
星期五, 6月 07, 2013


新英格蘭中文學校協會將與僑教中心合作,訂823(週五)的早上8點半至晚上8點,824(週六)的早上8點半至晚上8點,以及825(週日)的早上8點半至中午12點。採遠距與實地教學同步進行方式舉行。上課地點設在波士頓僑教中心。凡有興趣者,均可參加,費用$50(包括兩午餐、兩晚餐及材料費;若不需訂購餐點,研習費用為$30)。報名表上宜註明葷食或素食。支票抬頭請寫NEACS,報名表連同支票,請於6/30前寄至:NEACS/CO Shih-Yi Chen,40 Meadowbrook Rd., BedfordMA 01730




根據業界研究公司清潔前沿(Clean Edge)的美國清潔科技領袖指數(U.S. Clean Tech Leadership Index)調查,麻州在清潔科技上的成績,排名全美第二,僅次於加州。



      美國運輸部調查員表示,基地在波士頓的龍祥(Lucky Star)公司,有21輛巴士未達到基本的安全標準,該公司也未能適當檢查、修理或維修這些車輛。該公司未要求駕駛通過毒品或酒精測試,也未檢查駕駛們的駕駛時數文件。
聯邦運輸部表示,該部的聯邦載客汽車安全行政局從4月就開始打擊高危險的巴士公司。該部部長Ray LaHood在一份聲明中表示,不顧安全規定的公司將不准營業。


