"Wong Chin Foo was the earliest, most visible Chinese public advocate speaking and writing in English for the rights of Chinese in the U.S. Scott Seligman has rescued his life story in a thoroughly enjoyable narrative that adds significantly to our knowledge of the late 19th and early 20th century history of the Chinese in North America." — John Kuo Wei Tchen, New York University

Wong Chin Foo (1847-1898) was a leader and a fighter, advocating for the rights of Chinese in American in the 19th Century. Chinese in American endured abuse and discrimination, but Wong Chin Foo’s story is a forgotten chapter in the struggle for equal rights in America. The first to coin the term “Chinese America,” Wong fought for his compatriots and urged them to become Americanized to win their rights, he founded America’s first association of Chinese voters and testified before Congress against anti-Chinese laws.

Author Scott D. Seligman will be on hand to provide an account of the life and times of one of America’s earliest proponents of racial equality. 

Books will be available for signing following the presentation, and proceeds will benefit CHSNE.

RSVP & reserve books - info@chsne.org or 617.338.4439

This event is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, Asian American Resource Workshop (AARW) , Wong Family Benevolent Association and Asian Studies & Rosenberg Institute for East Asian Studies at Suffolk University.


MLSC capital grant will double the size of LabCentral

CAMBRIDGE – Tuesday, April 2, 2014 – Governor Deval Patrick today will join the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC), MIT President Rafael Reif, LabCentral’s leadership, industry stakeholders and state and local officials to celebrate the grand opening of LabCentral’s state-of-the-art, 28,000 square-foot facility in Kendall Square in Cambridge. The Governor will also announce $5 million in additional capital funding from the MLSC for LabCentral to fund build-out of additional space of equal size near LabCentral’s existing 700 Main Street location, continuing the Patrick Administration’s dedication to expanding opportunities for innovative life sciences and biotech companies.

“Almost one year ago today, I was pleased to take part in the groundbreaking event for LabCentral,” said Governor Patrick. “I spoke then about shaping our own future through the choices we make in public investment. The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center and an impressive array of sponsors decided to bet on LabCentral – precisely the kind of decision that can help make the economy stronger and grow opportunity in the Commonwealth. It’s a bet that’s paying off. Today, LabCentral is the embodiment of innovation and is nurturing the next generation of life-sciences companies that will grow jobs, grow ideas and grow solutions to improve health.”

LabCentral is a first-of-its-kind shared laboratory space designed as a launchpad for high-potential life-sciences and biotech startups. Currently, LabCentral can house a maximum of 25 companies. The MLSC capital grant will enable LabCentral to become home to many more early-stage companies. LabCentral is a unique facility, founded on the open innovation model, which has revolutionized the tech environment. State-of-the-art laboratory equipment is critical, but not enough. Life-sciences companies are more likely to develop quickly when they start out in a supportive environment that facilitates creative exchange of science and business ideas. LabCentral’s staff and partners anticipate residents’ needs and help eliminate roadblocks to growth. LabCentral’s open floor plan and inspired work, lab and play spaces foster collaboration and the sharing of best practices. Designed to benefit the entire Life Sciences community, LabCentral targets what is the most critical unmet need for Massachusetts Life Sciences entrepreneurs – to make it easier, or “lower the bar,” for scientists to start new, high-risk companies with transformational potential.

Through the MLSC, Massachusetts is investing $1 billion over 10 years in the growth of the state’s life sciences ecosystem. These investments are being made under the Massachusetts Life Sciences Initiative, proposed by Governor Patrick in 2007, and passed by the Legislature and signed into law by Governor Patrick in 2008. To date the MLSC has awarded more than $370 million to support life sciences-related capital projects across the state, creating thousands of jobs and more than 1.3 million square feet of new education, research and manufacturing space.

“We are thrilled to be an ongoing partner in LabCentral, a vital resource for the Commonwealth and indeed the world,” said Susan Windham-Bannister, Ph.D., President & CEO of the MLSC. “Our initial $5 million investment has helped LabCentral attract nearly three-times that in donations of cash, state-of-the-art equipment, and in-kind services. LabCentral exemplifies one of the key strategies for the use of our capital dollars – the establishment of unique resources that are available to industry, and that will allow Massachusetts to further expand our global leadership in the life sciences. It’s clear that demand for LabCentral’s unique combination of shared lab space and expert services will fast outpace its current capacity, and we are pleased to be announcing today a second round of funding to support LabCentral’s expansion.”

“What an exciting day for all of us,” said Dr. Johannes Fruehauf, founder of LabCentral. “Our goal has been to create a fertile environment where visionaries can thrive. It’s extraordinarily gratifying to see our vision of LabCentral come to fruition here at historic 700 Main Street. We’ve been successful thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, the dedication of our employees and partners, and the creativity of our residents.”

LabCentral has partnered with MIT to create its community space. One of Cambridge’s oldest industrial complexes, the building was renovated by the Institute to showcase its historic architecture and significant contributions to industry and manufacturing. From the first two-way long distance phone call to the invention of the Polaroid camera, the building is no stranger to innovation. A dozen startups are currently in residence at LabCentral, several of which are developing technologies out of MIT, and more companies are slated to move in over the next few months.

