
星期四, 3月 27, 2014


            會中通過了由陳朝聖接任中華公所總律師(general counsel)一職。
一為榮氏管理公司(Wing’s Management)的合約早已到期,目前在無合約狀態下,繼續管理。中華公所物業小組已陸續面談了四家管理公司,將做討論比較,再向中華公所董事大會回報物業小組的建議。



上海昌期棋基金會鑑於去年在哈佛大學舉辦的圍棋推廣會反響很大,極為成功,今年決定再度組團來訪,訂三月廿九日(週六)早上八點半至下午五點,在麻省理工學院Stratton學生中心(W20大樓)三樓的Lobdell用餐廳舉行2014圍棋大會(GO Expo)
            上海昌期棋基金2014年圍棋推廣大會的麻州活動地點,在麻省理工學院Building W20, Lobdell Dining Hall, 84 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, 02139查詢詳情,可洽該會美國負責人蕭敏617-275-6602


星期三, 3月 26, 2014

波士頓 Beacon St.大火 兩消防員喪生

  1. From Boston Fire Department Twitter

    Firefighter Kennedy was single and lived in Hyde Park. He was a veteran of the Marine Corps.
  2. Lt. Walsh was the son of a Watertown firefighter. Married with 2 boys, 1 girl- all under age 10. He lived in West Roxbury.
  3. Killed was Firefighter Michael R. Kennedy of Ladder Company 15 on Boylston St. 33yo, a 6 1/2 yr veteran. Also Veteran USMC
  4. Killed was Lt. Edward J. Walsh,Jr. assigned to Engine Company 33 on Boylston Street. 43 yo, a 9 1/2 year veteran.
  5. The Boston Fire Commissioner regrets to announce the Line of Duty deaths of two Boston firefighters killed today.

Statement of Mayor Martin J. Walsh

Tonight the City of Boston mourns the loss of two of our own. Lt. Ed Walsh and Firefighter Michael Kennedy lost their lives battling the nine-alarm fire on Beacon Street today.

Words cannot do justice to the grief that we feel tonight. Our hearts are heavy with the knowledge that these brave men gave their lives to protect the safety of our city and its people.

The men and women of the Boston Fire Department are the brave heroes who run towards the danger when others run away. A day like today makes us all too aware of what they are risking in the course of doing their jobs. They are heroes simply by virtue of accepting this duty. They put themselves in harm’s way so that others might be safe.

Thank you to the Boston Fire Department, Boston Police Department, EMS and all other first responders and volunteers for your heroic work today.

Our thoughts and prayers are with their families tonight as they face this terrible loss. We also hold close their fellow firefighters, who have lost friends as dear as brothers.


 BOSTON- Wednesday, March 26, 2014 – Governor Deval Patrick today released the following statement:

“My heart and my condolences go out to the families of the firefighters lost in the line of duty today, as well as to the entire Boston Fire Department. This terrible tragedy reinforces how we must be grateful every single day for the brave men and women who put themselves in danger day in and day out to keep us safe.”

 Statement from House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo.

“I am deeply saddened to hear of the two tragic deaths that have befallen the Boston Fire Department. Just outside the State House stands the Massachusetts Fallen Firefighters Memorial. Words on the memorial speak to the courage and duty of members of the fire service: ‘Whenever I am called to duty, wherever flames may rage, give me strength to save a life whatever be its age . . . And if according to my destiny, I must the earth depart, please bless with your protecting hand those closest to my heart.’ This tragedy speaks to the unwavering commitment and bravery that these firefighters shared with their predecessors, and I extend my fullest sympathies to the families and friends of the fallen, the Boston Fire Department, and Mayor Walsh and will pray for their souls.”

A Suffolk prosecutor with specialized training investigating fatal fires has been assigned to the death investigation arising out of the fire at 298 Boylston St. after responding to the scene earlier this afternoon.  He will work with Boston Police and Boston Fire investigators to determine the facts and circumstances of the deaths of Firefighter Michael Kennedy and Lt. Edward Walsh in the line of duty, including the cause and origin of the blaze.  A death investigation is standard procedure in any unattended or unnatural death; it does not necessarily suggest foul play.  Because this probe is still in its very early stages, I don't have any information on preliminary findings and I defer to Boston Fire on that point this evening.

On behalf of the District Attorney, our office extends its deepest condolences to the Kennedy and Walsh families, as well as to their brothers and sisters at Ladder 15, Engine 33, and the Boston Fire Department.  We are mindful that today's deaths occurred just a few blocks from the Vendome building, where nine Boston firefighters perished during a 1972 hotel fire.  A memorial to those men stands on the Comm Ave mall near Dartmouth Street and carries special significance on this very sad day.


The Boston Transportation Department is advising drivers to avoid the Back Bay during

their evening commute home tonight.

• Due to a fire on Beacon Street between Fairfield and Exeter Streets, Beacon Street
is closed from the intersection of Arlington Street past the intersection of Fairfield Street. At this time, Beacon Street at Massachusetts Avenue remains open.