星期四, 6月 06, 2013

麻州長宣佈撥款一億 資助西麻州生命科學項目

Grants to fund new life sciences research and industry partnerships at UMass Amherst and the Pioneer Valley Life Sciences Institute
AMHERST– Thursday, June 6, 2013 – Governor Deval Patrick and the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) today announced over $100 million in grants for life-sciences-related capital projects in western Massachusetts, including $95 million for the University of Massachusetts (UMass) Amherst and $5.5 million for the Pioneer Valley Life Sciences Institute (PVLSI), a joint venture of Baystate Medical Center in Springfield and UMass Amherst.
“Our Life Sciences strategy is about choosing to shape our future – investing today to leave a better Commonwealth for the next generation,” said Governor Patrick. “These investments support the kind of innovation that propels our economy forward and prepares our citizens for the 21st century global marketplace.”
Through the MLSC, Massachusetts is investing $1 billion over 10 years in the growth of the state’s life sciences supercluster. These investments are being made under the Massachusetts Life Sciences Initiative, passed by the state Legislature and signed into law by Governor Patrick in 2008.
“A key strategy of the Life Sciences Center is to use our capital dollars to accelerate life sciences-driven economic development across the Commonwealth by engaging and building on regional strengths,” said Dr. Susan Windham-Bannister, Ph.D., President and CEO of the MLSC. “Our investments in UMass Amherst and PVLSI are great examples of that strategy. In addition to its role as a leading academic institution, UMass Amherst is an important catalyst for economic development in western Massachusetts. The MLSC’s investment in three new Centers at UMass Amherst: a Biosensors & Big Data Center, Healthcare Informatics & Technology Innovation Center and the Models to Medicine Center enhance the University’s ability to support both of these missions. The grant for PVLSI also will strengthen the region’s leadership in the expanding field of bioinformatics, building on the $4.5-million grant that we recently awarded to the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center in Holyoke.”
The grant for UMass Amherst will fund construction to fit out and equip a substantial portion of the university’s new $157-million Life Sciences Laboratories. This building will house three new research centers led by faculty and will be dedicated to partnering with regional life sciences and precision manufacturing companies to develop innovative products and services. The three centers are as follows:
  • Personalized Health Monitoring, focused on developing nanotechnology and large dataset management to improve health care through low-cost, wearable, wireless sensors that analyze patient data continuously in real time. This center will bring bio-sensor technology, nanotechnology, new polymer and manufacturing techniques, “big data” and information technology together to design, develop and test the next generation of wearable bio-sensors and healthy lifestyle applications. Biomanufacturing firms, medical device makers, big data analysts and other health care industry partners will produce prototypes, test them and assess manufacturing feasibility.
  • Bioactive Delivery, focused on discovery and application of new drug, agricultural and “nutriceutical” compounds. It will draw on discoveries and research by UMass Amherst faculty who, for example, develop synthetic molecules that can fight infection in new ways and design all-natural formulations for delivering oil-soluble vitamins and other nutrients in food products.
  • Models to Medicine, focused on translating basic protein research by UMass Amherst experts into new therapeutic targets. This center will capitalize on an explosion of discoveries over the past 10 years that suggest a variety of protein dysfunctions play a role in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancer and infectious diseases.
“This investment is an outstanding example of how world-class research at UMass, with support from the MLSC, can create a dynamic and prosperous future for the Commonwealth,” said Robert Caret, president of the University of Massachusetts. “The development of three new research centers in partnership with industry will enhance technology transfer and translate inventions into products and services that will make life better for all of us.”
“We are grateful to the MLSC for selecting UMass Amherst to be a catalyst for new advances in the life sciences,” said UMass Amherst Chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy. “This grant positions us for new directions in translational research and for increased engagement with industry and other educational institutions in western Massachusetts and throughout the Commonwealth. UMass is committed to growing these relationships to advance economic development as part of our land grant mission.”
“The UMass campus can have a large impact on local area businesses and has been working with regional groups connecting companies to new technologies,” said Ed Leyden, co-chair of the Advanced Manufacturing Collaborative and president of Ben Franklin Design and Manufacturing Company in Agawam. “I see the current life science initiative as another excellent means to engage local companies.”
The grant for PVLSI, located adjacent to Baystate Medical Center’s main campus in Springfield’s North End, will support the development of a new Center of Innovation in Health Informatics and Technology, focused on advancing public/private-sector partnerships and incubating innovative technology solutions developed by start-ups and larger, more established vendor firms in areas such as population health management, health care quality, “big data” analytics and mobile health.
“The assets we have in place in Springfield—beginning with a strong integrated health system in Baystate Health, and extending to the Pioneer Valley’s advanced high-tech manufacturing capabilities—provide a unique opportunity for our prospective start-up and vendor partners to accelerate and incubate their products here in western Massachusetts, benefiting our community’s health care and economy,” said Joel Vengco, vice president and chief information officer of Baystate Health.
“As a champion of the life sciences industry for nearly two decades, I am thrilled with today's announcement. In my opinion, the expansion of research and development in the field of the life sciences can improve the quality of health care, grow the economy and create jobs in the Pioneer Valley. These two major grants can be game changers for the life sciences and biotechnology communities in western Massachusetts,” said Congressman Richard E. Neal.
“The ripple effects of these investments will be enormously positive for western Massachusetts,” Massachusetts State Senate Majority Leader Stan Rosenberg said. “Not only will this funding help place our flagship campus exactly where it needs to be -- at the vanguard of life sciences research and development -- it will also help create good jobs and technological innovations that we can scarcely imagine today. This project, which is engaging the best and brightest from academia, government and the private sector, is an outstanding example of what can be accomplished when we work together in a spirit of partnership.”
“The growth of the life sciences industry is crucial to the continued health of the Massachusetts economy,” said Representative Ellen Story. “Equally important to the Western Massachusetts economy is our continued support for the University of Massachusetts, as it embarks on its most ambitious expansion in half a century. I am grateful that this investment in our economy has been made at the flagship campus of the University of Massachusetts.”
“MassBio was proud to support UMass in this process, and is thrilled to see investment in these key industry areas,” said Robert K. Coughlin, President & CEO of MassBio. “These grants enable UMass Amherst and the PVLSI to continue to anchor the life sciences industry in the Pioneer Valley and Western Massachusetts, underlining the fact that the industry truly reaches to all of our borders and the regions in between.”
The MLSC is a quasi-public agency of the Commonwealth tasked with implementing the Massachusetts Life Sciences Act.  The MLSC’s mission is to create jobs in the life sciences and support vital scientific research that will improve the human condition. This work includes making financial investments in public and private institutions that are advancing life sciences research, development and commercialization as well as building ties among sectors of the Massachusetts life sciences community. For more information, visitwww.masslifesciences.com

李嘉強鼓勵 OCEAN 商管班畢業生追求快樂 大膽創業

            從第一期就開始任教的劉瑞明,對OCEAN商管班有很深感情。他直率的忠告畢業學員,在商業世界中,知識與人脈同樣重要,鼓勵學員善用OCEAN的人脈資源,包括該會主席胡運炤為金門超市總經理,副主席蔣華為波士頓應用科技公司(Boston Applied Technologies, Inc.)執行總裁,會長蘇壯為S&T環球公司董事長等。
            OCEAN商管班第13期畢業生中,生物及資訊科技業各佔一半。畢業典禮有純化學科學公司(Pure Chemistry Scientific等贊助,有羅容、張宏軍、李朝敏等在兒童醫院、默克公司等工作的多名醫藥界人士出席。





