
星期一, 2月 10, 2014

波士頓華埠迎春舞八獅 三市長來賀

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所昨(九)日在八獅輪舞,鑼鼓喧天,三名市長來賀,波士頓市,劍橋市首名華裔市議員雙雙出席的歡慶熱鬧中,喜迎馬年新春。
紐英崙中華公所今年改朝換代,由別號“肥仔”,體形圓潤的阮鴻燦當主席,為中華公所迎來更多福氣,一口氣邀來三名市長出席。波士頓新任市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh),摩頓市市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson),費奇堡市長黃素芬(Lisa Wong)的聯袂來賀,為波士頓華埠的舞獅迎新歲活動締造了一項新紀錄。
波士頓市長馬丁華殊,波士頓市議會議長林乃肯(Bill Linehan),波市不分區市議員米高法拉提(Mike Flaherty),吳弭(Michelle Wu),摩頓市市長葛帝生,費奇堡市長黃素芬,麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz),黃子安(Donald Wong),陳德基(Tacky Chan),劍橋市議員張禮能(Leland Cheung),霍利奧克(Holyoke)市議員Anthony Soto,以及駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處處長洪慧珠等人一一致詞,祝福華埠民眾恭喜發財,新年快樂,龍馬精神等等。
 波士頓新市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)第一次踏上華埠慶祝會舞台。他透露,在麻州
今年是農曆甲午馬年,台上嘉賓致詞時,有兩人透露自己屬馬。轄區包括華埠的麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz),甫宣佈將參選麻州副州長的劍橋市市議員張禮能,都是馬年出生,祝福大波士頓民眾和他倆一起同享馬年福氣。
據悉,在主席阮鴻燦動用人脈下,中華公所今年爭取到的舞獅賀歲經費,多達七千五百元。哈佛朝聖者(Harvard Pilgrim)醫療護理公司之外,另一大贊助商為即將於三月十日開通波士頓到杜拜直航班機的酋長國(Emirate)航空公司。



華人前進會(CPA)八日一早率眾遊行,從華埠牌樓繞經豪華大樓“千禧地(Millennium Place)“,遊行到迄今仍丟空的時信大廈,藉以強調華埠仍面對居住危機,需要各界援助,社區才能穩定。
        華人前進會行政主任駱理德在時信大廈前,拿話筒闡述該會呼籲時, 指華埠有許多新移民面對著無屋可住危機,華埠內的林立樓宇裏面,卻有很多單位丟空在那兒。她促請華埠內富人,加入幫助華埠社區穩定的行列。
            華人前進會八日的遊行,約五十多人參加。華人前進會項目及營運主任劉衛恒拿著一個綠色,象徵房屋的木牌,前導遊行隊伍,一路從華埠牌樓沿著必珠街,繞經華盛頓街,在“千禧地(Millennium Place)”前駐足,申訴他們的遊行理由,再轉往夏利臣街(Harrison)25好的時信大樓鐵柵深鎖的門前,由陳玉珍,鄺寶蓮,余翠鳳,駱理德,余仕昂等人用擴音喇叭做相關說明,呼籲。
幾乎每個人身上都掛著標語牌,頭上貼著“保留,重建,紮根”字條的這批遊行群眾,遊行到千禧地大樓時,指發展商千禧年夥伴公司(Millennium Partners)從對面的麗晶酒店(Ritz Carlton)開始,就在華埠建豪華住宅,新建的這千禧地大樓,更是平均每戶一百萬元的豪華公寓。該公司不但在建千禧地大樓繳付發展可負擔住宅費用時,獲得590萬元折扣,該公司刻正承辦的費林百貨(Filene’s)舊址發展案,也獲得波市府撥給2680萬元稅額減免。
華人前進會一青少年組織員表示,當千禧地大樓宣傳“這不只是一個住的地方,更是生活方式(“More than a place to live, this is the way to live.”)”時,華埠居民冀求的,卻只是一個可以有瓦遮頭的居住地方。
駱理德稍後在時信大廈前說,波市府撥給千禧年夥伴公司(Millennium Partners)的優惠款項,如果拿來收購2012年消防員發現結構不安全,勒令33戶居民撤遷,空置迄今的時信大樓,建可負擔住宅,將有許多貧苦移民可獲益。她還指華埠一帶,有許多大樓和時信大樓一樣,有很多空置單位,希望這些富人秉承著華埠也是他們的社區這愛心,攜手穩定華埠社區。