• Storrow Drive Eastbound is closed at the Fenway/Kenmore Exit.

• Commuters are being allowed to turn right from Commonwealth to Berkeley Street onto Storrow Drive Eastbound.

• Storrow Drive Westbound is closed at Leverett Circle.

BPHC to Launch NeighborWalk 2014 as a Warm-up to National Walking Day

Boston – Next Monday, the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) will kick off its annual NeighborWalk program just ahead of National Walking Day, an event observed around the country on April 2.  For the past ten years, BPHC’s NeighborWalk initiative has helped Boston residents of all ages get physically active through weekly community-based walking groups.  As a free and widely accessible resource, NeighborWalk has helped thousands of residents work toward their fitness goals.  Last spring alone, over four thousand Bostonians and nine community organizations participated in NeighborWalk. 
This year, the number of organizations hosting a NeighborWalk group has nearly doubled to seventeen partners in thirteen neighborhoods.  This growth will allow even more residents to lace up their sneakers and get walking this spring.
NeighborWalk groups begin on Monday, March 31st. To find a walking group in your neighborhood, visit www.bphc.org/NeighborWalk.
There is strong evidence that walking promotes good overall health.  Research shows that taking a brisk 30-60 minute walk several days a week can help prevent and manage chronic health conditions such as heart disease, osteoporosis, depression, and diabetes.  Walking also helps maintain a healthy body weight, improve strength and flexibility, and reduce stress.
“Adding walking to your daily routine is one of the simplest ways to improve your health – it’s easy, free, and accessible no matter where you are,” said Dr. Barbara Ferrer, executive director of BPHC.  “There are a lot of things you can do to make walking a bigger part of your daily life, and one of the easiest ways to get moving is to join a walking group. National Walking Day is the perfect time to make a renewed commitment to walking, and we want to help residents meet their goals by encouraging people to join one of our NeighborWalk groups.”
National Walking Day, which is sponsored each year by the American Heart Association, encourages Americans to lace up their sneakers and walk toward improved health.  To promote physical activity, BPHC is encouraging all Bostonians on April 2 to wear sneakers to work or school and to walk for a minimum of 30 minutes that day and every day. 
Incorporating more steps in your daily routine is simple.  When commuting, think about taking the MBTA instead of driving, as riding public transit usually involves more walking between destinations.  If you already ride the T regularly, try getting off a stop early and walking the rest of the way to your destination.  If you do drive, consider parking in the farthest spot in the lot or around the block to increase your step count.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator when you can.  Wear a pedometer or download an app, such as RunKeeper or MapMyWalk, to track your daily steps, and challenge yourself to gradually and safely increase your physical activity level.
Walking groups help to encourage a healthy lifestyle, as well as build social cohesion, enhance neighborhood safety, and increase utilization of parks and green spaces.  Walking with others can also be a source of motivation to stay active.
“The NeighborWalk Program is a great resource that allows our members to be more physically active by enjoying a nice stroll,” said Gail Klimas of the East Boston YMCA Walkers.  “We walk along a beautiful greenway and our walk leader helps participants track and log their steps. It’s a really great program.”

2014 NeighborWalk Host Organizations:
·         ABCD North End
·         East Boston YMCA
·         ETHOS
·         Franklin Park Tennis Association
·         Greater Boston Chinese Golden Age Center
·         Hawthorne Youth Community Center
·         HOCC Walkers
·         Hyde Park YMCA
·         Huntington YMCA
·         Joseph Smith Community Health Center
·         JP Tree of Life
·         Madison Park Development Corporation
·         MGH Charlestown
·         Upham’s Corner Health Center
·         Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts
·         West Roxbury YMCA
·         Roxbury YMCA


Mayor Walsh and Boston Medical Center Launch "Prescribe-a-Bike" Subsidized Hubway Membership Program

Mayor Walsh and Boston Medical Center Launch "Prescribe-a-Bike" Subsidized Hubway Membership Program
Doctors refer low-income patients for $5 Hubway membership

BOSTON -- The City of Boston and the Boston Medical Center (BMC) announce the launch of "Prescribe-a-Bike," a landmark new partnership to address disparities in physical fitness and health, and to increase access to affordable transportation for low-income Boston residents. 

"There is no other program like this in the country," says Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh, "Prescribe-a-Bike makes the link between health and transportation, and ensures that more residents can access the Hubway bike share system."

The City of Boston aims to enroll 1,000 low-income residents in the subsidized Hubway membership program.  

"Obesity is a significant and growing health concern for our city, particularly among low-income Boston residents," said BMC President and CEO Kate Walsh, adding that statistics show that close to one in four low-income Boston residents is obese, almost double the rate for higher-income residents. "Regular exercise is key to combating this trend, and Prescribe-a-Bike is one important way our caregivers can help patients get the exercise they need to be healthy." A recent study of the health benefits of the London bike share system found that using bike share had a positive overall impact on health, particularly among older users. 