            CVS華盛頓分店經理Hung TruongCVS區域經理Dan Ramnes,以及代表CVS的律師Peter Lyons昨日出席華埠社區治安委員會,說明CVS認為華盛頓街分店一帶的地理人口變化顯示,該一地點若能改成24小時營業,可更符合顧客需要。
            Peter Lyons表示,CVS有感於競爭越趨激烈,也鑑於地方上的地理人口變化,打算讓華盛頓街分店24小時開業,但希望先知道社區民眾看法,再做最後決定。
            曾在城中區CVS服務6年的Dan Ramnes表示,根據他的經驗,24小時開業,可為不少人提供方便。尤其塔芙茨醫療中心就在附近,有個24小時開門的CVS店,病人看完急診,買藥很方便。
            Hung Truong也表示,該店經常接到探問晚上可到那兒買藥的電話,可見坊間確有這一需要。該店靠近華埠,還有員工可為顧客翻譯。
            波士頓市警察局A-1區隊長李湯姆(Tom Lee)表示,CVS華盛頓街分店座落在收容流浪漢的聖法蘭西斯屋旁,是該區接到報案電話最多的地點。基於24小時營業店鋪帶來問題最多的經驗,他們反對這一做法。
            塔芙茨大學社區關係主任芭芭拉魯貝(Barbara Rubel)CVS店有那些因應深夜營業的安全措施。
           CVS區域經理Dan Ramnes等人表示,波士頓市內在波士頓公共圖書館總館附近的波約斯頓(Boylston)街上,有家24小時營業的CVS。此外,在東波士頓、麥德福(Medford)各有一家。
            千禧年公司的總經理John Ciolfi表示,CVS若有意24小時營業,似應先和他所代表的房東討論才是。
            家住天滿街的熱心居民George Coorssen表示,他為瞭解狀況,曾特地於深夜到CVS華盛頓街分店一帶走動。他的觀察結果是,那一帶一入深夜,毒販、流浪漢橫行,很危險。沒有耆英願意在深夜出門冒險。敢於冒險的年輕人在那時候出門,恐怕也多半不是到藥房去。中華耆英會行政主任梅伍銀寬也說,耆英在深夜時分都已入睡了。
            A-1區社區警察利瑪(Tom Lema)其後表示,夜店總是給警察帶來很多麻煩。警察們希望居民向紐英崙法學院施壓,在租約到期後,不再續約,以期經常給警察局帶來治安麻煩的RumorVenu兩家夜店,能搬到其他地方去。


            華埠社區治安委員會共同主席陳灼鋆(右起)、波士頓市警察局A-1區隊長李湯姆(Tom Lee)A-1區社區警察利瑪(Tom Lema)都反對CVS分店24小時營業。(菊子攝)

            CVS藥房華盛頓街分店經理Hung Truong(右起)、代表CVS的律師Peter LyonCVS區域經理Dan Ramnes等人,昨日聯袂出席華埠治安委員會。(菊子攝)


Month-long Activities presented by Hood® Include
Kids Taking the Field with Players and Free Tickets for Children who
Earned all A’s and B’s on Their Most Recent Report Card 

BOSTON, MA – To celebrate the school year coming to a close, the Boston Red Sox will bring back a month-long celebration of kids by designating June as Calling All Kids month presented by Hood.

GOOD REPORT CARDS:  As part of the celebration, the club, in partnership with Kumon, the after school self-learning program for kids, will reward children 14 and under who have all A’s and B’s on their most recent report card with free entry to Red Sox home games in June. Children must be accompanied by a paying adult.  Tickets will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis (while tickets last) at Gate E beginning 90 minutes prior to each game. Fans can line up as early as 5 hours before the game.  For information on ticket availability, fans can visit facebook.com/redsox on game days for periodic updates.  

KIDS TAKE THE FIELD:  Also this month, children from throughout New England will be selected to take the field with the Red Sox before each home game. Little League teams, softball teams, and kids camps will be among the groups selected to take the field with players.

When the Red Sox play the Colorado Rockies on Tuesday, June 25, eight children will be selected to take the field as winners of a photo contest on Instagram.  Parents can submit a photo of their child, age 5-12, with their best baseball game face using the hashtag #SoxGameFace.  Visit redsox.com/instagramrules for the official contest rules.

FROM KIDS CREW TO TOREY’S TIKES:  Before each June game at Fenway Park, children will be selected to help with game-day duties, including working with Dave Mellor’s grounds crew to put the bases on the field, helping Red Sox bench coach Torey Lovullo bring out the lineup card before the game, taking the game ball to the mound, and working in the Red Sox control room as guest DJ during Red Sox batting practice. (Parents with kids 10 and over can email twitter@redsox.com with the game they plan to attend for the chance to win the guest DJ spot for their child.)