A 28,000 square-foot facility in the heart of the Kendall Square, Cambridge, biotech innovation hub LabCentral is a first-of-its-kind shared laboratory space designed as a launchpad for high-potential Life Sciences and biotech startups. It offers fully permitted laboratory and office space for as many as 25 startups comprising approximately 100 scientists and entrepreneurs. LabCentral provides first-class facility and administrative support, skilled laboratory personnel, a domain-relevant expert speaker series, as well as the other critical services and support that early-stage companies need to begin laboratory operations on day one. A private, nonprofit institution, LabCentral was funded in part by a $5 million grant from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, with support from its real-estate partner, MIT. Founding sponsors include Triumvirate Environmental and Johnson & Johnson Innovation.

House Passes Legislation to Increase Aid for Families of Public Safety Employees Killed in the Line of Duty

Will retroactively apply to the families of Lieutenant Walsh, Firefighter Kennedy, and Police Officer Maloney

(BOSTON) – House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo (D-Winthrop) joined his colleagues in the Massachusetts House of Representatives to pass legislation that increases the benefits for families of public safety employees killed in the line of duty from $100,000 to $150,000.

This change represents the first increase in the benefit since 1994. It will retroactively apply to the families of Lieutenant Edward Walsh and Firefighter Michael Kennedy who were killed while fighting a fire on Beacon Street last week, and Plymouth Police Officer Gregg Maloney who was killed in the line of duty on April 1, 2014. These funds are included in a supplemental budget.

“Every day, I am awed and grateful for the sacrifices firefighters, police and their families make for us,” Speaker DeLeo said. “As we pray for those who perished, their families and the first responders they served with, we must ensure the families of these courageous individuals receive the support they so rightly deserve. I’m proud we were able to pass this increase and pledge to honor their memory through our work on Beacon Hill.” 

"My district was hit especially hard by last week’s tragic fire,” said Representative Ed Coppinger (D-Boston), Vice Chair of the House Committee on Steering, Policy and Scheduling. “Everyday firefighters from across the state risk their lives to keep us safe. Today we had the opportunity to show them that we will take care of their families when they make the ultimate sacrifice. I thank Speaker DeLeo for his strong leadership on pushing this forward so quickly."

The legislation passed the House 146-0.

Leverett Wing - Asian American Community and Political Leader to be Honored

Boston, MA - Leverett Wing, well-known political leader and community mobilizer, will be honored by the Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus this Thursday.

Leverett will be receiving the MWPC's prestigious "Good Guys Award" - an honor for men who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the goal of political, economic and social parity for women.

Over the past thirteen years, "Good Guys" honorees have included: Senator Edward Brooke, Governor Deval Patrick, Governor Paul Cellucci, Governor William Weld, Charlie Baker, State Senator Dan Wolf, Senator Edward Kennedy, Senator John Kerry, Paul Guzzi, Peter Meade, Charles Ogletree, Paul W. Lee and many others.

The 14th Annual Good Guys Awards will take place this Thursday, April 3 from 11:30am-2:00pm at the Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel (136 Saint James Avenue) in Boston.

Throughout his distinguished career, Leverett has served as an influential community leader for key issues relating to diversity and healthy communities. Throughout his lifetime, Leverett has been dedicated to women’s equality, as seen through his work on the Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence and as an organizer & supporter of women politicians like Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu, Fitchburg Mayor Lisa Wong, Newton Alderwoman Amy Mah Sangiolo, and MA State Senator Sonia Chang Diaz.

Currently, Leverett is the Associate Director of Community Services for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Housing and Community Development. Prior to that, Leverett was the Executive Director of Washington D.C. headquartered Asian & Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote), the only non-partisan, national organization focusing on voter participation and civic engagement in the Asian American community.

As a member of the Board of Overseers at Joslin Diabetes Center, an internationally known hospital and research center, Leverett helped found a first-of-its-kind, national project called the Asian American Diabetes Initiative (AADI) which seeks to improve the understanding and treatment of diabetes among Asian Americans. 

Leverett also sits on the Board of Overseers of WGBH-TV/Radio, Boston’s nationally known Public Broadcasting affiliate, where he has helped efforts to expand WGBH’s minority programming and improve outreach to communities underserved by traditional media outlets.

紐英崙至德三德歡歌熱舞 送金馬迎新春







 今年將競選連任的麻州眾議員家威(Aaron Michlewitz)(中)頒發表揚狀,

當晚到會,來自波士頓市政府的嘉賓有三人,分別為競選波士頓市長失利,如今成為波士頓市市長內閣要員的小阿若約(Felix Arroyo),巴洛斯(John Barros),以及順利當選為波士頓市首名華裔市議員的吳弭。來自州政府的有麻州眾議員家威(Aaron Michlewitz),以及麻州州長亞美顧問委員會副主席李超榮。兩名華裔麻州眾議員陳德基,黃子安後來趕到。
摩頓市市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson)也在好友,紐英倫中華公所阮鴻燦的邀約下到會祝賀。


華人前進會與華埠居民會響應波士頓就業聯盟(The Boston Jobs Coalition)發起的示威遊行,三月三十一日與來自共約十個機構的群眾一起走上街頭,在城中區做“社區需要好工作”的呼籲。
遊行群眾並要求包括千禧年夥伴公司(Millennium Partners)等波士頓發展商,落實社區福利,給民眾好工作。
            聯盟要求立刻執行建築工作聘雇需遵守波士頓居民就業政策標準,至少百分之五十為波市居民,百分之廿五為有色人種,百分之十為婦女。 還應額外撥款做就業培訓,辦理社區項目等。(圖由華埠居民會提供,戴振樑攝)