華埠豪華大樓京士頓街120號竣工出租 月租三、四千元

發展商森林市波士頓(Forest City Boston),以及北美乞臣集團(Hudson Group North America)日前公佈,座落在華埠牌樓旁,原稱京士頓街120號,現名弧度(Radian)的豪華公寓,開始出租。
森林市波士頓的發展副總裁 Doug Arsham 表示,弧度大樓給該公司一個機會,在波士頓市中心建造一座精緻住宅大樓,為人們提供更豐富的生活形態。

該大樓由波士頓的 Elkus Manfredi 建築公司,以及建築師Perkins Eastman所設計。


 劍橋中國文化中心董事長紀虎民(左起),漢基國際學校(Chinese International School
 校長萬泰德(Ted Faunce),劍橋副董事長陶凱,Hecules創投公司執行長黃偉慶。

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 劍橋中國文化中心二月六日晚介紹香港漢基國際學校(Chinese International School)在杭州創辦的漢基杭州學習中心。該校校長方泰德(Ted Faunce)博士指出,在中學期間就到中國進修一年,將對年輕學子的未來,有極大影響。
漢基國際學校(Chinese International School) 校長萬泰德(Ted Faunce)(後右七)
            漢基國際學校(CIS)是1983年,由馮慶鏘、傅劉健瑜、戴潘靜嫦等三名華裔女性創辦的香港首間以英文和中文(普通話)教授國際課程的學校。其中兩人畢業於麻州的衛斯理學院。漢基國際學校是香港乃至亞洲最頂尖的私立學校,該校也是全球著名“G20學校聯盟”亞洲的三個成員學校之一其他的G20學校包括英國的伊頓公學,美國麻州的菲利普斯學院(Philip Academy Andover)和新罕布夏州的菲利普斯埃克塞特学院(Phillips Exeter Academy)康州的Hotchkiss等名校。
            去年九月,該校在中國杭州開設了一個學習中心,“漢基杭州”,為學生在該中心合作學校 - 綠城育華學校,提供為期一年的國際文憑中學項目(IBMYP)寄宿學習。
           ,漢基杭州旨在協助就讀學生在這一年期間,藉中國的環境,加速學生學習中文,中國文化的速度與深度,也鍛鍊學生的自立,抗壓能力,培養獨立性。該中心總監潘和平(Richard Pratt)曾在英國伊頓公學服務十四年。
            方泰德博士此行到波士頓,主要是為參加第48屆“國際教育促進會( Association for the Advancement of International Education)年會。住在波士頓的濱海創投投資公司首席執行長黃偉慶的女兒黃軒安現在正在漢基杭州就讀,半年的學習使她的中文大幅進步,更樂於和人以中文溝通,讓他大為欣賞這一學校,聽聞校長訪波,特地促請劍橋中國文化中心聯繫他向本地家長做介紹。

星期日, 2月 09, 2014


Filmmakers to create first feature-length documentary film of the iconic Boston Marathon

BOSTON, MA – The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) announced today that it has entered into an agreement with LA Roma Films, to produce “Boston” the first ever feature-length documentary film about the Boston Marathon - the world’s most legendary running race. 

Directed by Jon Dunham, award winning filmmaker/marathoner of the critically acclaimed Spirit of the Marathon films, and produced by Academy Award™ nominee Megan Williams, the film is expected to be released in late 2015.

“We are fortunate to be working with Jon Dunham and LA Roma Films on this project,” said Joann Flaminio, president, B.A.A. “Their unique and extensive understanding and knowledge of the marathon promises to make “Boston” a highly anticipated film experience.”

The film will document many of the historic moments of the Boston Marathon from its founding through today.  “Boston”will capture the spirit of the individuals and communities who have long-made the race a world-renowned athletic event, while also paying tribute to the tragic events of 2013.