MEET THE PLAYERS:  Also, 10 children will be selected to meet Red Sox players in June.  Fans can submit a “Vine” video to the @redsox twitter account showing their child’s batting stance in Red Sox gear or an impersonation of a current Red Sox player’s stance or wind-up and delivery. The selected children will meet a player on June 9 or 29.

CHILD-HOOD HEROES:  A child who has overcome adversity or made a contribution to the community will also be honored during each Fenway Park pre-game ceremony in June as part of the “Child-Hood Heroes” program.

A NEW CLASS OF RED SOX SCHOLARS:  The 10th Anniversary of the Red Sox Scholars program presented by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center will be celebrated June 9, when a new class of 7thgraders receives college scholarships.  The program, which won Major League Baseball’s first-ever Commissioner’s Award for Philanthropic Excellence, has now selected 230 Boston city school children since its inception in 2003.
KIDS RUN THE BASES:  All kids attending the game Sunday afternoon, June 9, are invited to run the bases after the game.

KIDS PRESS CONFERENCE:  After the game on Sunday afternoon, June 30, selected children will hold a pre-game press conference with Red Sox players.

KIDS GEAR COLLECTION OF BASEBALL EQUIPMENT:  On June 7, 8, and 9, fans are invited to donate new and used baseball and softball equipment to children in Massachusetts.  It’s the 9th annual collection at Fenway Park by the partnership that includes the Red Sox, the Baseball Tomorrow Fund, and Kids Gear for Baseball.

COVER BOY…RYAN DEMPSTER:  The June edition of Red Sox Magazine features Ryan Dempster and his son, Brady, on the cover; an article by nationally-recognized teen reporter Meggie Zahneis; a first-person account of his childhood by Shane Victorino, and a piece about the accomplishments of various young players.
WALLY’S FRIENDS TO VISIT FENWAY:  On the last two days of the month, Wally the Green Monster will receive visits from the mascots of the Arizona Diamondbacks and Oakland Athletics.  Arizona’s D. Baxter the Bobcat and Oakland’s Stomper the Elephant will meet children, sign autographs, and take photos.
RED SOX KID NATION FINALE:  On that final day of the month, members of Red Sox Kid Nation will line the warning track for a pre-game ceremony, receive prizes during the game, and be among those selected for the Kids Press Conference.

AFCA AND FBI RECOGNITION FOR JONNY GOMES:  Red Sox outfielder Jonny Gomes will be honored tomorrow by the American Football Coaches Association and Federal Bureau of Investigation National Child ID Program before the game for donating $25,000 to sponsor Child ID Kits.  Gomes will receive an award from the National Child ID Program recognizing his community service and partnership.

For more information about Calling All Kids month, visit redsox.com/calendar or call Red Sox Fan Services, 617-226-6831.

星期三, 6月 05, 2013


中華頤養院昨(4)日下午在昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)、麻州眾議員陳德基、該院董事、社區民眾共50多人出席中,舉行上樑封頂儀式,簡單隆重的慶祝,該院昆市新址將於2014年春落成。
            目前仍座落在波士頓市所物道(Shawmut Ave.)120號的中華頤養院,已和波士頓華人佈道會簽下買賣合約,將在位於昆士市華盛頓街288號的昆士點(Quincy Point)竣工後,遷往昆市營運。
            陳秀英透露,全麻州只有其他兩個頤養院的設備,有中華頤養院新址這樣的現代化高規格,但分別座落於雀喜市及查理士城的這兩所頤養院,費用昂貴,不像中華頤養院,價格能讓人接受,還照顧得到亞裔需求。她笑說,該院甫獲David Ting獎的食品營養部主任金杏濱,將有個人都可以走進去那麼大的冰箱及儲藏室,可以充分發揮能力,調配營養餐。
            昨日出席封頂儀式盛會者,還包括也是創辦人之一,現已從董事會退任的陳毓璇,該院現任董事屈振生,執行長陳逢想,院長陳力,護士長陳家潔,以及轄區包括中華頤養院昆市新址的昆市議員Margaret LaForest等人。






            中華頤養院董事會董事長雷偉志(右起)、執行長陳逢想、昆市長柯奇(Tom Koch)(右三起)、陳秀英、陳黃景佩、陳毓璇、陳家驊,屈振生(後左一)、麻州眾議員陳德基(後左二)等人出席中華頤養院上樑封頂儀式。(圖由中華頤養院提供)