Prescribe-a-Bike allows BMC medical professionals to write prescriptions for Hubway memberships. Patients pay only $5 for an annual membership, which entitles them to an unlimited number of trips on Hubway bikes, as long as the bikes are used for 30 minutes or less at a time. Subsidized members also receive a free helmet. 

Prescribe-a-Bike builds on the City’s highly successful existing subsidized membership program. To date, Boston has enrolled 897 subsidized members, who combined have taken 35,000 trips on Hubway bikes. 

To qualify for the subsidized Hubway memberships, participants must be Boston residents age 16 or older, and must either be receiving some form of public assistance or have a household income of no more than 400% of poverty level.

Interested residents can get a subsidized coupon by reaching out to their BMC medical professional or calling Boston Bikes at 617-918-4456.  

亞裔婦女健康會 三活動

All events are FREE (except the last one) and open to the public -

Thursday, March 27, 6-8pm (see attached flyer for more info)
ABC/AWFH AppreciASIANS at Tufts Medical Center (800 Washington Street, Boston 02111), Wolff Auditorium – a celebratory event to thank our supporters and partners with food, music and awards! RSVP at http://AWFH2014.eventbrite.com,

Friday, May 16, 8-4pm (see attached for more info)
5th AAPI Mental Health Forum “Healing through Arts: Breaking Silences & Lifting Spirits” at Simmons College, Linda K. Paresky Conference Center, CEU available
for more information, please email: COStaffDev@massmail.state.ma.us

Wednesday, May 21, 8-4pm (see attached for more info)
2nd State of Asian Women’s Health in MA at Tufts University, Sackler Building Room 114 (145 Harrison Ave., Boston 02111) - Jean Yang, the ED of Health Connector and Lisa Wong, Fitchburg Mayor will be the keynotes!
RSVP at http://2014awhinma.eventbrite.com

Saturday, June 7, 3-6pm
ExprASIANS talent show and fair at Boston Medical Center's Shapiro Ambulatory Care lobby to benefit Asian Breast Cancer Project
Interested performers, volunteers and exhibitors please contact cch@asianwomenforhealth.org for more information

Asian Women for Health


波士頓市首名華裔市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)昨(25)日下午首度以小企業,創業及創新小組委員會主席身分召開公聽會,約九名市府部會首長出席報告。吳弭稍後將進社區舉辦十場聆聽民意之旅,預定四月底做總結。
吳弭與第五區市議員Timothy McCarthy,第八區市議員Josh Zakim等三人,昨日在市府大樓五樓的市議會 Iannella會議廳主持會議。波士頓市長新設的“做吧(DoIT)”部門幕僚長Matt Mayrl上任才九個月,年僅31歲的鄰里發展部(DND)營運長Devin Quirk,企業發展組John Lynch,波士頓市長辦公室消費者事務及牌照主任Patricia Malone,市府牌照局理事Jean Lorizio,檢查局(ISD)局長Bryan Glasscock,新任消防局長等人,都出席公了聽會,分別說明各機構在處理市民申請牌照,許可上的目前做法,改善計劃等。
Matt Mayril指出,波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)上任以來,積極的想為小企業出力,已指示市府各部門應用科技,簡化作業程序,修訂區域規劃規定,方便市民。
            Devin Quirk表示,DND麾下有小企業發展組,與波士頓市內的20個主街機構合作,為企業主提供包括申請牌照許可,了解政府運作,發給改善營運補助等的各種協助。
            在回應市議員普斯莉的認為該部門應以多種語言進社區宣傳時,Devin Quirk表示,該部門已儘量做到以多種語言為市民提供資訊,許多文件都已譯成多種語言,在民眾提出要求時,該部門也儘量配合。
檢查局(ISD)局長Bryan Glasscock表示,該局一年約需處理四萬四千份牌照,許可申請,每月有不下一千人造訪,辦理各種事務,有時的確忙不過來。不過該局已從一年半前起,啟動追蹤系統,以及網上申辦服務,應可逐步進行改善。
昨日出席會議的第一區市議員Salvatore LaMattina在離席前表示,他轄區內的一家企業,在申請牌照許可時,曾經遭遇鄰里發展部和檢查局之間不協調,令人生氣情況,找他幫忙,他才親自體會到小企業在牌照,許可上的申請手續,有各部會疊床架屋,不必要的繁瑣現象。
            吳弭辦公室歡迎有話要說者,有意見者打電話到617-635-3115,或發電郵到 ccc.sbei@cityofboston.gov


            吳弭()與第五區市議員Timothy McCarthy(右),第八區市議員Josh Zakim(左)等三人,昨日在市府大樓五樓的市議會 Iannella會議廳主持會議。(菊子攝)


            波士頓市長新設的“做吧(DoIT)”部門幕僚長Matt Mayrl 鄰里發展部(DND)營運長Devin Quirk,昨日在市議會作報告。(菊子攝)

            檢查局(ISD)局長Bryan Glasscock做了頗長的解說。(菊子攝)