The film will include an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at the major organizational efforts to prepare for the race, dramatic moments from past Boston Marathons as told by former champions and competitors, and contemporary stories of runners and spectators who have unique relationships with the race.

“We know the world’s connection to the Boston Marathon is stronger today than ever,” said Tom Grilk, executive director, B.A.A. “We look forward to an exciting movie that tells of Boston’s colorful 118-year history, and shows the strength of spirit of those who make this race a success.”

The B.A.A. granted LA Roma Films exclusive documentary rights to the 2014 race.

“We are honored to tell the story of this world famous race,” said director Jon Dunham. “We are looking for unique stories of the challenging journeys people have had on their way to qualifying for the Boston Marathon, as well as personal accounts of last year’s event.”

For more information, or to share your personal story of Boston please contact info@laromafilms.com.

About the Filmmakers

<image002.jpg>Producer, Director, Cinematographer – Jon Dunham:  A Southern California native, Jon Dunham began making films at 13.  He immediately fell in love with the art form and soon chose to pursue filmmaking as a career.  The decision led him to the University of Southern California’s prestigious School of Cinematic Arts where he graduated in 2000.  Following film school he was chosen by Top Value Television pioneer Megan Williams as the cinematographer for Tell Me Cuba, a documentary about the difficult and complex relations between the United States and Cuba.  The collaboration continued with Jon’s directorial debut, No Distance Too Far, a documentary featuring four individuals whose lives had been touched by AIDS as they took part in the California AIDS Ride.   Involving 3,000 cycling participants and nearly 600 miles of California's coast and central valley, the film previewed the epic subjects and personal human stories that have become a hallmark of Jon’s work and was featured in the International Documentary Association’s 2002 Doctober festival of outstanding films. Pictured: Director/Marathoner Jon Dunham (right) with Johnny Kelley “the Elder” at Boston in 200.

Teamed with three-time Academy Award winner Mark Jonathan Harris, who would executive produce Jon’s next two films, the five-year journey of shooting and directing Spirit of the Marathon began.  Premiering at the 2007 Chicago International Film Festival, the film won the coveted Audience Award and was subsequently released in more than 400 cinemas across the United States by National CineMedia in a unique satellite distribution event, which grossed $1 million dollars in two nights.  The film has been distributed theatrically and broadcast globally and has since been followed-up by Spirit of the Marathon II, which was released in more than 600 cinemas in June 2013. 

In addition to directing, Jon continues to work as a cinematographer.  He has recently shot the documentaries There Was Once…  about the Jewish Holocaust and its lasting effect on Hungary as well as the award winning Bound by Fleshexecutive produced by Academy Award winner Robert Zemeckis.

Producer – Megan Williams:  Megan Williams is the recipient of numerous awards including an Academy Award Nomination, and the Alfred I. duPont - Columbia University School of Journalism Award.  In 2002 she teamed with director Jon Dunham to produce No Distance Too Far:  A film of California Aids Ride 8 an official selection of the IDA 6th Annual Documentary Showcase.  Her work covers a variety of topics and events including: the Democratic and Republican Conventions, the Super Bowl, the OscarsTM, Bob Dylan's Hard Rain Concert, HIV/AIDS and childhood deafness.

From 1996-2000, Williams served as adjunct professor at the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts.  Her work in the 1970's as co-founder and partner of TVTV - one of the first independent documentary video organizations - is featured in Subject to Change:  Guerrilla Television Revisited by Deirdre Boyle, Oxford University Press, 1997; and was showcased in a major retrospective at the Museum of Television and Radio, New York City.  The TVTV archive is in the permanent collection of the Pacific Film Archive, University of California, Berkeley.

In 1982, in response to her then infant son's diagnosis of profound hearing loss, Williams founded TRIPOD, a non-profit organization for deaf children and their families.  The TRIPOD school has become a part of the Burbank, California Unified School District and serves as a model program for deaf educators and parents of deaf children worldwide.  The TRIPOD archive is in the permanent collection of Wallace Library, NTID/RIT, Rochester, NY.



连胜文到访洛杉矶 向侨胞展现亲和力

连胜文到访洛杉矶 向侨胞展现亲和力

Patrick Administration Energy Officials Present Green Communities Awards

Patrick Administration Energy Officials Present Green Communities Awards

Ashby, Lunenburg and Westford receive Green Communities designations and more than $446,000 in grant funds
WESTFORD– Monday, February 10, 2014 – Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Rick Sullivan today presented Ashby, Lunenburg and Westford with $446,600 in Green Communities grants to fund municipal clean energy projects.

“These municipalities are now three of the 123 Green Communities across the Commonwealth making smart investments in clean energy,” said Governor Deval Patrick. “Community by community, we are protecting our environment, reducing municipal costs and making Massachusetts a clean energy leader.”

“It’s exciting to see these three communities count themselves among the leaders taking charge of their clean energy future,” said Secretary Sullivan. “The Patrick Administration continues to support towns that are cutting energy use, creating jobs and protecting the environment. Their efforts are critical to the Commonwealth’s clean energy revolution.”

The municipalities received a certificate from the Commonwealth and road signs identifying them as Green Communities. The Department of Energy Resources’ (DOER) Green Communities Division officially designated the towns in December, recognizing achievements in meeting five clean energy benchmarks. The grants each community received are as follows:

Ashby              $133,350
Lunenburg       $157,225
Westford         $156,025

“Massachusetts’ clean energy revolution continues its momentum in large part because of leadership at the local level,” said DOER Commissioner Mark Sylvia. “These communities continue to spread renewable energy and efficiency efforts across our Commonwealth, saving money and energy for their residents and businesses, and reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions.”

The grants are part of more than $2 million in funding awarded to the state’s 13 newest Green Communities. In addition to the three awarded in Westford today, Acushnet, Amesbury, Blackstone, Concord, Framingham, Longmeadow, Manchester-by-the-Sea, Plympton, Williamsburg and West Newbury will receive awards and designations.

“I congratulate the Town of Ashby for becoming a Green Community and the work it has done meeting clean energy benchmarks,” said Senator Stephen M. Brewer.  “These grant funds will support projects that are not only good for the environment, but will help to lower energy costs, a great benefit to my constituents.  I look forward to continuing to work on initiatives that will save municipalities money and keep Massachusetts at the forefront of the clean energy future.”

“I am impressed by Westford’s ability to distinguish itself as a leader in clean energy projects,” said Senator Eileen Donoghue. “We all have a significant role to play in promoting clean energy in Massachusetts now and for future generations. I am grateful for the Patrick Administration’s critical investments in energy saving initiatives.”

Once designated by DOER as official Green Communities, cities and towns are eligible for awards to fund local renewable power and energy efficiency projects that advance both municipal and state clean energy goals. Grants awarded so far have funded a variety of projects across the state, including the installation of solar panels on town office buildings, weatherization at schools and municipal buildings, installation of high-efficiency street lights, and energy efficiency upgrades.

Including this seventh round of designation grants and two rounds of competitive grants, the Patrick Administration has awarded nearly $30 million in grants to the Commonwealth’s 123 Green Communities. Available to eligible Green Communities that have successfully invested their previous Green Communities grants, applications for DOER’s third round of Green Communities Competitive Grants will be due at the end of March. 

To date, the 123 Green Communities have committed to a total energy reduction equivalent to the annual energy consumption of approximately 15,000 homes. In greenhouse gas reduction terms, this commitment equates to taking approximately 34,000 cars off the road.

 DOER’s Green Communities Designation and Grant Program, a result of the Green Communities Act signed by Governor Patrick in 2008, is funded through auctions of carbon emissions permits under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, as well as Alternative Compliance Payments made by electricity suppliers under the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard.

The Patrick Administration’s aggressive clean energy initiatives have made Massachusetts a leader in energy efficiency, renewable energy and emissions reductions. The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy has named Massachusetts number one for three years running. This year, Governor Patrick set a new solar goal after reaching the previous goal of 250 megawatts four years early. The Commonwealth now aims to install 1,600 megawatts of solar capacity by 2020. The clean energy revolution is yielding economic benefits as well, with 11.8 percent job growth in the last year; nearly 80,000 people are employed in the cleantech industry in Massachusetts.